NAIM CD 2006, 2006 User Manual

E N G L I S H D E U T S C H F R A N Ç A I S I T A L I A N 0
In order to comply with current European safety regulations it is essential that the Naim loudspeaker connectors supplied with amplifiers and loudspeakers are used.
Do not under any circumstances allow anyone to modify your Naim equipment without first checking with the factory, your retailer, or your distributor. Unauthorised modifications will invalidate your guarantee.
Equipment must not be exposed to dripping or splashing and no objects filled with liquid, such as vases, should be placed on the equipment.
For your own safety do not under any circumstances open Naim equipment without first disconnecting it from the mains.
Warning: an apparatus with CLASS I construction shall be connected to a mains socket outlet with a protective earthing connection.
Where the mains plug or an appliance coupler is used as the disconnect device, the disconnect device shall remain readily operable. To disconnect the equipment from the mains remove the mains plug from the mains outlet.
The following label is attached to all mains powered equipment:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the relevant EMC and Safety Standards, and, where applicable, also complies with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separation between the equipment and the receiver.
• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
• Consult your Naim retailer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
Page Section
1 1 Connections
1 2 Mains Power
2 3 General Installation
3 4 CD 555 Introduction and Installation
4 5 CD 555 Connections
5 6 CD 555 In Use
6 7 CDS3 Introduction and Installation
7 8 CDS3 Connections
8 9 CDS3 In Use
9 10 CDX2 Introduction and Installation
9 11 CDX2 Connections
10 12 CDX2 In Use
11 13 CD5x Introduction and Installation
11 14 CD5x Connections
12 15 CD5x In Use
13 16 CD5i Introduction and Installation
13 17 CD5i Connections
13 18 CD5i In Use
14 19 CD Player Control and Operation
15 20 Flash Handset
16 21 Narcom 4 Handset
17 22 Puck Identification
17 23 Declarations
1 Con n ec t ion s
It is important for both safety and performance that
the standard cables supplied are not modified.
1.1 In t e rc o n nec t C a b le s
If options are available with your equipment and
installation, DIN interconnect sockets should be used in
preference to RCA Phono sockets. One end of each Naim
interconnect cable is marked with a band to establish
its correct orientation. The band denotes the end that
connects to the signal source.
Interconnect plugs and sockets should be kept clean
and free from corrosion. The easiest way to clean them
is to switch off the equipment, pull the plugs out of their
sockets, and push them back in again. Contact cleaners
and “enhancers” should not be used as the film they
deposit may degrade the sound.
1.2 Lo u d sp e a ker Ca b l es
Loudspeaker cables are vitally important. They should
each be at least 3.5 metres long and of equal length. The
recommended maximum is normally 20 metres although
longer cables may be viable with some Naim amplifiers.
Some Naim amplifiers are designed only to work with
Naim loudspeaker cable and using alternatives may
degrade the performance or even damage the amplifier.
Other Naim amplifiers can be used with any high quality
loudspeaker cable although we recommend that Naim
loudspeaker cable is used. Naim loudspeaker cable is
directional and should be oriented so that the printed
arrow points towards the speakers. The Naim loudspeaker
connectors supplied are designed to comply with
European safety legislation and must be used.
Contact your local retailer or distributor for further advice
on loudspeaker cables and connectors.
2 Mai n s Po w er
Where fused plugs are used 13 amp fuses should be
fitted. Fuses of a lower rating will fail after a period
of use. Do not wire voltage dependent resistors or
noise suppressors into mains plugs. They degrade the
mains supply and the sound.
2.1 Ma i n s P lu g W i r in g
In some territories a mains plug may need to be fitted
to the supplied mains lead. As the colours of the wires in
Naim Audio products are conceived with performance as the top priority. Careful installation will help ensure that their full potential is achieved. This manual covers the CD 555, CDS3, CDX2, CD5x and CD5i CD players and their associated or upgrade power supplies. It begins with some general installation notes and statutory safety warnings. Product specific information begins in Section 4.
the mains lead may not correspond with the coloured
markings identifying the terminals in the plug proceed as
The wire coloured GREEN-AND-YELLOW must be
connected to the terminal in the plug marked by the
letter E or by the safety earth symbol or coloured GREEN or
The wire coloured BLUE must be connected to the terminal
in the plug marked with the letter N or coloured BLACK.
