CP3BT26 Reprogrammable Connectivity Processor with
Bluetooth®, USB, and CAN Interfaces
1.0General Description
The CP3BT26 connectivity processor combines high performance with the massive integration needed for embedded
Bluetooth applications. A powerful RISC core with on-chip
SRAM and Flash memory provides high computing bandwidth, hardware communications peripherals provide highI/O bandwidth, and an external bus provides system expandability.
On-chip communications peripherals include: Bluetooth
Lower Link Controller, Universal Serial Bus (USB) 1.1 node,
CAN, Microwire/Plus, SPI, ACCESS.bus, quad UART, 12-bit
A/D converter, and Advanced Audio Interface (AAI). Additional on-chip peripherals include Random Number Generator (RNG), DMA controller, CVSD/PCM conversion
module, Timing and Watchdog Unit, Versatile Timer Unit,
Multi-Function Timer, and Multi-Input Wake-Up (MIWU)
Bluetooth hand-held devices can be both smaller and lower
in cost for maximum consumer appeal. The low voltage and
advanced power-saving modes achieve new design points
in the trade-off between battery size and operating time for
handheld and portable applications.
In addition to providing the features needed for the next generation of embedded Bluetooth products, the CP3BT26 is
backed up by the software resources designers need for
rapid time-to-market, including an operating system, Bluetooth protocol stack implementation, peripheral drivers, reference designs, and an integrated development
environment. Combined with a Bluetooth radio transceiver
such as National’s LMX5252, the CP3BT26 provides a complete Bluetooth system solution.
National Semiconductor offers a complete and industryproven application development environment for CP3BT26
applications, including the IAR Embedded Workbench,
iSYSTEM winIDEA and iC3000 Active Emulator, Bluetooth
Development Board, Bluetooth Protocol Stack, and Application Software.
CP3BT26 Connectivity Processor with Bluetooth and Dual CAN Interfaces
Block Diagram
Clock Generator
12 MHz and 32 kHz
CPU Core
PLL and Clock
256K Bytes
8K Bytes
32K Bytes
CAN 2.0B
CPU Core Bus
Peripheral Bus
Timer Unit
RF Interface
Powe r
tion Timer
Bluetooth Lower
Link Controller
1K Byte
Sequencer RAM
4.5K Bytes
Data RAM
Timing and
12-bit ADC
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and is used under license by National Semiconductor.
TRI-STATE is a registered trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
Fully static RISC processor core, capable of operating
from 0 to 24 MHz with zero wait/hold states
Minimum 41.7 ns instruction cycle time with a 24-MHz in-
ternal clock frequency, based on a 12-MHz external input
47 independently vectored peripheral interrupts
On-Chip Memory
256K bytes reprogrammable Flash program memory
8K bytes Flash data memory
32K bytes of static RAM data memory
Addresses up to 12M bytes of external memory
Broad Range of Hardware Communications Peripherals
Bluetooth Lower Link Controller (LLC) including a shared
4.5K byte Bluetooth RAM and 1K byte Bluetooth Sequencer RAM
Universal Serial Bus (USB) 1.1 full-speed node
ACCESS.bus serial bus (compatible with Philips I
CAN interface with 15 message buffers conforming to
Advanced Audio Interface (AAI) to connect to external 8/
13-bit PCM Codecs as well as to ISDN-Controllers
through the IOM-2 interface (slave only)
CVSD/PCM converter supporting one bidirectional audio
General-Purpose Hardware Peripherals
12-bit A/D Converter (ADC)
Dual 16-bit Multi-Function Timer (MFT)
Versatile Timer Unit with four subsystems (VTU)
Four-channel DMA controller
Timing and Watchdog Unit
Random Number Generator peripheral
Extensive Power and Clock Management Support
On-chip Phase Locked Loop
Support for multiple clock options
Dual clock and reset
C bus)
Power-down modes
Flexible I/O
Up to 54 general-purpose I/O pins (shared with on-chip
I/O port operation at 2.5V to 3.3V
Core logic operation at 2.5V
On-chip power-on reset
Temperature Range
-40°C to +85°C (Industrial)
LQFP-128, LQFP-144
Complete Development Environment
Pre-integrated hardware and software support for rapid
prototyping and production
Integrated environment
Project manager
Multi-file C source editor
High-level C source debugger
Comprehensive, integrated, one-stop technical support
Bluetooth Protocol Stack
Applications can interface to the high-level protocols or
directly to the low-level Host Controller Interface (HCI)
Transport layer support allows HCI command-based in-
terface over UART port
Baseband (Link Controller) hardware minimizes the
bandwidth demand on the CPU
Link Manager (LM)
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol (L2CAP)
Service Discovery Protocol (SDP)
RFCOMM Serial Port Emulation Protocol
All packet types, piconet, and scatternet functionality
CP3BT26 Connectivity Processor Selection Guide
CP3BT26G18NEP24-40° to +85°C256832054LQFP-128
CP3BT26G18NEPNOPB24-40° to +85°C256832054LQFP-128
CP3BT26G18NEPX24-40° to +85°C256832054LQFP-128
CP3BT26G18NEPXNOPB24-40° to +85°C256832054LQFP-128
CP3BT26Y98NEP24-40° to +85°C2568322348LQFP-144
CP3BT26Y98NEPNOPB24-40° to +85°C2568322348LQFP-144
CP3BT26Y98NEPX24-40° to +85°C2568322348LQFP-144
CP3BT26Y98NEPXNOPB24-40° to +85°C2568322348LQFP-144
NEP - Erased part (Bluetooth device address in Information Block 1); X - Tape and reel; NOPB - No lead solder
Temp. Range
3.0Device Overview
The CP3BT26 connectivity processor is a complete microcomputer with all system timing, interrupt logic, program
memory, data memory, and I/O ports included on-chip, making it well-suited to a wide range of embedded applications.
The block diagram on page 1 shows the major on-chip components of the CP3BT26 devices.
The CP3BT26 device implements the CR16C CPU core
module. The high performance of the CPU core results from
the implementation of a pipelined architecture with a twobytes-per-cycle pipelined system bus. As a result, the CPU
can support a peak execution rate of one instruction per
clock cycle.
For more information, please refer to the CR16C Programmer’s Reference Manual (document number 424521772101, which may be downloaded from National’s web site at
The CP3BT26 devices support a uniform linear address
space of up to 16 megabytes. Three types of on-chip memory occupy specific regions within this address space, along
with any external memory:
256K bytes of Flash program memory
8K bytes of Flash data memory
32K bytes of static RAM
Up to 12M bytes of external memory (144-pin devices)
The 256K bytes of Flash program memory are used to store
the application program, Bluetooth protocol stack, and realtime operating system. The Flash memory has security features to prevent unintentional programming and to prevent
unauthorized access to the program code. This memory
can be programmed with an external programming unit or
with the device installed in the application system (in-system programming).
The 8K bytes of Flash data memory are used for non-volatile storage of data entered by the end-user, such as configuration settings.
The 32K bytes of static RAM are used for temporary storage
of data and for the program stack and interrupt stack. Read
and write operations can be byte-wide or word-wide, depending on the instruction executed by the CPU.
Up to 12M bytes of external memory can be added on an
external bus. The external bus is only available on devices
in 144-pin packages.
For Flash program and data memory, the device internally
generates the necessary voltages for programming. No additional power supply is required.
The device has up to 54 software-configurable I/O pins, organized into seven ports called Port B, Port C, Port E, Port
G, Port H, Port I, and Port J. Each pin can be configured to
operate as a general-purpose input or general-purpose output. In addition, many I/O pins can be configured to operate
as inputs or outputs for on-chip peripheral modules such as
the UART, timers, or Microwire/SPI interface.
