National Semiconductor TP3070, TP3071 Technical data

TP3070, TP3071, TP3070-X COMBO
II Programmable PCM CODEC/Filter
TP3070, TP3071, TP3070-X COMBO II Programmable PCM CODEC/Filter
April 1994
General Description
The TP3070 and TP3071 are second-generation combined PCM CODEC and Filter devices optimized for digital switch­ing applications on subscriber line and trunk cards. Using advanced switched capacitor techniques, COMBO II com­bines transmit bandpass and receive lowpass channel filters with a companding PCM encoder and decoder. The devices are A-law and µ-law selectable and employ a conventional serial PCM interface capable of being clocked up to
4.096 MHz. A number of programmable functions may be controlled via a serial control port.
Channel gains are programmable over a 25.4 dB range in each direction, and a programmable filter is included to en­able Hybrid Balancing to be adjusted to suit a wide range of loop impedance conditions. Both transformer and active SLIC interface circuits with real or complex termination im­pedances can be balanced by this filter, with cancellation in excess of 30 dB being readily achievable when measured across the passband against standard test termination net­works.
To enable COMBO II to interface to the SLIC control leads, a number of programmable latches are included; each may be configured as either an input or an output. The TP3070 pro­vides 6 latches and the TP3071 5 latches.
n Complete CODEC and FILTER system including:
— Transmit and receive PCM channel filters — µ-law or A-law companding encoder and decoder — Receive power amplifier drives 300 — 4.096 MHz serial PCM data (max)
n Programmable Functions:
— Transmit gain: 25.4 dB range, 0.1 dB steps — Receive gain: 25.4 dB range, 0.1 dB steps — Hybrid balance cancellation filter — Time-slot assignment; up to 64 slots/frame — 2 port assignment (TP3070) — 6 interface latches (TP3070) — A or µ-law — Analog loopback — Digital loopback
n Direct interface to solid-state SLICs n Simplifies transformer SLIC; single winding secondary n Standard serial control interface n 80 mW operating power (typ) n 1.5 mW standby power (typ) n Designed for CCITT and LSSGR applications n TTL and CMOS compatible digital interfaces n Extended temperature versions available for −40˚C to
+85˚C (TP3070V-X)
Note: See also AN-614, COMBO II application guide.
COMBO®and TRI-STATE®are registered trademarks of National SemiconductorCorporation.
© 1999 National Semiconductor Corporation DS008635
Block Diagram
Connection Diagrams
Order Number TP3070V
(0˚C to +70˚C)
Order Number TP3070V-X
(−40˚C to +85˚C)
See NS Package Number V28A 2
Order Number TP3071J
See NS Package Number J20A
Order Number TP3071N
See NS Package Number N20A
Pin Descriptions
Pin Description
V V GND Ground. All analog and digital signals are
+5V±5%power supply.
−5V±5%power supply.
referenced to this pin. Transmit Frame Sync input. Normally a pulse
or squarewave with an 8 kHz repetition rate is applied to this input to define the start of the transmit time slot assigned to this device (non-delayed data timing mode), or the start of the transmit frame (delayed data timing mode using the internal time-slot assignment counter).
Pin Descriptions (Continued)
Pin Description
BCLK Bit clock input used to shift PCM data into and
MCLK Master clock input used by the switched
CCLK Control Clock input. This clock shifts serial
Receive Frame Sync input. Normally a pulse
or squarewave with an 8 kHz repetition rate is applied to this input to define the start of the receive time slot assigned to this device (non-delayed data timing mode), or the start of the receive frame (delayed data timing mode using the internal time-slot assignment counter).
out of the D from 64 kHz to 4.096 MHz in 8 kHz
and DXpins. BCLK may vary
increments, and must be synchronous with MCLK.
capacitor filters and the encoder and decoder sequencing logic. Must be 512 kHz, 1.536 MHz, 1.544 MHz, 2.048 MHz or 4.096 MHz and synchronous with BCLK.