The wire coloured BROWN must be connected to the
terminal in the plug marked with the letter L or coloured
2.2 Eq u i pm e n t F use s
Mains powered Naim Audio equipment is fitted with a
mains fuse on the rear panel adjacent to the mains input
socket. Replace it if necessary only with the spare fuse
supplied or with an identical fuse. Repeated failure of the
fuse points to a fault that should be investigated by your
retailer or Naim itself.
2.3 No n - re w i rab l e M a in s P l u gs
If a non-rewirable plug is cut from a mains lead (for
whatever purpose) the plug MUST be disposed of in a
way to render it totally useless. Considerable shock hazard
exists if the cut-off plug is inserted into a mains outlet.
2.4 Ma i n s C ir c u its a n d C a ble s
A hi-fi system usually shares a mains circuit with other
household equipment some of which can cause distortion
of the mains waveform. This distortion can in turn lead to
mechanical hum from mains transformers. Some Naim
transformers are large in size, making them relatively
sensitive to such distortion, and it may be necessary
to take account of transformer hum when siting your
Transformer hum is not transmitted through the speakers
and has no effect on the performance of the system;
however, a separate mains circuit may reduce it. Such
a circuit (ideally with a 30 or 45 Amp rating) will also
generally improve system per formance. Advice on the
installation of a separate mains circuit should be sought
from a qualified electrician.
Do not substitute alternative mains leads and plugs to
those supplied. They are selected to offer the best possible
Introd u c t ion
3 Gen e ra l I nst a ll a t io n
Naim equipment is designed to offer the finest
performance possible avoiding compromise
wherever practical. This can lead to circumstances
that may be unfamiliar. The notes that follow contain
advice specifically related to Naim equipment
as well as more general warnings about the use
of domestic audio products. Please read them
3.1 Si t i ng Th e E q u ip m e n t
In order to reduce the risk of hum audible from the
loudspeakers, power supplies and power amplifiers
should be located a reasonable distance away from
other equipment. The maximum separation distance for
connected equipment is that allowed by the standard
interconnect lead.
Some Naim equipment is extremely heavy. Check the
weight of the equipment prior to lifting and if necessary
use more than one person so that it can be moved safely.
Ensure that your equipment rack or table can easily
support the weight and is stable.
Some speakers and stands are intended to be used with
floor spikes fitted. Care should be taken when siting and
moving them to avoid personal injury or damage to
cables and surfaces. Floor protectors are available from
your local dealer or distributor to protect non carpeted
3.2 Sw i t ch i n g O n
Source components and power supplies should be
switched on before the power amplifiers. Always switch
amplifiers off and wait a minute before connecting or
disconnecting any leads. Always use the power switch on
the product rather than a mains outlet switch.
A “thump” may be heard from the loudspeakers as power
amplifiers are switched on. This is normal, will not cause
any loudspeaker damage and does not point to any fault
or problem. A mild “pop” may also be heard shortly after
equipment is switched off.
3.3 Ru n n in g I n
Naim equipment takes a considerable time to run in
before it performs at its best. The duration varies, but
under some conditions the sound may continue to
improve for over a month. Better and more consistent
performance will be achieved if the system is left switched
on for long periods. It is worth remembering however that
equipment left connected to the mains can be damaged
by lightning.
3.4 Ra d i o I nt e r fer e n ce
In some circumstances, depending on where you live
and the earthing arrangements in your home, you may
experience radio frequency inter ference. Controls on
broadcasting in some territories allow very high levels of
radio frequency radiation and both the choice and exact
siting of equipment may be critical. Susceptibility to radio
frequency interference is related to the wide internal
bandwidth necessary for high sound quality. A radio
frequency filter kit is available for some Naim equipment
but sound quality will be progressively compromised as
more elements of the kit are fitted. In situations of extreme
radio interference Naim equipment may be unsuitable.
