Navigon MOBILE NAVIGATOR User Manual

User Manual
NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
December 2006
NAVIGON Inc. Chicago
parts thereof may not be reproduced for any purpose whatsoever without the express written consent of NAVIGON Inc., nor transmitted in any for m either electronically or mechanically , including photocopying and recording. All technical information, illustrations etc. are subject to copyright law.
© 2006, NAVIGON Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents

1 Introduction................................................................5
1.1 About this manual............................................................ 6
1.1.1 Arrangement........................................................ 6
1.1.2 Conventions.........................................................6
1.1.3 Symbols .............................................................. 6
1.2 Legal notice .................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Warranty .............................................................7
1.2.2 End User License Agreement ("EULA") ..................... 7
1.2.3 Trademarks..........................................................8
1.3 Support.......................................................................... 8
1.3.1 Telephone Support................................................ 8
1.4 Terms used.....................................................................9
2 Before You Start........................................................11
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
2.1 How your navigation system works................................... 12
2.2 Important safety instructions........................................... 12
2.2.1 Safety instructions for navigation .......................... 12
2.2.2 Safety instructions for a switch-on in the vehicle ..... 13
3 Operating the Navigation Software...........................15
3.1 Navigation device keys................................................... 16
3.2 Volume ........................................................................ 16
3.3 Information................................................................... 16
3.3.1 GPS .................................................................. 17
3.3.2 Energy .............................................................. 17
3.3.3 TMC (Traffic Information)..................................... 17
3.3.4 Direction............................................................ 18
3.4 Software keyboard......................................................... 18
3.5 Lists............................................................................. 19
3.6 Options ........................................................................ 20
3.7 Menus.......................................................................... 20
3.8 Starting the navigation system for the first time................. 20
4 Navigation ................................................................23
4.1 General information on navigation.................................... 24
4.1.1 Safety and other information................................ 24
4.2 Starting Mobile Navigator................................................ 25
4.2.1 Initializing the GPS receiver.................................. 25
4.2.2 Main screen........................................................ 26
4.3 Specifying a new destination ........................................... 27
4.3.1 Destination address............................................. 28
4.3.2 Points of interest................................................. 29
4.3.3 Quick access to points of interest .......................... 34
4.3.4 Specifying the destination country or state ............. 34
4.4 Selecting a stored destination.......................................... 35
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User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
4.4.1 Last Destinations ................................................ 35
4.4.2 Favorites ........................................................... 36
4.5 Navigating home ........................................................... 37
4.6 Navigation "upon command" ........................................... 37
4.7 Specifying a destination on the map................................. 38
4.8 Starting navigation ........................................................ 39
5 Managing Destinations..............................................41
5.1 Favorites ...................................................................... 42
5.1.1 Storing a destination ........................................... 42
5.1.2 Creating a voice command ................................... 43
5.1.3 Changing the name of the destination.................... 43
5.1.4 Deleting a destination from the Favorites list........... 44
5.1.5 Defining a destination as your home address .......... 44
5.1.6 How to start planning a route ............................... 44
5.2 Last Destinations........................................................... 45
5.2.1 Saving destinations as favorites............................ 45
5.2.2 Deleting a destination from the Last Destinations
5.2.3 Deleting all destinations from the Last
5.2.4 How to start planning a route ............................... 46
Destinations list..................................................
45 46
6 Routes with legs .......................................................47
6.1 Route planning.............................................................. 48
6.1.1 Specifying the starting point................................. 49
6.1.2 Entering route stops............................................ 50
6.1.3 Changing route stops........................................... 51
6.2 Managing routes............................................................ 52
6.2.1 Storing routes .................................................... 52
6.2.2 Loading routes.................................................... 52
6.2.3 Renaming routes................................................. 53
6.2.4 Deleting routes................................................... 53
6.3 Navigation.................................................................... 54
6.3.1 Calculating and displaying the route ...................... 54
6.3.2 Simulating the route............................................ 54
6.3.3 Starting navigation.............................................. 55
7 Working with the Map...............................................57
7.1 Map material................................................................. 58
7.1.1 Copying a navigation map to the memory card........ 58
7.2 Map in the Preview mode................................................ 58
7.3 Map in the Navigation mode............................................ 61
7.4 Map in the Destination search mode ................................. 65
8 Useful Functions .......................................................69
8.1 Information about the destination .................................... 70
8.2 GPS status.................................................................... 70
8.3 Inserting an interim destination ....................................... 72
8.4 Skipping a leg ............................................................... 73
ii Table of Contents User Manual
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
8.5 Blocking off a section of the route .................................... 73
8.6 POI on Route ................................................................ 74
8.7 Turn-by-Turn List........................................................... 74
8.7.1 Blocking route sections........................................ 75
8.7.2 Canceling blocked routes and restoring the
original route......................................................
8.8 TMC (Traffic Information)................................................ 76
8.8.1 Configuring the message display........................... 78
8.8.2 TMC Settings...................................................... 78
8.8.3 Managing TMC information................................... 79
8.8.4 Tuning Mode ...................................................... 80
9 Configuring Mobile Navigator....................................83
9.1 Opening the Settings window .......................................... 84
9.2 Basic Settings ............................................................... 85
9.3 Current Map.................................................................. 89
9.4 POI.............................................................................. 90
9.4.1 Categories for quick link and for POI on Route......... 90
9.4.2 Indications on the map ........................................ 90
9.5 Route Profile ................................................................. 91
10 Index ........................................................................93
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iv Table of Contents User Manual
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

