NEC IM-16 User Manual

NEAXMail® IM-16
User Guide
© 2003 Active Voice, LLC. All rights reserved. First edition 2003.
ActiveFax, ActiveNet, PhoneBASIC, TeLANophy, ViewCall, ViewFax, and ViewMail are trademarks of Active Voice, LLC.
Other brands and product names used in this docu­ment are trademarks of their respective owners.
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To access your mailbox by computer
1. Launch Mailbox Manager.
2. When the system greets you, enter:
Host name _______________________________________________________
Security Code ____________________________________________________
To access your mailbox by phone from inside your organization
1. Call the voice messaging system.
2. When the system greets you, enter:
Personal ID ______________________________________________________
Security Code ____________________________________________________
For assistance, call:
Name ___________________________________________________________
Introduction ii
Setting up your mailbox....................................... iv
Checking and leaving messages 1
Checking new messages .....................................2
Leaving a message by phone ..............................4
Sending a message by computer.........................6
Leaving a group message....................................8
Sending a group message by computer* .............9
Reviewing messages .........................................10
Redirecting a message....................................... 12
Modifying a message .........................................14
Canceling a message.........................................16
Archiving a message .......................................... 18
Recording a conversation by phone................... 20
Changing your mailbox setup 23
Working with the Mailbox Manager .................... 24
Changing your security code..............................26
Changing your recorded and spelled names......27
Changing your greetings ....................................28
Playback options ................................................ 31
Changing call transfer options............................ 33
Changing call screening options ........................35
Changing call holding options ............................ 37
Changing message delivery options .................. 38
Creating groups.................................................. 40
Changing groups................................................ 42
Sending and receiving faxes 45
Sending faxes by computer................................ 46
Receiving faxes.................................................. 48
Changing fax setup ............................................ 50
Using ViewCall Plus 53
Screening and managing calls........................... 54
Tracking calls ..................................................... 56
PhoneBASIC ...................................................... 57
Using E-Mail Integration 59
Checking e-mail by phone.................................. 60
Changing your e-mail setup options................... 61
Your e-mail password ........................................ 62
Receiving e-mail by fax...................................... 63
Using quick message actions and shortcuts 65
Quick message actions...................................... 66
Shortcuts............................................................ 68
Managing your voice messages with Soft Keys 70
System menus ................................................... 72
Index 73
Welcome to NEAXMail IM-16, a simple yet powerful voice messaging system that can greet your callers and record your messages. You will find it quick and easy to use.
On the phone
The voice messaging system lets you control how your mailbox receives mes­sages and plays them back. You can change these settings whenever you like, from any phone. The phone options consist of:
Menu conversation
versation leads you quickly to your destination. You will hear a menu of options. Enter the number associated with the option to perform the partic­ular task. The voice messaging sys­tem’s menu options are diagrammed on page 70.
1 for Yes, 2 for No
your system manager to set up your mailbox with the 1 for Yes, 2 for No conversation. This conversation leads you step by step through all of your options with easy, yes-and-no questions. Just enter 1 for Yes, 2 for No.
The menu con-
If you prefer, ask
Shortcuts To perform routine tasks quickly, you can enter a sequence of numbers in advance of the conversa­tion questions or menus.
Help When the system conversation asks you a question, enter 3 to hear a Help menu of options.
On the computer
If your system has TeLANophy®, you can manage live phone calls and all types of messages visually on your computer screen. TeLANophy is a suite of unified messaging and call management mod­ules. TeLANophy consists of:
All of your voice and fax messages are brought together in one window with ViewMail. You can access and priori­tize your messages and respond to them by using your personal com­puter.
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging
You can access all of your messages — voice mail, e-mail, and faxes — in your Microsoft Inbox, whether you are using Outlook 97, 98, 2000 or XP.
You can send, receive, and redirect faxes from your desktop computer.
ViewCall® Plus
All of your inbound and outbound calls can be managed visually from your desktop computer. With
, you can customize your call control applications by inte­grating ViewCall Plus with other applications, such as Microsoft’s
E-Mail Integration
You can access your e-mail messages by phone. With the E-Mail Reader’s text-to-speech application, you can hear your e-mail messages over the phone. If your system uses Active-
, you can send the messages to
Fax any fax machine.
For more detailed information about TeLANophy, use the:
• Online Help system (press
use the Help menu)
• “Introducing TeLANophy” tuto­rial

