MSI ATX User Manual

Software & Application User Guide
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, iPhone® and iPod® are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
■ Qualcomm Atheros and Killer are trademarks of Qualcomm Atheros Inc.
Revision History
Revision Revision History Date
V3.0 First release 2014/03
Technical Support
If a problem arises with your system and no solution can be obtained from the user’s manual, please contact your place of purchase or local distributor. Alternatively, please try the following help resources for further guidance.
Visit the MSI website for technical guide, BIOS updates, driver updates, and other information:
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About this guide
This Software Application Guide describes how to use the software applications that come with the MSI’s motherboards. Each chapter describes one of the software applications. It can help you to operate easily when you use the advanced software applications designed by MSI.
Your motherboard may only supports some applications, please refer to the
speci󰘰cation on the motherboard user guide.
Command Center - this chapter describes Command Center overview, how to
monitor your motherboard hardware, read CPU, memory information and use Command Center to overclock the system.
Sound Blaster Cinema 2 - this chapter describes how to active enhancement
features and select pro󰘰les on Sound Blaster Cinema 2.
Killer Network Manager - this chapter describes how to test and con󰘰gure
bandwidth on Killer Network Manager.
Live Update 6 - this chapter describes Live Update 6 overview, and how to
update your system.
Network Genie - this chapter describes system requirement of Network Genie,
how to select network mode and set applications priority.
Super Charger - this chapter guides you with Super-Charge to charge your
iPad, iPhone and iPod.
Smart Utilities - this chapter describes how to use Smart Utilities for enabling
Intel® Rapid Start Technology, Intel® Smart Response Technology and Intel® Smart Connect Technology.
Gaming App - this chapter describes how to switch between OC mode,
Gaming mode and Silent mode in Gaming App. ECO Center - this chapter describes how to power o󰘯 components on the
motherboard with ECO Center.
XSplit Gamecaster - this chapter describes how to register an XSplit account,
stream and record your gameplay.
Command Center ........................................................................................... 1
Overview and Operation ......................................................................................... 2
Default Value .................................................................................................... 2
Changing Value ................................................................................................ 2
Pro󰘰le Buttons .................................................................................................. 3
Resizing Window .............................................................................................. 4
Main Features ......................................................................................................... 5
CPU Frequency ................................................................................................ 5
CPU Fan ........................................................................................................... 5
CPU Voltage ..................................................................................................... 6
DRAM Frequency & DRAM Voltage ................................................................. 6
IGP Frequency & GT Voltage ........................................................................... 6
RAMDisk ........................................................................................................... 7
OC Genie .......................................................................................................... 7
Option Buttons ........................................................................................................ 8
Gadget Mode ........................................................................................................ 12
Setting Gadget ................................................................................................ 12
Sound Blaster Cinema 2...............................................................................13
System Requirement ............................................................................................. 14
Overview and Operation ....................................................................................... 14
Tool Tip ........................................................................................................... 14
SBX Pro Studio Master ON/OFF .................................................................... 15
Users Pro󰘰le ................................................................................................... 15
Advanced Setting ............................................................................................ 15
Feature Toggle ............................................................................................... 15
Control Slider .................................................................................................. 15
Volume Control/ Mute ..................................................................................... 16
Drop-down Menu (Top Right) ......................................................................... 16
Killer Network Manager ................................................................................ 17
System Requirement ............................................................................................. 18
Killer Network Manager Operation ........................................................................ 18
Con󰘰guring Bandwidth .......................................................................................... 19
Speed Testing ................................................................................................. 19
Manually Changing Bandwidth ....................................................................... 19
Killer Network Manager Control Panel .................................................................. 20
Overview ......................................................................................................... 20
Applications Page ........................................................................................... 21
Network Settings ............................................................................................. 22
System Performance ...................................................................................... 23
Killer Ethernet ................................................................................................. 24
Live Update 6 ...............................................................................................25
Live Update 6 overview ......................................................................................... 26
Live Update Tab ............................................................................................. 26
History Tab ..................................................................................................... 26
Setting ............................................................................................................. 27
System Information Tab .................................................................................. 27
Updating The System ............................................................................................ 28
Total Installer ......................................................................................................... 30
Network Genie .............................................................................................. 31
System Requirement ............................................................................................. 32
Network Genie Operation ...................................................................................... 32
Network Genie Control Panel ................................................................................ 33
Mode Tab ........................................................................................................ 33
Application Tab ............................................................................................... 34
Advanced Tab ................................................................................................. 35
System Info Tab .............................................................................................. 36
About Tab ....................................................................................................... 36
Super Charger .............................................................................................. 37
Enabling Super Charger ........................................................................................ 38
Smart Utilities ...............................................................................................39
System Requirement ............................................................................................. 40
Overview and Operation ....................................................................................... 40
Main Buttons Status ........................................................................................ 40
Intel Rapid Start ............................................................................................. 41
Intel Smart Response ..................................................................................... 41
Intel Smart Connect ....................................................................................... 41
Apply ............................................................................................................... 42
Gaming App..................................................................................................43
System Requirement ............................................................................................. 44
Overview and Operation ....................................................................................... 44
CPU and GPU Clock ...................................................................................... 44
Control Mode Buttons ..................................................................................... 45
Display Mode Button ....................................................................................... 45
ECO Center .................................................................................................. 47
System Requirement ............................................................................................. 48
Overview and Operation ....................................................................................... 48
Power Toggle .................................................................................................. 49
Apply Button ................................................................................................... 49
XSplit Gamecaster........................................................................................51
System Requirement ............................................................................................. 52
Logging ................................................................................................................. 52
Registering an Account ................................................................................... 52
Overview and Operation ....................................................................................... 53
User Information ............................................................................................. 53
Learning stream and record ............................................................................ 53
Changing language ......................................................................................... 54
Tool Tip ........................................................................................................... 54
Inside the XSplit Gamecaster Overlay ............................................................ 54
Accounts Tab ........................................................................................................ 55
Live Streaming Services ................................................................................. 55
Video Sharing Services .................................................................................. 55
Social Network Services ................................................................................. 55
Settings Tab .......................................................................................................... 56
Stream Settings .............................................................................................. 56
Hotkeys Tab .......................................................................................................... 57
Setting and Deleting Hotkeys ......................................................................... 57
Recordings Tab ..................................................................................................... 58
Command Center
Command Center is an user-friendly software and exclusively developed by MSI, helping users to adjust system settings and monitor status and under OS. With the help of Command Center, making it possible to achieve easier
and e󰘲cient monitoring process and adjustments than that under BIOS. In
addition, the Command Center can be a server for mobile remote control application.