I The Transmit analog high-impedance input.
Voice frequency signals present on this input are encoded as an A-law or µ-law PCM bit stream and shifted out on the selected D
O The Receive analog power amplifier output,
capable of driving load impedances as low as 300(depending on the peak overload level required). PCM data received on the assigned
pin is decoded and appears at this output
as voice frequency signals. D
1 is available on the TP3070 only; DX0is
available on all devices. These Transmit Data TRI-STATE
outputs remain in the high impedance state except during the assigned transmit time slot on the assigned port, during which the transmit PCM data byte is shifted out on the rising edges of BCLK.
TSX1 is available on the TP3070 only; TSX0is
available on all devices. Normally these open-drain outputs are floating in a high impedance state except when a time-slot is active on one of the D appropriate TS backplane line-driver.
1 is available on the TP3070 only; DR0is
available on all devices. These receive data inputs are inactive except during the assigned
outputs, when the
output pulls low to enable a
receive time slot of the assigned port when the receive PCM data is shifted in on the falling edges of BCLK.
control information into or out from CI/O or CI and CO when the CS input is low, depending on the current instruction. CCLK may be asynchronous with the other system clocks.
Pin Description
CI/O This is the Control Data I/O pin which is
provided on the TP3071. Serial control information is shifted to or read from COMBO II on this pin when CS is low. The direction of the data is determined by the current
Table 1
instruction as defined in
CI This is a separate Control Input, available only
on the TP3070. It can be connected to CO if required.
CO This is a separate Control Output, available
only on the TP3070. It can be connected to CI if required.
Chip Select input. When this pin is low, control information can be written to or read from COMBO II via the CI/O pin (or CI and CO).
IL5–IL0 IL5 through IL0 are available on the TP3070.
IL4 through IL0 are available on the TP3071. Each Interface Latch I/O pin may be individually programmed as an input or an output determined by the state of the corresponding bit in the Latch Direction Register (LDR). For pins configured as inputs, the logic state sensed on each input is latched into the Interface Latch Register (ILR) whenever control data is written to COMBO II, while CS is low, and the information is shifted out on the CO (or CI/O) pin. When configured as outputs, control data written into the ILR appears at the corresponding IL pins.
MR This logic input must be pulled low for normal
operation of COMBO II. When pulled momentarily high (at least 1 µsec.), all programmable registers in the device are reset to the states specified under “Power-On Initialization”.
NC No Connection. Do not connect to this pin. Do
not route traces through this pin.
Functional Description
When power is first applied, power-on reset circuitry initial­izes the COMBO II and puts it into the power-down state. The gain control registers for the transmit and receive gain sections are programmed to OFF (00000000), the hybrid balance circuit is turned off, the power amp is disabled and the device is in the non-delayed timing mode. The Latch Di­rection Register (LDR) is pre-set with all IL pins programmed as inputs, placing the SLIC interface pins in a high imped­ance state. The CI/O pin is set as an input ready for the first control byte of the initialization sequence. Other initial states in the Control Register are indicated in Section 2.0.
Areset to these same initial conditions may also be forced by driving the MR pin momentarily high. This may be done ei­ther when powered-up or down. For normal operation this pin must be pulled low.If not used, MR should be hard-wired to ground.
The desired modes for all programmable functions may be initialized via the control port prior to a Power-up command.
Functional Description (Continued)
Following a period of activity in the powered-up state the power-down state may be re-entered by writing any of the control instructions into the serial control port with the “P” bit set to “1” as indicated in chip be powered down before writing any additional instruc­tions. In the power-down state, all non-essential circuitry is de-activated and the D impedance TRI-STATE condition.
The coefficients stored in the Hybrid Balance circuit and the Gain Control registers, the data in the LDR and ILR, and all control bits remain unchanged in the power-down state un­less changed by writing new data via the serial control port, which remains active. The outputs of the Interface Latches also remain active, maintaining the ability to monitor and control the SLIC.
