NEC INTEL 5800-1000 User Manual

NEC Enterprise Server
NEC Express5800/1000 Series
NEC Express580 0 /1000 Technology Guide Vo l.1
Powered by t h e D u a l - C o r e I n tel® Itanium® Processor
NEC Express5800/1000 Series
Reliability and Perfor m ance th rough
” chipset and
the Dual-Core I ntel
It aniu m® processor
1320Xf/1160Xf 1080Rf
In t o day’s fas t-pac e d b u s iness en v ironm e n t, all e n terpris e s , f rom th e w orld’s larg e s t
com p a nies to t h e small e s t d epend on I T. E nter p r i se resou r c e plann i n g ( E R P ) , custo m e r
re l a tions h ip manag e m e nt ( CRM ) , a nd busin e s s inte l ligenc e ( BI ) a l l r e quir e t h at tra n s a c tion s
are q u ickly pr o c e s sed and th a t the res u l ting d a t a i s reli a b le as to m e e t t he requ i rement s o f the
rap i d ly chan g i ng busi n e s s e nvi r o nment . T h e n eed for hi g her perform a n c e and bette r r eliab i lity
is g r owing e x ponent i ally in e n terpri s e I T platfo r m s.
Pe o p le no lon g e r c onsid e r m a infr a m e syste m s a nd vec t o r superc o m pute r s a s o p e n ente r p r ise
IT p l a t forms. H o wev e r if one we r e able to h ave s u p e rcomp u ter perform a n c e and main f rame
re l i abili t y f or the co s t o f an open se r ve r i n a datac e n ter, many m a y recon s i d er.
Next generation enterprise IT platform
NEC Enterprise Server
Express5800/1000 series
Le veragi n g N EC’s ve c t or supe r c o mpute r a n d mainf r a me tech n o logy, Expre s s 5 8 0 0 /10 0 0 s e r ies
is d e s i gned to m e e t the re q u i remen t o f today ’s m i s sion cr i t ical ent e r prises .
Wit h t he new D u a l - C ore In t el
th i r d genera t ion chi p s et “A
com p r omise d t o reali z e mainf r a m e - class re l i abili t y a n d superc o m pute r-cla s s p e r f o rmance .
Itanium® pro c e s s or 900 0 series a n d t he NEC d e s i gned
”, fro m c h ipset , b o ard to s y stem - l evel d e s ign, NE C h as nev e r
Expr e s s 5 80 0 /10 0 0 s e r ies is th e p e r f e ct IT pla t f o r m for th e m o st deman d i ng mis s i o n criti c a l
Supercomputer-class Performance
High processing power by the Dual-Core Intel® Itanium® processor:
Dual-Core, massive L3 cache and EPIC (Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing) architecture
Very Large Cache (VLC) Architecture:
High-speed / low latency Intra-Cell cache-to-cache data transfer
Dedicated Cache Coherency Interface (CCI):
High-speed / low latency Inter-Cell cache-to-cache data transfer
Crossbar-less configuration (Available only on 1080Rf):
Improved data transfer latency through direct attached Cell configuration
Flexibility and Operability
Resource virtualization through Floating IO:
Flexible resource management allows for robust server virtualization
Multi-OS Support / Rich application lineup:
Supports Windows® and Linux operating systems
Superior standard chassis configuration:
Small footprint and highly scalable IO
Increased inter-Cell data transfer speeds
High-speed crossb ar
Memory Memory
A3 Chipset
Cell Controller
Cache Coherenc y Inter face ( CCI)
Direct data transfer of large cache data
Internal Connections of the
Exp ress58 0 0/1000 Ser i es
System Hardware Layout of the Express5800/1000
Ser ies Server ( 1 320Xf)
Fan box
Processor *
Clock card *
Unit (PDU)
Service Processor
Clock card
Power Distribution Unit
Power Bay
Ce ll ca rd
* R ed un da nt
configuration available
Fan box
PCI box
* R ed un da nt
configuration available
Power Bay
Fan box
Cell card
PCI box
Crossbar card
PCI slots
PCI slots
Hot Pluggable *
*1 Redundancy is optional *2 Ability to replace a failed component
without shutting down other partitions
Mainframe-class RAS features
Reliability / Availability
Dual-Core Intel® Itanium® processor:
Error handling of hardware and operating system through Machine Check Architecture (MCA)