Setting up your mailbox

First, fill in the blanks on the inside front cover of this guide and perform the pro­cedure “To access your mailbox from inside your organization.” This makes your mailbox ready to use and enrolls you on the system as a subscriber.
The system will ask you a few simple questions to record your name, spell your name (if required), record a personal greeting, and set your security code.
Your system manager has assigned you a personal ID. As soon as you hear the system greeting, enter your personal ID. This tells the system who you are and allows you to check messages or leave messages.
You should also set up a security code that only you know. This prevents some­one else from hearing your messages. You can change your security code as often as you like.
After you have set up your mailbox by phone, you can also begin using TeL­ANophy. Contact your system manager to get TeLANophy set up on your desk­top.
To set up your mailbox
a Access your mailbox (see inside front
b Answer the system questions. Enter
1 for Yes, 2 for No. If you are not sure, enter 2. You can always change the option later.
c When the system tells you that your
mailbox is set up, enter 1 to confirm your settings.
To exit the system quickly, enterQthree or more times. Or hang up and the sys­tem will exit automatically after a few seconds.
Checking and leaving messages
Depending on your system, you can use a phone or computer to:
• Check new messages
• Leave a message to one or more subscribers or guests
• Leave a message to a group
• Review messages
• Redirect a message
• Modify or cancel a message after leaving it
• Archive a message
• Record a conversation

Checking new messages

Modifying a message ...............................14
Canceling a message................................16
Checking new messages by phone
New messages are messages that you have not yet heard. The system notifies you when you have new messages.
The system plays all urgent messages first, then all regular messages. It also sorts your messages by sender. If the sys­tem does not know who left a message, it says that the message is “from your mes­sage box.”
After you listen to the messages from a subscriber, you can reply immediately; you don’t have to dial the subscriber’s extension.
* One or more of these features may not be available at your site.
To check new messages by phone
a Access your mailbox (see inside front
b Enter 4 to check new messages. Fol-
low the system instructions. Enter 1 for Yes, 2 for No.
Optional playback features*
The system manager can set up special options for your mailbox to:
• Play your new messages automati­cally each time you call the system.
• Provide additional security by always requiring both a personal ID and a security code to play messages.
• Identify you automatically when you are using your assigned extension.
• Tell you how long it will take to play your messages.
Checking new messages by computer
If your system uses ViewMail or View­Mail for Microsoft Messaging, you can check messages visually from your com­puter.
Information about each message is pro­vided on the screen. When available, names, phone numbers, and a subject are included with messages. ViewMail also provides the length of the message and the time it was sent.
You can listen to messages either with a computer sound device or a phone.
To check new messages from your computer
a Double-click the message to open it.
b Use the VCR-style buttons to play
and respond to the message.
Urgent voice message
Fax message
Voice message
VCR-style buttons

Leaving a message by phone

The system lets you leave voice mes­sages for subscribers, groups, or guests. If you call a subscriber’s extension and the call is unanswered, your call is auto­matically routed to the subscriber’s mailbox, where you can leave a message. You can also leave messages directly in a subscriber’s mailbox.
If your phone system uses identified subscriber messaging, the system auto­matically tags a message from your assigned extension with your name.
If your phone system does not use iden­tified subscriber messaging or you are calling from another subscriber’s exten­sion, you need to identify yourself as a subscriber by entering your personal ID and security code.
Modifying a message............................... 14
Canceling a message ............................... 16
Directory assistance
Your system may use automatic direc­tory assistance, numeric directory assis­tance, or both, to help callers find subscribers’ extension numbers.
Callers with letters on their phones can use automatic directory assistance, which identifies subscribers by their last names. All callers can use numeric directory assistance, which groups sub­scribers by department, location, or some other category.
Special delivery options
When you leave an identified subscriber message, you can mark it with one or more of these special delivery options:
Urgent The message is played first, before regular messages.
Private The message cannot be redi­rected.
Return receipt The system tells you when a subscriber has heard the mes­sage.
Future delivery The message is deliv­ered at the time and day you specify.
To leave an identified subscriber message
To leave a message directly in a subscriber’s mailbox
a Call another subscriber. When the
subscriber does not answer, the call is forwarded to voice mail.
b Enter 5 to leave a message.
c Follow the system instructions. Enter
1 for Yes, 2 for No.
a Access your mailbox (see inside front
b Enter 5 to leave any messages.
c On the phone, spell the subscriber’s
name. Otherwise, enter the exten­sion number.
When spelling a subscriber’s last name, use a “wild-card” number (typically 0 or 1) for any letter in the last name you do not know.
d Enter 2 until you hear the name of
the subscriber you want, then enter 1.
e Record your message at the beep.
The message must be at least 3 sec­onds long to be delivered.
f Enter # to start over or Q to stop

