USBN9602 (Universal Serial Bus) Full Speed Function Controller With DMA Support
© 1998 National Semiconductor Corporation
November 1998
USBN9602 (Universal Serial Bus) Full Speed Function Controller With DMA Support
1.0 General Description
Block Diagram
TRI-STATE® is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation. MICROWIRE/PLUS
and MICROWIRE are trademarks of National Semiconductor Corporation.
Physical Layer Interface (PHY)
Media Access Controller (MAC)
48 MHz
Microcontroller Interface
Upstream Port
CS RD WR A0/ALE D[7:0]/AD[7:0]
Endpoint/Control FIFOs
USB Event
trol endpoint EP0 and six FIFOs for an additional six unidi­rectional Endpoint Pipes to support USB interrupt, bulk and isochronous data transfers. The 8-bit parallel interface sup­ports multiplexed and non-multiplexed style CPU address/data buses. A programmable interrupt output scheme allows device configuration for different interrupt signaling requirements.
2.0 Features
Full-Speed USB Node Device
USB transceiver
3.3V signal voltage regulator
48 MHz oscillator circuit
Programmable clock generator
Serial Interface Engine consisting of Physical Layer In-
terface (PHY) and Media Access Controller (MAC), USB Specification 1.0 compliant
Control/Status Register File
USB Function Controller with seven FIFO-based End-
points: – One bidirectional Control Endpoint 0 (8 bytes) – Three Transmit Endpoints (2*32 and 1*64 bytes) – Three Receive Endpoints (2*32 and 1*64 bytes)
8-bit parallel interface with two selectable modes: – non-multiplexed – multiplexed (Intel compatible)
DMA support for parallel interface
28-pin SO package
Table of Contents
1.0 General Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1
2.0 Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
3.0 Device Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.1 Transceiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
3.2 Voltage Regulator (VReg) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.3 Serial Interface Engine (SIE) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.4 Endpoint/Control FIFOs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4
3.5 Microcontroller Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4.0 Connection Diagram . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
5.0 Pin Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
6.0 Parallel Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.1 Non-Multiplexed Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
6.2 Multiplexed Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
7.0 DMA Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
8.0 MICROWIRE/PLUS Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
9.0 Device Functional States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9.1 Suspend Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9.2 Remote Resume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16
9.3 USB Resume Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
9.4 Functional State Transitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
10.0 Endpoint Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
10.1 Transmit and Receive Endpoint FIFOs . . . . . . . . 18
10.2 Bidirectional Control Endpoint FIFO0 Operation .19
10.3 Transmit Endpoint FIFO Operation (TXFIFO1,
TXFIFO2, TXFIFO3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
10.4 Receive Endpoint FIFO Operation (RXFIFO1,
RXFIFO2, RXFIFO3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
10.5 Programming Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
11.0 Register Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
11.1 Main Control Register (MCNTRL) . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
11.2 Clock Configuration Register (CCONF) . . . . . . . . 23
11.3 DMA Control Register (DMACNTRL) . . . . . . . . .24
11.4 Revision Identifier Register (RID)Revision Identifier (RID) 24
11.5 Node Functional State Register (NFSR) . . . . . . . 24
11.6 Main Event Register (MAEV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
11.7 Main Mask Register (MAMSK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
11.8 Alternate Event Register (ALTEV) . . . . . . . . . . . .25
11.9 Alternate Mask Register (ALTMSK) . . . . . . . . . . . 26
11.10 Transmit Event Register (TXEV) . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
11.11 Transmit Mask Register (TXMSK) . . . . . . . . . . . 26
11.12 Receive Event Register (RXEV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
11.13 Receive Mask Register (RXMSK) . . . . . . . . . . . 27
11.14 NAK Event Register (NAKEV) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
11.15 NAK Mask Register (NAKMSK) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
11.16 FIFO Warning Event Register (FWEV) . . . . . . . . 27
11.17 FIFO Warning Mask Register (FWMSK) . . . . . . 28
11.18 Frame Number High Byte Register (FNH) . . . . . 28
11.19 Frame Number Low Byte Register (FNL) . . . . . . 28
11.20 Function Address Register (FAR) . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
11.21 Endpoint Control Register 0 (EPC0) . . . . . . . . . . 29
