NEC Express5800-R120d-1M, Express5800-R120d-1E, Express5800-R110g-1E, Express5800-R110f-1E, Express5800-R120f-2M Installation Guide

Installation Guide (Windows)
Express Report Service / Express Report Service (HTTPS)
Express Report Service
Chapter 1 General Description Chapter 2 Installation Chapter 3 Uninstallation Chapter 4 Appendix
Express Report Service (HTTPS)
Chapter 1 General Description Chapter 2 Installation Chapter 3 Uninstallation Chapter 4 Appendix
Express5800 Series


Contents ................................................................................................................................................................. 2
Notations Used in This Document .......................................................................................................................... 4
Notations used in the text ............................................................................................................................... 4
Abbreviations of Operating Systems .............................................................................................................. 5
Trademarks ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Warnings and Additions to This Document ............................................................................................................. 7
Latest editions ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Express Report Service
Chapter 1 General Description ............................................................................................................................ 8
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 1.
System Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 10 2.
Chapter 2 Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 11
Installation ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 1.
Setting Utility .................................................................................................................................................... 20 2.
Report method setting ...................................................................................................................................... 25 3.
3.1 Report setting (Internet Mail Setting)...................................................................................................... 25
3.2 Report setting (Dial-up Setting) .............................................................................................................. 31
3.3 Report setting (Forward Manager Setting) ............................................................................................. 34
To stop Express Report Service ....................................................................................................................... 47 4.
Chapter 3 Uninstallation .................................................................................................................................... 48
Uninstallation .................................................................................................................................................... 49 1.
Chapter 4 Appendix ........................................................................................................................................... 51
Notes ................................................................................................................................................................ 52 1.
Express Report Service (HTTPS)
Chapter 1 General Description .......................................................................................................................... 54
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 55 1.
System Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 56 2.
Chapter 2 Installation ......................................................................................................................................... 57
Installation ........................................................................................................................................................ 58 1.
Setting utility ..................................................................................................................................................... 62 2.
Report method setting ...................................................................................................................................... 65 3.
3.1 Report setting (HTTPS Setting) ............................................................................................................. 65
3.2 Report setting (Forward Manager Setting) ............................................................................................. 72
To Stop Express Report Service (HTTPS) ....................................................................................................... 82 4.
Chapter 3 Uninstallation .................................................................................................................................... 83
Uninstallation .................................................................................................................................................... 84 1.
Chapter 4 Appendix ........................................................................................................................................... 86
Definition file ..................................................................................................................................................... 87 1.
Notes ................................................................................................................................................................ 93 2.

Notations Used in This Document

Indicates critical items that must be followed when handling the operating software.
Indicates items that must be confirmed when handling the operating software.
Indicates information that is helpful to keep in mind.

Notations used in the text

In addition to safety-related symbols urging caution, 3 other types of notations are used in this document. These notations have the following meanings.
Notations in this document
Official names of Windows
Windows Server 2012 R2 Widnows Server 2012 R2 Standard
Widnows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter
Windows Server 2012 Widnows Server 2012 Standard
Widnows Server 2012 Datacenter
Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard
Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter
Windows Server 2008
Windows Server 2008 Standard
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter
Windows Server 2008 Standard 32-bit
Windows Server 2008 Enterprise 32-bit
Windows Server 2008 Datacenter 32-bit
Windows 8.1 Windows 8.1 Pro 64-bit Edition
Windows 8.1 Pro 32-bit Edition
Windows 8 Windows 8 Pro 64-bit Edition
Windows 8 Pro 32-bit Edition
Windows 7 Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Edition
Windows 7 Professional 32-bit Edition

Abbreviations of Operating Systems

Windows Operating Systems (OS) are referred to as follows.


EXPRESSCLUSTER is a registered trademark of NEC Corporation. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries. Avago, LSI and LSI logo design are registered trademarks or trademarks of Avago Technologies.
All other product, brand, or trade names used in this publication are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective trademark owners.

