Index ....................................................................................................... 118
Thank you for purchasing “OfficeBridge Pro.”
Installed on the MFX-2830, OfficeBridge Pro is a network management system that
lets you manage faxes and other documents over the network.
This guide explains the OfficeBridge Pro system usage from basic to advanced,
in simple terms. Reading this guide will allow you to have an understanding of
OfficeBridge Pro basic operation.
For more detailed usage information, see the “OfficeBridge Pro Reference Manual.”
The “OfficeBridge Pro Reference Manual” is an electronic manual, which has an
interface similar to an Internet web-page. To learn how to use the electronic manual,
see “Chapter 5 - Learning more about OfficeBridge Pro Operation” in this guide.
The company and personal names shown on screens in this guide are fictional.
How to use this guide
Delete after transmission
Throughout this guide, icons (symbols) are used.
The meanings of these icons are as follows.
This indicates useful information.
This indicates related content is available.
This indicates more detailed related information is available in
the “OfficeBridge Pro Reference Manual.”
This indicates a term definition used in the text instruction.
Also, a 3 digit number in parentheses [ ] is shown after explanations in this guide.
This number is required to perform an ID search of the “OfficeBridge Pro Reference
For details, see “Performing an ID search” in “Cha pter 5: Learning more a bout
OfficeBridge Pro Operation” - 2. Referencing the electronic manual” (page 90).
Configuration options
This guide and the “OfficeBridge Pro Reference Manual” shows setting screens and
configuration options of each dialog as follows.
Display exampleNameOperation
Text boxEnter the text.
By clicking [ ] (List b utton), av ailable
selections are displayed (if all the available
List box
Radio button
selections cannot be shown at once, a scroll
bar is displayed on the right).
Move the mouse pointer over the list and
click to confirm a selection.
Cl i ck in the squar e to sel ect it. W h en
selected a check mark appears.
Click ● (Off) to select it.
Clicking it causes the status to change to ●
Only one item can be selected.
Chapter 0
Getting Started
This chapter explains the operating environment and
other items to be checked before using OfficeBridge Pro.
1. Operating system .........................................................
Operating system
To ensure optimum operation of “OfficeBridge Pro,” we recommend the
following operating systems.
●Base software (operating system)
Japanese version of Microsoft Windows95
Windows NT4.0*2, Windows2000*3, or Windows XP
Any PC/AT compatible computer with an Ethernet network interface
running any of the above operating systems
Follow the recommended guidelines for the above listed operating system
Follow the recommended guidelines for the above listed operating system
●Hard disk
40MB or more (addi tio nal space is r equ ire d t o dow nlo ad and save
●Removable media
CD-ROM drive
●Network protocol
TCP/IP protocol must be installed
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or later
Netscape Navigator 7.0 or later
, Windows98, Windows ME,
A graphic adapter capable of displaying 256 or more colors at a resolution
of 800 x 600 pixels or greater and a network interface card is required
: System version must be Windows 95 Service Pack 1 or higher
: System version must be NT Workstation 4.0 SP 6a or higher
: Compatible with Windows 2000 Professional
: This product is only distributed on CD-ROM. Please contact the place of
purchase or the Information Center to learn how to install on a computer.
Chapter 1
What is OfficeBridge Pro?
To answer the question of exactly what is OfficeBridge
Pro, this chapter explains the system concept.
1. What is it used for? ......................................................
2. What makes up OfficeBridge Pro? .............................. 7
3. How does it work? ........................................................ 9
What is it used for?
In offices everywhere scenes like the following are commonplace: “Has the
fax arrived from Company A yet?” “Where’s that order form that Company
B sent to us?” “Whose fax is this from Company C?”
Faxes received on paper are difficult to manage, often being lost before they
are delivered to the recipient or mixed in with other documents.
Also, printing out documents (quotations or orders, etc.) on the computer
and faxing this paper results in wasted productivity.
Have you ever experienced any of these?
What is it used for?
OfficeBridge Pro solves these problems in one fell swoop.
1. Centralized fax/e-mail management
With OfficeBridge Pro, you can check received faxes at your computer.
Since they are not printed on paper like normal fax documents, there is no
risk of lost faxes or wasting paper. Also, as digital documents they can be
saved to a computer hard disk or removable media, saving filing space in
the office.
With OfficeBridge Pro, from your computer, you can receive faxes and
email and also send faxes and email to other users in your company.
