National Semiconductor COP8SG Technical data

COP8SG Family 8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and OTP Microcontrollers with 8k to 32k Memory, Two Comparators and USART
General Description
The COP8SG Family ROM and OTP based microcontrollers are highly integrated COP8 to 32k memory and advanced features including Analog comparators, and zero external components. These single­chip CMOS devices are suited for more complex applica­tions requiring a full featured controller with larger memory, low EMI, two comparators, and a full-duplex USART. COP8SGx7 devices are 100% form-fit-function compatible OTP (One Time Programmable) versions for use in produc­tion or development of the COP8SGx5 ROM.
Feature core devices with 8k
Erasable windowed versions (Q3) are available for use with a range of COP8 software and hardware development tools.
Family features include an 8-bit memory mapped architec­ture, 15 MHz CKI with 0.67 µs instruction cycle, 14 inter­rupts, three multi-function 16-bit timer/counters with PWM, full duplex USART, MICROWIRE/PLUS parators, two power saving HALT/IDLE modes, MIWU, idle timer, on-chip R/C oscillator, high current outputs, user se­lectable options (WATCHDOG power-on-reset), 2.7V to 5.5V operation, program code se­curity, and 28/40/44 pin packages.
Devices included in this datasheet are:
, two analog com-
, 4 clock/oscillator modes,
October 2001
COP8SG Family, 8-Bit CMOS ROM Based and OTP Microcontrollers with 8k to 32k Memory, Two
Comparators and USART
Device Memory (bytes)
COP8SGE5 8k ROM 256 24/36/40
COP8SGG5 16k ROM 512 24/36/40
COP8SGH5 20k ROM 512 24/36/40
COP8SGK5 24k ROM 512 24/36/40
COP8SGR5 32k ROM 512 24/36/40
COP8SGE7 8k OTP EPROM 256 24/36/40
COP8SGR7 32k OTP EPROM 512 24/36/40
COP8SGR7-Q3 32k EPROM 512 24/36/40 28 DIP, 40 DIP, 44 PLCC Room Temp.
Key Features
n Low cost 8-bit microcontroller n Quiet Design (low radiated emissions) n Multi-Input Wakeup pins with optional interrupts (8 pins) n Mask selectable clock options
— Crystal oscillator — Crystal oscillator option with on-chip bias resistor — External oscillator — Internal R/C oscillator
n Internal Power-On-Reset—user selectable n WATCHDOG and Clock Monitor Logic —user selectable n Eight high current outputs n 256 or 512 bytes on-board RAM n 8k to 32k ROM or OTP EPROM with security feature
CPU Features
n Versatile easy to use instruction set n 0.67 µs instruction cycle time
COP8™is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corporation.
I/O Pins Packages Temperature
28 DIP/SOIC, 40 DIP,
28 DIP/SOIC, 40 DIP,
28 DIP/SOIC, 40 DIP,
28 DIP/SOIC, 40 DIP,
28 DIP/SOIC, 40 DIP,
28 DIP/SOIC, 40 DIP,
28 DIP/SOIC, 40 DIP,
n Fourteen multi-source vectored interrupts servicing
— External interrupt / Timers T0 — T3 — MICROWIRE/PLUS Serial Interface — Multi-Input Wake Up — Software Trap — USART (2; 1 receive and 1 transmit) — Default VIS (default interrupt)
n 8-bit Stack Pointer SP (stack in RAM) n Two 8-bit Register Indirect Data Memory Pointers n True bit manipulation n BCD arithmetic instructions
-40 to +85˚C,
-40 to +125˚C
-40 to +85˚C,
-40 to +125˚C
-40 to +85˚C,
-40 to +125˚C
-40 to +85˚C,
-40 to +125˚C
-40 to +85˚C,
-40 to +125˚C
-40 to +85˚C,
-40 to +125˚C
-40 to +85˚C,
-40 to +125˚C
Peripheral Features
n Multi-Input Wakeup Logic n Three 16-bit timers (T1 — T3), each with two 16-bit
registers supporting: — Processor Independent PWM mode — External Event Counter mode — Input Capture mode
© 2001 National Semiconductor Corporation DS101317
Peripheral Features (Continued)
n Idle Timer (T0) n MICROWIRE/PLUS Serial Interface (SPI Compatible) n Full Duplex USART n Two Analog Comparators
COP8SG Family
I/O Features
n Software selectable I/O options (TRI-STATE
Output,Push-Pull Output, Weak Pull-Up Input, and High Impedance Input)
n Schmitt trigger inputs on ports G and L n Eight high current outputs n Packages: 28 SO with 24 I/O pins, 40 DIP with 36 I/O
pins, 44 PLCC, PQFP and CSP with 40 I/O pins
Block Diagram
Fully Static CMOS Design
n Low current drain (typically<4 µA) n Two power saving modes: HALT and IDLE
Temperature Range
n −40˚C to +85˚C, −40˚C to +125˚C
Development Support
n Windowed packages for DIP and PLCC n Real time emulation and debug tools available
FIGURE 1. COP8SGx Block Diagram 2
1.0 Device Description
The COP8 family is based on a modified Harvard architec­ture, which allows data tables to be accessed directly from program memory. This is very important with modern microcontroller-based applications, since program memory is usually ROM or EPROM, while data memory is usually RAM. Consequently data tables need to be contained in non-volatile memory, so they are not lost when the micro­controller is powered down. In a modified Harvard architec­ture, instruction fetch and memory data transfers can be overlapped with a two stage pipeline, which allows the next instruction to be fetched from program memory while the current instruction is being executed using data memory. This is not possible with a Von Neumann single-address bus architecture.
