Napco GEM-ACM1D User Manual

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Amityville, New York 11701
For Technical Service, (800) 645-9440
Access Control Accessory
© Napco 2004
The GEM-ACM1D is an accessory that adds integrated access control to the burglary alarm functions of the GEM­X255 control panel. It provides controlled access to a door by releasing a locking device (such as a magnetic lock or electric strike) when the proper credential is presented to the card reader. Access control is integrated with the bur­glary functions of the GEM-X255. It can be used to arm and disarm the system, annunciate and report alarms and troubles, and monitor the access door without the need for additional contacts.
Up to 4 GEM-ACM1D modules may be connected to a GEM-X255 control panel via standard, unshielded station wire. Each module is capable of controlling access through 2 doors and uses a keypad location in the system for communication. Any polling failures, AC/DC Power or Battery Troubles associated with the ACM will be dis­played as a
Any ACM tampers will be displayed as a
at the other keypads. GEM-X255 panel code ver­sion 5 or higher must be used for GEM-ACM1D module installations.
Although the GEM-ACM1D performs all access decisions immediately without consulting the panel, the panel limits the number of users to 195. In addition, the Event Sched­uler (requires use of PCD-Windows) is used to control user access by scheduling "User Off" and "User On" events, with the total number of events is limited by the panel to
Be aware that more than one event can be
assigned to each user, and the total number of events al­lowed is always limited to 255 regardless of how many us­ers are programmed.
The GEM-ACM1D requires the panel for uploading user codes/attributes (and their associated schedules), upload­ing door attributes, digital dialer reporting and all Keypad/ ACM trouble/information displays.
Each of the two model 6005B access card readers can be programmed to function independently on different doors, or together controlling access for both sides of one door. The GEM-ACM1D supports a variety of card readers, in­cluding the Polaris XYZ magnetic card reader, the Shad­owProx proximity card reader, the HID proximity readers, and the 26-bit standard Wiegand card readers. The GEM­ACM1D also supports the use of any "Request to Exit" de­vice, including the T-Rex exit detector.
* UL installations require JP3 to be removed. ** Not Evaluated by UL. *** Requires GEM-2D to be installed.
at the other keypads.
WI1221A 6/04
Housing Dimensions: 11"x12
/8"x3" (28x30.8x7.6cm)
GEM-X255 Current Draw: 5mA Operating Temperature: 0–49°C (32-120°F) Input Power: 16.5VAC via CLASS 2 Plug-In 50VA Trans-
Door Zone Loop Voltage: 10-13VDC Door Zone Loop Current: 2.4mA with 2.2K EOLR Door Zone Loop Resistance: 300 ohms maximum Combined Door Lock Power
: D1 PWR (terminals 3+ and
4-) + D2 PWR (terminals 5+ and 6-) Voltage Rating: 12VDC Maximum Current: 1.5A Battery Standby Time:
1. JP3 not installed: Standby Time = 0*
2. JP3 installed (factory default): Refer to battery standby chart on page 8**
Reader 1 PWR:
READER 1 PWR (terminals 17+ and 18-)
Voltage Rating: 12.5VDC to 11.7VDC with JP1 set to
12V (default). 5V with JP1 set to 5V. Maximum Current: 125mA Battery Standby Time:
1. JP3 not installed and 4AH battery used = 4 Hour*
2. JP3 installed (factory default): Refer to battery standby chart on page 8**
Reader 2 PWR***: READER 2 PWR (terminals 35+ and 36-) Voltage Rating: 12.5VDC to 11.7VDC with JP4 set to
12V. 5V with JP4 set to 5V. Maximum Current: 125mA Battery Standby Time:
1. JP3 not installed and 4AH battery used = 4 Hour*
2. JP3 installed (factory default): Refer to battery standby Chart on page 8**
GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................... 1
SPECIFICATIONS ............................................................................... 1
LIST OF ACCESSORIES ...................................................................... 2
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS .................................................................. 2
PLAN YOUR INSTALLATION ............................................................... 2
INSTALLATION/MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS .....................................3
WIRING/CONFIGURATION ................................................................. 3
SECOND DOOR INSTALLATIONS ....................................................... 6
PROGRAMMING THE ACM1D ............................................................. 9
ACM SYSTEM TROUBLES .................................................................. 14
DIRECT ACCESS PROGRAMMING .................................................... 15
ACCESS CONTROL USER'S CHART .................................................. 19
EVENTS LOG AND KEYPAD DISPLAY EXAMPLES ........................... 20
WIRING DIAGRAM ............................................................................... 23
WARRANTY ......................................................................................... . 24
GEM-ACM1D Power Supply
The GEM-ACM1D has an integral power supply which in­cludes two primary linear regulators. The first regulator is used to power the panel, the card readers and to re-charge the battery. The panel and card readers are supported with battery standby. The second regulator is used to sup­ply up to 1.5A 12VDC for the door locks, which provides enough current to support two 750mA magnetic locks. The Door Lock Power has an option to enable battery standby with a shunt connector placed across jumper JP3 (factory default). The battery is prevented from damage caused during extended power failures with a battery drop out circuit that disconnects the battery when there is no AC present and battery voltage drops to approximately 9VDC. When AC is restored, the battery is automatically re­connected and begins to recharge.
