Service Manual
NOTE: These materials are for use by trained technicians experienced in the service and repair of outdoor power equipment of
the kind described in this publication, and are not intended for use by untrained or inexperienced individuals. These materials
are intended to provide supplemental information to assist the trained technician. Untrained or inexperienced individuals should
seek the assistance of an experienced and trained professional. Read, understand, and follow all instructions and use common
sense when working on power equipment. This includes the contents of the product’s Operators Manual, supplied with the
equipment. No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omission in this publication, although care has been taken to
make it as complete and accurate as possible at the time of publication. However, due to the variety of outdoor power
equipment and continuing product changes that occur over time, updates will be made to these instructions from time to time.
Therefore, it may be necessary to obtain the latest materials before servicing or repairing a product. The company reserves the
right to make changes at any time to this publication without prior notice and without incurring an obligation to make such
changes to previously published versions. Instructions, photographs and illustrations used in this publication are for reference
use only and may not depict actual model and component parts. © Copyright 2005 MTD Products Inc. All Rights Reserved.
MTD Products LLC - Product Training and Education Department
FORM NUMBER 769-01422

Safety Switch ..............................................................................................................................1
Inspection of the Drive System ...................................................................................................3
Transmission Removal ...............................................................................................................5
Impeller and Belt Removal .........................................................................................................8
Chipper Blade Removal ...........................................................................................................11

Self-propelled Chipper Shredder Vacuum
Self-propelled Chipper Shredder Vacuum
In model year 2000, MTD introduced a vertical crankshaft lawn vacuum with a 22” clearing width and the
capacity to shred small yard debris. Since it’s introduction, the product has been enhanced with a removable
vacuum hose. The latest product improvement is the
addition of a self-propell feature.
NOTE: The equipment that was used to write
this section was a prototype. There may be subtle differences between prototypes and production equipment.
The safety switch is located at the rear of the unit. The
intent is to make sure that it will not run without a collection bag or blower chute in place. The safety switch
is a normally closed switch. This means that when the
bag or chute are not present, the plunger will be up,
and the contacts within the switch will be closed.
The switch is mounted to the upper impeller housing
assembly. A magneto primary wire connects to one terminal of the safety switch. The other terminal of the
safety switch is connected to a ground wire. When the
collection bag or blower chute is on the unit, the safety
switch plunger will be depressed, and the contacts will
be separated.
NOTE: A multimeter or continuity tester can be
used for this section.
1.1. Confirm that the metal tab on the collection bag
or chute depress the plunger far enough to open
the contacts in the switch.
1.2. Disconnect the switch from the magneto primary
wire at the bullet connector.
1.3. Check for continuity through the switch, from the
bullet connector to ground. See Figure 1.3.
For the sake of orientation:
• All engine controls are located on the
engine.(i.e. choke and throttle)
• The variable speed lever is on the left side of the
handle. This is NOT a throttle control.
• The variable speed lever will not move easily
unless the engine crankshaft is rotating. Do NOT
force the lever.
• The control Bail mounted to the handlebar
engages the drive system. It does NOT turn-off
the engine like the blade control handle on a
Figure 1.3
NOTE: In figure 1.3, the meter shows continuity
(near 0 ohms). This engine will not start even
though the bag is in place.