The COP8 family supports a software stack scheme that allows the user to incorporate many subroutine calls. This capability is important when using High Level Languages. With a hardware stack, the user is limited to a small fixed number of stack levels.
In today’s 8-bit microcontroller application arena cost/ performance, flexibility and time to market are several of the key issues that system designers face in attempting to build well-engineered products that compete in the marketplace. Many of these issues can be addressed through the manner in which a microcontroller’s instruction set handles process­ing tasks. And that’s why COP8 family offers a unique and code-efficient instruction set—one that provides the flexibil­ity,functionality, reduced costs and faster time to market that today’s microcontroller based products require.
Code efficiency is important because it enables designers to pack more on-chip functionality into less program memory space. Selecting a microcontroller with less program memory size translates into lower system costs, and the added security of knowing that more code can be packed into the available program memory space.
1.2.1 Key Instruction Set Features
The COP8 family incorporates a unique combination of in­struction set features, which provide designers with optimum code efficiency and program memory utilization.
Single Byte/Single Cycle Code Execution
The efficiency is due to the fact that the majority of instruc­tions are of the single byte variety, resulting in minimum program space. Because compact code does not occupy a substantial amount of program memory space, designers can integrate additional features and functionality into the microcontroller program memory space. Also, the majority instructions executed by the device are single cycle, result­ing in minimum program execution time. In fact, 77% of the instructions are single byte single cycle, providing greater code and I/O efficiency, and faster code execution.
1.2.2 Many Single-Byte, Multifunction Instructions
The COP8 instruction set utilizes many single-byte, multi­function instructions. This enables a single instruction to accomplish multiple functions, such as DRSZ, DCOR, JID, LD (Load) and X (Exchange) instructions with post-
incrementing and post-decrementing, to name just a few examples. In many cases, the instruction set can simulta­neously execute as many as three functions with the same single-byte instruction.
JID: (Jump Indirect); Single byte instruction; decodes exter­nal events and jumps to corresponding service routines (analogous to “DO CASE” statements in higher level lan­guages).
LAID: (LoadAccumulator-Indirect); Single byte look up table instruction provides efficient data path from the program memory to the CPU. This instruction can be used for table lookup and to read the entire programmemory for checksum calculations.
RETSK: (Return Skip); Single byte instruction allows return from subroutine and skips next instruction. Decision to branch can be made in the subroutine itself, saving code.
AUTOINC/DEC: (Auto-Increment/Auto-Decrement); These instructions use the two memory pointers B and X to effi­ciently process a block of data (analogous to “FOR NEXT” in higher level languages).
1.2.3 Bit-Level Control
Bit-level control over many of the microcontroller’s I/O ports provides a flexible means to ease layout concerns and save board space. All members of the COP8 family provide the ability to set, reset and test any individual bit in the data memory addressspace, including memory-mappedI/O ports and associated registers.
1.2.4 Register Set
Three memory-mapped pointers handle register indirect ad­dressing and software stack pointer functions. The memory data pointers allow the option of post-incrementing or post­decrementing with the data movement instructions (LOAD/ EXCHANGE). And 15 memory-maped registers allow de­signers to optimize the precise implementation of certain specific instructions.
The COP8SGx5 family of devices incorporates circuitry that guards against electromagnetic interference—an increasing problem in today’s microcontroller board designs. National’s patented EMI reduction technology offers low EMI clock circuitry, gradual turn-on output drivers (GTOs) and internal I
smoothing filters, to help circumvent many of the EMI
issues influencing embedded control designs. National has achieved 15 dB–20 dB reduction in EMI transmissions when designs have incorporated its patented EMI reducing cir­cuitry.
Real estate and board configuration considerations demand maximum space and pin efficiency, particularly given today’s high integration and small product form factors. Microcon­troller users try to avoid using large packages to get the I/O needed. Large packages take valuable board space and increases device cost, two trade-offs that microcontroller designs can ill afford.
The COP8family offers a wide range of packages and do not waste pins: up to 90.9% (or 40 pins in the 44-pin package) are devoted to useful I/O.
COP8SG Family
Connection Diagrams
COP8SG Family
Top View
Order Number COP8SGXY28M8
See NS Package Number M28B
Order Number COP8SGXY28N8
See NS Package Number N28B
Order Number COP8SGR728Q3
See NS Package Number D28JQ
Top View
Order Number COP8SGR7HLQ8
See NS Package Number LQA44A
Top View
Order Number COP8SGXY40N8
See NS Package Number N40A Order Number COP8SGR5740Q3 See NS Package Number D40KQ
Top View
Order Number COP8SGXY44V8
See NS Package Number V44A Order Number COP8SGR744J3
See NS Package Number EL44C 4
Top View
Order Number COP8SGXYVEJ8
See NS Package Number VEJ44A
Note 1: X = E for 8k, G for 16k,
H for 20k, K for 24k, R for 32k
Y = 5 for ROM, 7 for OTP
Pinouts for 28 -, 40- and 44-Pin Packages
Port Type Alt. Fun
L0 I/O MIWU 11 17 17 11 12 L1 I/O MIWU or CKX 12 18 18 12 13 L2 I/O MIWU or TDX 13 19 19 13 14 L3 I/O MIWU or RDX 14 20 20 14 15 L4 I/O MIWU or T2A 15 21 25 19 20 L5 I/O MIWU or T2B 16 22 26 20 21 L6 I/O MIWU or T3A 17 23 27 21 22 L7 I/O MIWU or T3B 18 24 28 22 23 G0 I/O INT 25 35 39 33 34 G1 I/O WDOUT* 26 36 40 34 35 G2 I/O T1B 27 37 41 35 36 G3 I/O T1A 28 38 42 36 37 G4 I/O SO 1 3 3 41 42 G5 I/O SK 2 4 4 42 43 G6 I SI 3 5 5 43 44 G7 I CKO 4 6 6 44 1 D0 O 19 25 29 23 24 D1 O 20 26 30 24 25 D2 O 21 27 31 25 26 D3 O 22 28 32 26 27 D4 O 29 33 27 28 D5 O 30 34 28 29 D6 O 31 35 29 30 D7 O 32 36 30 31 F0 I/O 7 9 9 3 4 F1 I/O COMP1IN− 8 10 10 4 5 F2 I/O COMP1IN+ 9 11 11 5 6 F3 I/O COMP1OUT 10 12 12 6 7 F4 I/O COMP2IN− 13 13 7 8 F5 I/O COMP2IN+ 14 14 8 9 F6 I/O COMP2OUT 15 15 9 10 F7 I/O 16 16 10 11 C0 I/O 39 43 37 38 C1 I/O 40 44 38 39 C2 I/O 1 1 39 40 C3 I/O 2 2 40 41 C4 I/O 21 15 16 C5 I/O 22 16 17 C6 I/O 23 17 18 C7 I/O 24 18 19 V
GND 23 33 37 31 32 CKI I 5 7 7 1 2 RESET * G1 operation as WDOUT is controlled by ECON bit 2.