1 Introduction

Topics covered in this chapter:
1.1 About this manual page 6 Arrangement
Conventions Symbols
1.2 Legal notice page 7 Warranty
End User License Agreement ("EULA") Trademarks
1.3 Support page 8
1.4 Terms used page 9
Introduction - 5 -
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

1.1 About this manual

1.1.1 Arrangement

If you are looking for specific information or the explanation of a
specific term, you can refer to the following sections in the manual:
Ù As of page
of terms used in this manual.
Ù As of page
9 in the list "Terms used" you'll find an explanation
93 in the Index you'll find page references.

1.1.2 Conventions

The following styles are used in this manual for better legibility
and clarification:
Style Use Bold
Bold italic
Highlighting important parts in the text. Registered names, company and product
descriptions. Window and dialog box titles. Descriptions of buttons, input fields and other
elements in the user interface.

1.1.3 Symbols

The following symbols refer to specific text passages:
- 6 - About this manual
Symbol Use
Information and tips to facilitate operating the software
Additional information and explanations.
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

1.2 Legal notice

1.2.1 Warranty

The software and documentation are subject to change without
notice. NAVIGON Inc. is not liable for the accuracy of the information contained in this manual or for damages resulting from the use of this manual.
To improve the quality of our products and our services, we appreciate all suggestions for improvement.

