The ’ACT715/LM1882 and ’ACT715-R/LM1882-R are 20-pin
TTL-input compatible devices capable of generating Horizontal, Vertical and Composite Sync and Blank signals for
televisions and monitors. All pulse widths are completely definable by the user. The devices are capable of generating
signals for both interlaced and noninterlaced modes of operation. Equalization and serration pulses can be introduced
into the Composite Sync signal when needed.
Four additional signals can also be made available when
Composite Sync or Blank are used. These signals can be
used to generate horizontal or vertical gating pulses, cursor
position or vertical Interrupt signal.
These devices make no assumptions concerning the system
architecture. Line rate and field/frame rate are all a function
of the values programmed into the data registers, the status
register, and the input clock frequency.
The ’ACT715/LM1882 is mask programmed to default to a
Clock Disable state. Bit10oftheStatus Register, Register 0,
defaults to a logic “0”. This facilitates (re)programming before operation.
The ’ACT715-R/LM1882-R is the same as the ’ACT715/
LM1882 in all respects except that the ’ACT715-R/
Connection Diagrams
Pin Assignment for
LM1882-R is mask programmed to default to a Clock Enabled state. Bit 10 of the Status Register defaults to a logic
“1”. Although completely (re)programmable, the ’ACT715-R/
LM1882-R version is better suited for applications using the
default 14.31818 MHz RS-170 register values. This feature
allows power-up directly into operation, following a single
CLEAR pulse.
n Maximum Input Clock Frequency>130 MHz
n Interlaced and non-interlaced formats available
n Separate or composite horizontal and vertical Sync and
Blank signals available
n Complete control of pulse width via register
n All inputs are TTL compatible
n 8 mA drive on all outputs
n Default RS170/NTSC values mask programmed into
n 4 KV minimum ESD immunity
n ’ACT715-R/LM1882-R is mask programmed to default to
a Clock Enable state for easier start-up into
14.31818 MHz RS170 timing
Pin Assignment
for LCC
54ACT715-R Programmable Video Sync Generator
Order Number LM1882CN or LM1882CM
For Default RS-170, Order Number
LM1882-RCN or LM1882-RCM
TRI-STATE®is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
is a trademark of Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation.
There are a Total of 13 inputs and 5 outputs on the ’ACT715/
Data Inputs D0–D7: The Data Input pins connect to the Address Register and the Data Input Register.
ADDR/DATA: The ADDR/DATA signal is latched into the device on the falling edge of the LOAD signal. The signal determines if an address (0) or data (1) is present on the data bus.
L/HBYTE: The L/HBYTE signal is latched into the device on
the falling edge of the LOAD signal. The signal determines if
data will be read into the 8 LSB’s (0) or the 4 MSB’s (1) of the
Data Registers. A 1 on this pin when an ADDR/DATA is a 0
enables Auto-Load Mode.
LOAD: The LOAD control pin loads data into the Address or
Data Registers on the rising edge. ADDR/DATA and
L/HBYTE data is loaded into the device on the falling edge of
the LOAD. The LOAD pin has been implemented as a
Schmitt trigger input for better noise immunity.
CLOCK: System CLOCK input from which all timing is derived. The clock pin has been implemented as a Schmitt trigger for better noise immunity. The CLOCK and the LOAD
signal are asynchronous and independent. Output state
changes occur on the falling edge of CLOCK.
CLR: The CLEAR pin is an asynchronous input that initializes the device when it is HIGH. Initialization consists of setting all registers to their mask programmed values, and initializing all counters, comparators and registers. The CLEAR
pin has been implemented as a Schmitt trigger for better
noise immunity. A CLEAR pulse should be asserted by the
user immediately after power-up to ensure proper initialization of the registers—even if the user plans to (re)program
the device.
Note: A CLEAR pulse will disable the CLOCK on the ’ACT715/LM1882 and
will enable the CLOCK on the ’ACT715-R/LM1882-R.
ODD/EVEN: Output that identifies if display is in odd (HIGH)
or even (LOW) field of interlace when device is in interlaced
mode of operation. In noninterlaced mode of operation this
output is always HIGH. Data can be serially scanned out on
this pin during Scan Mode.
VCSYNC: Outputs Vertical or Composite Sync signal based
on value of the Status Register. Equalization and Serration
pulses will (if enabled) be output on the VCSYNC signal in
composite mode only.
VCBLANK: Outputs Vertical or Composite Blanking signal
based on value of the Status Register.
HBLHDR: Outputs Horizontal Blanking signal, Horizontal
Gating signal or Cursor Position based on value of the Status Register.