The GEM-ACM1D tests the battery under load every 4 hours and when the RESET button is pressed. The low battery condition will only restore after it passes the active test. The duration of this test is 15 seconds.
There are several advantages to this power supply design. The separation of the door lock power from the rest of the system reduces the likelihood that turning off the power to the door lock coils will affect performance of the system. The use of linear versus switching regulators significantly reduces electrical noise that may hinder the sensitivity of proximity card readers.
HID Prox Point Plus Model 6005B Any UL 294 Listed door lock Proximity cards: Two card formats are supported:
(1) NAPCO standard 36 bit format or (2) HID standard 26 bit format.
The following system hardware is required: Gemini GEM-X255 Control Panel version 5 or higher. EPROM Upgrade must be installed in control panel.
Before installing your GEM-ACM1D access control acces­sory, give careful consideration to the design and physical layout of the system. Access control points, keypad zones, ACM zones and all other system components should be planned in advance to ensure an efficient and complete installation. It is recommended that you perform all installation steps in the same sequence as is listed in this manual.
After selecting all access locations, be sure to then locate the GEM-ACM1D as closely as possible to the selected access control doors, easily accessible for servicing, and within 1000 feet of the GEM-X255 control panel. Standard
22-24 gauge wire is recommended for all connections be­tween the panel and the GEM-ACM1D, and 18 gauge wire for all door strikes. Avoid running wires parallel to other types of wiring that can cause electrical interference.
Typical Installations
There are two basic ways the GEM-ACM1D may be in­stalled to provide access control, both are described be­low:
Option 1 uses a single card reader on the exterior of the restricted area and a "Request to Exit" button within the restricted area. This method only requires a single card reader for each access door. This method is limited in that only entrance via the card reader is logged or
. The use of the "Request to Exit" button is not
logged (anyone can exit).
Option 2 uses 2 card readers (one reader mounted in­side and another outside the restricted area); both con­nected in parallel to a single card reader interface. This method requires presenting the credential for both entry and exit from the restricted area. Although each presen­tation of the credential is logged and printed
, whether the presentation was used to enter or exit the restricted area cannot be determined.
Integrating the Fire Alarm System
Before installing the access control system, be sure to con­sult with the authority having jurisdiction to be sure to com­ply with all local codes. NFPA requires that the Fire Alarm System has some control over the access doors. In the event of a Fire Alarm or the loss of primary power (typically AC), all access doors must be unlocked.
The "Emergency Free Access" zone is designed for this integration. The output(s) from the fire alarm system must be wired so that if there is a fire alarm or AC failure of the fire alarm system, the "Emergency Free Access Zone" is either shorted or opened. See page 3 for recommended programming and wiring information.
Keypad Placement
A keypad should be located near any access door that can be used to arm the system, so that the status of all the zones up to the door can be determined (UL grade A re­quirement).