Received documents are stored
as “electronic documents”
Chapter 1
2. Re-using received faxes
With OfficeBridge Pro, you can re-use received faxes right away. For
example, you can send an order form or estimate to a co-worker without
printing it on paper.
What is it used for?
3. Sending faxes of documents created on a computer
With “OfficeBridge Pro,” you can send faxes prepared in Microsoft Word or
other programs directly to a recipient without printing them first.
* In this guide faxes, quotations, order forms, etc. are collectively referred to as
Create documents with
application software
Send the documents
directly to recipients
What makes up
· Hardware Configuration
The OfficeBridge Pro system consists of a MFX-2830 and computer. The
MFX-2830 and computer are connected through a network. Also, for
sending/receiving faxes and connecting to the Internet, the multifunction
copy/fax is connected to an outside line.
OfficeBridge Pro?
Outside line
Chapter 1
What makes up OfficeBridge Pro?
· OfficeBridge Pro Prerequisites
Using OfficeBridge Pro does not require special software.
OfficeBridge Pro can be used by any network-connected computer with a
web browser.
Browser software
Application software used for viewing web pages.
Mic rosoft’s Internet Ex plorer and Ne tscape Navigator by Ne tscape
Communications are two examples.
How does it work?
Users must first register before using OfficeBridge Pro. Registered users
are assigned a box inside OfficeBridge Pro, and received faxes or other
documents are stored here automatically.
User AUser B
Several types of boxes are provided for different types of usage. Documents
are categorized by type and delivered to the appropriate box.
Each user confirms if they have any documents by opening their box in
OfficeBridge Pro.
Chapter 1
To box 1
of user A
After checking for documents, users can display content on their web
browser on their computers.
To box 1
of user B
Chapter 2
What Can be Done with OfficeBridge Pro
Th i s ch a pte r e xpl a in s fu nct ion s av ail a bl e wi th
OfficeBridge Pro.
2. “Send & Receive Fax” function .................................. 16
3. “Scanner” function ...................................................... 19
4. “Printer” function ....................................................... 20
5. “Bulletin Board” function ........................................... 21
6. “Circulation” function ................................................. 22
7. “Processing” function .................................................. 23
Chapter 1 explained how each user is assigned their own box inside
OfficeBridge Pro.
Here, actual OfficeBridge Pro functions will be explained in detail.
The following box types are created when a user is registered.
A personal box for storing documents when using the “Scanner” function
(see page 19).
Scanned documents are displayed on the OfficeBridge Pro screen (hereafter
this screen will be called the “Scan” document list screen).
“Personal Outbox”
A personal box for storing documents sent by fax when using the “Send &
Receive Fax” function (see page 16).
Sent documents are displayed on the OfficeBridge Pro screen (hereafter
this screen will be called the “Personal Outbox” document list screen).
“Personal Inbox”
A personal box for storing received documents when using the “Send &
Receive Fax” function (see page 16).
Delivery conditions must be set before received documents can be delivered
to a specified user’s box (Received Fax Delivery Settings [001]).
Received documents are displayed on the OfficeBridge Pro screen (hereafter
this screen will be called the “Personal Inbox” document list screen).
Chapter 2
“Public Inbox”
This is a box shared by all registered users for storing documents received when
using the “Send & Receive Fax” function (see page 16).
Documents will be delivered to this “Public Inbox” if incoming fax delivery
options are not set, or if the received document does not meet any specified
delivery conditions.
All registered users can view documents delivered to the “Public Inbox”.
Public Inbox documents are displayed on the OfficeBridge Pro screen
(hereafter this screen will be called the “Public Inbox” document list screen).
“Bulletin Board”
A box shared by all registered users for storing documents when using the
“Bulletin Board” function (see page 21).
Posted documents are displayed on the OfficeBridge Pro screen (hereafter
this screen will be called the “Bulletin Board” document list screen).
A personal box for storing documents when using the “Circulation” function
(see page 22).
Circulated documents are displayed on the Offi ceBridge Pro screen
(hereafter this screen will be called the “Circulated” document details
A box shared by all registered users for storing documents when using the
“Processing” function (see page 23).
All documents are displayed on the OfficeBridge Pro screen (hereafter this
screen will be called the “Processing” document list screen).
Chapter 2
“Send & R eceive Fax”
“Send & receive fax” is the main function of OfficeBridge Pro.
There are two types of “Send & receive fax”: “Send & receive PC fax” using
a computer to directly send and receive faxes, and “Internet Fax,” using the
Internet to send faxes as e-mail.