Warnings and Additions to This Document

Keep this document for future reference.
1. Unauthorized reproduction of the contents of this document, in part or in its entirety, is prohibited.
2. This document is subject to change at any time without notice.
3. Do not make copies or alter the document content without permission from NEC Corporation.
4. If you have any concerns, or discover errors or omissions in this document, contact your sales representative.
5. Regardless of article 4, NEC Corporation assumes no responsibility for effects resulting from your operations.
6. The sample values used in this document are not the actual values.

Latest editions

This document was created based on the information available at the time of its creation. The screen images, messages and procedures are subject to change without notice. Substitute as appropriate when content has been modified.

Express Report Service

General Description
This chapter explains Express Report Service.
1. Introduction
2. System Requirements
Describes about the need environment of Express Report Service.

Introduction 1.

Read this document so as to gain an adequate understanding of the contents. The contents in this document are intended for users who fully understand features and operations of OS related to this utility. If there is any unclear point, see Windows online help.
This section explains necessary setup procedure to introduce Express Report Service. Make sure to read through it before you use Express Report Service. Registration to Express Report Service allows you to report automatically to Support Center on failure information (includes preventive maintenance information), and that can be sent via E-mail or modem. This service permits you to detect system troubles in advance and to maintain the computer promptly in case of trouble. Additionally, forwarding reports from several servers (NEC ESMPRO Agent or NEC ESMPRO ServerAgentService) to an NEC ESMPRO Manager, you can send Express Report via NEC ESMPRO Manager.
- The contract of hardware maintenance service for this computer or Express Report Service. For details of the contract, contact your dealer.
- When starting Express Report Service / Express Report Service (HTTPS).
˝Opening Key File˝, containing contract information, must be applied to the target server. ˝Opening Key File˝ is provided by Support Center upon our Opening preparation.
Concerning file presentation and file application, we offer you two methods of delivery as follows:
- Download via network
If you sign up Express Report Service / Express Report Service (HTTPS) for NEC Support
Pack entry site or Customer entry site, you can download the ˝Opening Key File˝ after our
preparation is done, following after your application.
- Opening CD (or Opening FD)
If you sign up Express Report Service / Express Report Service (HTTPS) with an application form or a contract document enclosed with the product, we first look at your application.
When our preparation of Opening is done, ˝Opening CD (or Opening FD)˝ with ˝Opening
Key File˝ is sent from Support Center.
Wait for a while after it follows a procedure for application.

System Requirements 2.

Express Report Service requires the following hardware and software:
1) Hardware
- Memory 18.0 MB or more
- Free hard disk drive space 30.0 MB or more
- Modem (via Dial-up)
In regard to support modem, contact Support Center for details.
- Mail Server (via Internet mail)
SMTP is used as a protocol. POP before SMTP and SMTP Authentication (LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5) Supported.
2) Software
- NEC ESMPRO Agent or NEC ESMPRO ServerAgentService in EXPRESSBUILDER, which is
packed with the computer.
- NEC ESMPRO Agent or NEC ESMPRO ServerAgentService -supported OS
Express Report Service
This chapter explains installation of Express Report Service.
1. Installation
Describes about installation procedure of Express Report Service.
2. Setting Utility
Describes about setting of installed Express Report Service.
3. Report method setting
Describes about report method setting of installed Express Report Service.
4. To stop Express Report Service
Describes about end of Express Report Service.
If NEC ESMPRO ServerAgentService (Non-Service Mode) cannot install Express Report Service. Install NEC ESMPRO ServerAgentService (Service Mode).
If [Exit] is clicked during installation, the following message appears. Click [OK] and wait until that the configuration set up in the installation is deactivated.
If Autorun Menu does not launch, double-click ¥autorun¥dispatcher_x64.exe from EXPRESSBUILDER.( 32bit : dispatcher.exe)
On ServerCore environment, following the instructions in the "EXPRESSBUILDER Command Line Interface User's Guide", start the setup program. Name that support will be less.
After you start the setup program, follow the instructions in step 5 or later.


