MyWeigh LARAMIE SCALE User Manual

* ON/OFF Press and quickly release this key to turn unit on. Press it again to turn the scale OFF
* TARE Press to reset the scale to zero. Tare can be used for eliminating the weight
value of an empty container. Place an empty container on the scale and press TA RE . Then place the items to be weighed in the container. Tare is also used as MEMORY. Simply place items to be weighed on the tray, press TAR E then remove the items. The weight of the items will be displayed as a negative value and remain on the display in memory for easy reading. NO TE: W hen all weight is removed from the weighing tray, the tared value of a container will be displayed as a negative number. Depress tare again to return the to zero.
* MODE Unit (mod e) selec tion: P res s and release the key once to c hang e weight unit
You can select g (grams), oz (ounces), dwt (pennyweight) or ozt (troy ounces).
*HOLD Pres s th is key to h old a weight read ing on the dis play for 10 s econ ds. Pres s it
again to disab le this feature.
Although this scale is designed to be extremely durab le with extra overload protection b uilt into the cas e, Its important that you never overload or drop/shock the sc ale. Scales are delicate instruments and unlike Cellular phones, scales have delicate sensors that determine how much an item weighs. If you d rop or shock your scale, these sensors "feel" the shock and are sometimes destroyed. This happens with all digital scales. W e des ign our s cales to be as resistant to shock or drops as possible, however there is no way for us to protect 100% against load c ell or sens or damage. A well-treated s cale will provide years of reliable and acc urate weighing. H owever an abused s cale w ill only work until it’s sens ors are damaged.
For more information or more troubleshooting visit
My Weigh Cigarette RYO Scale
Thank you for purchasing th is Tobacc o weighing scale. It is spec ifically designed to help you make perfect consisent cigarettes each time. W ith normal care and proper treatment it will provide years of reliable service. Please read all operating instructions carefully.
.KEEP THE FOLLOW ING POINTS IN MIND: * If the display becom es locked, shows O UT2 or is inacc urate please recalibrate the sc ale.
* Do not Overload (exceed the capacity) of the scale including the weight of any trays or bowls com bined w ith objects you may be weighing. O verload or Dropping/shocking th e scale c ould dam age the s cale and void you r war ranty.
* Allow s ufficient warm up tim e. Turn the scale On and wait several seconds to give the internal com ponen ts a ch ance to s tabilize before weighing.
* The cleaner the environment the better. Dust, dirt, m oisture, vibration, air c urrents and proximity to other electronic equipment can all cause an adverse effect on the reliability and accu racy of your s cale.
* Handle with care. Gently apply all items to be weighed onto tray top. A lthoug h this sc ale is designed to be quite d urable, avoid rough treatment as this may perm anently dam age the internal sensor and void your warr anty.
* Avoid lengthy exposure to extrem e heat or cold, your s cale works bes t when operated and stored at norm al room tem perature. Allow the unit to acclimate to any major temperature change for at least one hour before use.
*Place the ite m to be w eighed on th e platform , afte r the stable weight is
displayed remove the item imm ediately. This will prolong the longev ity and accu racy o f this weighing instrument..
.** Do not operate near an in-use c ell phone, cordless phone, radio, computer or other elec tronic device. Th ese d evices emit R F an d can cau se u nstable sc ale readings. If your scale ever performs poorly, try moving the scale to a different room or location. This is a very precise sc ale - the display may seem to wander or jump when weighing. Th is is due to air c urrents or vibrations. Stable weig hing is achieved when the display remains fixed for 3 seconds.
If your scale ever performs slowly, inaccurately, or shows LO please replace the batteries.
Battery Operation:
1) Two “CR2032” batteries are required.
2) To install batteries: a) Remove the scale from the case b) Release the battery cover by sliding it outwards. c) Place batteries into battery compartment aligned correctly - be sure the polarity is correct d) Replace battery cover. DO NOT USE EXCESSIVE FORCE AND DO NOT PRESS ON THE TRAY
3) The scale is now ready for battery operation. *R emove the b atteries if you plan to s tore the s cale f or lon ger then 14 d ays
(Advanced users only) CALIBRATION______________________________
IMPORTANT : This scale was professionally factory calibrated before shipment and does NO T need to be rec alibrated by the end user. H owever, if you w ish to recalibrate your scale we provide these instructions for calibration: R epeat calibration if the scale ever shows Out2. Incorrect calibration can occur if you do not follow the steps exactly. If your scale does not perform accurately, please try replacing your batteries before you calibrate. You will need a 200 gram weight or set of weights to c alibrate this scale. NOTE: if you do not have access to a
weight you can purchase one at your local store or in emergency situations you can use coins or weights (ie 40 US Nickels = 200g) as a weight..
1. Turn the scale OFF.
2. Press and hold both [ON/OFF] & [MODE] until the AD value (a random series of numbers) is displayed. Release the keys.
3. Press [ON/OFF] again, the display will show the required calibration weight (200.0).
4. Place the required calibration weight on the center of platform. Wait 3-4 seconds and then press [ON/OFF] The LCD display reads “PASS”, and then returns to the normal weighing mode.
5. Rem ove the weight and press [ON/OFF] to turn off the scale. Calibration is complete.
NOTE: if after calibration your scale does not read accurately this indicates
calibration error, repeat the calibration process more s lowly.
FEATUR ES____________________________________________
* Power Up Segm ent T est: W hen first turning the unit on, all segments of the
dis play will appear as sh own below . T his dis play w ill rem ain f or approxim ately 3 seconds and then reset to zero. The display may also change brightness during this time and show a blank screen for a moment before 0.0 appears
= >
Stable R eading Indication: This is a very precise scale - the dis play may seem to wander or jump w hen weighing. T his is due to air cu rrents or vibrations. Stable weighing is achieved when the display remains fixed for 3 seconds. An indicator will show in the top left corner of the screen.
* Ov erload: W hen an applied load exc eeds the capacity. EEE E will appear on the disp lay. Remove exces sive load imm ediately. The unit may return to norm al operation. !R em em ber: You can per manently damage the scale and void
your w arranty b y overload ing it!
* Negative Value: Any tared value will be displayed as a negative number once all weight is rem oved, press T AR E or c ycle the power to re-zero the scale.
* Auto off: An auto shut off feature is provided to conserve battery power. The unit will automatically turn off after 30 sec ond s to 1 minute of inactivity.
1) If the Display ever becomes locked showing "Out2", please recalibrate the scale as outlined in the m anual
2) If the Display ever becomes locked on 8888, UN ST , or EE EE , this ind icates that the sc ale was s hocked, dropp ed or otherwise damaged and th e delicate weighing sensors have been damaged. You can try recalibrating the scale (If the sensor has not been hurt too badly it will work again after recalibration). Otherwise you will have to follow the warranty instructions that came with your scale.
3) If the display is faint or the sc ale won’t power on, this often indicates low batteries . However sometim es it als o may indicate a seriou s zero mark error. T his means when you turn the scale on, it can't determine what zero is (a slight zero mark error will caus e situ ation #2 above) T hu s, if new batteries do not fix this error the scale will have to be sent to us for rep lacemen t under ou r warranty program.