Overview and Operation
After installing and activating Command Center, you can click on each feature name (CPU, DRAM, GPU, OC Genie) to switch into particular feature view for necessary
Command Center
setting controls. You can also click the left or the right arrow icons on the sides of the Command Center to scroll to the previous or next control panel.
System Information
Feature menu
Feature title
Feature control panel
Previous feature
Option buttons
CPU temperature
Next feature
Page indicator
Resize corner
The pictures in this guide are for reference only and may vary from the product you purchased. Please refer to the actual screens of your system for detailed information.
Default Value
When you click the information icon on the panel, a pop-up message will show, indicating the allowed range and the default value.
Changing Value
Each control panel has di󰘯erent way to change values. The following describes how to
Plus and minus buttons
You can click the plus or minus button to increase or decrease the value.
Command Center
You can drag the slider left or right to decrease or increase the value.
You can rotate the knob clockwise or counter clockwise to increase or decrease the percentage.
Enter value
You can enter a value directly in the text 󰘰eld.
Pro󰘰le Buttons
You can use pro󰘰les buttons to apply changes, reset to default, save and load pro󰘰les.
Command Center
Default button - Load the default setting values for the current feature.
Apply button - After changing values on Feature control panel, you must click the
“Apply” button to apply your changes.
Save button - When you click the “Save” button A dialogue window will appear that allows you to select the location on your computer to save the 󰘰le. Setting values of each feature will be stored in the 󰘰le with individual 󰘰le extension.
Load button - Load the setting values from the 󰘰le.
Every time you shut down the system, the con󰘰gured setting will be restored to the
factory default. If you want to use the saved settings, you have to load it every time by clicking the “Load” and “Apply” buttons.
Command Center
Resizing Window
You can resize the window to half size mode by dragging the right bottom corner.
Command Center
Command Center
Main Features
This section describes the main features (CPU Frequency, CPU Fan, )on the control panel.
CPU Frequency
CPU Frequency control panel allows you to change CPU Ratio and Baseclock. You can see the current frequency of each CPU core on the top of the panel.
CPU Fan control panel provides Smart mode and Manual Mode. You can switch the control mode by clicking the “Smart Mode” and “Manual Mode” buttons on the top of the CPU Fan control panel.
Manual Mode - Allows you to manually control the CPU fan speed by percent­age.
Smart Mode - Smart Mode is a linear fan speed control feature. The Smart Mode control panel contains 4 dots al­lows you to drag and adjust the Smart Speed slopes. The fan speed will be changed along these lines with CPU tem­perature. The white dot will create strip chart in real time.
System Fan Button - You can click the
Manual Mode
Command Center
system fan icon tem fan control panel in new window.
Fan Tune Button - Also, you can press
the auto tune icon optimize the smart fan setting.
to open the sys-
to automatically
Smart Mode
Command Center
CPU Voltage
CPU Voltage control panel allows you to control the CPU voltage.
Command Center
DRAM Frequency & DRAM Voltage
▶DRAM Frequency - Shows the DRAM
clock, ratio and frequency. DRAM Voltage - Allows you to adjust
the DRAM voltage. The risky values are displayed in red.
IGP Frequency & GT Voltage
▶IGP Frequency - Allows you to adjust
the IGP ratio, and shows the IGP clock, ratio and frequency.
GT Voltage - Allows you to adjust the GT voltage. The risky values are dis­played in red.
Command Center
RAMDisk control panel allows you to create a virtual RAM drive.
Enable button - Enable or disable the RAMDisk function.
Setting - Specify Letter, Name, Size and Format of the RAM disk.
Option - Select data to save/load on the RAM disk, witch can speed up your system performance and extend the life of SSD.