The Transmit section input, VF ming input which is used as the differencing point for the in­ternal hybrid balance cancellation signal. No external com­ponents are necessary to set the gain. Following this circuit is a programmable gain/attenuation amplifier which is con­trolled by the contents of the Transmit Gain Register (see Programmable Functions section). An active pre-filter then precedes the 3rd order high-pass and 5th order low-pass switched capacitor filters. The A/D converter has a com­pressing characteristic according to the standard CCITT A or µ255 coding laws, which must be selected by a control in­struction during initialization (see cision on-chip voltage reference ensures accurate and highly stable transmission levels. Any offset voltage arising in the gain-set amplifier,the filters or the comparator is canceled by an internal auto-zero circuit.
Each encode cycle begins immediately following the as­signed Transmit time-slot. The total signal delay referenced to the start of the time-slot is approximately 165 µs (due to the Transmit Filter) plus 125 µs (due to encoding delay), which totals 290 µs. Data is shifted out on D the selected time slot on eight rising edges of BCLK.
PCM data is shifted into the Decoder’s Receive PCM Regis­ter via the D the 8 falling edges of BCLK. The Decoder consists of an ex-
0orDR1 pin during the selected time-slot on
panding DAC with either A or µ255 law decoding character­istic, which is selected by the same control instruction used to select the Encode law during initialization. Following the Decoder is a 5th order low-pass switched capacitor filter with integral Sin x/x correction for the 8 kHz sample and hold. A programmable gain amplifier, which must be set by writing to the Receive Gain Register, is included, and finally a Power Amplifier capable of driving a 300load to
load to
3.8V or a 15 kload to±4.0V at peak overload.
. It is recommended that the
0 (and DX1) outputs are in the high
I, is a high impedance sum-
).A pre-
0orDX1 during
3.5V, a 600
A decode cycle begins immediately after the assigned re­ceive time-slot, and 10 µs later the Decoder DAC output is updated. The total signal delay is 10 µs plus 120 µs (filter de­lay) plus 62.5 µs (
⁄2frame) which gives approximately 190
The FS ning of the 8-bit transmit and receive time-slots respectively.
and FSRframe sync inputs determine the begin-
Table 2
). Non-delayed data mode is similar to long-frame timing on the TP3050/60 series of de­vices (COMBO); time-slots begin nominally coincident with the rising edge of the appropriate FS input. The alternative is to use Delayed Data mode, which is similar to short-frame sync timing on COMBO, in which each FS input must be high at least a half-cycle of BCLK earlier than the time-slot. The Time-SlotAssignment circuit on the device can only be used with Delayed Data timing.
When using Time-SlotAssignment, the beginning of the first time-slot in a frame is identified by the appropriate FS input. The actual transmit and receive time-slots are then deter­mined by the internal Time-Slot Assignment counters.
0 (or TSX1 as appropriate) also pulls low for the first 71⁄
bit times of the time-slot to control the TRI-STATE Enable of
0/1 output shifts
a backplane line-driver. Serial PCM data is shifted into the selected D on the falling edges of BCLK. D are selectable on the TP3070 only, see Section 6.
0/1 input during each assigned Receive time-slot
0orDX1 and DR0orDR1
2 4
Functional Description (Continued)
TABLE 1. Programmable Register Instructions
Function Byte 1 (Note 1) Byte 2 (Note 1)
76543210 76543210
Single Byte Power-Up/Down PXXXXX0X None Write Control Register P 000001X See Read-Back Control Register P 000011X See Write to Interface Latch Register P 000101X See Read Interface Latch Register P 000111X See Write Latch Direction Register P 001001X See Read Latch Direction Register P 001011X See Write Receive Gain Register P 010001X See Read Receive Gain Register P 010011X See Write Transmit Gain Register P 010101X See Read Transmit Gain Register P 010111X See Write Receive Time-Slot/Port P 100101X See Read-Back Receive Time-Slot/Port P 100111X See Write Transmit Time-Slot/Port P 101001X See Read-Back Transmit Time-Slot/Port P 101011X See Write Hybrid Balance Register 1 P 011001X Read Hybrid Balance Register 1 P 011011X Write Hybrid Balance Register 2 P 011101X Read Hybrid Balance Register 2 P 011111X Write Hybrid Balance Register 3 P 100001X Read Hybrid Balance Register 3 P 100011X
Note 1: Bit 7 of bytes 1 and 2 is always the first bit clocked into or out from the CI, CO or CI/O pin. X=don’t care. Note 2: “P” is the power-up/down control bit, see “Power-Up/Down Control” section. (“0”=Power Up, “1”=Power Down) Note 3: Other register address codes are invalid and should not be used.