The I/O pin characteristics are fully programmable. Each pin
can be configured to operate as a TRI-STATE output, pushpull output, weak pull-up input, or high-impedance input.
The Bus Interface Unit (BIU) controls access to internal/external memory and I/O. It determines the configured parameters for bus access (such as the number of wait states for
memory access) and issues the appropriate bus signals for
each requested access.
The BIU uses a set of control registers to determine how
many wait states and hold states are used when accessing
Flash program memory and the I/O area. At start-up, the
configuration registers are set for slowest possible memory
access. To achieve fastest possible program execution, appropriate values must be programmed. These settings vary
with the clock frequency and the type of off-chip device being accessed.
The ICU receives interrupt requests from internal and external sources and generates interrupts to the CPU. An interrupt is an event that temporarily stops the normal flow of
program execution and causes a separate interrupt handler
to be executed. After the interrupt is serviced, CPU execution continues with the next instruction in the program following the point of interruption.
Interrupts from the timers, UARTs, Microwire/SPI interface,
and Multi-Input Wake-Up, are all maskable interrupts; they
can be enabled or disabled by software. There are 47
maskable interrupts, assigned to 47 linear priority levels.
The highest-priority interrupt is the Non-Maskable Interrupt
), which is generated by a signal received on the NMI
input pin.
The two Multi-Input Wake-Up (MIWU) modules can be used
for two purposes: to provide inputs for waking up (exiting)
from the Halt, Idle, or Power Save mode, and to provide general-purpose edge-triggered maskable interrupts to the level-sensitive interrupt control unit (ICU) inputs. Each 16channel module generates four programmable interrupts to
the ICU, for a total of 8 ICU inputs generated from 32 MIWU
inputs. Channels can be individually enabled or disabled,
and programmed to respond to positive or negative edges.
The integrated hardware Bluetooth Lower Link Controller
(LLC) complies to the Bluetooth Specification Version 1.1
and integrates the following functions:
4.5K-byte dedicated Bluetooth Data RAM
1K-byte dedicated Bluetooth Sequencer RAM
Support of all Bluetooth 1.1 packet types
Support for fast frequency hopping of 1600 hops/s
Access code correlation and slot timing recovery circuit
Power Management Control Logic
BlueRF-compatible interface (mode 2/3) to connect with
National’s LMX5252 and other RF transceiver chips
The CR16 USB node is a Universal Serial Bus (USB) Node
controller compatible with USB Specification 1.1. It integrates the required USB transceiver, the Serial Interface Engine (SIE), and USB endpoint FIFOs. A total of seven
endpoint pipes are supported: one bidirectional pipe for the
mandatory control EP0 and an additional six pipes for unidirectional endpoints to support USB interrupt, bulk, and isochronous data transfers.
The CAN module contains a Full CAN 2.0B class, CAN serial bus interface for applications that require a high-speed
(up to 1 Mbits per second) or a low-speed interface with
CAN bus master capability. The data transfer between CAN
and the CPU is established by 15 memory-mapped message buffers, which can be individually configured as receive or transmit buffers. An incoming message is filtered by
two masks, one for the first 14 message buffers and another
one for the 15th message buffer to provide a basic CAN
path. A priority decoder allows any buffer to have the highest or lowest transmit priority. Remote transmission requests can be processed automatically by automatic
reconfiguration to a receiver after transmission or by automated transmit scheduling upon reception. In addition, a
time stamp counter (16-bits wide) is provided to support
real-time applications.
The CAN module is a fast core bus peripheral, which allows
single-cycle byte or word read/write access. A set of diagnostic features (such as loopback, listen only, and error
identification) support the development with the CAN module and provide a sophisticated error management tool.
The CAN receiver can trigger a wake-up condition out of the
low-power modes through the Multi-Input Wake-Up module.
Four UART modules support a wide range of programmable
baud rates and data formats, parity generation, and several
error detection schemes. The baud rate is generated onchip, under software control. One UART channel supports
hardware flow control, DMA, and USART capability (synchronous mode).
The UARTs offer a wake-up condition from the low-power
modes using the Multi-Input Wake-Up module.
The audio interface provides a serial synchronous, full-duplex interface to CODECs and similar serial devices. Transmit and receive paths operate asynchronously with respect
to each other. Each path uses three signals for communication: shift clock, frame synchronization, and data.
When the receiver and transmitter use separate shift clocks
and frame sync signals, the interface operates in its asynchronous mode. Alternatively, the transmit and receive path
can share the same shift clock and frame sync signals for
synchronous mode operation.
The CVSD/PCM module performs conversion between
CVSD data and PCM data, in which the CVSD encoding is
as defined in the Bluetooth specification and the PCM data
can be 8-bit µ-Law, 8-bit A-Law, or 13-bit to 16-bit Linear.
This device contains an 8-channel, multiplexed input, successive approximation, 12-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter. It
supports both Single Ended and Differential modes of operation.
The integrated 12-bit ADC provides the following features:
8-channel, multiplexed input
4 differential channels
Single-ended and differential external filtering capability
12-bit resolution; 11-bit accuracy
15-microsecond conversion time
Support for 4-wire touchscreen applications
External start trigger
Programmable start delay after start trigger
Poll or interrupt on done
The ADC is compatible with 4-wire resistive touchscreen
applications and is intended to provide the resolution necessary to support handwriting recognition. Low-ohmic touchscreen drivers are provided internally on the ADC[3:0] pins.
Pendown detection is also provided.
The ADC provides several options for the voltage reference
source. The positive reference can be ADVCC (internal),
VREFP, ADC0, or ADC3. The negative reference can be
ADVCC (internal), ADC1, or ADC2.
Two specific analog channel selection modes are supported. These are as follows:
Allow any specific channel to be selected at one time.
The A/D Converter performs the specific conversion requested and stops.
Allow any differential channel pair to be selected at one
time. The A/D Converter performs the specific differential
conversion requested and stops.
In both Single-Ended and Differential modes, there is the
capability to connect the analog multiplexer output and A/D
converter input to external pins. This provides the ability to
externally connect a common filter/signal conditioning circuit for the A/D Converter.
RNG peripheral for use in Trusted Computer Peripheral Applications (TCPA) to improve the authenticity, integrity, and
privacy of Internet-based communication and commerce.
The Microwire/SPI (MWSPI) interface module supports synchronous serial communications with other devices that
conform to Microwire or Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)
specifications. It supports 8-bit and 16-bit data transfers.
The Microwire interface allows several devices to communicate over a single system consisting of four wires: serial in,
serial out, shift clock, and slave enable. At any given time,
the Microwire interface operates as the master or a slave.
The Microwire interface supports the full set of slave select
for multi-slave implementation.
In master mode, the shift clock is generated on-chip under
software control. In slave mode, a wake-up out of a lowpower mode may be triggered using the Multi-Input WakeUp module.
The ACCESS.bus interface module (ACB) is a two-wire serial interface compatible with the ACCESS.bus physical layer. It is also compatible with Intel’s System Management
Bus (SMBus) and Philips’ I
configured as a bus master or slave, and it can maintain bidirectional communications with both multiple master and
slave devices.
The ACCESS.bus receiver can trigger a wake-up condition
out of the low-power modes through the Multi-Input WakeUp module.
C bus. The ACB module can be
The Multi-Function Timer (MFT) module contains a pair of
16-bit timer/counter registers. Each timer/counter unit can
be configured to operate in any of the following modes:
— Processor-Independent Pulse Width Modulation
(PWM) mode: Generates pulses of a specified width
and duty cycle and provides a general-purpose timer/
— Dual Input Capture mode: Measures the elapsed time
between occurrences of external event and provides
a general-purpose timer/counter.