11.22 Transmit Status Register 0 (TXS0) . . . . . . . . . . . 29
11.23 Transmit Command Register 0 (TXC0) . . . . . . . 29
11.24 Transmit Data Register 0 (TXD0) . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
11.25 Receive Status Register 0 (RXS0) . . . . . . . . . . . 30
11.26 Receive Command Register 0 (RXC0) . . . . . . . . 30
11.27 Receive Data Register 0 (RXD0) . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11.28 Endpoint Control Register x (EPC1 through
EPC6) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
11.29 Transmit Status Register x (TXS1, TXS2, TXS3) 31
11.30 Transmit Command Register x (TXC1, TXC2, TXC3) 32
11.31 Transmit Data Register x (TXD1, TXD2, TXD3) . 32
11.32 Receive Status Register x (RXS1, RXS2, RXS3) 33
11.33 Receive Command Register x (RXC1, RXC2, RXC3) 33
11.34 Receive Data Register x (RXD1, RXD2, RXD3) . 34
12.0 Design considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
12.1 Targeted Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
12.2 3.3V Regulator Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
12.3 Simplified Application Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
13.0 Memory Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
14.0 Electrical Characteristics - PRELIMINARY . . . . . . . . 37
14.1 Parallel Interface Timing (MODE[1:0] = 00b) . . . 39
14.2 Parallel Interface Timing (MODE[1:0] = 01b) . . . 41
14.3 DMA Support Timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
14.4 MICROWIRE Interface Timing
(MODE[1:0] = 10b) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
15.0 Physical Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.0 Device Overview
The USBN9602 is an integrated USB Node controller. The block diagram on page 1 of the data sheet shows the ma­jor on-chip components of the device.
3.1 Transceiver
The USBN9602 contains a high-speed transceiver, which consists of three main functional blocks:
– differential receiver – single-ended receiver with on-chip voltage reference – transmitter with on-chip current source
The performance requirements met by this transceiver are described in Chapter 7 of the Universal Serial Bus Speci- fication Version 1.0.
To minimize signal skew, the differential output swings of the transmitter are well balanced. Slew-rate control is used on the driver to minimize radiated noise and cross talk. The drivers support TRI-STATE® operation to allow bidirectional half-duplex operation of the transceiver.
The differential receiver operates over the complete com­mon mode range, that is guaranteed to be larger than that of the single-ended receivers, to avoid potential glitches in the Serial Interface Engine (SIE) after Single-Ended Ze­ros.
Single-ended receivers are present on each of the two data lines. These are required, in addition to the differen­tial receiver, to detect an absolute voltage with a switching threshold between 0.8V and 2.0V (TTL inputs). An exter­nal 1.5
± 5% k resistor, tied to a voltage source between
3.0V and 3.6V referenced to the local ground, is required on D+ to indicate that this is a high-speed node.
3.2 Voltage Regulator (VReg)
The Voltage Regulator provides a 3.3V voltage from the
5.0V device power for the integrated transceiver. This
3.3V output can be used to supply power to the 1.5 k
pull-up resistor. It can be disabled under software control to allow using the device in a 3.3V system. This output must be decoupled with a 10
µF tantalum capacitor to
3.3 Serial Interface Engine (SIE)
The USB Serial Interface Engine (SIE) consists of a Phys­ical Layer Interface (PHY) level and a Media Access Con­troller (MAC) level. The PHY level includes the digital­clock recovery circuit, a digital glitch filter, End_Of_Packet detection circuitry, and bit stuffing and unstuffing logic. The MAC level includes packet formatting, CRC genera­tion and checking, endpoint address detection, and pro­vides the necessary control to give the NAK, ACK, and STALL responses as determined by the Endpoint Control­ler for the specified endpoint pipe. The SIE is also respon­sible for detecting and reporting events on detection of USB-specific events such as Reset, Suspend, and Re­sume. The transmitter outputs of the module to the trans­ceiver are well matched (under 1 ns) to minimize skew on the USB signals.
The USB standard specifies bit stuffing and unstuffing as a method to ensure adequate transitions on the line to en­able clock recovery at the receiving end. Whenever a string of consecutive 1s is encountered, the bit-stuffing logic inserts a 0 after every sixth 1 in the data stream. The bit-unstuffing logic reverses this process.
The clock recovery block uses the incoming NRZI data to extract a data clock (12 MHz) from an input clock derived from a crystal or crystal oscillator (48 MHz frequency). This clock is used in the data recovery circuit. The output of this block is binary data (decoded from the NRZI stream) that can be appropriately sampled using the ex­tracted 12 MHz clock. The jitter performance and timing characteristics meet the requirements set forth in Chapter 7 of the USB Specification.