Table 2 Table 2 Table 4 Table 4 Table 3 Table 3 Table 8 Table 8 Table 7 Table 7 Table 6 Table 6 Table 6 Table 6
Derive from
Routine in
Control information and data are written into or read-back from COMBO II via the serial control port consisting of the control clock CCLK, the serial data input/output CI/O, (or separate input, CI, and output, CO, on the TP3070 only), and the Chip Select input, CS. All control instructions require 2 bytes, as listed in power-up/down command. The byte 1 bits are used as fol­lows: bit 7 specifies power up or power down; bits 6, 5, 4 and 3 specify the register address; bit 2 specifies whether the in­struction is read or write; bit 1 specifies a one or two byte in­struction; and bit 0 is not used.
To shift control data into COMBO II, CCLK must be pulsed 8 times while CS is low. Data on the CI/O (or CI) input is shifted into the serial input register on the falling edge of each CCLK pulse. After all data is shifted in, the contents of the input shift register are decoded, and may indicate that a 2nd byte of control data will follow. This second byte may ei­ther be defined by a second byte-wide CS pulse or may fol­low the first contiguously, i.e. it is not mandatory for CS to re­turn high between the first and second control bytes. At the end of CCLK8 in the 2nd control byte the data is loaded into the appropriate programmable register. CS may remain low continuously when programming successive registers, if de­sired. However, CS should be set high when no data trans­fers are in progress.
To readback Interface Latch data or status information from COMBO II, the first byte of the appropriate instruction is
, with the exception of a single byte
strobed in while CS is low, as defined in kept low, or be taken low again for a further 8 CCLK cycles, during which the data is shifted onto the CO or CI/O pin on the rising edges of CCLK. When CS is high the CO or CI/O pin is in the high-impedance TRI-STATE, enabling the CI/O pins of many devices to be multiplexed together.
If CS returns high during either byte 1 or byte 2 before all eight CCLK pulses of that byte occur, both the bit count and byte count are reset and register contents are not affected. This prevents loss of synchronization in the control interface as well as corruption of register data due to processor inter­rupt or other problem. When CS returns low again, the de­vice will be ready to accept bit 1 of byte 1 of a new instruc­tion.
. CS must be
Programmable Functions
Following power-on initialization, power-up and power-down control may be accomplished by writing any of the control in­structions listed in to “0” for power-up or “1” for power-down. Normally it is rec­ommended that all programmable functions be initially pro­grammed while the device is powered down. Power state control can then be included with the last programming in­struction or the separate single-byte instruction. Any of the programmable registers may also be modified while the de-
into COMBO II with the “P” bit set
Programmable Functions (Continued)
When a power-up command is given, all de-activated circuits are activated, but the TRI-STATE PCM output(s), D D
1), will remain in the high impedance state until the sec-
ond FS
pulse after power-up.