HSYNVDR: Outputs Horizontal Sync signal, Vertical Gating
signal or Vertical Interrupt signal based on value of Status
Register Description
All of the data registers are 12 bits wide. Width’s of all pulses
are defined by specifying the start count and end count of all
pulses. Horizontal pulses are specified with-respect-to the
number of clock pulses per line and vertical pulses are specified with-respect-to the number of lines per frame.
The Status Register controls the mode of operation, the signals that are output and the polarity of these outputs. The default value for the Status Register is 0 (000 Hex) for the
’ACT715/LM1882 and is “1024” (400 Hex) for the
01Non Interlaced Double Serration
10Illegal State
11Non Interlaced Single Serration and
Double Equalization and Serration mode will output equalization and serration pulses at twice the HSYNC frequency
(i.e., 2 equalization or serration pulses for every HSYNC
pulse). Single Equalization and Serration mode will output
an equalization or serration pulse for every HSYNC pulse. In
Interlaced mode equalization and serration pulses will be
output during the VBLANK period of every odd and even
field. Interlaced Single Equalization and Serration mode is
not possible with this part.
Bits 5–8
Bits 5 through 8 control the polarity of the outputs. A value of
zero in these bit locations indicates an output pulse active
LOW. A value of 1 indicates an active HIGH pulse.
Bits 9 through 11 enable several different features of the device.
B9—Enable Equalization/Serration Pulses (0)
B10— Disable System Clock (0)
B11— Disable Counter Test Mode (0)
Disable Equalization/Serration Pulses (1)
Enable System Clock (1)
Default values for B10 are “0” in the ’ACT715/
LM1882 and “1” in the ’ACT715-R/LM1882-R.
Enable Counter Test Mode (1)
This bit is not intended for the user but is for internal
testing only.
Mode of Operation
The Horizontal Interval Registers determine the number of
clock cycles per line and the characteristics of the Horizontal
Sync and Blank pulses.
REG1— Horizontal Front Porch
REG2— Horizontal Sync Pulse End Time
REG3— Horizontal Blanking Width
REG4— Horizontal Interval Width
The Vertical Interval Registers determine the number of lines
per frame, and the characteristics of the Vertical Blank and
Sync Pulses.
REG5— Vertical Front Porch
REG6— Vertical Sync Pulse End Time
REG7— Vertical Blanking Width
REG8— Vertical Interval Width
These registers determine the width of equalization and serration pulses and the vertical interval over which they occur.
REG 9 — Equalization Pulse Width End Time
REG10— Serration Pulse Width End Time
REG11— Equalization/Serration Pulse Vertical
Interval Start Time
REG12— Equalization/Serration Pulse Vertical
Interval End Time
These Registers determine the width of the Vertical Interrupt
signal if used.
REG13— Vertical Interrupt Activate Time
REG14— Vertical Interrupt Deactivate Time
These 4 registers determine the cursor position location, or
they generate separate Horizontal and Vertical Gating signals.
REG15— Horizontal Cursor Position Start Time
REG16— Horizontal Cursor Position End Time
REG17— Vertical Cursor Position Start Time
REG18— Vertical Cursor Position End Time
of Clocks per
of Lines per Frame
Signal Specification
All horizontal signals are defined by a start and end time.
The start and end times are specified in number of clock
cycles per line. The start of the horizontal line is considered
pulse 1 not 0. All values of the horizontal timing registers are
referenced to the falling edge of the Horizontal Blank signal
Figure 1
causes the first falling edge of the Horizontal Blank reference
pulse, edges referenced to this first Horizontal edge are n +
1 CLOCKs away, where “n” is the width of the timing in question. Registers 1, 2, and 3 are programmed in this manner.
The horizontal counters start at 1 and count until HMAX. The
value of HMAX must be divisible by 2. This limitation is im-
). Since the first CLOCK edge, CLOCK#1,
Signal Specification (Continued)
posed because during interlace operation this value is internally divided by 2 in order to generate serration and equal-
FIGURE 1. Horizontal Waveform Specification
ization pulses at 2 x the horizontal frequency. Horizontal
signals will change on the falling edge of the CLOCK signal.
Signal specifications are shown below.