3.4 Endpoint/Control FIFOs
The Endpoint Pipe Controller (EPC) provides the interface for USB Function endpoints. An endpoint is the ultimate source or sink of data. An endpoint pipe provides for the movement of data between USB and memory, and com­pletes the path between the USB Host and the function endpoint. According to the USB specification, up to 31 such endpoint pipes are supported at any given time, each with the same Function Address. The USBN9602, however, supports a maximum of seven endpoint pipes.
A USB Function is a USB device that is able to transmit and receive information on the bus. A Function may have one or more configurations, each of which defines the in­terfaces that make up the device. Each interface, in turn, is composed of one or more endpoints.
Each endpoint is an addressable entity on USB and is re­quired to respond to IN and OUT tokens from the USB Host (typically a PC). An IN token indicates that the host has requested to receive information from an endpoint, and an OUT token indicates that the host is about to send information to an endpoint.
Upon detection of an IN token addressed to an endpoint, the endpoint is responsible for responding with a data packet. If the endpoint is currently stalled, a STALL hand­shake packet is sent under software control. If the end­point is enabled, but no data is present, a NAK (Negative Acknowledgment) handshake packet is sent automatically. If the Endpoint is Isochronous and enabled, but no data present, a bit stuff error followed by an end of packet is sent on the bus.
Similarly, upon detection of an OUT token addressed to an endpoint, the endpoint is responsible for receiving a data packet sent by the host and storing it in a buffer. If the endpoint pipe is currently stalled, a STALL handshake packet is sent at the end of the data transmission. If the endpoint pipe is currently disabled, no handshake packet is sent at the end of the data transmission. If the endpoint pipe is enabled, but no buffer is present in which to store the data, a NAK (Negative Acknowledgment) handshake packet is sent. If the Endpoint is Isochronous and enabled but can’t handle the data, the data will be lost.
A Disabled endpoint does not respond to IN, OUT, or SETUP tokens.
The Endpoint Pipe Controller maintains separate status and control information for each endpoint pipe.
For IN tokens, the Endpoint Pipe Controller is responsible for transferring data from the defined buffer to the host. For OUT tokens, the Endpoint Pipe Controller is responsi­ble for transferring data from the host to the defined buffer.
3.5 Microcontroller Interface
A CPU or microcontroller can be connected via an 8-bit parallel interface or a MICROWIRE interface. For the par­allel interface, there are two addressing modes (multi­plexed or non-multiplexed). These modes are selected by hardwiring the proper binary code on the MODE1 and MODE0 pins.
In addition, an interrupt output is provided. The type of the interrupt can be programmed to be either push-pull active­high or active-low output, or an open-drain active-low out­put.
4.0 Connection Diagram
Figure1. USBN9602 Connection Diagram
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15
D– D+
D1 D2
28 pin
Order Number USBN9602-28M
See NS Package Number M28B
5.0 Pin Descriptions
The following tables briefly describe the USBN9602 pins. Each table lists a related set of device pins and shows the device pin number, the signal direction (“I” for input, “O” for output, “I/O” for bidirectional, or N.A. for not applica-
ble), and a brief description of the pin function. Note that unused input or bidirectional pins must be pulled
up or down as appropriate. This is essential to reduce overall power consumption and to limit EMI.
5.0.1 Power Supply
5.0.2 Oscillator, Clock and Reset
Oscillator Circuits
The XIN and XOUT pins may be connected to make a 48 MHz closed loop crystal controlled oscillator. Alternately an external 48 MHz clock source may be input to clock the device. The internal crystal oscillator uses a 48 MHz 3rd harmonic crystal. The circuit for the crystal option is shown in Figure2. If an external clock source is used, it is con­nected to XIN. XOUT is unconnected.
Stray capacitance and inductance should be kept as low as possible in the oscillator circuit. Trace lengths should be minimized by locating the crystal and external components as close as possible to the XIN and XOUT pins.
Note: The circuit shown has been tested with crystals from ECS Inc. only (e.g. part number ECS-480-S-1-3OT). For other crystals , please consult the manufacturer for recom­mended circuit and component values.
