MTD Yard-Man 12A-449T402 Operator's Manual

Operator's Manual
21" Self Starter
Lawn Mower
Model Series
IMPORTANT: Read safety rules and instructions carefully before operating equipment.
Warning: This unit is equipped with an internal combustionengine and should not be used on or near any unimproved forest-
covered, brush-covered or grass-covered land unless the engine's exhaust system is equipped witha spark arrester meeting applicable local or state laws (if any). If a spark arrester is used, it should be maintained in effective working order by the operator.
Inthe State of California the above is required by law (Section 4442 of the California Public Resources Code). Otherstates may have
similar laws. Federal laws apply on federal lands, A spark arrester for the muffler is available through your nearest engine authorized service dealer or contact the service department, P.O. Box 368022 Cleveland, Ohio 44136-9722,
Content Page
ImportantSafe Operation Practices ................................................................... 3
SlopeGauge...................................................................................................... 6
Unpacking.......................................................................................................... 7
Assembling Your Lawn Mower........................................................................... 7
KnowYour Lawn Mower................................................................................... ;10
OperatingYourLawn Mower ............................................................................. 10
MaintainingYour Lawn Mower........................................................................... 13
Servicing Your Lawn Mower .............................................................................. 14
MakingAdjustments .......................................................................................... 16
Off- Season Storage.......................................................................................... 17
Troubleshooting................................................................................................. 18
PartsList............................................................................................................ 20
ThisOperator's Manual is an important part of your new Lawn Mower. Itwillhelp you assemble, prepare and maintain the unit for best performance. Please read and understand what it says.
Before you start assembling your new equipment, please locate the model plate on the
equipment and copy the information from it in the space provided below. The information on the model plate is very important ifyou need help from our Customer Support Department or
an authorized dealer.
You can locate the model number by standingbehind the unitin the operating position and looking down at the rear of the deck. A sampre model plate is explained below. For future reference, please copy the model number and the serial number of the equipment in the space below.
(Model Number)
(Serial Number)
Copy the model number here:
Copy the serial number here:
if you have difficulty assembling this product or have any questions regarding the controls, operation or maintenance of this unit, please call the Customer Support Department.
Call 1- (330) 220-4MTD (4683) or 1- (800)-800-7310 to reach a Customer Support
representative.Please have yourunit'smodeJnumberand serialnumberready when you
call.See previous section to locatethisinformation.You willbe askedtoenter the serial
number in order to process your call.
WARNING: Thissymbol points out importantsafety instructions which, if notfollowed, could endanger the personalsafety and/or property of yourselfand others. Read andfollow all instructionsinthismanual beforeattemptingtooperatethismachine. Failure to complywiththese instructionsmay resultinpersonal
injury.When you see thissymbol--HEED ITS WARNING.
WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of its constituents, andcertain vehicle components contain oremit
chemicalsknownto State ofCaliforniato causecancer and birthdefectsor other reproductiveharm. WARNING: This machine was built to beoperated accordingto the rules for safe operation inthismanual. As with
any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in serious injury. This machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the following safety
instructionscould resultin sedous injuryordeath.
1. Read this operator's manual carefullyin its entirety before attempting to assemble this machine. Read, understand, and follow all instructionson the machine
and in the manual(s) before operation, Be completely familiar with the controlsand the proper use of this machine before operating it.Keep this manual in a safe
place for future and regular reference andfor ordering replacement parts.
2. Thismachine isa precisionpiece of power equipment, nota plaything. Therefore,exerciseextremecautionat all times. Your unit has beendesignedto performone job: to
mowgrass. Do not useitfor any other purpose.
3, Never allowchildrenunder 14years oldto operate this
machine. Children 14years oldand overshouldread and understandthe operationinstructionsand safety rules in
this manual and should be trainedand supervisedby a
parent.Only responsible individualswhoare familiar with thesesafe operationrules shouldusethis machine.
4. Thoroughlyinspectthe area where the equipmentisto
be used. Remove allstones, sticks,wire, bones,toysand otherforeign objectswhichcould be tdppedoveror
picked upand thrownby the blade. Thrownobjectscan cause sedous personal injury.Plan yourmowing pattern toavoiddischarge ofmaterial toward roads,sidewalks,
bystandersand the like. Also, avoiddischargingmaterial againsta wallor obstructionwhichmay cause discharged matedal to dcochet back towardthe operator.