Express Report Service must be installed after the installation of NEC ESMPRO Agent or NEC ESMPRO ServerAgentService (Service Mode).
Start installation after the system starts completely. If installation is conducted right after the system startup, it may fail. Wait for a while and retry if the error message appears.
1. Sign-in (Log on) to the system with the built-in administrator, which has administrative privileges.
2. Insert EXPRESSBUILDER into Optical disk drive.
EXPRESSBUILDER Autorun Menu is automatically displayed by Autorun function.
3. Click [Applications].
4. Click [Express Report Service] and then [Install].
The installer starts, and the following screen is displayed.
5. Click [Continue].
6. When Express Report Service summary is displayed, click [Continue].
7. Select already contract and click [Continue].
If you have not signed a contract yet, select not contract and click [Continue] to stop the setup. * For Report Opening CD, read [Report Opening FD] on the window as [Report Opening
8. Setup Report Opening CD (or FD) in an appropriate drive and click [Continue].
In case that Report Opening CD (or FD) has not arrived yet, click [Exit] and stop the setup. After receiving Report Opening CD (or FD), execute setup again. In the case of downloading
and using ˝Express Report Service Opening Key file ˝, copy it into an arbitrary hard disk
- If [Report Opening CD (or FD)] is used on the device other than contracted one, the following
window is displayed.
* For Report Opening CD, read [Report Opening FD] on the window as [Report Opening
If a proper [Report Opening CD (or FD)] is available, click [Exit] to stop the setup. When a proper [Report Opening CD (or FD)] become available, execute setup again. When the server name is changed after contract, click [Continue].
- In case of failure read-in of Report Opening CD (or FD), the following window is displayed.
* For Report Opening CD, read [Report Opening FD] on the window as [Report Opening
This window is displayed due to following reasons.
- FD drive path in FD is different.
- Report Opening CD (or FD) is not set properly into the optical drive.
- The content of Report Opening CD (or FD) is wrong.
Eject [Report Opening CD (or FD)] and set it properly. Then specify the correct drive and click [Continue].
When the same window is still displayed, click [Exit] to stop the setup. Then contact Sales and Service office near you for confirmation of [Report Opening CD (or FD)].
This window is also displayed when ˝Express Report Service Opening Key file ˝ is copied into a drive other than ˝A˝. Specify the copied drive and click [Continue].
9. Click [Continue].
Express Report Service utility starts. For usage detail of utility, refer to Express Report Service Setup Utility help.
10. Click [Next] and confirm the content of registration.
Confirm the setting content of [Report Opening CD (or FD)] displayed on the window. When any discrepancy or unspecified item is found, modify the setting.
11. After confirming all contents, click [Finish].
12. Click [OK].
The installation completed. Installed Express Report Service becomes enabled after a restart of OS.
Confirming an installation state of Express Report Service
To activate Express Report Service in the condition that it has been already installed, such as Pre-installed model or iStorage NS series, follow the procedure below described.
1. Click [Start] menu - [Report Settings].
Alert Manager setting tool starts.
2. Click [Tool] – [Express Report Service] – [Server].
Express Report Service Setup Utility starts.
3. <Case: use License Key>
Specify a storage location of License Key, then click [Next].
<Case: use Report Opening FD (or CD)>
Set up Opening FD (or Opening CD) in an appropriate drive, and click [Next].
When Report Opening FD (or CD) is read properly, the following window is displayed.
* For Report Opening CD, read [Report Opening FD] on the window as [Report
Opening CD].
4. Click [Finish].
Express Report Service Setting utility starts.
5. Confirm the displayed content of Opening FD (or Opening CD).
After confirmation of the content of Report Opening FD (or CD) on Express Report Service Setting utility screen, Express Report Service is operative.
Confirming an installation state of Express Report Service
To confirm if Express Report Service is installed, follow the procedure below described.
1. Click [Start] menu - [Report Settings].
Alert Manager setting tool starts.
2. Click [Setting] - [Base Setting].
Base Setting window is displayed.
3. Click [Report] tub.
If ˝Express Report Service ˝ is found on the list, Express Report Service is installed.

