DC Electrical Characteristics (Continued)
COP68xC: −55˚C ≤ TA≤ +125˚C unless otherwise specified
Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
Maximum Input Current (Room Temp)
without Latchup (Note 20) Room Temp
100 mA
RAM Retention Voltage, Vr (Note 21) 500 ns Rise and Fall Time (Min) 2.5 V
Input Capacitance 7pF
Load Capacitance on D2 1000 pF
Note 16:
Absolute maximum ratings indicate limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. DC and AC electrical specifications are not ensured when
operating the device at absolute maximum ratings.
Note 17: Rate of voltage change must be less than 0.5V/ms.
Note 18: Supply current is measured after running 2000 cycles with a square wave CKI input, CKO open, inputs at rails and outputs open.
Note 19: The HALT mode will stop CKI from oscillating in the RC and the Crystal configurations. Test conditions: All inputs tied to V
, L and G ports TRI-STATE
and tied to ground, all outputs low and tied to ground.
Note 20: Pins G6 and RESET are designed with a high voltage input network for factory testing. These pins allow input voltages greater than V
and the pins will
have sink current to VCCwhen biased at voltages greater than VCC(the pins do not have source current when biased at a voltage below VCC). The effective
resistance to V
is 750Ω (typical). These two pins will not latch up. The voltage at the pins must be limited to less than 14V.
Note 21: To maintain RAM integrity, the voltage must not be dropped or raised instantaneously.
AC Electrical Characteristics
−55˚C ≤ TA≤ +125˚C unless otherwise specified
Parameter Condition Min Typ Max Units
Instruction Cycle Time (tc)
Ext. or Crystal/Resonant V
≥ 4.5V 1 DC µs
(Div-by 10)
CKI Clock Duty Cycle fr = Max 40 60 %
(Note 22)
Rise Time (Note 22) fr = 10 MHz Ext Clock 12 ns
Fall Time (Note 22) fr = 10 MHz Ext Clock 8 ns
MICROWIRE Setup Time (t
MICROWIRE Hold Time (t
MICROWIRE Output Valid 220 ns
Time (t
Input Pulse Width
Interrupt Input High Time t
Interrupt Input Low Time t
Timer Input High Time t
Timer Input Low Time t
Reset Pulse Width 1 µs
Note 22: Parameter characterized but not production tested.