Nec POWERMATE 2000 series Release Notes

NEC PowerMate® 2000 Series
Release Note s
The PowerMate 2000 Series Release Notes provide up-to-date in forma tion a bout the software that com es wi t h your comp u ter. These notes also provide s ystem configur ation in formati on th at was not included in the printed user’s guide or online NEC INFO Center.
See the following sections for updates to software information in your NEC PowerMate 2000 Series User’s Guide and NEC PowerMate 2000 Series Quick Reference poster.
Starting Up a Windows 2000/Windows NT Configuration
The first time you st art up a preloaded Windows® 2000/Windows NT® operat in g s ystem configu rati on, you m ust choose the operating system you want to load. Once you choose th e operati ng syste m, it is your only operating system. The operating system you choose is the one that the N EC OS Res tore progr a m restore s .
Installing Applications, Drivers, and Utilities
NECC-provided applications, drivers, and utilities come loaded on the hard drive. You do not need to install applications and utilities from the NEC Application and Driver CD as described in your NEC PowerMate documentation. Drivers, utilities, and many of the applications are already installed on your system. You can install the other applications through icons on your Windows desktop.
Use th e NE C Ap p lication and Driver C D t o install dr ivers for s ystem options that are n ot part of the factory configuration. Also use the NEC Application and Driver CD to reinstall NECC­supplied applications, drivers, or utilities when you are not performing a full system restore.
Install the NEC INFO Center from the NEC OnLine Docs Installer icon on the Windows
Using the NEC OS Restore CD
Use th e NE C OS Restore CD to select a ful l s ystem restore with the factory-install ed s oftware or to restore only th e op eratin g system and drivers. If you select the full restore opt ion, you do not need t o r einstall software fr om the NEC Appl ication an d Dr iver CD. A full restore in s ta lls all th e factory-installed software.
System Configuration
See the following sections for system configuration information.
Configuring the System for Microsoft Internet Explorer
TCP/ I P m u st be en abled bef ore you can us e Microsoft Internet Explorer . See the following sections to enable TCP/IP.
TCP/IP. For systems with Windows NT or Windows 2000, see the appropriate section that follows for your operating syste m.
On systems with Windows 98, the second boot of the system automatically installs
NEC PowerMate 2000 Series Release Notes 1
Changing Network Settings on Systems with Windows NT
All systems are configured wi th the NetBEUI and NWLin k protocols enabled. However, before you connect a system to your network you might need to:
enable a different network pr otocol
dis able un need e d prot ocols for enhanced system p erformanc e
add or change network, domain, and gateway information.
The follo wing procedu re describes h ow to disable t he NetBEUI and NWLi nk pr otocol s, enable TCP /IP, and provide network, d omain , a nd gateway information. (If a di fferent protocol is enabled, the menu choices might differ from those described in the procedure.)
From the Windows desktop, click
Double click the
Click the
icon in the Control P anel window.
tab. In the C onfiguration display, th e following protocols are
on the task bar, point to
, and click
NetBEUI Protocol NWLink IPXSPX-Compatible Transport NWLink NetBIOS
NWLink IPXSPX-Compatible Transport
and click
. A warning windo w
appears asking for confirmation to continue.
. The NWLink IPXSPX-Compatible Transport and NWLink NetBIOS lines
disa p pear from th e Configur ation disp lay.
Repeat steps 4 a nd 5 to remove the NetBEUI P rotocol.
In the Configuration tab display, click
and then
there is a DHCP server on the network, click
Chan g e th e path in th e window to
. Highlight
and click
and click OK. The TCP/IP Setup window appears. If
; otherwise click No.
. Click
. The Net wor k window appears. If Yes was clicked in step 8, skip to step 16. If No was clicked in step 8, the Windows Setup window appears.
. The Microsoft TC P/ I P Properti es Box a ppears.
Fill in the
IP Address
, the Subnet
, and the
Defa u l t Gatewa y
address” area.
Click the
Click the
Click the
Click the
Click OK. When prom pted to rest art the system, cli ck
tab and enter the host and domain name in the DNS display.
Identification WINS
tab and enter the WINS ad dress if appropriat e.
tab and chan g e the Computer Name if appropriat e.
tab an d ena ble IP forwar ding if appropriate.
Changing Network Settings on Systems with Windows 2000
All systems are configured wi th the NetBEUI and NWLin k protocols enabled. However, before you connect a system to your network you might need to:
enable a different network pr otocol
dis able un need e d prot ocols for enhanced system p erformanc e
add or change network, domain, and gateway information.
2 NE C P ow erM at e 2000 S eries Release Notes
in the Specify an IP
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