The first byte of a READ or WRITE instruction to the Control Register is as shown in
. The second byte has the fol-
lowing bit functions:
TABLE 2. Control Register Byte 2 Functions
Bit Number and Name
76 5 43210 Function
0 0 MCLK=512 kHz 0 1 MCLK=1.536
1 0 MCLK=2.048 MHz
1 1 MCLK=4.096 MHz
0 X Select µ-255 law (Note 4) 1 0 A-law, Including Even
1 1 A-law, No Even Bit Inversion
0 Delayed Data Timing 1 Non-Delayed Data
0 0 Normal Operation
1 X Digital Loopback 0 1 Analog Loopback
Note 4: State at power-on initialization. (Bit 4=0)
or 1.544 MHz
(Note 4)
Bit Inversion
Timing (Note 4)
(Note 4)
0 Power Amp Enabled in PDN 1 Power Amp Disabled in
PDN (Note 4)
2.1 Master Clock Frequency Selection
A Master clock must be provided to COMBO II for operation of the filter and coding/decoding functions. The MCLK fre­quency must be either 512 kHz, 1.536 MHz, 1.544 MHz,
and F0(see
) must be set during initial-
2.2 Coding Law Selection
Bits “MA” and “IA” in
Table 2
permit the selection of µ255
coding or A-law coding, with or without even bit inversion.
2.3 Analog Loopback
Analog Loopback mode is entered by setting the “AL” and “DL” bits in the Control Register as shown in analog loopback mode, the Transmit input VF from the input pin and internally connected to the VF put, forming a loop from the Receive PCM Register back to the Transmit PCM Register. The VF and the programmed settings of the Transmit and Receive
O pin remains active,
Table 2
I is isolated
0 (and
O out-
gains remain unchanged, thus care must be taken to ensure that overload levels are not exceeded anywhere in the loop. Hybrid balance must be disabled for meaningful analog loop­back function.
2.4 Digital Loopback
Digital Loopback mode is entered by setting the “AL” and “DL” bits in the Control Register as shown in
Table 2
. This mode provides another stage of path verification by enabling data written into the Receive PCM Register to be read back from that register in any Transmit time-slot at D loopback, the decoder will remain functional and output a signal at VF be turned off by programming the receive gain register to all
O. If this is undesirable, the receive output can
0/1. In digital
Immediately following power-on, all Interface Latches as­sume they are inputs, and therefore all IL pins are in a high impedance state. Each IL pin may be individually pro­grammed as a logic input or output by writing the appropriate instruction to the LDR, see
Table 1
Table 3
. For mini­mum power dissipation, unconnected latch pins should be programmed as outputs. For the TP3071, L5 should always be programmed as an output.
Bits L the LDR with the L bits in the second byte set as follows:
must be set by writing the specified instruction to
TABLE 3. Byte 2 Functions of Latch Direction Register
Byte 2 Bit Number
LnBit IL Direction
0 Input 1 Output
X=don’t care
Interface Latches configured as outputs assume the state determined by the appropriate data bit in the 2-byte instruc­tion written to the Interface Latch Register (ILR) as shown in
. Latches configured as inputs will sense the state applied by an external source, such as the Off-Hook detect output of a SLIC. All bits of the ILR, i.e. sensed inputs and the programmed state of outputs, can be read back in the 2nd byte of a READ from the ILR.
It is recommended that during initialization, the state of IL pins to be configured as outputs should be programmed first, followed immediately by the Latch Direction Register.
TABLE 4. Interface Latch Data Bit Order
Bit Number
0 6
Programmable Functions (Continued)
TABLE 5. Coding Law Conventions
µ255 law
+Full Scale 10000000 10101010 11111111
0V 11111111 11010101 10000000
01111111 01010101 00000000
−Full Scale 00000000 00101010 01111111
Note 5: The MSB is always the first PCM bit shifted in or out of COMBO II.
TABLE 6. Time-Slot and Port Assignment Instruction
Bit Number and Name Function
7 6 5 43210
(Note 6) (Note 7)
0 0 X XXXXXDisable D
0 1 X XXXXXDisable D
1 0 Assign One Binary Coded Time-Slot from 0–63 Enable D
Assign One Binary Coded Time-Slot from 0–63 Enable D
1 1 Assign One Binary Coded Time-Slot from 0–63 Enable D
Assign One Binary Coded Time-Slot from 0–63 Enable D
Note 6: The “PS” bit MUST always be set to 0 for the TP3071. Note 7: T5 is the MSB of the Time-slot assignment bit field. Time slot bits should be set to “000000” for both transmit and receive when operating in non-delayed
data timing mode.