1.2.2 End User License Agreement ("EULA")

This is a legal agreement between you, the end user, and
NAVIGON Inc. By using all or any portion of the Software you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this agreement. This EULA applies to the use of software, pre-installed software on any of our hardware devices and accompanying items, including on CD­ROM, floppy disc, memory card, download package or any other data carriers, and all contents and contents programs ("Software").
Please read this Contract carefully. By using this software you
agree that this agreement is enforceable like any written negotiated agreement signed by you. This agreement is enforceable against you and any legal entity that obtained the software.
GRANT OF LICENSE: Navigon grants you the right to use one
copy of the Software, provided it is used on only one computer or hardware device at any time. The Software is in "use" on a computer or hardware device when it is loaded into temporary memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage device) of that computer. This license does not grant any right to obtaining future upgrades, updates or supplements ("upgrades") of the Software. Any updates are similarly governed by this EULA and any accompanying amendments. Updates may be subject to additional costs and provisions.
OTHER RESTRICTIONS: You may not rent or lease, broadcast,
present, transfer, or distribute the Software and accompanying written materials. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble the Software. If Software is an upgrade, any transfer must include the upgrade and all prior version. All rights not specifically granted in this EU LA are reserved by NAVIGON Inc. You may make one backup copy of the software, provided your backup copy is not installed or used on any Computer.
CONFIDENTIALITY: You acknowledge that the Software contains
proprietary trade secrets and you hereby agree to maintain the confidentiality of Software and not to disclose or provide access thereto to any person.
Introduction - 7 -
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
make use of third party software. The official copyright notices and license conditions of such may be found on the CD-ROM hard disk. You hereby agree to the terms and conditions for such third party software.
TERMINATION: This Agreement automatically terminates if you
fail to comply with the terms hereof or if you attempt to assign the Agreement or transfer the Software to a third party except as expressly permitted in this Agreement. If such should occur, you must destroy all copies of the Software and all of its component parts. All provisions of this Agreement, except for the license grant above, survive the termination of this Agreement.
ENTIRE AGREEMENT: The terms and conditions of this
Agreement, including any addendum or agreement to it which may be included with the accompanying package of the Software and/or Hardware), plus the Limited Warranty, if applicable, reflect the entire agreement between You and Navigon with respect to the subject matter hereof and will supersede and replace all prior understandings and agreements, in whatever form, regarding the subject matter.

1.2.3 Trademarks

All brands and trademarks mentioned in this document are
possibly registered by third parties and are subject to the current legislation and to the rights of their respective owners without reservation. All mentioned names of products, societies, or brands may be registered trademarks of their respective owners. Every right that is not explicitly accorded is reserved.
The absence of an explicit labeling of registered trademarks does not suggest that this brand is not subject to third party rights.
Ù Windows and ActiveSync are registered trademarks of the
Microsoft Corporation.
Ù NAVIGON is a registered trademark of the NAVIGON Inc..

1.3 Support

Our service team members are available via telephone. Additional information can also be found on the Internet website
NAVIGON Inc. ( under "Service & Support".

1.3.1 Telephone Support

Telephone: 1-888-848-0701
- 8 - Support
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

1.4 Terms used

A specific terminology is used in this manual to designate
elements of the product, operating elements of the navigation devices and user actions.
Display The physical display unit of the navigation
Screen A functional software operating unit that
Dialog window Includes warnings, error messages or
Button An element of the user interface that can be a
Term Use
occupies the entire display.
information. Queries whether a specific action should really be executed.
focal point and if touched activates the software. Buttons can be labeled and / or imposed with graphics.
Icon Small graphics on the user interface that
represent information. An example of this is the symbol for GPS reception.
Icons cannot be operated.
Entry field A field in which data can or must be input.
Input fields are generally labeled either above or in front of the field.
Introduction - 9 -
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
- 10 - Terms used
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2 Before You Start

Topics covered in this chapter:
2.1 How your navigation system works page 12
2.2 Important safety instructions page 12 Safety instructions for navigation
Safety instructions for a switch-on in the vehicle
Before You Start - 11 -
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

2.1 How your navigation system works

The days of searching for the correct route through thick folding
maps are over. Now your navigation software Mobile Navigator can guide you to your destination quickly and reliably – with out leafing through maps.
The American military developed the Global Positioning System
(GPS) in the 70s to be used as a guided weapons system. GPS is based on a total of 24 satellites that circle the earth. They
constantly transmit their position and time. The GPS receiver tracks this data and calculates its own geographical position based on the different position and time data broadcast by the various satellites.
Data from at least three satellites is required to indicate position with a sufficient degree of accuracy. The altitude above sea level can also be determined if data from 4 or more satellites can be obtained. The position can be indicated within 3 meters.
The position can be used as a starting point for calculating a
route after Mobile Navigator has determined your position. Your navigation device maps contain the geographical
coordinates for points of interest, streets, and cities that are digitally acquired. This allows the navigation device to calculate a route from a given starting point to a given destination.
The calculation and depiction of the current position on the map is repeated every second. In this way you can always see where you are moving on the map.