Send & receive PC fax
Documents created with an application like Microsoft Word are directly
transmitted to a specified fax number.
This process eliminates the need to create a hardcopy original, reducing
paper consumption, and also eliminates the need to physically leave your
workstation to perform a fax transmission.
For information on PC-faxing, see “Directly fax a document created on a
word processor” in “(Application) 2. Sending a document” (page 41).
Sending a fax
“Send” document list
“Send & Receive Fax” function
Incoming fax documents can be viewed on your PC.
This process insures that documents reach the appropriate users.
For information on PC-Fax reception, see “Step 4: View the imported
document” in “ (Basic) 1. Viewing/Sending a document” (page 34).
Receiving a fax
“Personal Inbox”
document list
Chapter 2
“Send & Receive Fax” function
Sending Internet fax
Docu ments imp orted usin g the “ Scann er” function ( see page 19) or
documents created with applications like Microsoft Word can be sent as
e-mail by specifying the recipient’s mail address. This allows users to
receive important communications if they are out of the office, or if they
do not have access to a traditional fax machine. Scanned and created
documents are delivered as file attachments (PDF or TIFF files).
For infomation on Internet faxing, see “Sending a document using the
Internet” in “(Application) 2. Sending a document” (page 44).
Creating a document
File attachment
A document sent or received by e-mail as an attachment. The contents of
attached files cannot be directly viewed with e-mail software. Attached
files must be viewed with other applications like image viewers or Adobe
PDF file
A file format used by an application called Acrobat, from Adobe Systems.
Co nve rtin g f i les to PDF for mat all ows the m to b e e lect ron i cal ly
distri bu ted to recipient s regar dl ess of their com puter p la tform o r
environment. Also, the original image can be rendered without any
corruption of the document’s layout.
TIFF file
A graphical image file format. Image resolution or color depth for an
image and different encoding algorithms can be saved into a single file.
“Scanner” function
OfficeBridge Pro can import illustrations, photographs and text documents
into the MFP. Imported documents can be faxed, posted to the bulletin
board or circulated to relevant persons.
Also, using a TWAIN-compatible application, scanned documents can be
imported to a computer and freely edited. [002]
See “Internet Fax / Network Scan Operation Manual” to learn how to scan
Scanning a document
“Scan” document
Chapter 2
Import images using a TWAIN-compatible
The “Muratec OB Pro TWAIN Connector” must be installed to import
scanned documents to your computer (see page 63).
TWAIN specification
A specification for data communication between image input devices,
such as scanners, and graphic editing software. Images scanned with
a TWAIN scanner can be imported to a computer by using a TWAINcompatible graphic editing software.
“Printer” function
OfficeBridge Pro allows the MFX-2830 to be used as a network printer.
Computers on the network can print created or downloaded documents at
600 dpi resolution on up to ledger size paper.
Users can also incorporate two-sided printing and tray distribution options
on the MFX-2830.
See “Use the MFX-2830 as a printer” in “ (Basic) 4. Printing Documents”
(page 59) to learn how to print documents.
Downloaded documents
Created documents
“Muratec OB Pro MFX-2830 Printer” must be installed to use the digital
MFX-2830 as a printer. (see page 63).
“Bulletin Board” function
OfficeBridge Pro has a function to allow the posting of scanned or received
documents to a bulletin board.
Posted contents can be viewed easily from your computer so there is no
need to set aside space in the office for a physical bulletin board.
Company announcements can be quickly communicated to all employees.
To use the “bulletin board” function, send scanned or received documents
to the “Bulletin board” box.
See “Post documents as company announcements” in “(Basic) 3. Using
Documents Effectively” (page 51) to learn how to post documents.
Chapter 2
bulletin board
Posting scanned
“Bulletin Board” document list
bulletin board
Posting received
“Circulation” function
OfficeBridge Pro has a function to circulate scanned or received documents.
This function is useful to ensure everyone in the company is notified
about a company document, or to confirm attendance in an office event, for
The sender can determine who the document will be sent to.
Users receiving the circulated document set their status to confirmed (read)
when they check its contents. A check of whether the circulated document
is confirmed (read) or not confirmed (not read) can be performed by not
only the sender but any of the users in the circulation.
See “Circulate a document among co-workers” (page 53) to learn how to
circulate a document.
Circulating a received
Circulating a scanned
document details
Circulation to User A User
B User C (si mul ta neo us
User A
The “Circ ulation” function di stributes the document to all recipients
simultaneously, not individually.
User B
User B
+ 98 hidden pages
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