5. To help avoidblade contactora thrownobjectinjury,stay
inthe operatorzone behind the handlesand keep bystanders,helpers, childrenand pets at least75 feet
from the machine while itis inoperation.Stop machine if
anyone entersthe area.
6. Always wear safety glassesorsafety gogglesduring
operationand while performingan adjustmentorrepair to protectyoureyes. Thrown objectswhich ricochetcan
cause serious injurytothe eyes.
7. Wear sturdy, rough-soledwork shoesand close-fitting slacks and shirts.Shirtsand pantsthat cover the arms
and legsand steel-toed shoes are recommended.Never operate thismachine in barefeet, sandals, slipperyor
lightweight (e.g. canvas) shoes.
8. Do not put handsor feet near rotating parts orunder the cutting deck. Contactwith the blade can amputatehands
and feet.
9. A missing ordamaged discharge cover can cause blade
contact or thrown object injuries.
10. Many injudes occur asa result of the mower being pulled over the foot during a fall caused by slipping or tripping. Do not hold on to the mower if you are falling; release the handle immediately.
11. Never pull the mower back toward you while you are walking. Ifyou must back the mower away from a wall or
obstruction first look down and behind to avoid tripping and then follow these steps:
a. Step back from the mower to fully extend your
b. Be sure you are well balanced with sure footing.
c. Pull the mower back slowly, no morethan half way
toward you,
d. Repeatthese steps as needed.
12. Do notoperate the mower while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
13. Do notengage the self-propelred mechanism on units so
equipped while starting engine.
14. Theblade control handle is a safety device. Never
attempt to bypass its operation. Doing so makes the safety device inoperativeand may result in personal injury through contact with the rotating blade. The blade
control handle must operate easily in both directions and automatically return to the disengaged position when released.
15. Never operate the mower in wetgrass. Always be sure of your footiog. A slip and fall can cause sedous personal injury. If you feel you are losing your footing, release the
blade control handle immediately and the blade will stop rotating within three seconds.
16. Mowin daylight or good artificial light. Walk, never run.
17. Stop the blade when cressing gravel drives, walkways or roads.
18. Iftheequipmentshouldstarttovibrateabnormally, stop the engine and check immediately for the cause.
Vibration isgenerally a warning of trouble.
19. Shut the engine off and wait until the blade comes to a
complete stop before removing the grass catcher or unclogging the chute. The cutting blade continues to
rotate for a few seconds after the engine is shut off. Never place any part of the body inthe blade area until
you are sure the blade has stopped rotating.
20. Neveroperate mowerwithout proper trail shield, 5. discharge cover, grass catcher, blade control handle or other safety protective devices in place and working. 6.
Never operate mower withdamaged safety devices. Failure to do so, can result in personal injury.
21. Muffler and engine become hot and can ceuse abum. Do not touch.
22. Only use parts and accessories made for this machine by
the original equipment manufacturer (O.E,M). Failure to Service
do so can result in personal injury.
23. If situations occur which are not covered inthis manual,
use care and good judgment. Contact your dealer for
assistance. Telephone 1-800-800-7310 for the name of your nearest dealer,
Slopes are a major factor related to slip and fall accidents which can result in severe injury. Operation on slopes requires extra caution. Ifyou feel uneasy on a slope, do not
mow it. Before operating this unit on aslope or hilly area, use the slope gauge on page 6 to measure slopes. Ifthe slope is greater than 15 degrees, do not mow it.
1. Mow across the face of slopes; never up and down. Exercise extreme caution when changing direction on
2. Watch for holes, ruts, rocks, hidden objects, or bumps which can cause you to slip or trip. Tall grass can hide obstacles.
3. Always be sure of your footing. A slip and fall can cause serious personal injury. If you feel you are losing your
balance, release the blade control handle immediately, and the blade will stop rotating within 3 seconds.
1. Do not mow near drop-offs, ditches orembankments, you could lose your footing or balance.
2. Do not mow slopes greater than 15 degreesas shown on the slope gauge.
3. Donot mow on wet grass. Unstable footing could cause slipping.
Tragic accidents can occur if the operator is not alert to the presence of children. Children are often attracted to the
mower and the mowing activity. They do not understand the dangers. Never assume that children will remain where you
last saw them.
