NEC NVM-Professional, NVM-Server, NVM-Server XL User Manual

NVM-Professional NVM-Server NVM-Server Desktop NVM-Server XL
Windows 2000 Platform Integrating the Voice Mail System
with SMTP Email Server
NEC Unified Solutions, Inc.
4 Forest Parkway Shelton, CT 06484
Attention: Manager, Technical Publications
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© 2005 by NEC Unified Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Features........................................................................................................................................... 1
Materials Re qu ired....................... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ...................... 2
Related Doc um e nts ..................... ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ...................... 2
Comparison o f In te g r a tio n T yp e s............ ................ ............... ................ ............... ................ ........... 2
Connecting the Voice Mail Server to the Network
Connecting Voice Mail to the Network............................................................................................. 3
Configuring the Nework Settings ..................................................................................................... 4
Setting Up the Voice Mail Server
Checking the Voice Mail Software Version...................................................................................... 6
Stopping the Voice Mail Service......................................................................................................7
Upgrading th e Voice Mail Softwa re......... ... .. ............... ................ ............... ................ ............... ....... 9
Installing the SMTP Feature............................................... ........................................................... 10
Restarting the Voice Mail Service..................................................................................................12
Programming Mailboxes ........ .. ............... ................ ............... ................ .. ............... ................ . ...... 14
Installing UM Client Mailbox Options
Installing the Mailbox Options Software.........................................................................................18
Setting Up the Mailbox Options Software...................................................................................... 20
Using the UM Client Mailbox Options............................................................................................ 21
SMPT - Simple Mail Transport Protocol
SMTP Sequence............................................................................................................................23
NVM Voice Mail Win2K/SMTP Email Integration
Ta ble of Contents
NVM Voice Mail Win2K/SMTP Email Integration
The NVM Windows 2000 Voice Mail system can be integ rated wi th an SMTP Ser ver and can be configured to operate in a POP3 or IMAP4 environ ment.
This document tell s you how to upgrade your Voice Mail software to the late st version, and how to ins tall the SMTP Ema il feature. Th is document appl ies to the following NVM series Voice Mail platforms:
The SMTP featu re allo ws Voice Mail to send Voice and Fax mess ages to any P OP3 or IMAP4 Email client. An incoming Voice Mail or Fax message app ears on the SMTP client in the same list as incoming Emails. Email users can read, delete, reply to, and forwar d Email message s that ar e in the ir POP3 or IMAP4 account.
Any of the followin g Email applica tions can be used as an SMTP client to view messages:
NVM - Professional (P/N 1770005) NVM- Server (P/N 1770006) NVM - Server Desktop (P/N 1770004) NVM - Server XL (P/N 1770007)
MS Outlook
Outlook Express
Web based - See service prov ider
When a Voice/Fax message is sent to the POP 3 account, and the us er deletes or reads the me ssage, it will n ot be del eted or marked as read in the Voice Mail mailbox. However, if the Voice/Fax message is d ele te d fro m th e Voice Mail mail box , an attempt is made to de lete it from the P OP3 account, prov ided the user mai lbox has POP3 informat ion programmed . If the POP3 mail box informati on is left blank, no attempt is made.
Features Unified Messa ging is the fe ature that allo ws Voice, Fax, and Email to be re ceived
on the same client PC, us ing Outlook or ot her Email app lication. Each Voice Mail Server is ship ped wi th a de fault nu mber of Unified Messagin g seats. Thi s number can be expanded by purc hasing addit ional seats. All th at is require d for the defa ult number of Unified Messa ging sea ts to be active, is to perfor m the SMTP integr ation.
Text-to-Speech copies your Email text messages and converts them to synthe s ized speech so tha t you can listen to them through your Sub scriber Ma ilbox a t a telephone. A digital vo ice synthesizer tells you the sen der and subject before reading you the actua l Email message.
Synchroniz ation is a featur e of IMAP4 that allows the action s performed at a subscriber mail box to b e rep eated at the Email server and vic e ver sa. For instance , if synchronization is enabled and a subscri ber deletes a messag e in his mailbox, the message will als o be deleted on the ser ver.
Unified Messaging Mailbox Options is a software component that can be installed on the Email client , so that SMTP accou nts can be created lo cally by the clien t, rather than a t the Voice Mail Serve r.
NVM Voice Mail Win2K/SMTP Email Integration
Materials Required
Related Documents
Comparison of Integration Types
The following components are required to perform SMTP integration:
NVM Voice Mail Win2K software installat ion CD - version 3.30.04 or highe r
NVM - 2000WS System Guide P /N 17750INS01
NVM Server System Guide P/N 17720INS02
Activating or Addi ng Clients to NVM Deskto p Messaging
(P/N 17726UMSA C02)
NVM - Server Activati ng and Installing Text-to Speech (P/N 17733WIN2KINS02)
The NVM Win2K Voice Mail System can be integr ated with the fo llowing types of Email Servers:
MS Exchange 2000
The table below o ffers a co mparison o f the fe atures availab le for ea ch type of server:
Table 1: Email Integr ation Features
Client Integration
Outlook/IMAP4 N/A
Outlook Express/POP3
Outlook Express/IMAP4
Other than Outlook
Voice Mail
Synch NO Forms YES
Synch NO Forms YES
Synch NO Forms NO
Synch NO Forms NO
Synch NO Forms NO
Voice Mail
Synch YES Forms YES
Synch YES Forms YES
Synch YES Forms NO
Synch YES Forms NO
NVM Voice Mail Win2K/SMTP Email Integration
Connecting the Voice Mail Server to the Network
Connecting the Voice Mail Server to the Network
The NVM Voice Mail unit mu st be c onnected t o a ne twork th at has ac cess to the SMTP Email Server.
Connecting Voice Mail to the Network
Connect a cabl e from the Ethe rnet p ort on t he rear of th e Voice Mail unit t o the network. Figu re 1 s hows the locatio n of the LAN por t (Ethe rnet c onnector) on th e rear of the unit.
Figure 2: NVM Win2K Voice Mail Unit, LAN Port
NVM Voice Mail Win2K/SMTP Email Integration
Connecting the Voice Mail Server to the Network
Configuring Network Settings
Configuring Network Settings
1) Click Star t ! Settings ! Network and D ial-Up Con nections ! Loca l Area Connection.
The Local Area Connection Status screen is displayed:
2) Click the P roperties button. The Local Area Connection Properties screen is displayed:
NVM Voice Mail Win2K/SMTP Email Integration
Connecting the Voice Mail Server to the Network
Configuring Network Settings
3) Double-click on Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). The Internet Protocol P ropert ies screen is disp layed:
4) On the General page of the Internet Prot ocol Proper ties screen, enter the values for:
IP address of the Voice Mail server
Subnet mask
Default gateway
DNS server (If DHCP is not being used, this address must be set)
These values can be obtai ned from the netw ork administ rator.
NVM Voice Mail Win2K/SMTP Email Integration
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