68 8 2 3
40-Pin DIP
44-Pin PQFP 44-Pin CSP
COP8SG Family
2.1 Ordering Information
COP8SG Family
FIGURE 2. Part Numbering Scheme 6
COP8SG Family
3.0 Electrical Characteristics
Total Current out of GND Pin (Sink) 110 mA
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Supply Voltage (V Voltage at Any Pin −0.3V to V Total Current into V
(Note 2)
Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +140˚C
ESD Protection Level 2kV (Human Body
Note 2:
Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifications are not ensured when operating the device at absolute maximum ratings.
Pin (Source) 100 mA
DC Electrical Characteristics
−40˚C TA≤ +85˚C unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Operating Voltage 2.7 5.5 V Power Supply Rise Time 10 50 x 10 V
Start Voltage to Guarantee POR 0 0.25 V
Power Supply Ripple (Note 4) Peak-to-Peak 0.1 V Supply Current (Note 5)
CKI = 15 MHz V CKI = 10 MHz V CKI = 4 MHz V
HALT Current (Note 6) V
= 5.5V, tC= 0.67 µs 9.0 mA
= 5.5V, tC= 1 µs 6.0 mA
= 4.5V, tC= 2.5 µs 2.1 mA
= 5.5V, CKI=0MHz
410 µA
IDLE Current (Note 5)
CKI = 15 MHz V CKI = 10 MHz V CKI = 4 MHz V
Input Levels (V
= 5.5V, tC= 0.67 µs 2.25 mA
= 5.5V, tC= 1 µs 1.5 mA
= 4.5V, tC= 2.5 µs 0.8 mA
Logic High 0.8 V
Logic Low 0.2 V
CKI, All Other Inputs
Logic High 0.7 V
Logic Low 0.2 V
Internal Bias Resistor for the
0.5 1 2 M
Crystal/Resonator Oscillator CKI Resistance to V
or GND when R/C
VCC= 5.5V 5 8 11 k
Oscillator is selected Hi-Z Input Leakage V Input Pullup Current V G and L Port Input Hysteresis V
= 5.5V −2 +2 µA
= 5.5V, VIN= 0V −40 −250 µA
= 5.5V 0.25 V
DC Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
−40˚C TA≤ +85˚C unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Output Current Levels D Outputs
COP8SG Family
Source V
Sink V
All Others
Source (Weak Pull-Up Mode) V
Source (Push-Pull Mode) V
Sink (Push-Pull Mode) V
TRI-STATE Leakage V Allowable Sink Current per Pin (Note 9)
D Outputs and L0 to L3 15 mA All Others 3mA
Maximum Input Current without Latchup (Note 7)
RAM Retention Voltage, Vr 2.0 V V
Rise Time from a VCC≥ 2.0V (Note 10) 12 µs
EPROM Data Retenton (Note 8), (Note 9) T Input Capacitance (Note 9) 7 pF Load Capacitance on D2 (Note 9) 1000 pF
= 4.5V, VOH= 3.3V −0.4 mA
= 2.7V, VOH= 1.8V -0.2 mA
= 4.5V, VOL= 1.0V 10 mA
= 2.7V, VOL= 0.4V 2 mA
= 4.5V, VOH= 2.7V −10.0 −110 µA
= 2.7V, VOH= 1.8V -2.5 -33 µA
= 4.5V, VOH= 3.3V −0.4 mA
= 2.7V, VOH= 1.8V -0.2 mA
= 4.5V, VOL= 0.4V
= 2.7V, VOL= 0.4V
= 5.5V −2 +2 µA
Room Temp.
= 55˚C
200 mA
29 years
mA mA
AC Electrical Characteristics
−40˚C TA≤ +85˚C unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Instruction Cycle Time (t
Crystal/Resonator, External 4.5V V
R/C Oscillator (Internal) 4.5V V
Frequency Variation (Note 9) 4.5V V
External CKI Clock Duty Cycle (Note 9) fr = Max 45 55 %
Rise Time (Note 9) fr = 10 MHz Ext Clock 8 ns Fall Time (Note 9) fr = 10 MHz Ext Clock 5 ns
MICROWIRE Setup Time (t
11) MICROWIRE Hold Time (t
11) MICROWIRE Output Propagation Delay
) (Note 11)
Input Pulse Width (Note 9)
Interrupt Input High Time 1 t Interrupt Input Low Time 1 t Timer 1, 2, 3, Input High Time 1 t Timer 1 2, 3, Input Low Time 1 t
Reset Pulse Width 1 µs
Note 3: tC= Instruction cycle time.