1. Keep children out of the mowing area and under the watchful care of a responsible adurt other than the
2. Be alert and turn mower off if a child enters the area.
3. Before and while moving backwards, look behind and down for small children.
4. Use extreme care when approaching blind comers, doorways, shrubs, trees, or other objects that may
obscure your vision of achild who may run into the mower.
Keep children away from hot or running engines. They can suffer bums from a hot muffler.
Never allow children under 14years old to operate a power mower. Children 14years old and over should read and understand the operation instructions and
safety rules in this manual and should be trained and supervised by a parent.
I. To avoid personal injuryor property damage use extreme
care in handling gasoline. Gasoline is extremely flammable andthe vapors are explosive. Serious
personal injury can occur when gasoline is spilled on
yourself or your clothes which can ignite.
2. Wash your skin and change clothes immediately.
3. Use only an approved gasoline container.
4. Never fill containers inside avehicle or on a truck or trailer bed with a plastic liner. Always place containers on
the ground away from your vehicle before filling.
5. if possible, remove gas-powered equipment from the truck or trailer and refuel it on the ground. Ifthis is not possible, then refuel such equipment on atrailer with a
portable container, rather than from a gasoline dispenser
6. Keep the nozzle in contact with the rim of the fuel tank or container opening at all times until fueling iscomplete. Do
not use a nozzle lock-open device.
7. Extinguish all cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other sources of ignition.
8. Never fuel machine indoors because flammable vapors will accumulate inthe area.
9. Never remove gas cap or add fuel while the engine is hot
or running. Allow engine to cool at least two minutes before refueling.
In. Never over fill fuel tank. Fill tank to no more than ½ inch
below bottom of filler neck to provide space for fuel expansion.
11. Replace gasoline cap and tighten securely.
12. Ifgasoline is spilled, wipe it off the engine and equipment. Move unit to another area. Wait 5 minutes before starting the engine.
18. Never store the machine or fuel container inside where there is an open flame, spark or pilot light as on awater heater, space heater, furnace, clothes dryer or other gas
14. To reduce fire hazard, keep mower free of grass, leaves, or other debris build-up. Clean up oil or fuel spillage and remove any fuel soaked debris.
15. Allow a mower to cool at least 5 minutes before storing.
I. Never run an engine indoors or in a poorly ventilated
area. Engine exhaust contains carbon monoxide, an
odorless and deadly gas.
2. Before cleaning, repairing, or inspecting, make certain the blade and all moving parts have stopped. Disconnect
the spark plug wire and ground against the engine to
prevent unintended starting.
3. Checkthebladeandenginemountingboltsatfrequent intervalsforpropertightness.Also,visuallyinspectblade
fordamage(e.g.,bent,cracked,worn)Replaceblade withtheodginalequipmentmanufacture's(O.E.M.)blade only,listedinthismanual."Use of parts which do not
meet the original equipment specifications may lead to improper performance and compromise safety!"
4. Mower blades are sharp and can cut. Wrap the blade or wear gloves, and usa extra caution when servicing them.
5. Keep all nuts, bolts, and screws tight to be sure the equipment is in safe working condition.
6. Never tamper with safety devices. Check their proper operation regularly.
7. After striking a foreign object, stop the engine, disconnect the spark plug wire and de-energize the starter. (See
section "To De-energize Self Starter". Thoroughly inspect
the mower for any damage. Repair the damage before
starting and operating the mower.
8. Never attempt to make a wheel or cutting height
adjustment while the engine is running.
9. Grasscatcher components, dischargecover, and trail
shield are subject towear and damage which could expose moving parts or allowobjectsto be thrown. Forsafety protection,frequently checkcomponents and
replace immediatelywith originalequipment manufacturer's(O.E.M.) partsonly,listed inthis manual.
"Useof parts whichdo notmeet the originalequipment specificationsmay leadto improperperformance and compromisesafety!"