2.2 Important safety instructions

It is in your own best interest to carefully read the following
safety instructions and warnings before starting your navigation system.

2.2.1 Safety instructions for navigation

The navigation system is used at the users own risk.
Caution: Do not operate the navigation system while driving. This will reduce the risk of having an accident!
Caution: Do not look at the display unless the traffic situation allows you to do so!
- 12 - How your navigation system works
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
Caution: Traffic regulations have priority over any instructions that the navigation system may give.
Caution: Only follow the instructions of the navigation system when the circumstances and the road traffic regulations allow for doing so! The navigation system will guide you to your destination even if you deviate from the calculated route.
Caution: The United States government operates the Global Positioning System (GPS) and is solely responsible for its accuracy and maintenance. Changes by the United States government may affect the accuracy and performance of all GPS equipment, including your personal navigation device.
Caution: Ordinances or laws may restrict use of certain abilities of your navigation device on public or private land.
Note: Look at the map and the direction of the arrow if you have not understood the spoken instructions or you are not sure where to turn at the next intersection.

2.2.2 Safety instructions for a switch-on in the vehicle

Caution: Do not attach the cradle for the navigation device in an
area that would obstruct an air bag.
Caution: NOTICE TO DRIVERS IN CALIFORNIA AND MINNESOTA: State law prohibits drivers in California and Minnesota from using mounts on their windshields while operating motor vehicles. Navigon does not take any responsibility for any fines, penalties, or damages that may be incurred as a result of disregarding this notice. (See California Vehicle Code Section 26708(a); Minnesota Statutes 2005, Section 169.71)
Caution: When installing the cradle, ensure that it does not represent a risk in the event of an accident.
Before You Start - 13 -
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- 14 - Important safety instructions
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
3 Operating the Navigation
Topics covered in this chapter:
3.1 Navigation device keys page 16
3.2 Volume page 16
3.3 Information page 16 GPS
Energy TMC (Traffic Information) Direction
3.4 Software keyboard page 18
3.5 Lists page 19
3.6 Options page 20
3.7 Menus page 20
3.8 Starting the navigation system for the first time page 20

Operating the Navigation Software - 15 -

User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

3.1 Navigation device keys

Two keys are located on the right side of your navigation device.
You switch the device on and off with the top key.
(HOLD) Use the bottom key to switch the touch sensitivity of the touch
screen on and off. If the touch screen is switched to HOLD it no longer reacts to touch.

3.2 Volume

Refer to your navigation device user manual to find out how to
adjust the volume.
The volume of the spoken driving instructions from t he Mobile
Navigator can be adjusted during navigation.
You have started navigating. The map is open in the Navigation
or Destination search mode.
1. Tap on the
The volume bar opens.
Ù Use the
the volume to your needs.
Ù Use the
driving instructions on or off.
2. Tap on the
The volume bar closes.
(Volume) button.
(Louder) and (Quieter) buttons to adjust
(Volume on/off) button to switch the spoken
(Volume) button again.

3.3 Information

Symbols located at the top of the screen are used to display
- 16 - Navigation device keys
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

3.3.1 GPS

The GPS symbol can show the following GPS-reception status:
Icon Meaning Explanation
No Signal
GPS ready
Refer to chapter " regarding the GPS-status.
The built-in GPS receiver is not operational. Contact customer service if the problem persists.
Data is being received from less than three satellites. The position cannot be calculated.
Data is being received from at least three satellites. The position can be calculated.
GPS status" on page 70 for detailed information

3.3.2 Energy

The Energy icon can display the following conditions of the built-
in battery:
Icon Meaning
The device is being supplied by an external power source. The battery is completely recharged.
The device is being supplied by an external power source. The battery is being charged.
The device is powered by its internal battery. The battery is insufficiently charged.
The device is powered by its internal battery. The battery charge is low.
A warning will notify you if the charge of the battery is weak.