5.5V 0.67 µs
2.7V V
) (Note
) (Note
4.5V 2 µs
5.5V 2 µs
35 %
20 ns
56 ns
220 ns
C C C C 8
AC Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
Note 4: Maximum rate of voltage change must be<0.5 V/ms. Note 5: Supply and IDLE currents are measured with CKI driven with a square wave Oscillator, External Oscillator, inputs connected to V
but not connected to a load. Note 6: The HALTmode will stop CKI from oscillating in the R/C and the Crystal configurations. In the R/C configuration, CKI is forced high internally.In the crystal
or external configuration, CKI is TRI-STATE. Measurement of I programmed as low outputs and not driving a load; alloutputs programmed lowand not driving a load; all inputstied to V to HALT mode entered via setting bit 7 of the G Port data register.
Note 7: Pins G6 and RESETare designed with a high voltage input network. These pins allowinput voltages biased at voltages>VCC(the pins do not have source current when biased at a voltage below VCC). The effective resistance to VCCis 750(typical). These two pins will not latch up. The voltage at the pins must be limited to ESD transients.
Note 8: National Semiconductor uses the High Temperature Storage Life (HTSL) test to evaluate the data retention capabilities of the EPROM memory cells used in our OTP microcontrollers. Qualification devices have been stressed at 150˚C for 1000 hours. Under these conditions, our EPROM cells exhibit data retention capabilities in excess of 29 years. This is based on an activation energy of 0.7eV derated to 55˚C.
Note 9: Parameter characterized but not tested. Note 10: Rise times faster than the minimum specification may trigger an internal power-on-reset. Note 11: MICROWIRE Setup and HoldTimesand Propagation Delays are referenced to theappropriate edge of the MICROWIRE clock. Seeand the MICROWIRE
operation description.
HALT is done with device neither sourcing nor sinking current; with L. F, C, G0, and G2–G5
14V.WARNING: Voltages in excess of 14V will cause damage to the pins. This warning excludes
; clock monitor disabled. Parameter refers
VCCand the pins will have sink current to VCCwhen
and outputs driven low
Comparators AC and DC Characteristics
VCC= 5V, −40˚C TA≤ +85˚C.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Input Offset Voltage (Note 12) 0.4V V
VCC− 1.5V
5 Input Common Mode Voltage Range 0.4 V Voltage Gain 100 dB Low Level Output Current V High Level Output Current V
= 0.4V −1.6 mA
− 0.4V 1.6 mA
DC Supply Current per Comparator (When Enabled)
Response Time (Note 13) 200 mV step input
100 mV Overdrive, 100 pF Load
Comparator Enable Time(Note 14) 600 ns
Note 12: The comparator inputs are high impedance port inputs and, as such, input current is limited to port input leakage current. Note 13: Response time is measured from astep input to a valid logic level at the comparator output. software response time is dependent of instruction execution. Note 14: Comparator enable time is that delay time required between the end of the instruction cycle that enables the comparator and using the output of the
comparator, either by hardware or by software.
15 mV
− 1.5 V
150 µA
600 ns
COP8SG Family
Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 2)
COP8SG Family
Supply Voltage (V Voltage at Any Pin −0.3V to V Total Current into V
Storage Temperature Range −65˚C to +140˚C
ESD Protection Level 2kV (Human Body
Note 15:
Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifications are not ensured when operating the device at absolute maximum ratings.
Pin (Source) 100 mA Total Current out of
GND Pin (Sink) 110 mA
DC Electrical Characteristics
−40˚C TA≤ +125˚C unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Operating Voltage 4.5 5.5 V Power Supply Rise Time 10 50 x 10 V
Start Voltage to Guarantee POR 0 0.25 V
Power Supply Ripple (Note 4) Peak-to-Peak 0.1 V Supply Current (Note 5)
CKI = 10 MHz V CKI = 4 MHz V
HALT Current (Note 6) V
= 5.5V, tC= 1 µs 6.0 mA
= 4.5V, tC= 2.5 µs 2.1 mA
= 5.5V, CKI=0MHz
410 µA
IDLE Current (Note 5)
CKI = 10 MHz V CKI = 4 MHz V
Input Levels (V
= 5.5V, tC= 1 µs 1.5 mA
= 4.5V, tC= 2.5 µs 0.8 mA
Logic High 0.8 V
Logic Low 0.2 V
CKI, All Other Inputs
Logic High 0.7 V
Logic Low 0.2 V
Internal Bias Resistor for the
0.5 1 2 M
Crystal/Resonator Oscillator CKI Resistance to V
or GND when R/C
VCC= 5.5V 5 8 11 k
Oscillator is selected Hi-Z Input Leakage V Input Pullup Current V G and L Port Input Hysteresis V
= 5.5V −5 +5 µA
= 5.5V, VIN= 0V −35 −400 µA
= 5.5V 0.25 V
Output Current Levels D Outputs
Source V Sink V
= 4.5V, VOH= 3.3V −0.4 mA
= 4.5V, VOL= 1.0V 9 mA
All Others
Source (Weak Pull-Up Mode) V Source (Push-Pull Mode) V Sink (Push-Pull Mode) V
= 4.5V, VOH= 2.7V −9 −140 µA
= 4.5V, VOH= 3.3V −0.4 mA
= 4.5V, VOL= 0.4V 1.4 mA
= 5.5V −5 +5 µA
Allowable Sink Current per Pin (Note 9)
D Outputs and L0 to L3 15 15 mA All Others 33mA
V 10
DC Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
−40˚C TA≤ +125˚C unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Maximum Input Current without Latchup (Note 7)
RAM Retention Voltage, Vr 2.0 V V
Rise Time from a VCC≥ 2.0V (Note 10) 12 µs
EPROM Data Retenton (Note 8),(Note 9) T Input Capacitance (Note 9) 7 pF Load Capacitance on D2 (Note 9) 1000 pF
Room Temp.