— Dual Independent Timer mode: Generates system
timing signals or counts occurrences of external
— Single Input Capture and Single Timer mode: Pro-
vides one external event counter and one system timer.
The Timing and Watchdog Module (TWM) contains a RealTime timer and a Watchdog unit. The Real-Time Clock Timing function can be used to generate periodic real-time
based system interrupts. The timer output is one of 16 inputs to the Multi-Input Wake-Up module which can be used
to exit from a power-saving mode. The Watchdog unit is designed to detect the application program getting stuck in an
infinite loop resulting in loss of program control or “runaway”
programs. When the watchdog triggers, it resets the device.
The TWM is clocked by the low-speed System Clock.
The Versatile Timer Unit (VTU) module contains four independent timer subsystems, each operating in either dual 8bit PWM configuration, as a single 16-bit PWM timer, or a
16-bit counter with two input capture channels. Each of the
four timer subsystems offer an 8-bit clock prescaler to accommodate a wide range of frequencies.
The Triple Clock and Reset module generates a high-speed
main System Clock from an external crystal network. It also
provides the main system reset signal and a power-on reset
This module generates a slow System Clock (32.768 kHz)
from an optional external crystal network. The Slow Clock is
used for operating the device in a low-power mode. The
32.768 kHz external crystal network is optional, because
the low speed System Clock can be derived from the highspeed clock by a prescaler. Also, two independent clocks divided down from the high speed clock are available on output pins.
The Triple Clock and Reset module provides the clock signals required for the operation of the various CP3BT26 onchip modules. From external crystal networks, it generates
the Main Clock, which can be scaled up to 24 MHz from an
external 12 MHz input clock, and a 32.768 kHz secondary
System Clock. The 12 MHz external clock is primarily used
as the reference frequency for the on-chip PLL. The clock
for modules which require a fixed clock rate (e.g. the Bluetooth LLC and the CVSD/PCM transcoder) is also generated through prescalers from the 12 MHz clock. The PLL may
be used to drive the high-speed System Clock through a
prescaler. Alternatively, the high speed System Clock can
be derived directly from the 12 MHz Main Clock.
In addition, this module generates the device reset by using
reset input signals coming from an external reset and various on-chip modules.
The Power Management Module (PMM) improves the efficiency of the device by changing the operating mode and
power consumption to match the required level of activity.
The device can operate in any of four power modes:
— Active: The device operates at full speed using the
high-frequency clock. All device functions are fully operational.
— Power Save: The device operates at reduced speed
using the Slow Clock. The CPU and some modules
can continue to operate at this low speed.
— Idle: The device is inactive except for the Power Man-
agement Module and Timing and Watchdog Module,
which continue to operate using the Slow Clock.
— Halt: The device is inactive but still retains its internal
state (RAM and register contents).
The Direct Memory Access Controller (DMAC) can speed
up data transfer between memory and I/O devices or between two memories, relative to data transfers performed directly by the CPU. A method called cycle-stealing allows the
CPU and the DMAC to share the CPU bus efficiently. The
DMAC implements four independent DMA channels. DMA
requests from a primary and a secondary source are recognized for each DMA channel, as well as a software DMA request issued directly by the CPU. Table 1 shows the DMA
channel assignment on the CP3BT26 architecture. The following on-chip modules can assert a DMA request to the
•CR16C (Software DMA request)
•Advanced Audio Interface
•CVSD/PCM Converter
Table 1 shows how the four DMA channels are assigned
to the modules listed above.
In the normal mode of operation, the interface only transfers
one word at a periodic rate. In the network mode, the interface transfers multiple words at a periodic rate. The periodic
rate is also called a data frame and each word within one
frame is called a slot. The beginning of each new data frame
is marked by the frame sync signal.
The Serial Debug Interface module (SDI module) provides
a JTAG-based serial link to an external debugger, for example running on a PC. In addition, the SDI module integrates
an on-chip debug module, which allows the user to set up to
eight hardware breakpoints on instruction execution and
data transfer. The SDI module can act as a CPU bus master
to access all memory mapped resources, such as RAM and
peripherals. Therefore it also allows for fast program code
download into the on-chip Flash program memory using the
JTAG interface.
In addition to providing the features needed for the next generation of embedded Bluetooth products, the CP3BT26 devices are backed up by the software resources designers
need for rapid product development, including an operating
system, Bluetooth protocol stack implementation, peripheral drivers, reference designs, and an integrated development environment. Combined with National’s LMX5251
Bluetooth radio transceiver, the CP3BT26 devices provide a
total Bluetooth system solution.
National Semiconductor offers a complete and industryproven application development environment for CP3BT26
applications, including the IAR Embedded Workbench,
iSYSTEM winIDEA and iC3000 Active Emulator, Bluetooth
Development Board, Bluetooth Protocol Stack, and Application Software. See your National Semiconductor sales representative for current information on availability and
features of emulation equipment and evaluation boards.
Table 1 DMA Channel Assignment
The interface can handle data words of either 8- or 16-bit
length and data frames can consist of up to four slots.
Some pins may be enabled as general-purpose I/O-port
pins or as alternate functions associated with specific peripherals or interfaces. These pins may be individually configured as port pins, even when the associated peripheral or
interface is enabled. Table 2 describes the device signals for
the LQFP-128 package. Table 3 describes the device signals for the LQFP-144 package.
Figure 1. CP3BT26 Device SIgnals
Table 2 CP3BT26 LQFP-128 Signal Descriptions
NamePinsI/OPrimary Function
Input12 MHz Oscillator InputBBCLKBB reference clock for the RF Interface
Output 12 MHz Oscillator OutputNoneNone
Input32 kHz Oscillator InputNoneNone
Output 32 kHz Oscillator OutputNoneNone
InputChip general resetNoneNone
Output JTAG Test Data OutputNoneNone
Special mode select input with
internal pull-up during reset
Special mode select input with
internal pull-up during reset
Special mode select input with
internal pull-up during reset
JTAG Test Mode Select
(with internal weak pull-up)
JTAG Test Clock Input
(with internal weak pull-up)
JTAG Test Data Input
(with internal weak pull-up)
PLLCLKPLL Clock Output
CPUCLKCPU Clock Output
SLOWCLK Slow Clock Output
Alternate Function
Output NEXUS Ready OutputNoneNone
InputCore GroundNoneNone
InputI/O GroundNoneNone
InputPLL Analog Power SupplyNoneNone
1InputPLL Analog GroundNoneNone
InputADC Analog Power SupplyNoneNone
1InputADC Analog GroundNoneNone
1I/OBluetooth RX/TX Data Pin NoneNone
1I/OACCESS.bus ClockNoneNone
1I/OACCESS.bus Serial DataNoneNone
I/OUSB D- Upstream PortNoneNone
I/OUSB D+ Upstream PortNoneNone
Input3.3V USB Transceiver SupplyNoneNone
1InputUSB Transceiver GroundNoneNone
2.5V Core Logic
Power Supply
–3.3V I/O Power SupplyNoneNone
1I/OADC Input Channel 0TSX+Touchscreen X+ contact
1I/OADC Input Channel 1TSY+Touchscreen Y+ contact
1I/OADC Input Channel 2TSX-Touchscreen X- contact
NamePinsI/OPrimary Function
Alternate Function
1I/OADC Input Channel 3TSY-Touchscreen Y- contact
1I/OADC Input Channel 4MUXOUT0 Analog Multiplexer Output 0
1I/OADC Input Channel 5MUXOUT1 Analog Multiplexer Output 1
1InputADC Input Channel 6NoneNone
1InputADC Input Channel 7ADCINADC Input (in MUX mode)
1InputADC Positive Voltage ReferenceNoneNone
8I/OGeneric I/ONoneNone
8I/OGeneric I/ONoneNone
1I/OGeneric I/ORXD0UART Channel 0 Receive Data Input
1I/OGeneric I/OTXD0UART Channel 0 Transmit Data Output
The CP3BT26 uses the CR16C third-generation 16-bit
CompactRISC processor core. The CPU implements a Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) architecture that allows an effective execution rate of up to one instruction per
clock cycle. For a detailed description of the CPU16C architecture, see the CompactRISC CR16C Programmer’s Ref-erence Manual which is available on the National
Semiconductor web site (http://www.nsc.com).