3.5 Li g h tn i n g P rec a u ti o n s
Your Naim hi-fi system can be damaged by lightning
and should be turned off and disconnected from the
mains when there is risk of lightning strike. For complete
protection all mains plugs and any aerial cables should be
disconnected when not in use.
3.6 Pr o b le m s ?
Consumer protection varies from country to country. In
most territories a retailer must be prepared to take back
any equipment he has sold if it cannot be made to work
satisfactorily. A problem may be due to a fault in the
system or its installation so it is essential to make full use of
your dealer’s diagnostic skills. Please contact your local
distributor, or Naim Audio directly, if any difficulties cannot
be resolved.
Some Naim equipment is made in special versions for
different territories and this makes it impracticable to
arrange international guarantees. Please establish the
local guarantee arrangements with your retailer. Contact
Naim Audio directly for help and advice if necessary.
3.7 Se r v ic e a n d U p da t e s
It is essential that repairs and updates are only carried
out by an authorised Naim retailer or at the factory by
Naim itself. Many components are custom made, tested
or matched and appropriate replacements are often
unobtainable from other sources.
Direct contact to Naim for service or update information
should be made initially through Customer Services:
Tel: +44 (0)1722 426600
Please quote the product serial number (found on its rear
panel) in all correspondence.
Introd u c t ion
CD 555
4 CD 55 5 I nt r odu c ti o n a nd I n st a l la t io n
The CD 555 CD Player can only be operated from a Naim CD 555PS Power Supply. Connection of the power supply is illustrated in Section 5.2. CD player control and operation is described in Sections 19, 20 and 21.
The CD 555 should be installed on a dedicated equipment stand intended for the purpose. To improve sound quality the player has hard metallic feet which may blemish any delicate surface on which it is placed. Do not stand the player directly on top of another item of Naim Audio equipment. Care should be taken to ensure that the player is level.
Seven transit screws on the underside of the CD 555 case should be removed before use and must be replaced if the unit is to be moved or re-packed and shipped. Transit screw locations are shown, and notes on their removal are provided, below. The transit screws must not be used in any other Naim product. Do not invert the player while removing the transit screws or once the transit screws are removed.
The player and power supply should be installed in their final locations before connecting cables or switching on. Ensure that power amplifiers are switched off and the preamplifier volume is turned down before the power supply is switched on. The power button is located on the front panel.
The player and power supply are heavy and care should be taken when lifting or moving them. Make sure that the surface on which they are to be placed can support their weight.
4.1 Tr a n si t S c r ews
Seven transit screws must be removed from the underside
of the CD 555 before use and be replaced if the player is
to be carried any distance, packed or shipped. The transit
screw locations are illustrated in the diagram below. CD
555 transit screws must not be used with any other Naim
The player must not be inverted either during or after transit
screw removal.
To gain access to the
transit screws, position
one side of the player
over the edge of a table,
remove (or replace) the
screws that become
accessible and then
repeat as necessary
with other sides of the
player to access the
remaining screws. If the
transit screws are to
be replaced the three
different types must be
used in their correct
4.2 Tr a n si t S c r ew Lo c a t io n s
To identify the transit screw types refer to the following
Location Screw Type
A 10mm White B 25mm Black C Stainless Steel
The RC5 Input is intended to accept external control
signals for multi-room applications. Contact your dealer or
Naim Audio directly for further information.
The optional RJ45 socket Comms Interface can provide
external control of the player in custom installations.
Contact your dealer or Naim Audio directly for further
CD 555
5 CD 55 5 C on n ect i on s
5.1 Re a r P a ne l
RC5 input
Comms interface
DIN output
RCA-phono out­puts left (ch1) and right (ch2)
CD 555PS Power Supply inputs
5.2 CD 5 5 5 C o nne c t ed to CD 55 5 P S
mains input and fuse
Cable direction marker
CD Burndy
Cable 1
CD Burndy
Cable 2
nc nc
CD 555
DIN Output
Two different Burndy cables are required to connect
the CD 555 to the CD 555PS. Cable 1, identified by a
single band on its direction marker, should be used with
Sockets 1, and Cable 2, identified by a double band on its
direction marker, should be used with Sockets 2.
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