Additional Accessory Requirements
Up to three GEM-X255 zones may be dedicated to each Access door. These three zones are the (1) Door, (2) Forced Entry Zone and (3) Door Ajar Zone. If used, each of these zones (up to 24 on a full system) will require either 1 of the 8 panel hardwire zones, a GEM-EZM8 zone or a Wireless zone. If the zone is not 1 of the 8 panel zones, then either (a) the zone will require the correctly addressed GEM-EZM8 to be physically wired to the system, or (b) a wireless receiver (GEM-RECVX 8/16/96/255) must be physically wired to the system.
§ A GEM-PRINT is required on the system to print.
A second GEM-ACM1D could also be used.
Access Groups
Useful when designing an access control system, an Ac­cess Group is a collection of users who all have similar at-
tributes; they all enter and exit the same access door, and all keep to the same basic schedule when using the sys­tem. To keep the system organized and easier to man­age, these users can be given a group name and assigned to a specific range of contiguous user numbers (total range is 1-195). Thus when deactivating and activating cards is required, errors as to scheduling and other attributes can be minimized. For new installations, we recommend that installers program several users into the system (all with similar attributes) to help reinforce the concept of Access Groups for future programming.
After the mounting location and all access control doors are selected, install the GEM-ACM1D as follows:
1. Install the GEM-ACM1D. The GEM-ACM1D housing is designed for vertical surface mounting indoors in a dry, secure location. When selecting a mounting loca­tion, ensure that the housing is accessible when future servicing is required. Back-up battery must be located within the secure housing. Mount the housing using the two middle mounting holes and at least one bottom mounting hole. Important Note: The GEM-ACM1D is powered by a linear power supply which is the preferred power supply for card proximity readers due to their very low electrical noise (compared with switching power supplies). However, be aware that linear power supplies do generate moderate heat. Therefore mount the GEM-ACM1D in a location that provides air circula­tion around the unit, particularly directly above the housing. Do not install the GEM-ACM1D in confined locations. Note: For UL installations, the GEM­ACM1D must be mounted within a protected premises.
2. Install Accessories. Mount all devices for each con­trolled access door: a. Mount all required keypads. b. Mount access card readers. c. Connect door strikes (mag locks). Recommended
door strikes are "Fail Safe" locks which open when power fails.
Local jurisdictions may prohibit
"Fail Secure" locks (which remain locked when power fails) for fire escape routes.
d. Door contacts must be hardwired directly to the
GEM-ACM1D. Do not use wireless contacts.
e. Optional accessories such as an egress button, au-
dible silence button, etc. should be mounted inside the restricted area.
3. Install Tamper Switches. J1 must be cut to enable tamper. Normally open tamper switches (not supplied) can be installed in the front and back of the cabinet to provide protection from unauthorized entry. The tamper switches are normally open switches used in a normally closed tamper circuit. The front tamper switch protects the cabinet door and the back switch protects against removal from the wall. The normally open tamper switches are connected in series between terminal 11 (positive +12V) and terminal 12 (ground). Note: UL requires that the unit is mounted inside the protected premises and therefore does not require tamper switches to be installed.
4. Remote AC On Indicator. Dedicate a zone to each
GEM-ACM1D in the system with the following fea­tures: “Never Arm”
Do not program “Burg Output”, “PulseBurg Output” or
“Fire Output” Program the zone for the area of the GEM-ACM1D
and GEM-2D (if used).
Program the zone description “GEM-ACM1D X AC
FAIL” where X= the number of the GEM-ACM1D.
5. Other Connections. Wire earth ground to terminal 13 using a No. 16 AWG. or larger wire to a metal cold­water pipe. Do not use a gas pipe, plastic pipe or AC ground connections. NOTE: Grounding connections should avoid bends in the grounding wire whenever possible.
6. Connect Transformer. Install a 16.5VAC/40VA trans­former to provide power to the GEM-ACM1D. Connect the red battery lead (E200) to the positive battery termi­nal and the black battery lead (E201) to the negative battery terminal. Do not apply power until all wiring/ connections are complete.