Pin # Dir Label Pin Functional Description
22 N.A. Vcc Digital Power Supply (Vcc)
21,23 N.A. GND Digital Power Supply (GND)
17 N.A. AGND Analog Power Supply (AGND) 18 N.A. V3.3 Transceiver 3.3V Voltage Supply. This pin can be used as the internal 3.3V voltage regulator out-
put. The regulator is intended to power only the internal transceiver and one external pull-up. An external 1
µF de-coupling capacitor is required on this pin. The voltage regulator output is dis-
abled upon hardware reset. If the internal voltage regulator is left disabled, this pin can be used as an 3.3V supply input for the transceiver.
Pin # Dir Label Pin Functional Description
26 N.A. XIN Input for internal 48 MHz crystal oscillator circuit. A 48 MHz third harmonic crystal may be used.
27 N.A. XOUT Output for the internal crystal oscillator circuit. 28 O CLKOUT Clock Output. This pin provides a programmable clock source. Upon hardware reset, this pin
sources a 4 MHz clock (there may be an initial phase discontinuity). It may be programmed for different speeds or disabled via the Clock Configuration Register (these subsequent transitions are synchronous and will occur smoothly).
16 I RESET Active-Low Reset input. Signal conditioning is provided on this pin to allow the use of a simple
RC power-on reset circuit.
Figure2. 3rd Harmonic Crystal Oscillator
48 MHz
5.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
5.0.3 USB Port
Component Parameters Values Tolerance
Crystal 1 Resonance Frequency
Third Overtone Type Maximum Effective Series Resistance Maximum Shunt Capacitance Maximum Drive Level
48 MHz
7 pF
1 mW
2500 ppm
C1 22 pF 10% C2 56 pF 10% C3 100 nF 10% L1 470 nH 10%
Pin # Dir Label Pin Functional Description
19 I/O D+ USB D+ upstream port. This pin requires an external 1.5k pull-up to 3.3V to signal full speed
20 I/O D– USB D– upstream port.
5.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
5.0.4 Microprocessor Interface
Pin # Dir Label Pin Functional Description
24:25 I MODE[1:0] Interface Mode select input pins. Each of these pins should be hard-wired to Vcc or GND
to select the interface mode: MODE[1:0] = 00: Mode 0: non-multiplexed parallel interface mode
MODE[1:0] = 01: Mode 1: multiplexed parallel interface mode MODE[1:0] = 10: Mode 2: MICROWIRE interface mode MODE[1:0] = 11: Mode 3: reserved†
†Note: Mode 3 also selects the MICROWIRE interface mode in the USBN9602, but this mode should be reserved to preserve compatibility with future devices.
Active-low DMA Acknowledge. This pin is only used if DMA is enabled. If DMA is not used,
this pin must be tied to Vcc. 5 O DRQ DMA Request. This pin is only used if DMA is enabled. 4 O INTR Interrupt Output. The interrupt signal modes (active high, active low or open drain) can be
programmed via the Main Control Register. During Reset, this pin is placed in the TRI-
STATE mode. 1 I CS
Active-low chip select signal. 2 I RD
Active-low read signal for parallel interface. 3 I WR
Mode 0,1: Active-low write signal for parallel interface.
SK Mode 2: MICROWIRE shift clock
7 I A0 Mode 0 address bus line A0 for parallel interface.
ALE Mode 1 Address Latch Enable for parallel interface.
SI Mode 2 MICROWIRE Serial Input
8 I/O D0 Mode 0 Data bus line D0
AD0 Mode 1 Address/Data bus line AD0
SO Mode 2 MICROWIRE Serial Output
9 I/O D1 Mode 0 Data bus line D1
AD1 Mode 1 Address/Data bus line AD1
10 I/O D2 Mode 0 Data bus line D2
AD2 Mode 1 Address/Data bus line AD2
11 I/O D3 Mode 0 Data bus line D3
AD3 Mode 1 Address/Data bus line AD3
12 I/O D4 Mode 0 Data bus line D4
AD4 Mode 1 Address/Data bus line AD4
13 I/O D5 Mode 0 Data bus line D5
AD5 Mode 1 Address/Data bus line AD5
14 I/O D6 Mode 0 Data bus line D6
AD6 Mode 1 Address/Data bus line AD6
15 I/O D7 Mode 0 Data bus line D7
AD7 Mode 1 Address/Data bus line AD7
6.0 Parallel Interface
The parallel interface allows the USBN9602 to function as a CPU or microcontroller peripheral. One of two interface modes can be selected via the MODE0 pin while the MODE1 pin is pulled low:
– Non-multiplexed mode – Multiplexed mode
6.1 Non-Multiplexed Mode
The non-multiplexed mode uses the control pins CS, RD, WR
, the address pin A0, and the bidirectional data bus D[7:0], as shown in Figure 3. This mode is selected by ty­ing both the MODE1 and MODE0 pin to GND.