The CR16C CPU core includes these internal registers:
General-purpose registers (R0-R13, RA, and SP)
Dedicated address registers (PC, ISP, USP, and INT-
Processor Status Register (PSR)
Configuration Register (CFG)
The R0-R11, PSR, and CFG registers are 16 bits wide. The
R12, R13, RA, SP, ISP and USP registers are 32 bits wide.
The PC register is 24 bits wide. Figure 2 shows the CPU
Dedicated Address Registers
Processor Status Register
Configuration Register
Figure 2. CPU Registers
Some register bits are designated as “reserved.” Software
must write a zero to these bit locations when it writes to the
register. Read operations from reserved bit locations return
undefined values.
The CompactRISC CPU features 16 general-purpose registers. These registers are used individually as 16-bit operands or as register pairs for operations on addresses
greater than 16 bits.
General-purpose registers are defined as R0 through
R13, RA, and SP.
Registers are grouped into pairs based on the setting of
the Short Register bit in the Configuration Register
(CFG.SR). When the CFG.SR bit is set, the grouping of
register pairs is upward-compatible with the architecture
of the earlier CR16A/B CPU cores: (R1,R0), (R2,R1) ...
(R11,R10), (R12_L, R11), (R13_L, R12_L), (R14_L,
R13_L) and SP. (R14_L, R13_L) is the same as
General-Purpose Registers
When the CFG.SR bit is clear, register pairs are grouped
in the manner used by native CR16C software: (R1,R0),
(R2,R1) ... (R11,R10), (R12_L, R11), R12, R13, RA, SP.
R12, R13, RA, and SP are 32-bit registers for holding addresses greater than 16 bits.
With the recommended calling convention for the architecture, some of these registers are assigned special hardware
and software functions. Registers R0 to R13 are for generalpurpose use, such as holding variables, addresses, or index
values. The SP register holds a pointer to the program runtime stack. The RA register holds a subroutine return address. The R12 and R13 registers are available to hold base
addresses used in the index addressing mode.
If a general-purpose register is specified by an operation
that is 8 bits long, only the lower byte of the register is used;
the upper part is not referenced or modified. Similarly, for
word operations on register pairs, only the lower word is
used. The upper word is not referenced or modified.
The CR16C has four dedicated address registers to implement specific functions: the PC, ISP, USP, and INTBASE
5.2.1Program Counter (PC) Register
The 24-bit value in the PC register points to the first byte of
the instruction currently being executed. CR16C instructions are aligned to even addresses, therefore the least significant bit of the PC is always 0. At reset, the PC is
initialized to 0 or an optional predetermined value. When a
warm reset occurs, value of the PC prior to reset is saved in
the (R1,R0) general-purpose register pair.
5.2.2Interrupt Stack Pointer (ISP)
The 32-bit ISP register points to the top of the interrupt
stack. This stack is used by hardware to service exceptions
(interrupts and traps). The stack pointer may be accessed
as the ISP register for initialization. The interrupt stack can
be located anywhere in the CPU address space. The ISP
cannot be used for any purpose other than the interrupt
stack, which is used for automatic storage of the CPU registers when an exception occurs and restoration of these
registers when the exception handler returns. The interrupt
stack grows downward in memory. The least significant bit
and the 8 most significant bits of the ISP register are always
5.2.3User Stack Pointer (USP)
The USP register points to the top of the user-mode program stack. Separate stacks are available for user and supervisor modes, to support protection mechanisms for
multitasking software. The processor mode is controlled by
the U bit in the PSR register (which is called PSR.U in the
shorthand convention). Stack grow downward in memory. If
the USP register points to an illegal address (any address
greater than 0x00FF_FFFF) and the USP is used for stack
access, an IAD trap is taken.
5.2.4Interrupt Base Register (INTBASE)
The INTBASE register holds the address of the dispatch table for exceptions. The dispatch table can be located anywhere in the CPU address space. When loading the
INTBASE register, bits 31 to 24 and bit 0 must written with 0.
The PSR provides state information and controls operating
modes for the CPU. The format of the PSR is shown below.
1512 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
ReservedIP E 0 N Z F 0 U L T C
CThe Carry bit indicates whether a carry or bor-
row occurred after addition or subtraction.
0 – No carry or borrow occurred.
1 – Carry or borrow occurred.
TThe Trace bit enables execution tracing, in
which a Trace trap (TRC) is taken after every
instruction. Tracing is automatically disabled
during the execution of an exception handler.
– Tracing disabled.
1 – Tracing enabled.
LThe Low bit indicates the result of the last
comparison operation, with the operands interpreted as unsigned integers.
– Second operand greater than or equal to
first operand.
1 – Second operand less than first operand.
UThe User Mode bit controls whether the CPU
is in user or supervisor mode. In supervisor
mode, the SP register is used for stack operations. In user mode, the USP register is used
instead. User mode is entered by executing
the Jump USR instruction. When an exception
is taken, the exception handler automatically
begins execution in supervisor mode. The
USP register is accessible using the Load
Processor Register (LPR/LPRD) instruction in
supervisor mode. In user mode, an attempt to
access the USP register generates a UND
– CPU is executing in supervisor mode.
– CPU is executing in user mode.
FThe Flag bit is a general condition flag for sig-
nalling exception conditions or distinguishing
the results of an instruction, among other
thing uses. For example, integer arithmetic instructions use the F bit to indicate an overflow
condition after an addition or subtraction operation.
ZThe Zero bit is used by comparison opera-
tions. In a comparison of integers, the Z bit is
set if the two operands are equal. If the operands are unequal, the Z bit is cleared.
– Source and destination operands un-
1 – Source and destination operands equal.
NThe Negative bit indicates the result of the last
comparison operation, with the operands interpreted as signed integers.
– Second operand greater than or equal to
first operand.
1 – Second operand less than first operand.
EThe Local Maskable Interrupt Enable bit en-
ables or disables maskable interrupts. If this
bit and the Global Maskable Interrupt Enable
(I) bit are both set, all interrupts are enabled.
If either of these bits is clear, only the nonmaskable interrupt is enabled. The E bit is set
by the Enable Interrupts (EI) instruction and
cleared by the Disable Interrupts (DI) instruction.
– Maskable interrupts disabled.
1 – Maskable interrupts enabled.
PThe Trace Trap Pending bit is used together
with the Trace (T) bit to prevent a Trace (TRC)
trap from occurring more than once for one instruction. At the beginning of the execution of
an instruction, the state of the T bit is copied
into the P bit. If the P bit remains set at the end
of the instruction execution, the TRC trap is
– No trace trap pending.
– Trace trap pending.
IThe Global Maskable Interrupt Enable bit is
used to enable or disable maskable interrupts.
If this bit and the Local Maskable Interrupt Enable (E) bit are both set, all maskable interrupts are taken. If either bit is clear, only the
non-maskable interrupt is taken. Unlike the E
bit, the I bit is automatically cleared when an
interrupt occurs and automatically set upon
completion of an interrupt handler.
– Maskable interrupts disabled.
1 – Maskable interrupts enabled.