Table #1: Card Reader Connections
GEM-ACM1D Terminal Number GEM-ACM1D Terminal Description HID Prox Point Plus Model 6005B Wires
17 (+) Reader Power Red (+ DC)
18 (-) Reader Power Black (- Ground) & (Shielded Ground)
19 Reader Data 1 White (Data 1)
20 Reader Data 0 Green (Data 0)
21 (-) Red LED Brown (Red LED)
22 (-) Red & Green LED Orange (Green LED)
23 (-) Reader Sounder Yellow (Beeper)
(Not Used) (Not Used) Blue (Hold)
(Not Used) (Not Used) Violet (Card Present)
* Tamper Connection not available on HID 6005B **Polaris Only Be sure to place jumper JP1 in correct configuration for 5 volt of 12 volt reader operation. See "Card Reader Power Jumper" further in this manual for proper power configuration.
The following is required in UL installations:
1. The GEM-X255 must be installed and programmed as required for the application.
2. A keypad must be located next to any access door, to provide an indication (at the time of arming the system) that all protection up to the egress door is set for duty and the status of the GEM-ACM1D primary power.
3. Follow procedure on page 3, INSTALLATION/ MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS, Step 4, "Remote AC On Indicator".
4. Install front and back tamper switches as described in the Installation Instructions provided (WI1278).
5. Use Prox Point Plus Model 6005B as card reader.
6. Use only UL Listed door locks.
7. Remove shunt connector from JP3 (remove battery standby from D1 PWR and D2 PWR) assuring mini­mum 4 hour battery standby of GEM-ACM1D burglar accessory functions.
8. Follow wiring notes on GEM-ACM1D Wiring Diagram.
All inputs and outputs, door strikes, card readers and all other accessories should first be installed as detailed above. Also, place all correct shunt connectors on jump-
ers. Note: Do not apply power until all wiring is complete. Both AC and battery connections must be made before the GEM-ACM1D will function properly. Always connect the AC power before connecting the battery to avoid system troubles.
Refer to the wiring diagram on page 23.
1. Connect to the Remote Bus. GEM-ACM1D Termi-
nals 7-10 provide the control panel interface. Connect as per the table below:
Table #2: Remote Bus Connections
GEM-X255 Terminals GEM-ACM1D Terminals
9 (+) 7 (+)
10 (-) 8 (-)
11 (TX-Green) 9 (RX-GRN)
12 (RX-Yellow) 10 (TX-YEL)
2. Connect Electric Door Locks. NOTE: Before installation, always check with local
laws having jurisdiction concerning the installation of magnetic locking devices. There may be strict limita­tions with regard the installation of magnetic or similar exit door locking devices. Local laws may require the installation of electrically separate panic hardware to ensure the door can be opened in the event of an emergency.
Door lock outputs are controlled by schedules pro-
grammed into the panel. These door lock outputs can operate DC-powered locking devices such as magnetic door locks or other electromechanical locks and can be configured to operate in "Fail Secure" (which remain locked when power fails) or "Fail Safe" (which unlock when power fails) configurations.
For normally de-energized door locks, connect ground
to terminal 4, wire terminal 3 to terminal 14, then con­nect the positive door strike wire to terminal 16. See wiring diagrams (Figs 1 and 2 below) for both normally energized and de-energized door locks. The GEM­ACM1D can supply a constant combined maximum 12V output of 1.5A for D1-PWR and D2-PWR.
3. Connect Door Contacts. Supervised normally closed door contacts can be wired in series with a 2.2K end-of­line resistor between terminals 25 and 26 (place the supervisory resistor in series at the door contact).
4. Additional Accessories.
Optional devices such as a Request to Exit button, an audible silence button, and a Request to Arm button are described below.
A Request to Exit button is mounted inside the se-
cured area and is used to unlock the entry door with­out requiring a second card reader. The RTE button is a normally open momentary switch wired between terminals 27 and 28. An
Audible Silence button
is mounted inside the secured area and is used to silence the card reader sounder during door ajar conditions, and kick-in con­ditions. The Audible Silence button is a momentary normally open switch wired between terminals 24-25 (SND OFF).
A Request to Arm button can be mounted inside
Magnetic Lock GEM-ACM1D
Fig. 1: Normally Energized Lock Wiring ("Mag Lock")
* The diodes shown above are used to reduce the electrical noise produced when internals coils of the magnetic lock are de-energized.