The CPU has direct access to the registers DATA_IN, DATA_OUT and ADDR. Reading and writing data to the USBN9602 can be done either in standard or burst mode. See Figure 4 for timing information on the signal timing in non-multiplexed mode.
Figure3. Non-Multiplexed Mode Interface Block Diagram
6.0 Parallel Interface (Continued)
6.1.1 Standard Access Mode
The standard USBN9602 access sequence for the non­multiplexed interface mode is to write the address to the ADDRESS register and then read or write the data from/to the DATA_OUT/DATA_IN register. Updating of the DATA_OUT register occurs following the write of the ADDR register. Selection between the ADDRESS register and the DATA_OUT/DATA_IN register is done with the A0 input.
6.1.2 Burst Mode
In burst mode, the ADDR register is written once with the memory address of the desired on-chip register. Then consecutive reads/writes are performed to the DATA_OUT/DATA_IN register without writing a new ad­dress. The DATA_OUT register contents for read opera­tions are updated once after every read.
6.1.3 User Registers
The following table gives an overview of the parallel inter­face registers in non-multiplexed mode. In the table, the reserved bits return undefined data on read and should be written with zero.
The address register (ADDR) acts as a pointer to the in­ternal memory. This register is write-only and is cleared upon reset.
6.1.5 DATA_OUT
The Data Output register (DATA_OUT) is updated with the memory register to which the ADDR register is pointing. Update occurs under the following conditions:
1. After the ADDR register is written
2. After a read from the DATA_OUT register
3. After a write to the DATA_IN register This register is read-only and holds undefined data after
6.1.6 DATA_IN
The Data Input register (DATA_IN) holds the data which is written to the USBN9602 address ADDR is pointing to.
This register is write-only and is cleared upon reset.
6.2 Multiplexed Mode
The multiplexed mode uses the control pins CS, RD, WR, the address latch enable signal ALE, and the bidirectional address data bus AD[7:0], as shown in Figure 6. This mode is selected by tying MODE1 to GND and MODE0 to Vcc.
The address is latched into the ADDR register while ALE is high and data is output/input with the next active RD
signal. All registers are directly accessible in this in­terface mode. Figure 7 shows the basic timing.
Write Address
Read Data Burst Read Data
Figure4. Non-Multiplexed Mode Basic Timing Diagram
A0 Access Register Bit Number
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 read DATA_OUT 0 write DATA_IN 1 read reserved 1 write reserved ADDRESS[5:0]
6.0 Parallel Interface (Continued)
Figure6. Multiplexed Mode Interface Block Diagram
RD or WR
Figure7. Multiplexed Mode Basic Read/Write Timing
7.0 DMA Support
The USBN9602 supports DMA transfers with an external DMA controller to and from Endpoints 1 through 6. In this mode, the device pins DRQ and DACK
are used in addi-
tion to the parallel interface pins RD
or WR and the data D[7:0] pins. The DMA mode can only be used with the parallel interface modes (MODE1 tied to GND). The read or write address is generated internally and the state of the A0/ALE pin is ignored during a DMA cycle.
The DMA support logic has a lower priority than the par­allel interface. CS
needs to stay inactive during a DMA cy-
cle. If CS
becomes active, DACK is ignored and a regular read/write operation is performed. Only one Endpoint can be enabled at a given time to issue a DMA request when data is received or transmitted.
To enable DMA transfers, the following steps must be per­formed:
1. The local CPU programs the DMA controller for fly-by
demand mode transfers. In this mode, transfers occur only when the USBN9602 requests them via the DRQ pin. The data is read/written from/to the USBN9602 re­ceive/transmit FIFO and written/read into/from local memory during the same bus transaction.
2. The DMA address counter is programmed to point to the
destination memory block in the local shared memory, and the byte count register is programmed with the num­ber of bytes in the block to be transferred.
3. The DMA request enable bit and DMA source bits are set
in the USBN9602. In addition, the software must set the respective Endpoint enable bit.