Backup - Specify backup and restore settings to prevent data loss.
Accept button - Allows you to accept settings of the RAMDisk function.
OC Genie
Please read the introduction on the OC Genie control panel 󰘰rst. Depends on the CPU types, the introduction may be di󰘯erent.
Command Center
To enable the OC Genie feature, click the OC GEINE button icon. You can also click the “How to start?” button to learn how to use the OC GENIE button.
Command Center
Option Buttons
Option buttons provide advanced setting, additional setting and system information. Advanced
Command Center
When click the “Advanced” button, The Voltage, Fan and DRAM icons will appear. You can click the icons to open the control panels in new windows.
Voltage - Allows you to adjust advanced voltage of CPU and chipset.
Fan - Allows you to control the system fans speed.
DRAM - DRAM Timings control panel shows the current Advanced DRAM parameters, and allows you to change the settings by selecting values from the drop-down menu on the right hand side.
Command Center
When click the “Setting” button, The Record, Warning and Mobile Control icons will appear. You can click the icons to open the control panels in new windows.
Record - Record control panel allows you to monitor the status of voltage, fan speed and temperature in real time.
To 󰘰lter record charts, select the
check box next to the items.
When click the button, the chart pane will start to show the recording chart. If you want to check the value of
a speci󰘰c spot on chart, please
move the orange vertical line to the spot.
History Record - History Record stores the data and names with date and time.
To make a history record:
1. Select items that you would like to record.
2. Click the “Record” button on the left bottom to record status from your system.
3. When 󰘰nished, click the “Record” button again. The data will be stored in the drop­down menu.
To load a record, click the drop­down menu and select your desired record from the list.
Records List
Start/ Stop Record Button
Command Center
To delete a record, select the record that you want to delete, and click the Trash Can icon.
Command Center
Warning - Warning Control Panel contains 󰘰elds of voltage, fan speed and temperature for you to set the threshold values. When system detects the status over your settings, a warning message
Command Center
will pop-up(as shown below).
You can enable/ disable warning items and alert sound by selecting the check box next to the items.
Mobile Control - The Mobile Control control panel is only available for the motherboard with the built-in WiFi module. It allows you to enable/disable the Command Center Remote Server. Please refer to the instruction on the Mobile Control control panel.
Command Center Remote Server ON/OFF
SoftAP Management Setting
To start remote control:
1. Download and install MSI Command Center APP to your mobile device.
2. Enable Command Center Remote Server on the Mobile Control control panel.
3. Enable SoftAP Management.
4. Enter SSID and Password, and then click the “Apply” button.
5. Activate Wi-Fi on your mobile device and connect to SoftAP with the SSID.
6. Run MSI Command Center APP on your mobile device.
7. Find the IP address on the SoftAP Management Setting area, and enter the IP address on your MSI Command Center APP to link your system.
8. Press “Refresh” on the MSI Command Center APP to verify that monitoring and OC functions are working properly.
SoftAP Management enable button
Command Center
When click the “Information” button, The Motherboard, CPU, Memory and HW Monitor Control icons will appear. You can click the icons to open the information windows.
HW Monitor
Command Center
Command Center
Gadget Mode
Command Center provides a gadget mode to monitor the system status. You can switch to gadget mode by clicking the arrow icon
Command Center
Setting Gadget
Gadget mode provides a con󰘰guration panel,
that allows you to select items.
To select items:
1. Click the Spanner icon on the Gadget, a
con󰘰guration panel will slide out.
2. Select the check box next to the items.
3. When 󰘰nished, click the “Close” button.
on the top left (as shown
Command Center
Sound Blaster
Cinema 2
Sound Blaster Cinema 2 improves how you experience stereo and multi­channel soundtracks from a variety of sources, including DVDs, games, CDs, MP3s and even Blu-Ray.
Powered by the SBX Pro Studio technologies, the Sound Blaster Cinema 2 delivers a much more realistic and immersive experience, conveniently placed in a central and intuitive console The SBX Pro Studio suite of technologies features:
■ SBX Surround™
■ SBX Crystalizer™
■ SBX Bass™
■ SBX Smart Volume™
■ SBX Dialog Plus™
System Requirement
You need to have the following system requirements to run Sound Blaster Cinema 2 : Hardware:
■ MSI motherboard with Sound Blaster Cinema 2
Software speci󰘰cations:
Windows 7 32bit/ 64bit
Sound Blaster Cinema 2
■ Windows 8 32bit/ 64bit
■ Windows 8.1 32bit/ 64bit
■ Realtek HD audio driver
Overview and Operation
After installing and activating Sound Blaster Cinema 2, you can click on each enhancement feature name (SURROUND, CRYSTALIZER, BASS, DIALOG PLUS or SMART VOLUME) to switch into particular feature view for necessary setting controls.
User Pro󰘰le
Control Slider
Advanced Setting
Volume Control/ Mute
SBX Pro Studio Master
Feature Title
Feature Toggle
Tool Tip
When you hover the (mouse) cursor over a button, slider or feature name on the panel, a tooltip will show, describing the particular function of that item.
Sound Blaster Cinema 2
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