True A-law with A-law without
even bit inversion even bit inversion
0 Output (Transmit Instruction)
Disable D
Disable D
0 Input (Receive Instruction)
1 Output (Transmit Instruction)
1 Input (Receive Instruction)
0 Output (Transmit Instruction)
0 Input (Receive Instruction)
1 Output (Transmit Instruction)
1 Input (Receive Instruction)
COMBO II can operate in either fixed time-slot or time-slot assignment mode for selecting the Transmit and Receive PCM time-slots. Following power-on, the device is automati­cally in Non-Delayed Timing mode, in which the time-slot al­ways begins with the leading (rising) edge of frame sync in­puts FS
and FSR. Time-Slot Assignment may only be used
with Delayed Data timing; see
Figure 5
.FSXand FSRmay have any phase relationship with each other in BCLK period increments.
Alternatively, the internal time-slot assignment counters and comparators can be used to access any time-slot in a frame, using the frame sync inputs as marker pulses for the begin­ning of transmit and receive time-slot 0. In this mode, a frame may consist of up to 64 time-slots of 8 bits each. A time-slot is assigned by a 2-byte instruction as shown in
Table 1
Table 6
. The last 6 bits of the second byte indi­cate the selected time-slot from 0–63 using straight binary notation. When writing a timeslot and port assignment regis­ter, if the PCM interface is currently active, it is immediately deactivated to prevent possible bus clashes. A new assign­ment becomes active on the second frame following the end of the Chip-Select for the second control byte. Rewriting of register contents should not be performed during the talking period of a connection to prevent waveform distortion caused by loss of a sample which will occur with each regis­ter write. The “EN” bit allows the PCM inputs, D puts, D
0/1, as appropriate, to be enabled or disabled.
0/1, or out-
Time-Slot Assignment mode requires that the FS pulses must conform to the delayed data timing format shown in
Figure 5
and FS
On the TP3070 only, an additional capability is available; 2 Transmit serial PCM ports, D rial PCM ports, D two-way space switching to be implemented. Port selections
0 and DX1, and 2 Receive se-
0 and DR1, are provided to enable
for transmit and receive are made within the appropriate time-slot assignment instruction using the “PS” bit in the sec­ond byte. The PS bit selects either Port 0 or Port 1. Both ports cannot be active at the same time.
On the TP3071, only ports D fore the “PS” bit MUST always be set to 0 for these devices.
Table 6
shows the format for the second byte of both trans-
0 and DR0 are available, there-
mit and receive time-slot and port assignment instructions.
The transmit gain can be programmed in 0.1 dB steps by writing to the Transmit Gain Register as defined in and
VF +6.4 dBm to −19.0 dBm in 600).
. This corresponds to a range of 0 dBm0 levels at
I between 1.619 Vrms and 0.087 Vrms (equivalent to
Table 1
To calculate the binary code for byte 2 of this instruction for any desired input 0 dBm0 level in Vrms, take the nearest in­teger to the decimal number given by:
200 x log
Programmable Functions (Continued)
and convert to the binary equivalent. Some examples are given in
dix I of AN-614. It should be noted that the Transmit (idle channel) Noise and
Transmit Signal to Total Distortion are both specified with transmit gain set to 0 dB (Gain Register set to all ones). At high transmit gains there will be some degradation in noise performance for these parameters. See Application Note AN-614 for more information on this subject.
TABLE 7. Byte 2 of Transmit Gain Instruction
Bit Number 0 dBm0 Test Level (Vrms)
76543210 atVF
00000000 NoOutput (Note 8) 00000001 0.087 00000010 0.088
11111110 1.600 11111111 1.619
Note 8: Analog signal path is cut off, but DXremains active and will output codes representing idle noise.