Bits Z, C, L, N, and F of the PSR are referenced from assembly language by the condition code in conditional
branch instructions. A conditional branch instruction may
cause a branch in program execution, based on the value of
one or more of these PSR bits. For example, one of the
Bcond instructions, BEQ (Branch EQual), causes a branch
if the PSR.Z bit is set.
On reset, bits 0 through 11 of the PSR are cleared, except
for the PSR.E bit, which is set. On warm reset, the values of
each bit before reset are copied into the R2 general-purpose register. Bits 4 and 8 of the PSR have a constant value
of 0. Bits 12 through 15 are reserved. In general, status bits
are modified only by specific instructions. Otherwise, status
bits maintain their values throughout instructions which do
not implicitly affect them.
The CFG register is used to enable or disable various operating modes and to control optional on-chip caches. Because the CP3BT26 does not have cache memory, the
cache control bits in the CFG register are reserved. All CFG
bits are cleared on reset.
1510 987 6 52 1 0
ReservedSR ED 0 0Reserved0 0
EDThe Extended Dispatch bit selects whether
the size of an entry in the interrupt dispatch table (IDT) is 16 or 32 bits. Each entry holds the
address of the appropriate exception handler.
When the IDT has 16-bit entries, and all exception handlers must reside in the first 128K
of the address space. The location of the IDT
is held in the INTBASE register, which is not
affected by the state of the ED bit.
– Interrupt dispatch table has 16-bit entries.
1 – Interrupt dispatch table has 32-bit entries.
SRThe Short Register bit enables a compatibility
mode for the CR16B large model. In the
CR16C core, registers R12, R13, and RA are
extended to 32 bits. In the CR16B large model, only the lower 16 bits of these registers are
used, and these “short registers” are paired
together for 32-bit operations. In this mode,
the (RA, R13) register pair is used as the extended RA register, and address displacements relative to a single register are
supported with offsets of 0 and 14 bits in place
of the index addressing with these displacements.
– 32-bit registers are used.
1 – 16-bit registers are used (CR16B mode).
The CR16C CPU core implements a load/store architecture, in which arithmetic and logical instructions operate on
register operands. Memory operands are made accessible
in registers using load and store instructions. For efficient
implementation of I/O-intensive embedded applications, the
architecture also provides a set of bit operations that operate on memory operands.
The load and store instructions support these addressing
modes: register/pair, immediate, relative, absolute, and index addressing. When register pairs are used, the lower bits
are in the lower index register and the upper bits are in the
higher index register. When the CFG.SR bit is clear, the 32bit registers R12, R13, RA, and SP are also treated as register pairs.
References to register pairs in assembly language use parentheses. With a register pair, the lower numbered register
pair must be on the right. For example,
jump (r5, r4)
load $4(r4,r3), (r6,r5)
load $5(r12), (r13)
The instruction set supports the following addressing
Relative Mode In relative mode, the operand is ad-
In register/pair mode, the operand is held
in a general-purpose register, or in a general-purpose register pair. For example,
the following instruction adds the contents of the low byte of register r1 to the
contents of the low byte of r2, and places
the result in the low byte register r2. The
high byte of register r2 is not modified.
In immediate mode, the operand is a con-
stant value which is encoded in the instruction. For example, the following
instruction multiplies the value of r4 by 4
and places the result in r4.
MULW $4, R4
dressed using a relative value (displacement) encoded in the instruction. This
displacement is relative to the current
Program Counter (PC), a general-purpose register, or a register pair.
In branch instructions, the displacement
is always relative to the current value of
the PC Register. For example, the following instruction causes an unconditional
branch to an address 10 ahead of the
current PC.
BR *+10
In another example, the operand resides
in memory. Its address is obtained by
adding a displacement encoded in the instruction to the contents of register r5.
The address calculation does not modify
the contents of register r5.
LOADW 12(R5), R6
The following example calculates the ad-
dress of a source operand by adding a
displacement of 4 to the contents of a
register pair (r5, r4) and loads this operand into the register pair (r7, r6). r7 receives the high word of the operand, and
r6 receives the low word.
LOADD 4(r5, r4), (r7, r6)
Index ModeIn index mode, the operand address is
calculated with a base address held in either R12 or R13. The CFG.SR bit must
be clear to use this mode.
For relative mode operands, the mem-
ory address is calculated by adding
the value of a register pair and a displacement to the base address. The
displacement can be a 14 or 20-bit unsigned value, which is encoded in the
For absolute mode operands, the
memory address is calculated by adding a 20-bit absolute address encoded
in the instruction to the base address.
In the following example, the operand address is the sum of the displacement 4,
the contents of the register pair (r5,r4),
and the base address held in register r12.
The word at this address is loaded into
register r6.
LOADW [r12]4(r5, r4), r6
Absolute Mode In absolute mode, the operand is located
in memory, and its address is encoded in
the instruction (normally 20 or 24 bits).
For example, the following instruction
loads the byte at address 4000 into the
lower 8 bits of register r6.
LOADB 4000, r6
For additional information on the addressing modes, see the
CompactRISC CR16C Programmer's Reference Manual.
A stack is a last-in, first-out data structure for dynamic storage of data and addresses. A stack consists of a block of
memory used to hold the data and a pointer to the top of the
stack. As more data is pushed onto a stack, the stack grows
downward in memory. The CR16C supports two types of
stacks: the interrupt stack and program stacks.
5.6.1Interrupt Stack
The processor uses the interrupt stack to save and restore
the program state during the exception handling. Hardware
automatically pushes this data onto the interrupt stack before entering an exception handler. When the exception
handler returns, hardware restores the processor state with
data popped from the interrupt stack. The interrupt stack
pointer is held in the ISP register.
5.6.2Program Stack
The program stack is normally used by software to save and
restore register values on subroutine entry and exit, hold local and temporary variables, and hold parameters passed
between the calling routine and the subroutine. The only
hardware mechanisms which operate on the program stack
are the PUSH, POP, and POPRET instructions.
5.6.3User and Supervisor Stack Pointers
To support multitasking operating systems, support is provided for two program stack pointers: a user stack pointer
and a supervisor stack pointer. When the PSR.U bit is clear,
the SP register is used for all program stack operations. This
is the default mode when the user/supervisor protection
mechanism is not used, and it is the supervisor mode when
protection is used.
When the PSR.U bit is set, the processor is in user mode,
and the USP register is used as the program stack pointer.
User mode can only be entered using the JUSR instruction,
which performs a jump and sets the PSR.U bit. User mode
is exited when an exception is taken and re-entered when
the exception handler returns. In user mode, the LPRD instruction cannot be used to change the state of processor
registers (such as the PSR).
Table 4 lists the operand specifiers for the instruction set,
and Table 5 is a summary of all instructions. For each instruction, the table shows the mnemonic and a brief description of the operation performed.
In the mnemonic column, the lower-case letter “i” is used to
indicate the type of integer that the instruction operates on,
either “B” for byte or “W” for word. For example, the notation
ADDi for the “add” instruction means that there are two
forms of this instruction, ADDB and ADDW, which operate
on bytes and words, respectively.
Similarly, the lower-case string “cond” is used to indicate the
type of condition tested by the instruction. For example, the
notation Jcond represents a class of conditional jump instructions: JEQ for Jump on Equal, JNE for Jump on Not
Equal, etc. For detailed information on all instructions, see
the CompactRISC CR16C Programmer's Reference Manu-al.