Memory mirroring:
Partial Chipset degradation:
Highly Available Center Plane:
no longer requires a system shutdown
Complete modularization and redundancy:
continuous operation and serviceability
Clock modularization, redundancy and 16 processor domain segmentation:
Minimizes downtime, and avoids multi partition shutdown due to clock failure
Diagnostics of the error detection circuits:
Enhanced error detection of the high-speed interconnect:
Intricate error handling through multi bit error detection and retransmission of error data
Two independent power sources:
Autonomic reporting of logs with pinpoint prognosis of failed components allow for the realization of
mainframe-class platform serviceability
Continuous operation even in the event of a non-correctable error
Avoid multi-partition shutdowns resulting from chipset failures
System restoration after the replacement of a failed crossbar
Improvements in fault resilience,
Substantial strengthening of data integrity
Avoid system shutdown due to failures of the power distribution units
Supercomputer-class Performan c e
Improved Inter/Intra-Cell memory data transfer
Increased Memory Bandwidth
High-speed/low latency Intra-Cell cache-to-cache data transfer
Very Large Cache (VLC) Architecture
High-speed/low latency Inter-Cell cache-to-cache data transfer
Dedicated Cache Coherency Interface (CCI)
Improved data transfer latency between Cell/Cell and Cell/IO
Crossbar-less configuration
Conventional Superscalar
RISC Processor
Original Source Code Original Source Code
Some level of parallelization is achieved however,
it is not maximized nor efficient
Parallel processing with
EPIC architecture
In the EPIC architecture, parallelization is run at compile time, allowing for maximum parallelization with minimal scheduling.
Partial HW
Intel® Itanium® processor supported compiler
Sequential Machine Code
Intel® Itanium® processor source is parallelized at compile time
Efficient parallel processing is made possible due to the thorough parallelization.
Features for performance improvement
Dual-Core Intel® Itanium® pr ocess o r and high -speed inter/intra Cell cache-to-cache data transfer
At the heart of the Express5800/1000 series server is the
64 -bi t Dua l-C ore I nte l
Itanium® processor, redesigned for
even faster processing of larger data sets.
Th e sys te m has b een e qui pped wi th th e NEC d esi gn ed ch ips et,
”, in order to improve performance by utilizing, to its full
ex ten t, th e mas siv e 24M B of ca che m emo ry th at ha s bee n bui lt
into the Dual-Core Intel
Itanium® processor
Techn olo gie s to in creas e cac he- to- cac he da ta tr ans fer, s uch
as the VLC architecture and CCI, have been implemented
to m axi miz e the p erf orm anc e for e nte rpr ise m iss ion c rit ica l
High processing power of the Dual-Co re I ntel® Itanium® processor
Du a l-Core, massi ve L3 cach e and EPIC ( E xplici tly Para llel Ins t ructio n Comput ing) architec t ure
The Dual-Core Intel® Itanium® pr oc e ss o r is In tel ’s first p rod uct ion
in t he It ani um
on one processor and also the first member of the Intel
processor family to include Hyper-Threading Technology, which
pr ov i de s f ou r t im e s the n umb er of a ppl ica tio n threa ds pr ovi ded b y
earlier single-core implementations.
With a maximum of 24MB of On-Die L3 cache, the Dual-Core Intel
pr oc e ss o r fam ily w ith t wo co mpl ete 6 4-b it co re s
pr oc e ss o r exc els a t hig h vol ume d ata t ran sac tio ns.
[1320Xf] [1160Xf]
EPIC architecture provides a variety of advanced implementations
of parallelism, predication, and speculation, resulting in superior
In str uct ion -Le vel P ara lle lis m (IL P) to h elp a ddr ess t he cu rrent
and future requirements of high-end enterprise and technical
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