WARNING: This symbol pointsout importantsafety instructionswhich, if not followed, couldendanger
the personalsafetyand/or propertyofyourselfandothers. Read and followallinstructionsinthismanual
beforeattemptingto operatethismachine.Failuretocomplywiththeseinstructionsmay resultin personal
injury.Whenyou see thissymbol--HEED ITSWARNING.
WARNING: Engine exhaust, some of itsconstituents,and certainvehicle componentscontainor emit
chemicalsknowntoStateof Californiatocausecancerand birthdefectsor otherreproductiveharm.
WARNING: Thismachine was builtto beoperated accordingto the rulesfor safe operationinthis manual.As with
any type of power equipment, carelessness or error on the part of the operator can result in sedous injury. This
machine is capable of amputating hands and feet and throwing objects. Failure to observe the followingsafety
instructionscould result in sedousinjuryor death.
1. Read this operator's manual carefully in its entirety
before attempting to assemble this machine. Read,
understand, and follow all instructions on the machine
and in the manual(s) before operation. Ba completely
familiar with the controls and the proper use of this
machine before operating it. Keep this manual in a safe
place for future andregular reference andfor ordedng
replacament parts.
2. This machine is a precision piece of power equipment,
not aplaything. Therefore, exercise extreme caution at all
times. Your unithasbeen designedto performonejob: to
mow grass.Do notuse itfor any other purpose.
3. Never allow childrenunder 14 years oldtooperate this
machine. Children 14years oldand overshouldread and
understandthe operation instructionsandsafety rulesin
this manual and shouldbe trained and supervisedbya
parent,Only responsibleindividualswhoare famUiarwith
these safe operationrulesshoulduse thismachine.
4. Thoroughlyinspectthe area where the equipment isto
be used. Remove all stones,sticks,wire,bones,toys and
otherforeign objectswhichcould be tdppedoveror
pickedup andthrown bythe blade. Thrown objectscan
cause sehous personalinjury.Plan your mowingpattern
to avoiddischargeofmatedal toward reeds, sidewalks,
bystandersand the like. Also, avoid dischargingmatedal
againstawallorobstructionwhich may cause discharged
matedal to ricochetbacktowardthe operator.
5. To help avoid blade contact or a thrown objectinjury,stay
inthe operatorzone behind the handles and keep
bystanders,helpers,childrenand pets at least75 feet
from the machine while itisin operation. Stop machine if
anyone enters the area.
6. Always wear safetyglassesor safety goggles during
operationandwhile performingan adjustmentorrepairto
protectyoureyes. Thrownobjects which dcochetcan
cause sedous injurytothe eyes.
7. Wear sturdy, rough-soledworkshoesand close-fitting
slacksand shirts.Shirtsand pants thatcover the arms
and legsand steel-toedshoes are recommended. Never
operate this machine inbare feet, sandals,slipperyor
lightweight (e.g. canvas) shoes.
8. Do notputhandsorfeet near rotatingpartsor underthe
cuttingdeck. Contactwiththeblade can amputatehands
and feet.
9. A missingor damaged dischargecover can cause blade
contact or thrownobject injudes.
10. Manyinjuriesoccuras a resultofthe mowerbeing pulled
overthe footdudog a fall caused byslippingortripping.
Do not holdon to the mower ifyou are falling; release the
11. Neverpullthemower backtowardyouwhile you are
walking. If you mustbackthe mowerawayfroma wail or
obstructionfirstlookdown and behind to avoid tripping
and then followthese steps:
a. Step backfrom the mower tofully extend your
b. Be sureyou are well balancedwithsurefooting.
c. Pullthemowerbackslowly,nomorethan halfway
d. Repeat these stepsas needed.
12. Donotoperate the mower whileunder the influenceof
alcoholor drugs.
13. Do notengage the self-propeUedmechanism onunitsso
14. The blade control handle isa safetydevice, Never
attemptto bypassitsoperation.Doingso makesthe
safety device inoperativeandmay resultinpersonal
injury throughcontact withthe rotatingblade.The blade
controlhandlemustoperate easily inboth directionsand
automaticallyreturnto the disengagedposition when
15. Never operatethe mowerinwet grass.Always be sureof
yourfooting. A slip andfall can cause seriouspersonal
injury.Ifyoufeel you are losingyourfooting, releasethe
blade controlhandle immediately and the bladewillstop
16. Mow in daylightorgood artificiallight.Walk, never ran.
17. Stop the blade when crossinggraveldrives,walkways
18. If the equipment shouldstart to vibrate abnormally, stop
the engine and check immediately for the cause.
Vibration isgenerally a warning of trouble.
19. Shut the eogine off and wait untilthe blade comes to a
completestop before removing the grass catcher or
unclogging the chute. The cutting blade continues to
rotate for a few seconds after the engine is shut off.
Never place any part of the body in the blade area until
you are sure the blede has stopped rotating.