(+) D1 PWR
(–) D1 PWR
Electric Strike GEM-ACM1D
Fig. 2: Normally De-Energized Lock Wiring
(+) D1 PWR
(–) D1 PWR
or outside the secured area and is used in conjunc­tion with a proximity card (enabled for arming) pre­sented at a card reader. When the RTA button is pressed, a window of time is created during which a valid card must be presented to the card reader in order for arming to take place. This window of time is equal to six times (6x) the time programmed in the "Un-Lock" time (see pages 11 and 16) The RTA button is a normally open momentary switch wired between terminals 28 and 29. Before arming, the area to be armed must be secured (all protected doors closed, all motion sensors stable, etc.).
Note: Consult all installation instructions provided with
each accessory before installation and connection to the GEM-ACM1D.
5. Connect Card Reader(s). Each GEM-ACM1D can control one access card reader and two when used with a GEM-2D module. Card readers can be installed on one door (to control both entry and exit) or when used with the GEM-2D on two separate doors (to control ac­cess in one direction only). Connect the Card Readers to the GEM-ACM1D as shown in the table below. Note: Connecting the power lead of a 5VDC reader to a 12VDC configured power terminal may damage the card reader. See "Card Reader Power Jumper" further in this manual for proper power configuration.
Each ACM will operate with any card reader that trans-
mits data in a Weigand format, regardless of manufac­turer. Two card formats are supported: (1) NAPCO standard 36 bit format or (2) HID standard 26 bit format. The "embossed" number printed on the face of the card, up to 6 digits, must be manually entered as the user code (see Programming pages 12 and 18). When this embossed number is entered and configured in the system, the number cannot be entered at a system key­pad for access.
Reader LED Indications
Many card readers include an LED for visual feedback
when access cards are presented to the reader. See Table 3 for the variety of LED indications and their meanings.
Alternating Green and Red (Downloading PCD-Windows
Table 3: Reader LED Indications
Steady Red Door Locked
Short Steady Green Card Read--Invalid card or
Long Steady Green Card Read--Valid card, user
disabled user
enabled (door unlocked)
Program to ACM)
Remote Status LED's (Optional)
Some card readers provide LED's that can be wired to
indicate system status. For readers with a snap-on bezel and red and green LED's, wire to terminals 30 and 31 (door 1) and terminals 48 and 49 (door 2).
Table 3a: Remote Status LED's
Steady Red System Armed
Red LED is off System Disarmed
Blinking Red System in Alarm
Steady Green System Ready to Arm
Green LED is off System Not Ready to Arm
When Stealth Mode is enabled, the LED indications
are displayed for one minute only. See Stealth Mode section on page 10 below. When Stealth Mode is disabled ("normal operation"), the LED's are always enabled and mimic the Keypad Status LEDs for the following functions only: Armed, Disarmed, Ready, Not-Ready and Alarm.
Card Reader Sounder Operation
Many card readers include a sounder for audible feed-
back. The sounder output can be connected to local warning devices for:
Access Door Kick-In. Kick-In occurs when a locked
access door is opened (the n/c circuit between termi­nals 25-26 or 43-44 opens). A "Kick-In" can also oc­cur if either door circuit is shorted while locked (a su­pervisory resistor should be connected as close to the door contact as possible, as required for Grade A installations). The Sounder Out terminals 23 and/or 41 turns active low, and the local sounder activates and remains active until the access door is closed.
Additionally the "Kick-In" condition will cause the
GEM-X255 connected to the GEM-ACM1D to sense the zone programmed "Kick-In Zone" as faulted. De­pending on the panel program, a faulted "Kick-In Zone" will generate an alarm or trouble. Typically, this zone would be programmed for 24-hour and Bur­glary output. The panel will continue to sense this zone as open until the door contact is restored. Door Ajar. The access door is open for 30 seconds
or longer. The local sounder activates and remains active until the door is closed.