Sending a message by computer

Depending on the optional TeLANophy applications on your system, you can use ViewMail or ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging to send voice messages by com­puter.
To send a message by computer
a If you are using ViewMail, click “Send.”
If you are using ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, click “New voice message.”
b Click “To” and then use the address
book to select recipients’ names.
c Type in a subject and set delivery
options as needed.
d Use the VCR-style buttons and your
phone or a sound device to record the message. You can also add sounds from the clipboard or from a WAV file.
e To send the message, choose “Send.”
For composing and sending a message
For selecting special delivery options
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can send a ViewMail message to another subscriber by using the View­Mail address book.
You also can send a ViewMail message to someone outside the voice messag­ing system. When you use the Microsoft Messaging address book, the ViewMail message is sent as an e-mail message with an attached WAV file.
With the E-mail Integration for Novell GroupWise, you can leave a voice mes­sage as an attachment to an e-mail message.
For composing
and sending a
For addressing a message to multiple subscribers or message groups
For selecting an address

Leaving a group message

You can leave a message for more than one subscriber either by:
• Leaving the message for a message group.
• Adding names to the address list.
A message group is a mailing list of sub­scribers and guests. Your system man­ager can create message groups or you can create your own message groups.
To leave a group message by phone
a Access your mailbox (see inside front
b Enter 5 to leave a message.
c Spell the group name, or enter the spe-
cial group ID and group number. Enter 2 until you hear the name of the group you want, then enter 1.
d After the beep, record your message.
The message must be at least 3 seconds long to be delivered.
To leave a message to several subscribers by phone
a Leave a message for the first sub-
b Enter Q6 to stop recording.
c Follow the system instructions to
add a subscriber as a message recipi­ent.
d Repeat step 3 for each subscriber
you want to receive the message.
The system tells you when everyone in a group has received your message. If you do not get this confirmation, you can ask the system who in the group has not yet heard the message.
To find out who has not heard a group message by phone
a Start to leave a new message to the
b The system says that some members
have not heard your last message. Enter 1 to review the message.
c Listen to the message or enter 2 to
interrupt it.
d Enter 2 to avoid canceling the mes-
e Enter 7 to list who has not heard the
message. Enter Q to stop the list.

Sending a group message by computer*

With ViewMail and ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can either choose more subscriber names or a group name from the ViewMail address book. Create your groups by phone or ask the system manager to create your groups for you.
For addressing a message to multiple subscribers or message groups
* This feature may not be available at your site.

Reviewing messages

Online Help:
ViewMail, Opening messages ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, To set
preferences for saving sent voice messages
You can review old messages and archived messages by phone or by com­puter.
Reviewing messages by phone
After you have heard a new message, the system saves it for a set amount of time (for example, until midnight).
To review messages by phone
a Access your mailbox (see inside front
b Enter 6 to review old messages.
c Follow the system instructions. Enter
1 for Yes, 2 for No.
Enter Q to skip a message. Enter 3 7 to archive a message.
Reviewing messages by computer*
ViewMail and ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging list all of your opened (old) messages in your mailbox until the sys­tem deletes them at the set time, usually at midnight every night.
To review an old message by computer
a Double-click the message.
b Use the VCR-style buttons to play
the message.
* This feature may not be available at your site.
New message
Old message
Opened message
New message

Redirecting a message

The system lets you:
• Redirect a message to another sub­scriber.
• Record an introduction to the mes­sage.
• Use special delivery options.
The system does not let you redirect messages that are designated as private by the original sender.
Leaving a message by phone:
Special delivery options ............................ 4
To redirect a message by phone
a While listening to a message, enter
3 9 to interrupt it.
b Spell the last name of the subscriber
to whom you are redirecting the message.
c Enter 1 to confirm that you want to
redirect the message.
Online Help:
ViewMail, Redirecting messages ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging,
Forwarding a voice message
Redirecting a message by computer*
You can redirect a message to other sub­scribers using ViewMail and ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging. When you redi­rect a voice message, the New Message form opens as follows:
• The subject contains “FW:” to indi­cate the message is being redirected.
• The original voice message is included.
* This feature may not be available at your site.
To redirect a message by computer
a Select the message.
b Click “Redirect.”
c Click “To” and then use the address
book to select recipients’ names.
d Type in a subject and set delivery
options as needed.
e Use the VCR-style buttons and your
phone or a sound device to record an introduction.
For redirecting the message to other subscribers, groups, or guests
f Choose “Send” to send your mes-
For redirecting a message