Table 4 Key to Operand Specifiers
Operand SpecifierDescription
absAbsolute address
IpositionBit position in memory
RbaseBase register (relative mode)
RdestDestination register
RindexIndex register
RPbase, RPbasexBase register pair (relative mode)
RPdestDestination register pair
RPlinkLink register pair
RpositionBit position in register
Displacement (numeric suffix
indicates number of bits)
Immediate operand (numeric suf-
fix indicates number of bits)
Rproc16-bit processor register
Rprocd32-bit processor register
RPsrcSource register pair
RPtargetTarget register pair
Rsrc, Rsrc1, Rsrc2Source register
Table 5 Instruction Set Summary
MOViRsrc/imm, RdestMove
MOVXBRsrc, RdestMove with sign extension
MOVZBRsrc, RdestMove with zero extension
MOVXWRsrc, RPdestMove with sign extension
MOVZWRsrc, RPdestMove with zero extension
MOVDimm, RPdestMove immediate to register-pair
RPsrc, RPdestMove between register-pairs
ADD[U]iRsrc/imm, RdestAdd
ADDCiRsrc/imm, RdestAdd with carry
ADDDRPsrc/imm, RPdestAdd with RP or immediate.
MACQWaRsrc1, Rsrc2, RPdestMultiply signed Q15:
RPdest := RPdest + (Rsrc1 × Rsrc2)
MACSWaRsrc1, Rsrc2, RPdestMultiply signed and add result:
RPdest := RPdest + (Rsrc1 × Rsrc2)
MACUWaRsrc1, Rsrc2, RPdestMultiply unsigned and add result:
RPsrc, (Rindex)disp(RPbasex)Store (register pair index relative)
RPsrc, (Rindex)absStore (absolute index relative)
STOR IMMimm4, disp(Rbase)Store unsigned 4-bit immediate value extended to operand
imm4, disp(RPbase)
imm4, (Rindex)disp(RPbasex)
imm4, abs
imm4, (Rindex)abs
LOADMimm3Load 1 to 8 registers (R2-R5, R8-R11) from memory
length in memory
starting at (R0)
LOADMPimm3Load 1 to 8 registers (R2-R5, R8-R11) from memory
STORMSTORM imm3Store 1 to 8 registers (R2-R5, R8-R11) to memory starting
starting at (R1, R0)
at (R2)
Table 5 Instruction Set Summary
STORMPimm3Store 1 to 8 registers (R2-R5, R8-R11) to memory starting
at (R7,R6)
DIDisable maskable interrupts
EIEnable maskable interrupts
EIWAITEnable maskable interrupts and wait for interrupt
NOPNo operation
WAITWait for interrupt
The CP3BT26 supports a uniform 16M-byte linear address
space. Table 6 lists the types of memory and peripherals
that occupy this memory space. Unlisted address ranges
Table 6 CP3BT26 Memory Map
are reserved and must not be read or written. The BIU
zones are regions of the address space that share the same
control bits in the Bus Interface Unit (BIU).
00 0000h03 FFFFh256K
04 0000h0C FFFFh576KReserved
0D 0000h0D 1FFFh8KOn-chip Flash Data Memory
0D 2000h0D FFFFh56KReserved
0E 0000h0E 7FFFh32KSystem RAMN/A
0E 8000h0E 91FFh4.5KBluetooth Data RAM
0E 9200h0E E7FFh21.5KReserved
0E E800h0E EBFFh1KBluetooth Lower Link Controller Sequencer RAM
0E EC00h0E EFFFh1KReserved
0E F000h0E F13Fh320CAN Buffers and Registers
0E F140h0E F17Fh64Reserved
0E F180h0E F1FFh128Bluetooth Lower Link Controller Registers
0E F200h0F FFFFh67KReserved
10 0000h3F FFFFh3072KReserved
Size in
DescriptionBIU Zone
On-chip Flash Program Memory, including Boot
Static Zone 0
(mapped internally
in IRE and ERE
mode; mapped to
the external bus in
DEV mode)
40 0000h7F FFFFh4096KExternal Memory Zone 1Static Zone 1
80 0000hFE FFFFh8128KExternal Memory Zone 2Static Zone 2
FF 0000hFF F1FFh61952Reserved
FF F200hFF F5FFh1KPeripherals and Other I/O PortsN/A
FF FC00hFF FFFFh1KPeripherals and Other I/O PortsN/A
The operating environment controls whether external memory is supported and whether the reset vector jumps to a
code space intended to support In-System Programming
(ISP). Up to 12M of external memory space is available.
The operating mode of the device is controlled by the states
on the ENV[2:0] pins at reset and the states of the EMPTY
bits in the Protection Word, as shown in Table 7. Internal
pullups on the ENV[2:0] pins select IRE mode or ISP mode
if these pins are allowed to float.
When ENV[2:0] = 111b, IRE mode is selected unless the
EMPTY bits in the Protection word indicate that the program
flash memory is empty (unprogrammed), in which case ISP
mode is selected. When ENV[2:0] = 011b, ERE mode is selected unless the EMPTY bits indicate that the program
flash memory is empty, in which case ISP mode is selected.
When ENV[2:0] = 110b, ISP mode is selected without regard to the states of the EMPTY bits. See Section 8.4.2 for
more details.
In the DEV environment, the on-chip flash memory is disabled, and the corresponding region of the address space
is mapped to external memory. DEVINT mode is equivalent
to DEV mode but maps static memory zone 0 to the on-chip
Table 7 Operating Environment Selection
ENV[2:0] EMPTYOperating Environment
111NoInternal ROM enabled (IRE) mode
011NoExternal ROM enabled (ERE) mode
000N/ADevelopment (DEV) mode
110N/AIn-System-Programming (ISP) mode
111YesIn-System-Programming (ISP) mode
011YesIn-System-Programming (ISP) mode
Development (DEVINT) mode with
internal memory
The BIU controls the interface between the CPU core bus
and those on-chip modules which are mapped into BIU
zones. These on-chip modules are the flash program memory and the I/O zone. The BIU controls the configured parameters for bus access (such as the number of wait states
for memory access) and issues the appropriate bus signals
for the requested access.
There are four types of data transfer bus cycles:
Normal read
Fast read
Early write
Late write
The type of data cycle used in a particular transaction depends on the type of CPU operation (a write or a read), the
type of memory or I/O being accessed, and the access type
programmed into the BIU control registers (early/late write
or normal/fast read).
For read operations, a basic normal read takes two clock cycles, and a fast-read bus cycle takes one clock cycle. Normal read bus cycles are enabled by default after reset.
For write operations, a basic late-write bus cycle takes two
clock cycles, and a basic early-write bus cycle takes three
clock cycles. Early-write bus cycles are enabled by default
after reset. However, late-write bus cycles are needed for
ordinary write operations, so this configuration must be
changed by software (see Section 6.4.1).
In certain cases, one or more additional clock cycles are
added to a bus access cycle. There are two types of additional clock cycles for ordinary memory accesses, called internal wait cycles (TIW) and hold (T
A wait cycle is inserted in a bus cycle just after the memory
address has been placed on the address bus. This gives the
accessed memory more time to respond to the transaction
A hold cycle is inserted at the end of a bus cycle. This holds
the data on the data bus for an extended number of clock cycles.
) cycles.
The BIU has a set of control registers that determine how
many wait cycles and hold cycles are to be used for accessing memory. During initialization of the system, these registers should be programmed with appropriate values so that
the minimum allowable number of cycles is used. This number varies with the clock frequency.
There are five BIU control registers, as listed in Table 8.
These registers control the bus cycle configuration used for
accessing the various on-chip memory types.
Table 8 Bus Control Registers
BCFGFF F900hBIU Configuration Register
6.4.1BIU Configuration Register (BCFG)
The BCFG register is a byte-wide, read/write register that
selects early-write or late-write bus cycles. At reset, the register is initialized to 07h. The register format is shown below.
EWRThe Early Write bit controls write cycle timing.
– Late-write operation (2 clock cycles to
– Early-write operation.
At reset, the BCFG register is initialized to 07h, which selects early-write operation. However, late-write operation is
required for normal device operation, so software must
change the register value to 06h. Bits 1 and 2 of this register
must always be set when writing to this register.