3.3.3 TMC (Traffic Information)

If your device has an integrated TMC receiver, or if you have
connected an external TMC receiver, the navigation system it has access to up-to-date traffic information and can dynamically change the route if necessary in order to avoid a traffic jam.
The symbol TMC
screen. It can depict the following TMC-reception conditions:
Operating the Navigation Software - 17 -
can be found in the center of the top bar on the
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
No Symbol
Symbol Explanation of symbols
There is no TMC receiver connected, or the connected or installed TMC receiver is not working.
The TMC receiver is ready but cannot
TMC on Standby
For a description of the TMC-functions please refer to chapter
TMC (Traffic Information)" on page 76.
receive TMC signals. This is the case, for example, when you are in an area where TMC is not available.
Traffic messages can be received.

3.3.4 Direction

The Direction symbol in the top, right corner of the screen
indicates in which direction you are currently moving. Any one of the following directions can be indicated:
N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW

3.4 Software keyboard

A software keyboard appears on the screen when text entries
become necessary.
You can use your finger to make all the entries on the software
keyboard. Only capital letters can be entered. It is not necessary to enter umlauts or special characters when
entering a destination city or street name. Mobile Navigator enters these characters for you automatically. If you are searching for the city of "Würzburg," then simply enter "WURZBURG".
Inserting spaces
To enter a space tap on the key
Deleting individual characters
To delete the character in front of the cursor, tap on the key
- 18 - Software keyboard
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
Entering numbers
To enter numbers, e.g. a postcode, tap on the key
To return to characters, tap on the key
Special characters
To enter a special character, tap on the key
. The special character keyboard appears. As soon as you have entered a special character the character
keyboard appears again automatically. You do not have to use special characters when entering address
data, but it can be useful to do so when naming destinations or routes that are to be saved.

3.5 Lists

There are many cases where you will have to select an entry
from a list. This is the case if you enter a city. As soon as you enter the first letter, the largest city (of the given
country) beginning with this letter appears. As soon as you enter the second letter, a list appears with all
locations that begin with the letters you have entered. The list adapts to the letters as you enter them. The list only
contains entries that begin with the letters entered or contain those letters in the name of the location. The list becomes shorter as you enter more letters.
Then accept an entry from the list. Therefore you cannot enter a place that is not listed in the map you are currently using.
Such lists include 3 buttons:
(Up): Tap on this button to move up in the list.
(Down): Tap on this button to move down in the list.
(OK): Tap on this button to accept the entry that appears
right at the top of the list. To accept a different entry in the list, simply tap on this entry.
The list will close as soon as you have selected an entry.
Operating the Navigation Software - 19 -
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

3.6 Options

The list will close as soon as you have selected an entry.
1. Tap on the Options
2. Tap on the option you would like to carry out. If you would like to close the options list without selecting an
option, tap on the Options
button to open the options list.
button again.

3.7 Menus

Some buttons have menus that appear if the element is actuated.
Tap on one of the menu items to execute its function. Tap the button again that was used to open the menu if you
would like to close that menu without executing a function.

3.8 Starting the navigation system for the first time

1. Switch on your navigation device.
2. Tap on the navigation software icon.
The following message appears:
"WARNING! DANGER OF ACCIDENT You understand that you should not operate the navigation
system while driving. Do not use the navigation system if it presents a risk to you or any other person or if it is a distraction.
OBEY ALL TRAFFIC LAWS You understand that you must always obey the local traffic
laws and observe all road signs. Local traffic laws and actual traffic signs always have priority over the information and directions you receive from NAVIGON Mobile Navigator. The navigation instructions might be inaccurate or incorrect due to detours or construction."
3. Tap on the OK
understood the text.
4. Tap on the Cancel
software again if you do not wish to accept these instructions.
button after you have read and fully
button in order to exit the navigation
- 20 - Options
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
The WELCOME WINDOW is opened.
Ù Tap on the Show Product Demo
button if you would like to view a brief introduction to operating the navigation software (a brief overview of the NAVIGON Mobile Navigator features). Thereafter the
opened again.
Ù Tap on the Basic Settings
button in order to set-up the navigation software according to your personal preferences.
Ù Make the desired settings. Then tap on the Done
order to save the settings. The
opened again. Note: You can make these settings at a later time.
For more detailed information, please refer to chapter Basic Settings on page 85
Ù Tap on the Start NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
open the navigation software.
MAIN WINDOW is opened.
button in
button to
Operating the Navigation Software - 21 -
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- 22 - Starting the navigation system for the first time
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4 Navigation