= 55˚C
200 mA
29 years
COP8SG Family
AC Electrical Characteristics
−40˚C TA≤ +125˚C unless otherwise specified.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Instruction Cycle Time (t
COP8SG Family
Crystal/Resonator, External 4.5V V R/C Oscillator (Internal) 4.5V V
Frequency Variation (Note 9) 4.5V V
External CKI Clock Duty Cycle (Note 9) fr = Max 45 55 %
Rise Time (Note 9) fr = 10 MHz Ext Clock 12 ns Fall Time (Note 9) fr = 10 MHz Ext Clock 8 ns
MICROWIRE Setup Time (t
11) MICROWIRE Hold Time (t
11) MICROWIRE Output Propagation Delay
) (Note 11)
Input Pulse Width (Note 9)
Interrupt Input High Time 1 t Interrupt Input Low Time 1 t Timer 1, 2, 3, Input High Time 1 t Timer 1 2, 3, Input Low Time 1 t
Reset Pulse Width 1 µs
5.5V 1 µs
5.5V 2 µs
35 %
) (Note
) (Note
20 ns
56 ns
220 ns
Comparators AC and DC Characteristics
VCC= 5V, −40˚C TA≤ +125˚C.
Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max Units
Input Offset Voltage (Note 12) 0.4V V
VCC− 1.5V
5 Input Common Mode Voltage Range 0.4 V Voltage Gain 100 dB Low Level Output Current V High Level Output Current V
= 0.4V −1.6 mA
− 0.4V 1.6 mA
DC Supply Current per Comparator (When Enabled)
Response Time (Note 13) 200 mV step input
100 mV Overdrive,
Comparator Enable Time 600 ns
25 mV
− 1.5 V
150 µA
600 ns 12
COP8SG Family
Typical Performance Characteristics T
10131749 10131750
= 25˚C (unless otherwise specified)
10131751 10131752
4.0 Pin Descriptions
The COP8SGx I/O structure enables designers to reconfig­ure the microcontroller’s I/O functions with a single instruc­tion. Each individual I/O pin can be independently configured as output pin low, output high, input with high impedance or input with weak pull-up device. A typical example is the use
COP8SG Family
of I/O pins as the keyboard matrix input lines. The input lines can be programmed with internal weak pull-ups so that the input lines read logic high when the keys are all open. With a key closure, the corresponding input line will read a logic zero since the weak pull-up can easily be overdriven. When the key is released, the internal weak pull-up will pull the input line back to logic high. This eliminates the need for external pull-up resistors. The high current options are avail­able for driving LEDs, motors and speakers. This flexibility helps to ensure a cleaner design, with less external compo­nents and lower costs. Below is the general description of all available pins.
and GND are the power supply pins. All VCCand GND
pins must be connected. CKI is the clock input. This can come from the Internal R/C
oscillator, external, or a crystal oscillator (in conjunction with CKO). See Oscillator Description section.
RESET is the master reset input. See Reset description section.
Each device contains four bidirectional 8-bit I/O ports (C, G, L and F), where each individual bit may be independently configured as an input (Schmitt trigger inputs on ports L and G), output or TRI-STATE under program control. Three data memory address locations are allocated for each of these I/O ports. Each I/O port has two associated 8-bit memory mapped registers, the CONFIGURATION register and the output DATA register. A memory mapped address is also reserved for the input pins ofeach I/O port. (Seethe memory map forthe various addressesassociated with theI/O ports.)
Figure 4
CONFIGURATION registers allow for each port bit to be individually configured under software control as shown be­low:
Port L is an 8-bit I/O port. All L-pins have Schmitt triggers on the inputs.
Port L supports the Multi-Input Wake Up feature on all eight pins. Port L has the following alternate pin functions:
L7 Multi-input Wakeup or T3B (Timer T3B Input) L6 Multi-input Wakeup or T3A (Timer T3A Input) L5 Multi-input Wakeup or T2B (Timer T2B Input) L4 Multi-input Wakeup or T2A (Timer T2A Input) L3 Multi-input Wakeup and/or RDX (USART Receive) L2 Multi-input Wakeup or TDX (USART Transmit) L1 Multi-input Wakeup and/or CKX (USART Clock) L0 Multi-input Wakeup Port G is an 8-bit port. Pin G0, G2–G5 are bi-directional I/O
ports. Pin G6 is always a general purpose Hi-Z input. All pins have Schmitt Triggers on their inputs.Pin G1 serves as the
shows the I/O port configurations. The DATA and
0 0 Hi-Z Input
0 1 Input with Weak Pull-Up 1 0 Push-Pull Zero Output 1 1 Push-Pull One Output
Port Set-Up
(TRI-STATE Output)
dedicated WATCHDOG output with weak pullup if WATCHDOG feature is selected by the Mask Option reg­ister. The pin is a general purpose I/O if WATCHDOG feature is not selected. If WATCHDOG feature is selected,
bit 1 of the Port G configuration and data register does not have any effect on Pin G1 setup. Pin G7 is either input or output depending on the oscillator option selected. With the crystal oscillator option selected, G7 serves as the dedicated output pin for the CKO clock output. With the internal R/C or the external oscillator option selected, G7 serves as a gen­eral purpose Hi-Z input pin and is also used to bring the device out of HALT mode with a low to high transition on G7.