Modifying a message

Leaving a message by phone .................... 4
Redirecting a message............................. 12
Canceling a message ............................... 16
Depending on system settings, you can use one or more of these message options after you record a message:
• Modify the message.
• Modify its delivery options.
• Mark it for special delivery.
• Redirect it to others.
Online Help:
ViewMail, Changing or revoking sent messages
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, Revoking a voice message you have sent
To modify a message by phone
a Record a message.
b Enter Q4 to stop recording.
c While modifying, you can enter 4 to
add to the end of the message or 5 to listen to it. If you have a touchtone phone, you can enter 6 to rerecord the message.
d Enter Q when you finish modifying.
Modifying a message by computer*
With ViewMail, you can modify a voice message you have sent if the recipient has not opened it.
ViewMail displays the message in your ViewMail mailbox until the person has opened it. If the message is still in your mailbox, simply open and modify it.
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can modify the message by phone or delete it and send a new message.
* This feature may not be available at your site.
Unopened sent message
For modifying message delivery options for an unopened message

Canceling a message

Modifying a message ...............................14
Online Help:
ViewMail, Changing or revoking sent messages
ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, Revoking a voice message you have sent
If the recipient has not heard your last message, the system lets you cancel it. You can then record a new message.
To cancel a message by phone
a Start to leave another message to the
same subscriber.
b If the subscriber has not yet heard
your last message, the system asks if you want to review it.
c Enter 1 to review it.
d When you hear the message you
want to cancel, enter 5 to cancel it.
e Enter 1 to confirm the cancellation.
Canceling a message by computer*
With ViewMail or ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can cancel a voice mes­sage you have sent if the recipient has not opened it. A message remains in your mailbox until the recipient opens it.
To cancel a message by computer
a Select the message.
b Click “Delete.”
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, all unopened voice messages you have sent appear in the Unopened folder, which is located in the Sent Items folder.*
* This feature may not be available at your site.
The Unopened folder also displays unopened faxes sent to subscribers of the voice messaging system but not voice messages sent to e-mail addresses.
For canceling a message that has been sent

Archiving a message

Online Help:
ViewMail, Archiving and saving messages ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, Sav-
ing a voice message temporarily ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging,
ViewMail columns
The system saves old messages for a set time (for example, until midnight). To keep a message for a longer period, you can archive it. The system manager can tell you how long your system saves archived messages.
You can hear your archived messages when you review messages. The only dif­ference between archived messages and old messages is that archived messages are saved for a longer period of time.
After you listen to your archived mes­sages, the system gives you the option of archiving the messages again.
After listening to an archived message, you must enter 3 7 to archive it again or it will be deleted.
To archive a message by phone
While listening to a message, enter 3 7 to archive it.
Archiving messages by computer*
You can archive a message using View­Mail or ViewMail for Microsoft Messag­ing.
When the number of archived days reaches zero, the voice message is deleted with other old voice messages.
In the ViewMail mailbox, archived mes­sages appear with an Archive icon. The number of days the voice message remains archived is displayed in the Archive Days column, which appears before the Phone column in the View­Mail mailbox.
With ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, you can see how many days are left for an archived message by opening the voice message.
* This feature may not be available at your site.
To archive a message by computer
a Select the message.
b If you have ViewMail, click “Archive.”
If you have ViewMail for Microsoft Messaging, select Archive Voice Mes­sage from the File menu.
Number of archived days
Number of
archived days
As the archive time decreases for a mes­sage, you can archive it again, which resets the archive time to the maximum value.
For archiving messages
Archived message

Recording a conversation by phone

You can record a phone conversation and manage the recorded message just as you would a voice mail message. The recorded message can be addressed to another subscriber while you are record­ing, or you can forward it to a subscriber or group of subscribers after it has been saved in your message box. Recorded messages can also be archived.
Depending on how the phone is set up, you may be able to manage your recording sessions using the buttons in the list on the next page.
To record a conversation by phone
a During a phone conversation, press
RECORD on the phone.
b Press END or hang up to stop record-
To redirect or save a conver­sation by phone
a To save a recorded message to your
mailbox, press END or disconnect the call.
b To redirect the recorded message,
enter a subscriber’s extension while you are recording. The recorded message is automatically sent when you press END.
Press ADDRESS to end the recording and disconnect the call. Then follow the address conversation to redirect the message.
Live record phone button options
Pause Pause and resume the record-
Address Ends the recording and dis­connects the call. Then follow the address conversation to review, delete, or address the recorded message with an optional introduction.
End End the recording without dis­connect-ing the call. The recorded mes­sage is automatically sent to the specified address. Or, if no address is specified, the message is sent to your mailbox.
Erase Erase the recorded message without disconnecting the caller.
Rerecord Erase the existing recorded message and start a new recording.
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