I/O Zone Configuration
Static Zone 0
Configuration Register
Static Zone 1
Configuration Register
Static Zone 2
Configuration Register
6.4.2I/O Zone Configuration Register (IOCFG)
The IOCFG register is a word-wide, read/write register that
controls the timing and bus characteristics of accesses to
the 256-byte I/O Zone memory space (FF FB00h to FF
FBFFh). The registers associated with Port B and Port C reside in the I/O memory array. At reset, the register is initialized to 069Fh. The register format is shown below.
ReservedIPST Res.
WAITThe Memory Wait Cycles field specifies the
number of TIW (internal wait state) clock cycles added for each memory access, ranging
from 000 binary for no additional TIW wait cycles to 111 binary for seven additional TIW
wait cycles.
HOLDThe Memory Hold Cycles field specifies the
number of T
memory access, ranging from 00b for no
cycles to 11b for three T
BWThe Bus Width bit defines the bus width of the
IO Zone.
– 8-bit bus width.
1 – 16-bit bus width (default)
IPSTThe Post Idle bit controls whether an idle cycle
follows the current bus cycle, when the next
bus cycle accesses a different zone. No idle
cycles are required for on-chip accesses.
– No idle cycle (recommended).
1 – Idle cycle.
clock cycles used for each
clock cy-
6.4.3Static Zone 0 Configuration Register (SZCFG0)
The SZCFG0 register is a word-wide, read/write register
that controls the timing and bus characteristics of Zone 0
memory accesses. Zone 0 is used for the on-chip flash
memory (including the boot area, program memory, and
data memory).
At reset, the register is initialized to 069Fh. The register format is shown below.
ReservedFRE IPRE IPST Res.
WAITThe Memory Wait field specifies the number
of TIW (internal wait state) clock cycles added
for each memory access, ranging from 000b
for no additional TIW wait cycles to 111b for
seven additional TIW wait cycles. These bits
are ignored if the SZCFG0.FRE bit is set.
HOLDThe Memory Hold field specifies the number
of T
access, ranging from 00b for no T
to 11b for three T
are ignored if the SZCFG0.FRE bit is set.
RBEThe Read Burst Enable enables burst cycles
on 16-bit reads from 8-bit bus width regions of
the address space. Because the flash program memory is required to be 16-bit bus
width, the RBE bit is a don’t care bit. This bit
is ignored when the SZCFG0.FRE bit is set.
1 – Burst read enabled.
WBRThe Wait on Burst Read bit controls if a wait
state is added on burst read transaction. This
bit is ignored, when SZCFG0.FRE bit is set or
when SZCFG0.RBE is clear.
1 – One TBW on burst read cycles.
BWThe Bus Width bit controls the bus width of the
zone. The flash program memory must be
configured for 16-bit bus width.
FREThe Fast Read Enable bit controls whether
fast read bus cycles are used. A fast read operation takes one clock cycle. A normal read
operation takes at least two clock cycles.
IPSTThe Post Idle bit controls whether an idle cycle
follows the current bus cycle, when the next
bus cycle accesses a different zone. No idle
cycles are required for on-chip accesses.
clock cycles used for each memory
clock cycles. These bits
– Burst read disabled.
– No TBW on burst read cycles.
– 8-bit bus width.
– 16-bit bus width (required).
– Normal read cycles.
– Fast read cycles.
– No idle cycle (recommended).
– Idle cycle inserted.
IPREThe Preliminary Idle bit controls whether an
idle cycle is inserted prior to the current bus
cycle, when the new bus cycle accesses a different zone. No idle cycles are required for onchip accesses.
– No idle cycle (recommended).
– Idle cycle inserted.
6.4.4Static Zone 1 Configuration Register (SZCFG1)
The SZCFG1 register is a word-wide, read/write register
that controls the timing and bus characteristics for off-chip
accesses selected with the SEL1
At reset, the register is initialized to 069Fh. The register format is shown below.
output signal.
IPSTThe Post Idle bit controls whether an idle cycle
follows the current bus cycle, when the next
bus cycle accesses a different zone.
– No idle cycle.
1 – Idle cycle inserted.
IPREThe Preliminary Idle bit controls whether an
idle cycle is inserted prior to the current bus
cycle, when the new bus cycle accesses a different zone.
– No idle cycle.
– Idle cycle inserted.
6.4.5Static Zone 2 Configuration Register (SZCFG2)
The SZCFG2 register is a word-wide, read/write register
that controls the timing and bus characteristics for off-chip
accesses selected with the SEL2 output signal.
At reset, the register is initialized to 069Fh. The register format is shown below.
ReservedFRE IPRE IPST Res.
WAITThe Memory Wait field specifies the number
of TIW (internal wait state) clock cycles added
for each memory access, ranging from 000b
for no additional TIW wait cycles to 111b for
seven additional TIW wait cycles. These bits
are ignored if the SZCFG1.FRE bit is set.
HOLDThe Memory Hold field specifies the number
of T
access, ranging from 00b for no T
to 11b for three T
are ignored if the SZCFG1.FRE bit is set.
RBEThe Read Burst Enable enables burst cycles
on 16-bit reads from 8-bit bus width regions of
the address space. This bit is ignored when
the SZCFG1.FRE bit is set or the
SZCFG1.BW is clear.
WBRThe Wait on Burst Read bit controls if a wait
state is added on burst read transaction. This
bit is ignored, when SZCFG1.FRE bit is set or
when SZCFG1.RBE is clear.
BWThe Bus Width bit controls the bus width of the
FREThe Fast Read Enable bit controls whether
fast read bus cycles are used. A fast read operation takes one clock cycle. A normal read
operation takes at least two clock cycles.
clock cycles used for each memory
clock cycles. These bits
– Burst read disabled.
– Burst read enabled.
– No TBW on burst read cycles.
– One TBW on burst read cycles.
– 8-bit bus width.
– 16-bit bus width.
– Normal read cycles.
– Fast read cycles.
ReservedFRE IPRE IPST Res.
WAITThe Memory Wait field specifies the number
of TIW (internal wait state) clock cycles added
for each memory access, ranging from 000b
for no additional TIW wait cycles to 111b for
seven additional TIW wait cycles. These bits
are ignored if the SZCFG2.FRE bit is set.
HOLDThe Memory Hold field specifies the number
of T
access, ranging from 00b for no T
to 11b for three T
are ignored if the SZCFG2.FRE bit is set.
RBEThe Read Burst Enable enables burst cycles
on 16-bit reads from 8-bit bus width regions of
the address space. This bit is ignored when
the SZCFG2.FRE bit is set or the
SZCFG2.BW is clear.
WBRThe Wait on Burst Read bit controls if a wait
state is added on burst read transaction. This
bit is ignored, when SZCFG2.FRE bit is set or
when SZCFG2.RBE is clear.
BWThe Bus Width bit controls the bus width of the
clock cycles used for each memory
clock cycles. These bits
– Burst read disabled.
– Burst read enabled.
– No TBW on burst read cycles.
– One TBW on burst read cycles.
– 8-bit bus width.
– 16-bit bus width.
FREThe Fast Read Enable bit controls whether
fast read bus cycles are used. A fast read operation takes one clock cycle. A normal read
IPSTThe Post Idle bit controls whether an idle cycle
IPREThe Preliminary Idle bit controls whether an
operation takes at least two clock cycles.
– Normal read cycles.
1 – Fast read cycles.
follows the current bus cycle, when the next
bus cycle accesses a different zone.
– No idle cycle.
– Idle cycle inserted.
idle cycle is inserted prior to the current bus
cycle, when the new bus cycle accesses a different zone.