Topics covered in this chapter:
4.1 General information on navigation page 24 Safety and other information
4.2 Starting page 25 Initializing the GPS receiver
Main screen
4.3 Specifying a new destination page 27 Destination address
Points of interest Quick access to points of interest Specifying the destination country or state
4.4 Selecting a stored destination page 35 Last Destinations
4.5 Navigating home page 37
4.6 Navigation "upon command" page 37
4.7 Specifying a destination on the map page 38
4.8 Starting navigation page 39
Navigation - 23 -
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4.1 General information on navigation

4.1.1 Safety and other information

The navigation system is used at the users own risk.
Caution: Do not operate the navigation system while driving. This will reduce the risk of having an accident!
Caution: Do not look at the display unless the traffic situation allows you to do so!
Caution: Traffic regulations have priority over any instructions that the navigation system may give.
Caution: Only follow the instructions of the navigation system when the circumstances and the road traffic regulations allow for doing so! The navigation system will guide you to your destination even if you deviate from the calculated route.
Navigation will be stopped if GPS tracking becomes impaired. The
navigation software remains on. As soon as GPS signals are received again the navigation system
will calculate any change in position that may have occurred. Then simply continue with the navigation.
If you end the navigation prior to reaching your destination, the
AIN SCREEN opens. You can then enter a different destination.
You can also resume navigation to the original destination by choosing L
A corresponding message will be displayed once you have
reached the specified destination. Only your current position (triangle in orange) will now be shown
on the map.
Tap on the
Tap on the like to exit the navigation software.
AST DESTINATIONS from the list.
(Back) button. This takes you to MAIN SCREEN.
(Quit) button in the main window if you would
- 24 - General information on navigation
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

4.2 Starting Mobile Navigator

1. Switch on your navigation device.
2. Tap on the navigation software icon.
Each time you start the navigation software, the following
message will appear: "WARNING! DANGER OF ACCIDENT You understand that you should not operate the navigation
system while driving. Do not use the navigation system if it presents a risk to you or any other person or if it is a distraction.
OBEY ALL TRAFFIC LAWS You understand that you must always obey the local traffic
laws and observe all road signs. Local traffic laws and actual traffic signs always have priority over the information and directions you receive from NAVIGON Mobile Navigator. The navigation instructions might be inaccurate or incorrect due to detours or construction."
3. Tap on the button OK understood the text.
4. Tap on the Cancel software again if you do not wish to accept these instructions.
The M
after you have read and fully
button in order to exit the navigation

4.2.1 Initializing the GPS receiver

Note: It may require 20 minutes to initialize the integrated GPS
receiver for the first time. Thereafter, GPS-tracking begins within one minute after the
navigation device is switched back on. Initialization can take up to 10 minutes if the navigation device
has been idle for over a week.
Initialization of the GPS receiver will begin as soon as the
navigation device is switched on. The GPS
It can show three different states:
Icon Meaning Explanation
symbol appears in the right upper corner of the display.
Navigation - 25 -
The GPS receiver is switched off.
- OR – An external GPS receiver has not been
connected properly.
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
Icon Meaning Explanation
Data is being received from less than
No Signal
three satellites. The position cannot be calculated.
GPS ready
Data is being received from at least three satellites. The position can be calculated.
As soon as data from at least 3 satellites is received, the symbol
changes to GPS ready. Note: If the GPS
symbol displays the condition GPS ready in a time significantly less than 20 minutes then leave the receiver switched on for a minimum of 15 minutes. This will ensure that the receiver is functioning properly.
Caution: If you have connected the navigation device to the power supply using a cigarette lighter, remove the cable before you park the vehicle for an extended period of time.
The GPS-receiver could drain the battery of the vehicle since it requires a permanent supply of current.

