60" 72" 100" 120" 150" 200" 300" 400"
1.1 1.6 3.1 4.5 7 12.4 27.9 49.5
NEC Product Technology Category
L102W DLP Mobile 909 625 323 222 143 81 36 20
VE281, VE281X, M282X DLP Mobile 2545 1750 903 622 400 226 100 57
V302H DLP Mobile, Education 2727 1875 968 667 429 242 108 61
V311X, V311W DLP Mobile, Education 2818 1938 1000 689 443 250 111 63
M322X, M322W, U321H DLP Portable, Education 2909 2000 1032 711 457 258 115 65
M332XS LCD Education 3000 2063 1065 733 471 266 118 67
M352WS, UM351W LCD Education 3182 2188 1129 778 500 282 125 71
UM361X LCD Education 3273 2250 1161 800 514 290 129 73
M402X, P401W, M402H DLP, LCD, DLP Installation, Education 3636 2500 1290 889 571 323 143 81
P451X, P451W LCD In stallation, Education 4091 2813 1452 1000 643 363 161 91
P501X LCD Installation, Edu cation 4545 3125 1613 1111 714 403 179 101
PA521U LCD Installation, E ducation 4727 3250 1677 1156 743 419 186 105
PA571W LCD Installation, Education 5182 3563 1839 1267 814 460 204 115
PX602WL, PX602UL DLP Installation, Extended Use/Education 5455 3750 1935 1333 857 484 215 121
PA621X/PA622U LCD Installation, Education 5636 3875 2000 1378 886 500 222 125
PA672W LCD Installation, Education 6091 4188 2161 1489 957 540 240 135
PX700W2 DLP Installation/Extended Use 6364 4375 2258 1556 1000 565 251 141
PA722X LCD Instal lation, Education 6545 4500 2323 1600 1029 581 258 145
PX750U2 DLP Installati on/Extended Use 6818 4688 2419 1667 1071 605 269 152
PX800X2 DLP Insta llation/Extended Use 7273 5000 2581 1778 1143 645 287 162
PH1000U 3-Chip DLP Installation/Extended Use 10000 6875 3548 2444 1571 887 394 222
PH1202HL, PH1201QL 3-Chip DLP Installation/Extended Use 10909 7500 3871 2667 1714 968 430 242
PH1400U 3-Chip DLP Installation/Extended Use 12727 8750 4516 3111 2000 1129 502 283
Minimum of 100 lu mens per square meter is required for environments with low ambient light. Low
Minimum of 200 lu mens per square meter is required for environments with some am bient light. Moderate
Minimum of 400 lu mens per square meter is required for environments with high ambient light. High
* - WT610 has a maximum screen size of 100" diagonal
1LUMEN per square meter is equal to 1 LUX
Screen gain of 1.0 is assumed
Divide lumens (left) by the screen size in square meters (above) to obtain f igures below.