NEC Versa® VX
Release Note s
Congratulations on purchasing your NEC Versa VX notebook computer! Before using your
system, complete the installation process and read the important information detailed in this
document. The topics described in this document apply to NEC Versa VX systems running the
specific to a particular operating system are noted. All other topics app ly to all operating
Using Hard Disk Drive Security....................................................................................................... 2
Establishing Hard Disk Drive Passwords...................................................................................... 2
Changing Hard Disk Drive Passwords.......................................................................................... 2
Using Hard Disk Drive Password Protection................................................................................. 3
Moving the Hard Disk Drive........................................................................................................ 3
Updating the Modem Driver............................................................................................................. 4
Installing PC Cards.......................................................................................................................... 4
Attaching the NEC Versa PortBar .................................................................................................... 4
Identifying the Switch Settings......................................................................................................... 4
Swapping PC Cards..........................................................................................................................4
Removing the Battery.......................................................................................................................5
Mini-PCI FCC Registration Numbers...............................................................................................5
Using Wake on Ring........................................................................................................................ 5
Using Windows 2000....................................................................................................................... 5
Rebooting Your Versa VX System............................................................................................... 5
Conserving Battery Power............................................................................................................ 5
Using the Infrared Port................................................................................................................. 6
Using Windows 98........................................................................................................................... 7
Setting Your Audio Driver........................................................................................................... 7
Disabling Power Management......................................................................................................7
Using Windows 95........................................................................................................................... 7
Using the Email Button................................................................................................................ 7
Using Windows 95 or Windows 98................................................................................................... 8
Installing SoftDVD Player............................................................................................................ 8
Updating the Video Driver........................................................................................................... 8
Using Windows NT.......................................................................................................................... 9
MIDI File Support ....................................................................................................................... 9
Creating a STF Partition File.................................................................................................. ...... 9
Installing Internet Explorer........................................................................................................... 9
2000, Windows 98, Windows 95, and Windows NT operating systems. Topics
NEC Versa VX Release Note s 1
Be sure t o r ead the foll o wi ng sections when using any of th e Windows operatin g systems on
your NE C V er s a VX . Information specifi c to one or more operating system are presen ted
Using Hard Disk Drive Security
Your NEC Versa allows you to establish password protection for the internal hard disk drive.
Hard di s k dr ive (HDD) pas s word prot ection restrict s acces s to the drive only if the drive is
removed from you r NE C Versa and instal led in another system. You are not prompted t o e nter
your hard disk drive passwords while the dri ve r emains in your curren t system.
The HDD password s are writt en to the system BIOS and to the hard disk drive to ensure that the
password protection travels with the drive when moved from system to system.
Establishing Hard Disk Drive Passwords
To establ ish password protec tion for your syste m’s hard disk drive you must establish a master
password, establish a user password, and enable the established passwords for the internal HDD.
Follow these steps to establish HDD passwords and to enable HDD password protection.
Boot your system. Press F2 when prompted to ent er BIOS setu p.
Enter BIOS Setu p, using the Up an d D own arrow keys, h ighligh t and select the System
Security Setup.
Highlight Assign HDD Password and press
The system prompt s you to en ter a ma s ter password.
Enter a master HDD password and press
The system prompt s you to re enter t he pa s s word to verify.
Reenter the master HDD password and pr ess
The syst em confirms the cr eation of the master pas sword and pr om pt s you t o enter a user
Enter a user password and press
The system prompt s you to re enter t he pa s s word to verify.
Reenter t he user pass w ord and pre s s
Highlight and select Internal HDD Pa ss w ord and use the
selection. (This enables password protection for the internal HDD.)
Changing Hard Disk Drive Passwords
To chan g e hard disk dr ive password s , follow th es e steps.
Boot your system. Press F2 when prompted to ent er BIOS Setu p.
Once the BIOS Setu p screen app ears, use the Up and Down arrow keys to highligh t and
select t he System Secu rit y Setu p .
keys to enable the
2 NEC Versa VX Release Notes
Highlight Assign HDD Password and press
If you e nter the current mas ter password, you are prompted t o enter a new ma ster
If you en ter the curr ent user password, you a re prompt ed to enter the new user
If you do not want to establish a new master or user password, press
entering a new passwo rd.
Save the changes and exit BIOS setup.
Using Hard Disk Drive Password Protection
To facilitate the transfer of one or more HDDs between systems, establish a single master
password (and store the pas s word in a secure place). Forgetting your ma s ter password results in
the inability to access the data on your hard drive. Establish different user passwords to limit
access to sp ecific systems.
If you set the master and user password on a hard dr ive, the
passwords can never be removed. They can be changed. If the master password is forgotten and
the drive is installed in another system, you cannot access the data on the hard drive.
If the hard drive is installed in another NEC Versa system with hard disk drive security enabled,
the password must be entered to allow access to the hard drive.
not support hard disk drive security, you cannot access the data on the hard drive.
With hard disk dri ve security enabled on the original NEC Ver sa s ystem, th e s ystem boots
If the hard drive is installed in another NEC Versa system with security enabled, you must enter
the mas ter password to access the har d dis k dr ive. If th e hard drive is install ed in another N EC
Versa system with s ecu rity disabled, you are prom p ted to enter th e master pa ss wor d and then a
new user password.
instead of
If this NEC Versa system does
Moving the Hard Disk Drive
When a pa ss wor d-pr ot ected HDD is moved from i ts origina l s ystem and install ed in another
system, error mes sages ap p ear indicating tha t the drive is locked. Next , the Security Setup
screen appear s requirin g th e user to enter the master password to unlock th e dr ive. Enter th e
master password, when prompted.
To take advanta g e of HDD password protect ion in an other system, the system must be equi pped
with the same HDD password protection feature. To determine if the system has HDD password
prot ection, check the System Secur ity Setup in the BIOS Setu p to see if ther e are provisi ons for
establishing HDD passwords.
NEC Versa VX Release Note s 3