4. The USB host can now perform USB bulk or isochronous
data transfers over the USB bus to the receive FIFO or from the transmit FIFO in the USBN9602.
5. If the FIFO’s warning limit is reached or the transmis-
sion/reception is completed, a DMA request/acknowl­edge sequence is started for the predetermined number of bytes. The time at which a DMA request is issued de­pends on the selected DMA Mode (controlled by the DMACNTRL.DMOD bit), the current status of the end­point FIFO, and the FIFO warning enable bits. A DMA re­quest can be issued immediately.
6. After the DMA controller is granted control of the bus, it
drives a valid memory address and asserts DACK
or WR, thus transferring a byte from the USBN9602 receive FIFO to memory or from memory to the transmit FIFO. This process continues until the DMA byte count, within the DMA controller, reaches zero.
7. After the programmed amount of data is transferred, the firmware needs to do one of the following (depending on the transfer direction and mode): queue the new data for transmission by setting the TXCx.TX_EN bit, set the end-of-packet marker by setting the TXCx.TX_LAST bit, re-enable reception by setting the RXCx.RX_EN bit, or check whether the last byte of the packet was received (RXSx.RX_LAST).
The DMA transfer can be halted at any time by resetting the USBN9602 DMA request enable bit. If the USBN9602 DMA request enable bit is cleared during the middle of a DMA cycle, the current cycle is completed before the DMA request is terminated.
Figure 8 shows the basic DMA read timing and Figure 9 shows the basic DMA write timing.
Figure8. DMA Write to USBN9602
Figure9. DMA Read from USBN9602
8.0 MICROWIRE/PLUS Interface
The MICROWIRE/PLUS interface allows the USBN9602 to function as a peripheral of a CPU or microcontroller via a serial interface. This mode is selected by pulling the MODE1 pin high and the MODE0 pin low. The MICROW-
IRE/PLUS mode uses pins called chip select (CS)
, serial clock (SK), serial data in (SI), and serial data out (SO), as shown in Figure 10.
The MICROWIRE interface is enabled by a falling edge of CS
and reset with a rising edge of CS. Data on SI is shift­ed in after the rising edge of SK and data is shifted out on SO after the falling edge of SK. Data transfer from and to the shift register is done after the falling edge of the eighth SK clock. Data is transferred with the most significant bit first. Table1 summarizes the available commands for the MICROWIRE interface.
Note: A write operation to any register always reads out the contents of the register after the write occurs and shifts out that data in the next cycle. This read does not clear the bit in the respective register, even for a clear-on-read (“Cor”) type bit. An exception is writing to the TXDx (transmit data) registers, which causes undefined data to be read out during the next cycle.
Figure10. MICROWIRE Interface Block Diagram
8.0 MICROWIRE/PLUS Interface (Continued)
Reading the data is done by shifting in the 2-bit command (CMD) and the 5-bit address (RADDR or WADDR) while simultaneously shifting out read data from the previous address.
Writing data can be done in standard mode or burst mode. The standard mode requires two bytes: the com­mand and address being shifted in and the data being shifted in. In burst mode, the command and address are transferred first, and then consecutive data is written to that address. The burst mode is terminated by CS
inactive (high). For the MICROWIRE interface, Figure 11 shows the basic
read timing, Figure 12 shows the standard write timing, and Figure 13 shows the write timing in burst mode.
Table1. MICROWIRE Command/Address Byte Format
Byte Transferred
Sequence initiated. One cycle equals eight SK clocks. Data is transferred after the eighth SK. clock of one cycle.
1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0
Cycle 1: Cycle 2:
Shift in CMD/RADDR; shift out previous read data Shift in next CMD/ADDR; shift out RADDR data
0 1 x
Cycle 1:
No action; shift out previous read data (does not clear CoR bits)
1 0
(normal write)
Cycle 1: Cycle 2:
Shift in CMD/WADDR; shift out previous read data Shift in WADDR write data; shift out WADDR read data (does
not clear CoR bits)
1 1
(burst write)
Cycle 1: Cycle 2-n:
Shift in CMD/WADDR; shift out previous read data Shift in WADDR write data; shift out WADDR read data (does
not clear CoR bits); terminate this mode by pulling CS
8 Cycles
8 Cycles 8 Cycles
CMD = 0x ADDR CMD = 0x ADDR new command
undefined data Read Data Read Data
Figure11. MICROWIRE Interface Basic Read Timing
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