– No idle cycle.
1 – Idle cycle inserted.
The number of wait cycles and hold cycles inserted into a
bus cycle depends on whether it is a read or write operation,
the type of memory or I/O being accessed, and the control
register settings.
6.5.1Flash Program/Data Memory
When the CPU accesses the Flash program and data memory (address ranges 000000h
0E1FFFh), the number of added wait and hold cycles depends on the type of access and the BIU register settings.
In fast-read mode (SZCFG0.FRE=1), a read operation is a
single cycle access. This limits the maximum CPU operating frequency to 24 MHz.
For a read operation in normal-read mode
(SZCFG0.FRE=0), the number of inserted wait cycles is
specified in the SZCFG0.WAIT field. The total number of
wait cycles is the value in the WAIT field plus 1, so it can
range from 1 to 8. The number of inserted hold cycles is
specified in the SCCFG0.HOLD field, which can range from
0 to 3.
For a write operation in fast read mode (SZCFG0.FRE=1),
the number of inserted wait cycles is 1. No hold cycles are
For a write operation normal read mode (SZCFG0.FRE=0),
the number of wait cycles is equal to the value written to the
SZCFG0.WAIT field plus 1 (in the late write mode) or 2 (in
the early write mode). The number of inserted hold cycles is
equal to the value written to the SCCFG0.HOLD field, which
can range from 0 to 3.
6.5.2RAM Memory
Read and write accesses to on-chip RAM is performed within a single cycle, without regard to the BIU settings. The
RAM address is in the range of 0E 0000h
8000h–0E 91FFh.
–03FFFFh and 0E0000h–
–0E 7FFFh and 0E
6.5.3Access to Peripherals
When the CPU accesses on-chip peripherals in the range of
0E F000h
cycle and one preliminary idle cycle is used. No hold cycles
are used. The IOCFG register determines the access timing
for the address range FF FB00h
–0E F1FFh and FF 0000h–FF FBFFh, one wait
7.0System Configuration Registers
The system configuration registers control and provide status for certain aspects of device setup and operation, such
as indicating the states sampled from the ENV[2:0] inputs.
The system configuration registers are listed in Table 9.
Table 9 System Configuration Registers
The MCFG register is a byte-wide, read/write register that
selects the clock output features of the device.
At reset, the register bits are cleared except for the
USB_ENABLE bit, which is set. Initialization software must
write a specific value to this register to enable the SCLK,
MCLK, output pin function.
The register must be written in active mode only, not in power save, HALT, or IDLE mode. However, the register contents are preserved during all power modes.
The MCFG register format is shown below.
Module Configuration
Module Status
The USB_ENABLE bit can be used to force
an external USB transceiver into its low-power
mode. The power mode is dependent on the
USB controller status, the USB_ENABLE bit
in the Function Word (see Section 8.4.1), and
the USB_ENABLE bit in the MCFG register.
1 – Transceiver power mode dependent on
The MISC_IO_SPEED bit controls the slew
rate of the output drivers for the ENV[2:0],
noise, the slow slew rate is recommended.
0 – Fast slew rate.
The MEM_IO_SPEED bit controls the slew
rate of the output drivers for the A[22:0], RD,
PC[7:0] pins. Memory speeds for the
CP3BT26 are characterized with fast slew
rate. Slow slew rate reduces the available
memory access time by 5 ns.
– External USB transceiver forced into low-
power mode.
USB controller status and programming
of the Function Word. (This is the state of
the USB_ENABLE bit after reset.)
, RFDATA, and TDO pins. To minimize
– Slow slew rate.
, SELIO, WR[1:0], PB[7:0], and
– Fast slew rate.
– Slow slew rate.
EXIOEThe EXIOE bit controls whether the external
MCLKOEThe MCLKOE bit controls whether the Main
SCLKOEThe SCLKOE bit controls whether the Slow
bus is enabled in the IRE environment for implementing the I/O Zone (FF FB00h
– External bus disabled.
1 – External bus enabled.
The PLLCLKOE bit controls whether the PLL
clock is driven on the ENV0/PLLCLK pin.
– ENV0/PLLCLK pin is high impedance.
– PLL clock driven on the ENV0/PLLCLK
Clock is driven on the ENV1/CPUCLK pin.
– ENV1/CPUCLK pin is high impedance.
– Main Clock is driven on the ENV1/CPU-
CLK pin.
Clock is driven on the ENV2/SLOWCLK pin.
– ENV2/SLOWCLK pin is high impedance.
– Slow Clock is driven on the ENV2/SLOW-
CLK pin.
The MSTAT register is a byte-wide, read-only register that
indicates the general status of the device. The MCFG register format is shown below.
OENV2:0The Operating Environment bits hold the
states sampled from the ENV[2:0] input pins
at reset. These states are controlled by external hardware at reset and are held constant in
the register until the next reset.
PGMBUSY The Flash Programming Busy bit is automati-
cally set when either the program memory or
the data memory is being programmed or
erased. It is clear when neither of the memories is busy. When this bit is set, software must
not attempt to program or erase either of
these two memories. This bit is a copy of the
FMBUSY bit in the FMSTAT register.
– Flash memory is not busy.
1 – Flash memory is busy.
WDRSTThe Watchdog Reset bit indicates that a
ISPRSTThe Software ISP Reset bit indicates that a
The Data Flash Programming Busy indicates
that the flash data memory is being erased or
a pipelined programming sequence is currently ongoing. Software must not attempt to perform any write access to the flash program
memory at this time, without also polling the
FSMSTAT.FMFULL bit in the flash memory interface. The DPGMBUSY bit is a copy of the
FMBUSY bit in the FSMSTAT register.
– Flash data memory is not busy.
– Flash data memory is busy.
Watchdog timer reset has occurred. Write a 1
to this bit to clear it. Power-on reset also
clears this bit.
– No Watchdog timer reset has occurred
– A Watchdog timer reset has occurred
software ISP reset has occurred since the bit
was last cleared. This bit is cleared by a
SWRESET(CLR) sequence or a power-on reset.
– No software ISP reset has occurred since
– A software ISP reset has occurred since
since this bit was last cleared.
since this bit was last cleared.
this bit was last cleared.
this bit was last cleared.
The SWRESET register is a byte-wide, write-only register
which provides a mechanism for software to initiate a reset
into ISP mode without regard to the status of the EMPTY
bits in the flash protection word. This form of reset is only allowed when all of the following conditions are true:
The device is in IRE or ERE mode
BOOTAREA is defined (has a value other than 1111b) in
the Protection Word (see Section 8.4.2 for more details).
ISPE is set in the flash protection word, indicating that
there is ISP code in the flash
To initiate a reset under these conditions, it is necessary to
write the value E1h to the SWRESET register, followed within 127 clock cycles by the value 3Eh. The reset then follows
immediately. This sequence is called SWRESET(ISP).
Once the device has been reset into ISP mode by SWRESET(ISP), any subsequent reset (other than internal or external power-on reset) will cause the part to reset into ISP
mode because the EMPTY bits in the Protection Word continue to be ignored.
A second set of special values written to the SWRESET register will cause a reset out of ISP mode (whether or not the
device is currently in ISP mode). This can be used as a simple software reset. In this case, no conditions are checked.
To initiate reset out of ISP mode, write the value E1h to the
SWRESET register, followed within 127 clock cycles by the
value 0Eh. The reset then follows immediately. This sequence is called SWRESET(CLR). This reset also cancels
the effect of any previous SWRESET(ISP), so subsequent
resets will check the EMPTY bits to determine whether to
enter ISP mode.
The ISP reset behaves similarly to the Watchdog reset, for
example, if the flash interface is busy when reset is asserted, the reset to the clock module is delayed until the flash
operations are completed.
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