NEC V850-SF1 User Manual

User’s Manual
In-circuit Emulator Option Board
Target device
Document No. U15447EJ1V0UM00 (1st edition) Date Published September 2001 N CP(K)
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM
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M8E 00. 4
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM
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Users Manual U15447EJ1V0UM


Target Readers This manual is intended for users who design and develop application systems using
the V850/SF1™.
Purpose The purpose of this manual is to describe the proper operation of the IE-703079-MC-
EM1 and its basic specifications.
Organization This manual is divided into the following parts.
• Names and functions of components
• Cautions
How to Read This Manual It is assumed that the reader of this manual has general knowledge in the fields of
electrical engineering, logic circuits, and microcontrollers.
The IE-703079-MC-EM1 is used connected to the IE-703002-MC in-circuit emulator.
This manual explains the basic setup procedure and switch settings of the IE-
703002-MC when it is connected to the IE-703079-MC-EM1. For the names and
functions of parts, and the connection of elements, refer to the IE-703002-MC User’s
Manual (U11595E).
To learn about the basic specifications and operation methods
Read this manual in the order of the CONTENTS.
To learn the operation methods and command functions, etc., of the IE-703002-MC
and IE-703079-MC-EM1
Read the user’s manual of the debugger (sold separately) that is used.
Conventions Note: Footnote for item marked with Note in the text
Caution: Information requiring particular attention
Remark: Supplementary information
Numeral representation: Binary … xxxx or xxxxB
Decimal … xxxx
Hexadecimal … xxxxH
Prefix indicating the power of 2 (address space, memory capacity):
K (kilo): 2
M (mega): 220 = 1024
= 1024
Terminology The meanings of terms used in this manual are listed below.
Target device The device that is targeted for emulation.
Target system The system (user-built system) that is targeted for debugging. This
includes the target program and user-configured hardware.
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM
Related Documents When using this manual, refer to the following manuals.
The related documents indicated in this publication may include preliminary versions.
However, preliminary versions are not marked as such.
{ Documents related to development tools (user’s manuals)
Document Name Document
IE-703002-MC In-circuit emulator U11595E
IE-703079-MC-EM1 In-circuit emulator option board U15447E
CA850 C Compiler package Ver. 2.40
or later
ID850 Integrated debugger Ver.2.40
SM850 System simulator Ver.2.40
Windows based
SM850 System simulator Ver.2.00 or
RX850 Real-time OS Ver.3.13 or later
RX850 Pro Real-time OS Ver.3.13
RD850 Task debugger Ver.3.01 U13737E
RD850 Pro Task debugger Ver.3.01 U13916E
AZ850 System performance analyzer Ver.3.0 U14410E
Operation U15024E
C Language U15025E
Project Manager U15026E
Assembly Language U15027E
Operation To be
Operation To be
External Part User Open
Interface Specifications
Basics U13430E
Installation U13410E
Technical U13431E
Basics U13773E
Installation U13774E
Technical U13772E
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM
CHAPTER 1 OVERVIEW.........................................................................................................................10
1.1 Hardware Configuration............................................................................................................................... 10
1.2 Features (When Connected to IE-703002-MC) ...........................................................................................11
1.3 Function Specifications (When Connected to IE-703002-MC).................................................................. 11
1.4 System Configuration .................................................................................................................................. 12
1.5 Contents in Carton ....................................................................................................................................... 13
1.6 Connection Between IE-703002-MC and IE-703079-MC-EM1.................................................................... 15
CHAPTER 2 NAMES AND FUNCTIONS OF COMPONENTS ...............................................................18
2.1 Component Names and Functions of IE-703079-MC-EM1 ........................................................................ 18
2.2 Clock Settings...............................................................................................................................................20
2.2.1 Main system clock setting................................................................................................................. 20
2.2.2 Subsystem clock setting ................................................................................................................... 21
2.3 Illegal Access Detection ROM Setting ........................................................................................................ 22
2.4 CPU Operation Voltage Range Switching Setting .....................................................................................22
CHAPTER 3 FACTORY SETTINGS........................................................................................................23
CHAPTER 4 CAUTIONS .........................................................................................................................24
4.1 VDD0 and PORTVDD of Target System ..........................................................................................................24
4.2 NMI Signal .....................................................................................................................................................25
4.3 VPP Signal ......................................................................................................................................................25
4.4 NMI Signal Mask Function ........................................................................................................................... 25
4.5 Bus Interface Pin ..........................................................................................................................................26
APPENDIX PACKAGE DRAWINGS ........................................................................................................ 34
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM
Figure No. Title Page
1-1 System Configuration ........................................................................................................................................12
1-2 Contents in Carton.............................................................................................................................................13
1-3 Accessories .......................................................................................................................................................14
1-4 Connection Between IE-703002-MC and IE-703079-MC-EM1..........................................................................16
2-1 IE-703079-MC-EM1...........................................................................................................................................18
4-1 Schematic Diagram of Power Supply Acquisition..............................................................................................24
4-2 NMI Signal Flow Path ........................................................................................................................................25
5-1 Equivalent Circuit of Emulation Circuit...............................................................................................................29
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM
Table No. Title Page
2-1 Main System Clock Setting................................................................................................................................20
2-2 Subsystem Clock Setting...................................................................................................................................21
2-3 JP1 Setting in IE-703002-MC ............................................................................................................................22
2-4 JP3 and JP4 Setting in IE-703002-MC..............................................................................................................22
4-1 Bus Interface Pin Operation List........................................................................................................................ 26
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM


The IE-703079-MC-EM1 is an option board for the IE-703002-MC in-circuit emulator. By connecting the IE-
703079-MC-EM1 and IE-703002-MC, hardware and software can be debugged efficiently in system development
using the V850/SF1.
In this manual, the basic setup procedure and switch settings of the IE-703002-MC when connecting the IE-
703079-MC-EM1 are described. For the names and functions of the parts of the IE-703002-MC, and for the
connection of elements, refer to the IE-703002-MC User’s Manual (U11595E).

1.1 Hardware Configuration

Optional hardware
Optional hardware
In-circuit emulator (IE-703002-MC)
Option board
Extension probe
SWEX-100SD (for GC/GF package)
GF-N17DT (for GF package)
Note 1
PC interface board
Note 2
Note 2
Network module
Power adapter
By adding this board, the IE-703002-MC can be used as in-circuit
emulator for V850/SF1.
Optional hardware
General-purpose extension probe made by TOKYO ELETECH
Note 1
This board is used to connect the IE-703002-MC to a personal
computer. This board is inserted in the expansion slot of the
personal computer.
IE-70000-PC-IF-C: for IBM PC/AT
compatible ISA bus
IE-70000-98-IF-C: for PC-9800 series C bus
IE-70000-PCI-IF-A: for PCI bus
IE-70000-CD-IF-A: for PCMCIA socket
This module is used when a workstation controls the IE-703002-MC
via Ethernet™.
AC adapter for in-circuit emulator made by NEC Corporation.
Notes 1. For further information, contact Daimaru Kogyo Co., Ltd.
Tokyo Electronics Department (TEL +81-3-3820-7112)
Osaka Electronics Department (TEL +81-6-6244-6672)
2. Cannot be used for PC98-NX series
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM

1.2 Features (When Connected to IE-703002-MC)

{ Maximum operating frequency: 16 MHz (at 5.0 V operation)
{ Extremely lightweight and compact
{ Higher equivalence with target device can be achieved by omitting buffer between signal cables.
{ The following pins can be masked.
{ Two methods of connection to target system:
• Pod tip direct connection (For information on the pod, refer to the IE-703002-MC User’s Manual (U11595E))
• Attach an extension probe (sold separately) to the pod tip for connection
{ The dimensions of the IE-703079-MC-EM1 are as follows.
Parameter Value
Power consumption (Max. value at 5.0 V supply voltage) 2.5 W (at 16 MHz operation frequency)
External dimensions
(Refer to
Weight 300 g
Height 50 mm
Length 130 mm
Width 252 mm
Note 12.5 W when IE-703002-MC connected to IE-703079-MC-EM1

1.3 Function Specifications (When Connected to IE-703002-MC)

Parameter Specification
Emulation memory capacity
Coverage memory capacity for
execution/pass detection
Coverage memory capacity for
memory access detection
Coverage memory capacity for
branching entry number counting
Caution Some of the functions may not be supported, depending on the debugger used.
Internal ROM 256 KB
External memory
Internal ROM 256 KB
External memory
External memory 1 MB
Internal ROM 256 KB
External memory
In ROMless mode 2 MB
When using iROM 1 MB
In ROMless mode 2 MB
When using iROM 1 MB
In ROMless mode 2 MB
When using iROM 1 MB
User’s Manual U15447EJ1V0UM
+ 24 hidden pages