Each device will be placed in the HALTmode by writing a “1” to bit 7 of the Port G Data Register. Similarly the device will be placed in the IDLE mode by writing a “1” to bit 6 of the Port G Data Register.
Writing a “1” to bit 6 of the Port G Configuration Register enables the MICROWIRE/PLUS to operate with the alter­nate phase of the SK clock. The G7 configuration bit, if set high, enables the clock start up delay after HALT when the R/C clock configuration is used.
Config. Reg. Data Reg.
Port G has the following alternate features: G7 CKO Oscillator dedicated output or general purpose
input G6 SI (MICROWIRE Serial Data Input) G5 SK (MICROWIRE Serial Clock) G4 SO (MICROWIRE Serial Data Output) G3 T1A (Timer T1 I/O) G2 T1B (Timer T1 Capture Input) G1 WDOUT WATCHDOG and/or CLock Monitor if WATCH-
DOG enabled, otherwise it is a general purpose I/O G0 INTR (External Interrupt Input) Port C is an 8-bit I/O port. The 40-pin device does not have
a full complement of Port C pins. The unavailable pins are not terminated. A read operation on these unterminated pins will return unpredictable values. The 28 pin device do not offer Port C. On this device, the associated Port C Data and Configuration registers should not be used.
Port F is an 8-bit I/O port. The 28--pin device does not have a full complement of Port F pins. The unavailable pins are not terminated. A read operation on these unterminated pins will return unpredictable values.
Port F1–F3 are used forComparator 1. Port F4–F6 are used for Comparator 2.
The Port F has the following alternate features: F6 COMP2OUT (Comparator 2 Output) F5 COMP2+IN (Comparator 2 Positive Input) F4 COMP2-IN (Comparator 2 Negative Input) F3 COMP1OUT (Comparator 1 Output) F2 COMP1+IN (Comparator 1 Positive Input) F1 COMP1-IN (Comparator 1 Negative Input) 14
4.0 Pin Descriptions (Continued)
Note: For compatibility with existing software written for COP888xG devices
and with existing Mask ROM devices, a read of the Port I input pins (address xxD7) will return the same data as reading the Port F input pins (address xx96). It is recommended new applications whichwill go to production with the COP8SGx use the Port F addresses. Note that compatible ROM devices contains the input only Port I instead of the bi-directional Port F.
Port D is an 8-bit output port that is preset highwhen RESET goes low. The user can tie two or more D port outputs (except D2) together in order to get a higher drive.
Note: Care must be exercised with the D2 pin operation. At RESET, the
external loads on this pin must ensure that the output voltages stay above 0.7 V keep the external loading on D2 to less than 1000 pF.
to prevent the chip from entering special modes. Also
COP8SG Family
FIGURE 5. I/O Port Configurations — Output Mode
FIGURE 4. I/O Port Configurations
FIGURE 6. I/O Port Configurations — Input Mode
5.0 Functional Description
The architecture of the devices are a modified Harvard ar­chitecture. With the Harvard architecture, the program memory ROM is separated from the data store memory (RAM). Both ROM and RAM have their own separate ad­dressing space with separate address buses. The architec-
COP8SG Family
ture, though based on the Harvard architecture, permits transfer of data from ROM to RAM.
The CPU can do an 8-bit addition, subtraction, logical or shift operation in one instruction (t
There are six CPU registers: A is the 8-bit Accumulator Register PC is the 15-bit Program Counter Register
PU is the upper 7 bits of the program counter (PC) PL is the lower 8 bits of the program counter (PC)
B is an 8-bit RAM address pointer, which can be optionally post auto incremented or decremented.
X is an 8-bit alternate RAM address pointer, which can be optionally post auto incremented or decremented.
S is the 8-bit Segment Address Register used to extend the lower half of the address range (00 to 7F) into 256 data segments of 128 bytes each.
All the CPU registers are memory mapped with the excep­tion of the Accumulator (A) and the Program Counter (PC).
The program memory consists of varies sizes of ROM. These bytes may hold program instructions or constant data (data tables for the LAID instruction, jump vectors for the JID instruction, and interrupt vectors for the VIS instruction). The program memory is addressed by the 15-bit program counter (PC). All interrupts in the device vector to program memory location 0FF Hex. The contents of the program memory read 00 Hex in the erased state. Program execution starts at location 0 after RESET.
The data memory address space includes the on-chip RAM and data registers, the I/O registers (Configuration, Data and Pin), the control registers, the MICROWIRE/PLUS SIO shift register, and the various registers, and counters associated with the timers (with the exception of the IDLE timer). Data memory is addressed directly by the instruction or indirectly by the B, X and SP pointers.
The data memory consists of 256 or 512 bytes of RAM. Sixteen bytes of RAM are mapped as “registers” at ad-
) cycle time.
dresses 0F0 to 0FE Hex. These registers can be loaded immediately, and also decremented and tested with the DRSZ (decrement register and skip if zero) instruction. The memory pointer registers X, SP and B are memory mapped into this space at address locations 0FC to 0FE Hex respec­tively, with the other registers (except 0FF) being available for general usage.