A "Door Ajar" condition causes the GEM-ACM1D to
turn the (-) SND OUT (terminal 23) active low. Typi­cally, this activates the card reader sounder. A re­mote low current sounder may be wired to the SND OUT and (+) READER PWR (terminal 17), but be aware that the sounder will activate whenever the GEM-ACM1D uses the SND OUT terminal to gener­ate sounds on the card reader (valid card, RTE but­ton press, first swipe of double swipe arm, etc.). The SND OUT will remain on until the door is closed or until the SND OFF button is pressed. (The SND OFF button is a N/O momentary push button wired to ter­minals 24 and 25 of the GEM-ACM1D).
Additionally the "Door Ajar" condition will cause the
GEM-X255 connected to the GEM-ACM1D to sense the zone programmed "Door Ajar Zone" as faulted. Depending on the panel program, a faulted "Door Ajar Zone" will generate an alarm or trouble. The panel will continue to sense this zone as open until
the door contact is restored.
6. Other Connections and Jumpers
Card Reader Power Jumper (JP1). Determine the
power requirements of the card reader in use and con­nect jumper JP1 as follows: If a 12V device, place the jumper on the top two pins (pins 1 and 2) and if a 5V device, place jumper on the middle and bottom pins (pins 2 and 3). Note: Jumper set to 12V from factory. See wiring diagram for details.
Keypad Address Jumper (JP2)
. Notice that JP2 has 5 pairs of pins, each pair forming a vertical "column". For JP2, the Access reader uses a keypad location in the system for communication (Keypad #1 must NOT be selected as an ACM type). The JP2 pin "columns" 1-4 must reflect (in hexadecimal) the keypad/ACM ad­dress to be selected in the panel programming. There­fore, if keypad address 2 is to be used for the ACM in panel programming, the shunt connector should be placed on the second "column" of pins marked "2" in JP2. If keypad address 3 is to be used, place jumpers on the first and second "column" of pins marked "1" and
"2". See Fig. 3 and Table 4 below for jumper place­ment. Note: Panel programming is to be performed later, in the section below "Panel Programming". Pins marked "5" are used for the high security "Degrade Mode Off Jumper", see next section below.
Card Reader
Power Jumper
Fig. 3: Jumpers JP1 and JP2
Keypad Jumper
1 2 3 4 5
High Security
Table 4 Keypad Jumper JP2 Configuration
: Pins "columns" 1 through 5 are depicted from
left to right using the illustrations in the table below:
1 Not used, must be a keypad.
2 2
3 1 and 2
4 3
5 1 and 3
6 2 and 3
7 1 and 2 and 3
8 4
9 1 and 4
10 2 and 4
11 1 and 2 and 4
12 3 and 4
13 1 and 3 and 4
14 2 and 3 and 4
15 1 and 2 and 3 and 4
Unconnected jumpers are white:
Shorted Jumpers are black:
JP2 Jumper Pin
"Column" Shorted
Do not configure ACM for Keypad #1
High Security--Degrade Mode Off Jumper (JP2 Pins
#5). This pair of pins on the far right (5th "column") de-
termines the operation of the GEM-ACM1D module when a bad checksum computation is encountered. From the factory, JP2's fifth "column" of pins are un­populated, and therefore provides a lower security level for the system as follows:
When the GEM-ACM1D detects a bad configuration
data checksum computation and loses communica­tion with the panel (unable to receive an update), the GEM-ACM1D will grant access to any user who has a SIA 26-bit Standard card or a NAPCO proprietary 36-bit card.
If higher security is desired, fifth "column" of pins in JP2
can be shorted using shunt provided and the GEM­ACM1D will not allow access.
Door Lock Power - Battery Backup Jumper
. Placing a shunt connector on jumper JP3 (factory default) en­ables battery power backup for the D1 PWR and D2 PWR outputs. Jumper JP3 will not affect the battery standby operation of all other terminals on the GEM­ACM1D. Therefore if AC power is lost, the GEM­ACM1D will continue to function, but doors will not be powered unless powered by a separate circuit. When this jumper is not installed, the GEM-ACM1D fulfills the UL 4 Hour Standby requirement (and is allowed to re­main a UL listed mercantile burglary accessory to the GEM-X255) even when drawing the maximum rated current (1.5A) from the door locking mechanism power, with the 4 amp-hour battery connected. If jumper is in­stalled and AC is lost, doors will be powered by the bat­tery, but batteries may be discharged quickly if the door locking mechanism requires power to operate. See the Standby Battery Calculation Worksheet on page 8.