Do notchange the engine governor settingoroverspeed the engine. The governorcontrolsthe maximumsafe
operatingspeed ofthe engine. Maintainor replace safety and instructionlabels,as
necessary. Observe properdisposallaws and regulations.Improper disposalof fluidsand materialscan harm the
environment. ALWAYS de-energize selfstarter priorto performingany
maintenanceor serviceto the engineand or mower. Follow instructionsbothinthe manual and on the engine
and ormachine to de-energize starter.
Restrict the use of this power machine to persons who read, understand and follow the warnings and instructions in this manual and on the machine.
l.l.J O
- A
Do not mow on inclines with a slope in excess of 15 degrees (a rise of approximately 2-1/2 feet every 10 feet). A riding mower
could overturn and cause serious injury. If operating a walk-behind mower on such a slope, it is extremely difficult to maintain your footing and you could slip, resulting in serious injury.
Operate RIDING mowers up and down slopes, never across the face of slopes. Operate WALK-BEHIND mowers across the face of slopes, never up and down slopes.
Remove staples, break glue on top flaps or cut tape at carton end and peel along top flap to open
Remove loose parts if included with unit (i.e.,
operator's manual, hardware pack etc.).
Cut corners and laycarton down flat. Remove
packing material. Roll or slide unit out of carton. Check carton
thoroughly for loose parts.
NOTE: Make sure not to crimp the cables while
removing the loose parts or the entire unit from the carton.
NOTE: Reference to right or left hand side of the mower is observed from the operating position.
Tools Required
Pair of Pliers Funnel
Set of adjustable wrenches
_ WARNING: Disconnect the spark plug
wire and ground it against the engine to prevent unintended starting. Leave safety key in locked position.
Before setting up your lawn mower, disconnect the spark plug wire from the spark plug, and ground it to a bolt, retaining post or V-slot on the engine. See Figure 1.
Spark Plug
Figure 1
For shipping purposes, the grass bag was placed on top of the unit. Remove it from the unit and set it out ofthe way. See Figure 2.
Lift lowerhandle
Upper Handle
Figure 2
Raise the lower handle, as shown in Figure 2, until
it snaps into place.
Raise the upper handle as shown in Figure 2.
Tighten the two wing nuts which are already on the
handle. See Figure 3.
_ _Upper H::dle_Handle
'_ Tighten
Figure 3
NOTE: Make sure to route the cables outside the lower
handle. Also do not crimp the cables while rifting the
handle up.
For shipping purposes, the hairpin clip is placed in
the outer hole of the weld pin on the lower handle.
Remove the hairpin clip from the outer hole of the
weld pin.
Using a pair of pliers, insert the hairpin clip into the inner hole in the weld pin. Repeat onthe other side. See Figure 4.
Move hairpin clip to
this hole --
Weld Handle
Figure 4
Insert post of cable ties that are on lower handle
into the holes provided on the lower handle. The
holes may be on the inside or outside. Pull cable
ties tight and cut off the extra. See Figure 5 below.
Cable Tie
Post on
Figure 5
AttachingStarter Rope
The rope guide is already attached to the right side of the upper handle of your mower. See Figure 6.
With the spark plug wire disconnected and
grounded, and with the safety key in the locked position, pull the starter rope up to the rope guide. See Figure 6. Slip the rope through the rope guide as shown below. Tighten the wing nut holding the rope guide to the upper handle.
BladeControl Handle
Upper Handle
Rope Guide
Figure 6
NOTE: Make certain the grass bag is turned fight side
out before assembling (warning label will be on the
Parts for soft grass bag:
1. Front Frame
2. Rear Frame
3. Bag Assembling soft grass bag:
Jointhe rearframe andfront frame assemblyas
shown in Figure 7A.
Place thebag overthe frame (blackplasticsideis the bottomof bag). Slipthe openingsin thesideof the plasticchannels onthe bag overthe hookson
thegrass catcherframe.
Secure bag toframe byworkingthe plastic
channelson bagoverframe as showninFigure7B.
All of the plasticchannelsexcept the centertopof
the bagattachfrom theoutsideofbag.The center
top ofthe bag attachesfrom insidethe bag.
Figure 7
If your mower is equipped with a mulching plug, and it is in place on the mower, lift the rear discharge doorand remove the rear mulching plug from the mower. See Figure 8.
Rear "_
Mulching _
Figure 8
NOTE: Make sure that the cables are routed to the
outside of the handle when attaching the grass catcher.
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