The instruction set permits any bit in memory to be set, reset or tested. All I/O and registers (except A and PC) are memory mapped; therefore, I/O bits and register bits can be directly and individually set, reset and tested. The accumu­lator (A) bits can also be directly and individually tested.
Note: RAM contents are undefined upon power-up.
The data store memory is either addressed directly by a single byte address within the instruction, or indirectly rela­tive to the reference of the B, X, or SP pointers (each contains a single-byte address). This single-byte address allows an addressing range of 256 locations from 00 to FF hex. The upper bit of this single-byte address divides the data store memory into two separate sections as outlined previously. With the exception of the RAM register memory from address locations 00F0 to 00FF, all RAM memory is memory mapped with the upper bit of the single-byte ad­dress being equal to zero. This allows the upper bit of the single-byte address to determine whether or not the base address range (from 0000 to 00FF) is extended. If this upper bit equals one (representing address range 0080 to 00FF), then address extension does not take place. Alternatively, if this upper bit equals zero, then the data segment extension register S is used to extend the base address range (from 0000 to 007F) from XX00 to XX7F, where XX represents the 8 bits from the S register. Thus the 128-byte data segment extensions are located from addresses 0100 to 017F for data segment 1, 0200 to 027F for data segment 2, etc., up to FF00 to FF7F for data segment 255. The base address range from 0000 to 007F represents data segment 0.
Figure 7
sion is used in extending the lower half of the base address range (00 to 7F hex) into 256 data segments of 128 bytes each, with a total addressing range of 32 kbytes from XX00 to XX7F. This organization allows a total of 256 data seg­ments of 128 bytes each with an additional upper base segment of 128 bytes. Furthermore, all addressing modes are available for all data segments. The S register must be changed under program control to move from one data segment (128 bytes) to another. However, the upper base segment (containing the 16 memory registers, I/O registers, control registers, etc.) is always available regardless of the contents of the S register, since the upper base segment (address range 0080 to 00FF) is independent of data seg­ment extension.
illustrates how the S register data memory exten- 16
5.0 Functional Description (Continued)
COP8SG Family
FIGURE 7. RAM Organization
The instructions that utilize the stack pointer (SP) always reference the stack as part of the base segment (Segment
0), regardlessof the contentsof the Sregister.The S register is not changed by these instructions. Consequently, the stack (used with subroutine linkage and interrupts) is always located in the base segment. The stack pointer will be initial­ized to point at data memory location 006F as a result of reset.
The 128 bytes of RAM contained in the base segment are split between the lower and upper base segments. The first 112bytes of RAM are resident from address 0000 to 006F in the lower base segment, while the remaining 16 bytes of RAM represent the 16 data memory registers located at addresses 00F0 to 00FF of the upper base segment. No RAM is located at the upper sixteen addresses (0070 to 007F) of the lower base segment.
Additional RAM beyond these initial 128 bytes, however, will always be memory mapped in groups of 128 bytes (or less) at the data segment address extensions (XX00 to XX7F) of the lower base segment. The additional 384 bytes of RAM in this device are memory mapped at address locations 0100 to 017F, 0200 to 027F and 0300 to 037F hex.
For compatibility with COP8SGx7 devices, mask options are defined by an ECON Configuration Register which is pro­grammed at the same time as the program code. Therefore, the register is programmed at the same time as the program memory.
The format of the ECON register is as follows:
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Bit 7 = x This is for factory test. The polarity is “Don’t
Bit 6 = 1 Power-on reset enabled.
= 0 Power-on reset disabled. Bit 5 = 1 Security enabled. Bits 4,3=0,0 External CKI option selected. G7 is avail-
able as a HALT restart and/or general pur­pose input. CKI is clock input.
= 0, 1 R/C oscillator option selected. G7 is avail-
able as a HALT restart and/or general pur­pose input. CKI clock input. Internal R/C components are supplied for maximum R/C frequency.
= 1, 0 Crystal oscillator with on-chip crystal bias
resistor disabled. G7 (CKO) is the clock generator output to crystal/resonator.
= 1, 1 Crystal oscillator with on-chip crystal bias
resistor enabled.G7 (CKO) isthe clock gen­erator output to crystal/resonator.
Bit 2 = 1 WATCHDOG feature disabled. G1 is a gen-
eral purpose I/O.
= 0 WATCHDOG feature enabled. G1 pin is
WATCHDOG output with weak pullup.
Bit 1 = 1 Force port I compatibility. Disable port F
outputs and pull-ups. This is intended for compatibility with existing code and Mask ROMMed devices only. This bit should be
5.0 Functional Description (Continued)
programmed to 0 for all other applications.
= 0 Enable full port F capability.
Bit 0 = 1 HALT mode disabled.
COP8SG Family
The ECON register is outside of the normal address range of the ROM and can not be accessed by the executing soft­ware.
The COP8 assembler defines a special ROM section type, CONF, into which the ECON may be coded. Both ECON and User Data are programmed automatically by programmers that are certified by National.
The following examples illustrate the declaration of ECON and the User information.
[label:] .sect econ, conf
Example: The following sets a value in the ECON register and User Identification for a COP8SGR728M7. The ECON bit values shown select options: Power-on enabled, Security disabled, Crystal oscillator with on-chip bias disabled, WATCHDOG enabled and HALT mode enabled.
The device has a security feature that, when enabled, pre­vents external reading of the OTP program memory. The security bit in the ECON register determines, whether secu­rity is enabled or disabled. If the security feature is disabled, the contents of the internal EPROM may be read.