Setting Utility

Setting utility of Express Report Service can be used to confirm the content of Report Opening CD (or FD) while installing the service. After installation, it can be used to modify the setting, or to terminate the service.
1. Click [Alert Manager] - [Tool] menu - [Express Report Service] - [Server].
* The menu displayed on [Tool] differs according to the model.
2. Click [Next].
Customer Information setting window is displayed.
3. Input customer Information.
When clicked the edit box of each item with a mouse, help texts are displayed at the bottom of a setting window for your reference. Department and Administrator are settable only when a customer is corporate. When clicked [Next], the setting window of Computer information is displayed.
* Required input
- Customer Name
- ZIP code
- Address
- Phone Number
- E-mail Address
4. Input Computer Information.
Product Code is selectable from the list. When the product Code is not found, you can input it directly. When clicked [Next], the setting window of Option Parts information is displayed.
* Required input
- Server Name
- Product Code
- Serial Number
- Guarantee Number
5. Input the Option Parts Information.
When clicked [Add], Option Parts information is settable. To delete option parts information, select the parts name and click [Delete]. When clicked [Next], the setting window of Option Parts information is displayed.
* Input of ˝Option Parts List ˝ is not required.
6. Input Dealer Information.
Dealer Information is selectable from the list. When Dealer Information is not found, you can input it directly. When clicked [Finish], the utility is terminated.
* Required input
- Dealer name

Report method setting

Report setting (Internet Mail Setting)
When you use Express Report Service via E-mail, follow the instruction below described to configure Express Report (Internet Mail) Setting.
1. Click [Start] menu - [Report Settings].
2. Click [Alert Manager] - [Setting] menu - [Base Setting].
3. Select [Express Report Service] from Report method list in [Report] property, then click [Configure...].
[Express Report Base setting] window is displayed.
4. Select [Internet Mail] and click [Setting...].
Express Report (Internet Mail) Base Setting window is displayed.
5. Enter the host name or IP address of Mail Sever that SMTP is available.
Type for example: ˝ ˝ or ˝ ˝
6. Specify E-mail address of sender’s mail box
Type for example: ˝ ˝.
7. SMTP server is a case of necessity about POP Before SMTP, [POP Before SMTP] is checked. SMTP server is a case of necessity about SMTP, [SMTP Authentication] is checked.
When [POP Before SMTP] or [SMTP Authentication] is checked, click [Setting…] and it
displayed [Express Report(Internet Mail) Authentication Setting].
If you want to use POP before SMTP, screen Authentication Settings of [Express Report Service(Internet Mail)], [Account name], and to connect to the POP server in the Password, the POP server to be used for (POP)] over server. Specify the account name and password you want to use. It will change, if the [POP Port Number] is required. When waiting time is required [Wait Time] is specifies.
* [POP Port Number] does not have the necessity in particular for change, if
When using SMTP Authentication,[Express Report(Internet Mail) Authentication Setting] specifies [Account Name] and a [Password]. Check the authentic method to be used. When more than one are confirmed, it attests in order of CRAM-MD5, LOGIN, and PLAIN.
8. Click [OK] to return to [Express Report Base setting] window.
9. Click [OK] on [Express Report Base setting] window to close the window.
10. Go back to Alert Manager and click [Setting] - [Destination Setting…].
11. Select Express Report Service from ID list and click [Modify ID...].
[ID Setting] window is displayed.
12. Click [Address…].
13. Click [Address…].
[Express Report (Internet Mail) Setting] window is displayed.
Specify the destination used for the access via dial-up on Windows prior to configuration of [Use remote Access Service].
Existing User name and password on Windows are not used, even though they are saved. Make sure to specify user name and password.
14. Confirm the destination and Encode and Setting Information.
As a destination, the one specified on Opening CD (or Opening FD) is shown. Do not modify it except for any necessary reason. Default value of the encoding method is uuencode. If you want to transmit the express reports using base64 method, change the method to base64.
If you modify Setting Information of Express Report Service, click [Change Setting…] to
show Setting utility of Express Report Service, which was used for confirmation on installing the service. When the Setting utility is displayed, modify the setting. When you terminate the setting, [Express Report Setting] window is displayed. When you access the mail server of provider via dial-up, check the little square of the [enable] in the [Use remote Access Service]. Next, in [Entries to Use], specify the destination that you access via dial-up, then enter user name and password.
15. Click [Test Report].
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