The receive gain can be programmed in 0.1 dB steps by writ­ing to the Receive Gain Register as defined in
bility: a) 0 dBm0 levels 1.96 Vrms at VF
a load of 15 kto GND; receive gain set to 0 dB (Gain Register set to all ones)
b) 0 dBm0 levels 1.85 Vrms at VF
a load of 600to GND; receive gain set to −0.5 dB
c) 0 dBm0 levels 1.71 Vrms at VF
a load of 300to GND; receive gain set to −1.2 dB
To calculate the binary code for byte 2 of this instruction for any desired output 0 dBm0 level in Vrms, take the nearest in­teger to the decimal number given by:
and convert to the binary equivalent. Some examples are given in dix I of AN-614.
TABLE 8. Byte 2 of Receive Gain Instruction Bit Number 0 dBm0 Test Level (Vrms)
76543210 atVF
00000000 NoOutput (Low Z to GND) 00000001 0.105 00000010 0.107
11111110 1.941 11111111 1.964
The Hybrid Balance Filter on COMBO II is a programmable filter consisting of a second-order section, Hybal1, followed by a first-order section, Hybal2, and a programmable attenu- 8
and a complete tabulation is given in Appen-
Table 1
. Note the following restrictions on output drive capa-
O may be driven into
O may be driven into
O may be driven into
200 x log
and a complete tabulation is given in Appen-
ator. Either of the filter sections can be bypassed if only one is required to achieve good cancellation. A selectable 180 degree inverting stage is included to compensate for inter­face circuits which also invert the transmit input relative to the receive output signal. The 2nd order section is intended mainly to balance low frequency signals across a trans­former SLIC, and the first order section to balance midrange to higher audio frequency signals.
As a 2nd order section, Hybal1 has a pair of low frequency zeroes and a pair of complex conjugate poles. When config­uring Hybal1, matching the phase of the hybrid at low to mid-band frequencies is most critical. Once the echo path is correctly balanced in phase, the magnitude of the cancella­tion signal can be corrected by the programmable attenua­tor.
The 2nd order mode of Hybal1 is most suitable for balancing interfaces with transformers having high inductance of 1.5 Henries or more. An alternative configuration for smaller transformers is available by converting Hybal1 to a simple first-order section with a single real low-frequency pole and zero. In this mode, the pole/zero frequency may be pro­grammed.
Hybal2, the higher frequency first-order section, is provided for balancing an electronic SLIC, and is also helpful with a transformer SLIC in providing additional phase correction for mid and high-band frequencies, typically 1 kHz to 3.4 kHz. Such a correction is particularly useful if the test balance im­pedance includes a capacitor of 100 nF or less, such as the loaded and non-loaded loop test networks in the United States. Independent placement of the pole and zero location is provided.
Figure 2
shows a simplified diagram of the local echo path for a typical application with a transformer interface. The magnitude and phase of the local echo signal, measured at VF
I, are a function of the termination impedance ZT, the line
transformer and the impedance of the 2W loop, Z pedance reflected back into the transformer primary is ex­pressed as Z VF
OtoVFXI is:
' then the echo path transfer function from
'/(ZT+ZL') (1)
. If the im-
On initial power-up, the Hybrid Balance filter is disabled. Be­fore the hybrid balance filter can be programmed it is neces­sary to design the transformer and termination impedance in order to meet system 2W input return loss specifications, which are normally measured against a fixed test impedance (600 or 900in most countries). Only then can the echo path be modeled and the hybrid balance filter programmed. Hybrid balancing is also measured against a fixed test im­pedance, specified by each national Telecom administration to provide adequate control of talker and listener echo over the majority of their network connections. This test imped­ance is Z transhybrid loss obtained by the programmable filter must be measured from the PCM digital input, D tal output, D conversion back to analog by a PCM CODEC/Filter.
Figure 2
. The echo signal and the degree of
0, to the PCM digi-
0, either by digital test signal analysis or by
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