If the security feature is enabled, then any attempt to externally read the contents of the EPROM will result in the value FF Hex being read from all program locations Under no circumstances can a secured part be read. In
addition, with the security feature enabled, the write opera­tion to the EPROM program memory and ECON register is inhibited. The ECON register is readable regardless of the state of the security bit. The security bit, when set, cannot be erased, even in windowed packages. If the security bit is setin a device in a windowed package, that device may be erased but will not be further programmable.
If security is being used, it is recommended that all other bits in the ECON register be programmed first.Then the security bit can be programmed.
The erasure characteristics of the device are such that era­sure begins to occur when exposed tolight with wavelengths shorter than approximately 4000Angstroms (Å). It should be noted that sunlight and certain types of fluorescent lamps have wavelengths in the 3000Å - 4000Å range.
After programming, opaque labels should be placed over the window of windowed devices to prevent unintentional era­sure. Covering the window will also prevent temporary func­tional failure due to the generation of photo currents.
= 0 HALT mode enabled.
.db value ;1 byte,
;configures options .db <user information> .endsect ; up to 8 bytes
.sect econ, conf .db 0x55 ;por, xtal, wd, halt .db 'my v1.00' ;user data declaration .endsect
The recommended erasure procedure for windowed devices is exposure to short wave ultraviolet light which has a wave­length of 2537 Angstroms (Å). The integrated dose (i.e. UV intensity X exposure time) for erasure should be a minimum of 15W-sec/cm
The devices are initialized when the RESET pin is pulled low or the On-chip Power-On Reset is enabled.
FIGURE 8. Reset Logic
The following occurs upon initialization:
Port L: TRI-STATE (High Impedance Input) Port C: TRI-STATE (High Impedance Input) Port G: TRI-STATE (High Impedance Input) Port F: TRI-STATE (High Impedance Input) Port D: HIGH PC: CLEARED to 0000 PSW, CNTRL and ICNTRL registers: CLEARED SIOR:
UNAFFECTED after RESETwith power already applied
RANDOM after RESET at power-on T2CNTRL: CLEARED T3CNTRL: CLEARED Accumulator, Timer 1, Timer 2 and Timer 3:
RANDOM after RESET with crystal clock option
(power already applied)
UNAFFECTED after RESET with R/C clock option
(power already applied)
RANDOM after RESET at power-on WKEN, WKEDG: CLEARED WKPND: RANDOM SP (Stack Pointer):
Initialized to RAM address 06F Hex B and X Pointers:
UNAFFECTED after RESETwith power already applied
RANDOM after RESET at power-on S Register: CLEARED RAM:
UNAFFECTED after RESETwith power already applied
RANDOM after RESET at power-on USART:
PSR, ENU, ENUR, ENUI: Cleared except the TBMT bit
which is set to one. COMPARATORS:
CMPSL; CLEARED WATCHDOG (if enabled): 18
5.0 Functional Description (Continued)
The device comes out of reset with both the WATCH­DOG logic and the Clock Monitor detector armed, with the WATCHDOG service window bits set and the Clock Monitor bit set. The WATCHDOG and Clock Monitor circuits are inhibited during reset. The WATCHDOG service window bits being initialized high default to the maximum WATCHDOG service window of 64k t being initialized high will cause a Clock Monitor error follow­ing reset if the clock has not reached the minimum specified frequency at the termination of reset. A Clock Monitor error will cause an active low error output on pin G1. This error output will continue until 16 t the clock frequency reaching the minimum specified value, at which time the G1 output will go high.
5.9.1 External Reset
The RESET input when pulled low initializes the device. The RESET pin must be held low for a minimum of one instruc­tion cycle to guarantee a valid reset. During Power-Up ini­tialization, the user must ensure that the RESET pin is held low until the device is within the specified VCCvoltage. An R/C circuit on the RESET pin with a delay 5 times (5x) greater than the power supply risetime or 15 µswhichever is greater,is recommended. Reset should also bewide enough to ensure crystal start-up upon Power-Up.
RESET may also be used to cause an exit from the HALT mode.
A recommended reset circuit for this device is shown in
Figure 9
clock cycles. The Clock Monitor bit
–32 tCclock cycles following
RESET pin should be connected directly, or through a pull-up resistor, to VCC. The output of the power-on reset detector will always preset the Idle timer to 0FFF(4096 t
At this time, the internal reset will be generated. If the Power-On Reset feature is enabled, the internal reset
will not be turned off until the Idle timer underflows. The internal reset will perform the same functions as external reset. The user is responsible for ensuring that V
is at the minimum level for the operating frequency within the 4096 t
. After the underflow, the logic is designed such that no
additional internal resets occur as long as V
remains above 2.0V.
The contents of data registers and RAM are unknown fol­lowing the on-chip reset.
COP8SG Family
RC>5x power supply rise time or 15 µs, whichever is greater.
FIGURE 9. Reset Circuit Using External Reset
5.9.2 On-Chip Power-On Reset
The on-chip reset circuit is selected by a bit in the ECON register. When enabled, the device generates an internal reset as V
rises to a voltage level above 2.0V. The on-chip
reset circuitry is able to detect both fast and slow rise times on V
antee an on-chip power-on-reset, V
rise time between 10 ns and 50 ms).To guar-
must start at a voltage
less than the start voltage specified in the DC characteris­tics. Also, if V
be lowered to the start voltage before
powering back up to the operating range. If this is not pos­sible, it is recommended that external reset be used.
Under no circumstances should the RESET pin be allowed to float. If the on-chip Power-On Reset feature is being used,
FIGURE 10. Reset Timing (Power-On Reset Enabled)
with V
Tied to RESET
FIGURE 11. Reset Circuit Using Power-On Reset
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