The GEM-2D is a module that connects to the GEM­ACM1D. It allows the GEM-ACM1D to independently con­trol a second access relay using a separate card reader.
The GEM-2D is basically identical to the GEM-ACM1D, except that the GEM-2D uses separately wired card read­ers, door contacts and locking device relays that all func­tion in the same manner as the GEM-ACM1D. In addition, readers connected to the GEM-2D do not provide Arm/ Disarm capability. See "Typical Installations", Options 1 and 2 on page 2.
Installing the GEM-2D
When connecting the GEM-2D to the GEM-ACM1D, insert the pins of the GEM-2D into receptacles J4F and J5F lo­cated on top of the GEM-ACM1D. Before inserting, align all pins and receptacle sockets, then fully insert the GEM­2D into the GEM-ACM1D. See Fig. 4 below illustrating the installation of the GEM-2D into the GEM-ACM1D.
Fig. 4: Installing the GEM-2D. Before inserting, align all pins and
receptacle sockets, then fully insert the GEM-2D into receptacles J4F and J5F located on top of the GEM-ACM1D.
Connect 2nd Door Strike (Mag Lock). NOTE: Before installation, always check with local
laws having jurisdiction concerning the installation of magnetic locking devices. There may be strict limita­tions with regard the installation of magnetic or similar exit door locking devices. Local laws may require the installation of electrically separate panic hardware to ensure the door can be opened in the event of an emergency.
Door strike outputs are controlled by schedules pro-
grammed into the panel. These door strike outputs can
operate DC-powered locking devices such as magnetic door locks or other electromechanical locks and can be configured to operate in "Fail Secure" (which remain locked when power fails) or "Fail Safe" (which unlock when power fails) configurations.
For normally closed door strikes, connect ground to ter-
minal 6, wire terminal 5 to terminal 32, then connect the positive door strike wire to terminal 34. See Figs. 5 and 6 below. The GEM-ACM1D can supply a constant combined maximum 12V output of 1.5A for D1-PWR and D2-PWR.
Lock Wiring for the GEM-2D
Magnetic Lock GEM-2D
Fig. 5: Normally Energized Lock Wiring ("Mag Lock")
* The diodes shown above are used to reduce the electrical noise produced when internals coils of the magnetic lock are de-energized.
(+) D2 PWR
(–) D2 PWR
Electric Strike
Fig. 6: Normally De-Energized Lock Wiring
(+) D2 PWR
(–) D2 PWR
Use the procedure given below to determine the required standby battery capacity in Ampere-Hours (AH). NOTE: It is not totally accurate to merely divide the combined standby current (in amperes) by the battery amp-hour rating to obtain the standby time (in hours), since other factors (control-panel charging capabilities, temperature, battery condition, battery discharge rate, etc.) affect battery operation. The following calculations will yield the theoretical standby time of the 4AH and 7AH batteries at room tempera­ture. NOTE: JP3 is used to provide standby power to D1 and D2 power output terminals. When AC power is removed, these ter­minals will not have battery standby voltage available. UL has only evaluated the system with JP3 removed. In addition, this Standby-Battery Chart has not been evaluated by UL.
GEM-ACM1D 1 X 0.04 = 0.04
GEM-2D 1 X =
Reader 1 of 2 X =
Reader 2 of 2 X =
Door Strike 1* X =
Door Strike 2* X =
X =
X =
*Not applicable if JP3 is not installed. JP3 must NOT be installed in UL installations.
7AH Battery Standby Time @ 20 degrees C
Current Capacity (AH) Standby Time
0.35A 7.0 AH 20 Hours
0.70A 6.3 AH 9 Hours
1.4A 5.6 AH 4 Hours
1.8A 5.13 AH 2.85 Hours*
4AH Battery Standby Time @ 20 degrees C
Current Capacity (AH) Standby Time
0.2A 4.0 AH 20 Hours
0.40A 3.6 AH 9 Hours
0.80A 3.2 AH 4 Hours
1.40A 2.8 AH 2 Hours
1.8A 2.61AH 1.45 Hours*
+ 16 hidden pages