Horizontal Period (HPER)
Horizontal Blanking Width:=[REG(3) − 1] x ckper
Horizontal Sync Width:
Horizontal Front Porch:
All vertical signals are defined in terms of number of lines per
frame. This is true in both interlaced and noninterlaced
modes of operation. Care must be taken to not specify the
Vertical Registers in terms of lines per field. Since the first
Vertical Blank (first Horizontal Blank) reference pulse, edges
referenced to this first edge aren+1lines away, where “n”
is the width of the timing in question. Registers 5, 6, and 7
are programmed in this manner. Also, in the interlaced
mode, vertical timing is based on half-lines. Therefore registers 5, 6, and 7 must contain a value twice the total horizontal
(odd and even) plus 1 (as described above). In
non-interlaced mode, all vertical timing is based on
whole-lines. Register 8 is always based on whole-lines and
does not add 1 for the first clock. The vertical counter starts
at the value of 1 and counts until the value of VMAX. No restrictions exist on the values placed in the vertical registers.
Vertical Blank will change on the leading edge of HBLANK.
Vertical Sync will change on the leading edge of HSYNC.
Figure 2
Vertical Frame Period (VPER)=REG(8) x hper
Vertical Field Period (VPER/n)=REG(8) x hper/n
Vertical Blanking Width=[REG(7) − 1] x hper/n
REG(4) x ckper
[REG(2) − REG(1)] x ckper
[REG(1) − 1] x ckper
1, causes the first falling edge of the
Vertical Syncing Width=[REG(6) − REG(5)] x hper/n
Vertical Front Porch=[REG(5) − 1] x hper/n
where n=1 for noninterlaced
n=2 for interlaced
Composite Sync and Blank signals are created by logically
ANDing (ORing) the active LOW (HIGH) signals of the corresponding vertical and horizontal components of these signals. The Composite Sync signal may also include serration
and/or equalization pulses. The Serration pulse interval occurs in place of the Vertical Sync interval. Equalization
pulses occur preceding and/or following the Serration
pulses. The width and location of these pulses can be programmed through the registers shown below. (See
Horizontal Equalization PW=[REG(9) − REG(1)] x ckper
Horizontal Serration PW:
Where n
1 for noninterlaced single serration/
n=2 for noninterlaced double serration/
Horizontal Drive and Vertical Drive outputs can be utilized as
general purpose Gating Signals. Horizontal and Vertical Gating Signals are available for use when Composite Sync and
Blank signals are selected and the value of Bit 2 of the Status Register is 0. The Vertical Gating signal will change in the
same manner as that specified for the Vertical Blank.
Horizontal Gating Signal Width=[REG(16) − REG(15)] x
Vertical Gating Signal Width:
The Cursor Position and Vertical Interrupt signal are available when Composite Sync and Blank signals are selected
and Bit 2 of the Status Register is set to the value of 1. The
Cursor Position generates a single pulse of n clocks wide
during every line that the cursor is specified. The signals are
generated by logically ORing (ANDing) the active LOW
(HIGH) signals specified by the registers used for generating
Horizontal and Vertical Gating signals. The Vertical Interrupt
signal generates a pulse during the vertical interval specified. The Vertical Interrupt signal will change in the same
manner as that specified for the Vertical Blanking signal.
Horizontal Cursor Width=[REG(16) − REG(15)] x ckper
Vertical Cursor Width=[REG(18) − REG(17)] x hper
Vertical Interrupt Width=[REG(14) − REG(13)] x hper
[REG(18) − REG(17)] x
Addressing Logic
The register addressing logic is composed of two blocks of
logic. The first is the address register and counter (ADDRCNTR), and the second is the address decode (ADDRDEC).
Addresses for the data registers can be generated by one of
two methods. Manual addressing requires that each byte of
each register that needs to be loaded needs to be addressed. Toload both bytes of all 19 registers would require
a total of 57 load cycles (19 address and 38 data cycles).
Auto Addressing requires that only the initial register value
be specified. The Auto Load sequence would require only 39
load cycles to completely program all registers (1 address
and 38 data cycles). In the auto load sequence the low order
byte of the data register will be written first followed by the
high order byte on the next load cycle. At the time the High
Byte is written the address counter is incremented by 1. The
counter has been implemented to loop on the initial value
loaded into the address register. For example: If a value of 0
was written into the address register then the counter would
count from 0 to 18 before resetting back to 0. If a value of 15
was written into the address register then the counter would
count from 15 to 18 before looping back to 15. If a value
greater than or equal to 18 is placed into the address register
the counter will continuously loop on this value. Auto addressing is initiated on the falling edge of LOAD when ADDRDATA is 0 and LHBYTE is 1. Incrementing and loading of
data registers will not commence until the falling edge of
LOAD after ADDRDATA goes to 1. The next rising edge of
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