GEMINI GEM-P3200 & GEM-P9600
333 Bayview Avenue
Amityville, New York 11701
For Sales and Repairs, (800) 645-9445
For Technical Service, (800) 645-9440
Version 11D Software Changes
The following enhancments have been provided in the new Version 11D GEM-P3200 & GEMP9600 version 11D firmware release.
NOTE: Features marked
11D. To download a Version 11D control panel, the PCD3000 software MUST be upgraded to Version 3.34b.
System Trouble Audible Automatic Timeout
Traditionally, a System Trouble would cause the keypad to scroll the trouble description in the display and activate the
sounder until [RESET] is pressed. If the system were Armed when the trouble occurred, the keypad would display the
SYS TBL icon, but NOT activate the sounder. In version 11C, if the trouble occurs when disarmed the sounder will now
automatically time out in 10 minutes, without the need to press [RESET].
Disable System Trouble Audible
For installations where an audible on system trouble is not desired at all, a new option, Disable Audible on System
Trouble can be enabled. Regardless of the system status, Armed or Disarmed, there will be no keypad sounder at all in
the event of a system trouble. However, the trouble will still scroll in the keypad display until [RESET] is pressed and the
SYS TBL icon will display until the trouble is restored.
To activate Disable System Trouble Audible, add [ * 1] to location 2420, or enable Disable System Trouble Audible
in PCD3000 Keypad Features screen.
Clear Dealer Codes on EPROM change
If the EPROM is changed on a version11c control panel, the system will provide increased Dealer security by
automatically erasing the old Dealer Keypad Program Code and Download Security Code.
Burg Output on Telco Fail only when Armed
When this option is selected, the Burg Output will activate on a Telco Line Fault only when the system is armed, and will
cause a system trouble when disarmed.
To enable the Burg Output on Telco Fail when Armed option:
1. Add [ 8 * ] to location 2422, or activate Burg Output only when Armed in PCD3000 Telephone Line/Callback
Configuration screen.
2. Add [ 2 * ] to location 2420, or select Enable Telephone Line Fault Test in the Telephone Line/Callback
Configuration screen.
3. Add [ * 1 ] to location 1094, or select Burg Output on Telco Failure in the System Features screen.
Security Bypass Keypad Messageb
When a User attempts to Bypass a zone on a system in which Security Bypass is required without first entering their
User Code, the keypad will now automatically sound a warning tone, and display the message “Code Required to
Security Bypass is typically used in high security applications and requires the proper user code entry before a zone can
be Bypassed. To activate Security Bypass, do NOT select the option Disable Code Required for EZ Bypass on the
Keypad Features screen, and enable the option BE (Bypass Enabled) for each authorized User on the User Code
screen. To Security Bypass a zone enter the User Code, press [BYPASS] and the display will read BYPASS ENABLED.
Press [BYPASS] followed by the zone number for each zone you wish to bypass. The Security Bypass window will
automatically time out about 10 seconds after the last zone is bypassed.
Note: In Version 11 or greater panels, all Security Bypass activity is logged in the panel event buffer by user number,
zone number, time and date.
Key Fob Arm/Disarm chirp option on Burg Output
The Key Fob Arm/Disarm chirp can now also be directed to the Burg Output, which will free up the Auxiliary Output for
other uses such as garage door opener control.
• To enable the Key Fob Arm/Disarm chirp option on Burg Output, add [ * 8 ], to location 2421, or enable ‘Chirp’
Output on KeyFob Arm/Disarm in PCD3000 Options screen and add [ 4 * ] to location 2422, or enable Select
Burg Output for KeyFob ‘Chirp’ in PCD3000 Options screen.
were previously released in version 11C, features marked
are only available on version
WI987B 02/02

Disable Exit / Entry Urgency Tone
The Urgency Tone, which changes the entry sounder to a rapid pulsating tone during the last 10 seconds of the Entry
Delay period can now be disabled.
To disable the Urgency Tone, add [ 2 * ] to location 2422, or Disable Exit / Entry Urgency Tone in PCD3000
Keypad Features screen.
New Relay Events
The following event has been added to the Remote Relay Control screen:
Fail to communicate
New Relay Event Operation
If Keypad Tamper Area 1 is selected it will now activate the relay for all keypads in the system.
Relay Trouble Events Change
The following Relay Events have been enhanced. In prior versions, it was required that the condition be set to ALARM in
order to activate. This had caused complications since they would also trip on General Alarms. The condition must now
be set to TROUBLE in order to trigger.
• Alarm Supervisory
• RF Receiver Trouble
Wireless Tamper
• Wireless Trouble
• Keypad fail
EZM fail
AC fail
• Low battery
• Fail to Open
Fail to Close
Pager Format Open Close Reporting
Pager format reporting in version 11C did not properly process open and close reporting. This issue has been resolved
in version 11D.
Sensor Watch Operation
Sensor Watch operation in version 11C had a problem when used in multi-area applications. This issue has also been
resolved in version 11D.
Crestron Home Automation Interface
Version 11D has been enhanced for interface to a Crestron Home Automation system. (V11D HA only).
Indicates features released in Version 11C Software.