4.2.2 Main screen

You can access any of the navigation software functions via the
Options of the main window
While the MAIN WINDOW is displayed, tap on the Options button,
in order to open a list with the following options:
Option Description
Opens the R you can plan routes, manage planned routes, and start navigating to a planned
Route Planning
route. For detailed information, please refer to
chapter "
Routes with legs" on page 47.
Opens the S
configure the navigation system. Refer to chapter "
Navigator" on page Opens the map in Destination search
mode. Here you can specify a navigation
Show Map
destination directly on the map. For detailed information, please refer to
chapter "
Specifying a destination on the
map" on page
OUTE PLANNING window. Here
ETTINGS window. Here you can
Configuring Mobile
83 for more information.
- 26 - Starting Mobile Navigator
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator
Option Description
Launches the integrated MP3 player of your navigation device. If you close the MP3
MP3 Player
player, Mobile Navigator appears again. The MP3 player remains on during a
navigation instruction. Opens the T
Here you can follow up-to-date traffic information and plan an alternative route if
necessary. For detailed information, please refer to
TMC (Traffic Information)" on page
76. Opens the GPS
STATUS window. Here you
can view the details regarding GPS-tracking.
GPS status
You can also store data regarding your current location.
For detailed information, please refer to chapter "
GPS status" on page 70.
Tap on an option in order to execute its function.
Tap on the Options
button to close the list without executing a
Opening the main window
The MAIN WINDOW opens when the navigation software is
If a different software window is open, tap on the
(Back) button. This will return you to the window that was previously opened.
Tap on the
(Back) button repeatedly until the MAIN
WINDOW is open.

4.3 Specifying a new destination

New destinations for Mobile Navigator are all un-navigated
destinations or destinations that have not been stored. You can specify an address here, select a special destination, or
select a destination using the quick access button.
Specifying a new destination for the first time will open the
OVERED COUNTRIES list. (Refer to chapter "Specifying the
destination country or state" on page
Tap on the country of your destination.
Navigation - 27 -
User Manual NAVIGON Mobile Navigator

4.3.1 Destination address

Any address details entered will be continuously compared with
the addresses in the navigation systems database. Below your entry you will always find a list of cities (or streets, house numbers, intersections) that match the data entered by you and are displayed on the map currently loaded.
This list will be up-dated each time a character is entered. Note: It is not necessary to enter all address data.
The navigation device will calculate a route to the center of the city if only the name of a city has been entered. The navigation system will calculate a route to the center of the street if you only specify country / state, city, and street but do not enter a house number or a side street.
1. In the M
AIN WINDOW tap on the New Destination button.
The N
EW DESTINATION menu opens.
2. Tap on the Enter an Address The I
NPUT SEQUENCE menu opens if you would like to enter an
address in the USA or Canada (and you have selected the corresponding map).
2a Tap on the menu item Street First
enter the street and then the city.
- OR -
2b Tap on the menu item City First
enter the city and then the street. Note: The following description assumes that you have
selected the City First sequence for entering the address.
The ADDRESS window opens.
The City or ZIP Code
entry field is selected, and the cursor
can be seen inside it. Note: Ensure that the country in which your destination is
located is specified on the State or Country icon (above the right margin of the input field City or ZIP Code
Refer to chapter " on page
34 for information on specifying a different
Specifying the destination country or state"
destination country.
menu item.
, if you would like to first
, if you would like to first
3. Enter the name of the city or zip code of your destination.
4. Enter the street name of your destination. If your destination
is a well-known building or place (e.g. "Eiffel Tower" or "Olympic Stadium"), you can enter this name as well.
5. Enter the house number of your destination. If you don’t know the house number or if you have entered a place in the previous step, then leave this field empty.
- 28 - Specifying a new destination
+ 67 hidden pages