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The MSD Power Grid System Controller uses a high speed RISC microcontroller to control the ignition’s
output while constantly analyzing the various inputs such as launch, burnout, and step wires; trigger signals,
rpm, and CAN-Bus data. The high speed controller can make extremely quick updates to the ignition output,
timing, and rpm limits while maintaining +/- 0.1° timing and +/- 1 rpm resolution. The circuits and controller of
this system have been designed for superior protection against Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI).
The Power Grid System Controller, PN 7730 / PN 77303, is designed to be used with the Power Grid-7
Ignition Control, PN 7720. This is a high output CD ignition control. The Ignition System allows for the System
Controller to be mounted on top of the Power Grid-7 to save space and provide a neat, compact installation.
The System Controller can also be used with other MSD Ignitions such as the 7AL-2, MSD 8-Plus, and the
Pro-Mag series. In order to use the rev limiting features of the System Controller the paired ignition must
have a built-in Soft Touch Rev Control that uses plug-in RPM modules. Pages 10-12 show wiring diagrams
for a variety of different ignition options.
BLACK 16 GROUND Ignition supply Ground wire. Connect to battery negative (-) terminal
or engine block.
ORANGE 17 BATT POWER Battery supply wire. Connects to battery positive (+) terminal or battery
junction. Note: Do not connect to the alternator.
YEL/WHT 33 TRIGGER OUT Trigger output for electronic ignition amplifiers.
RED 34 POWER OUT On/Off switch wiring. This wire supplies switched 12V power to the
RED 15 IGN 12V switched (Ignition)
GRAY 18 TACH Tach output. This wire will provide a 12 volt square wave tach signal.
WHITE 32 POINTS IN Trigger input from electronic ignition amplifiers, an ECU’s trigger or
YELLOW 1 SHIFT LIGHT Shift Light output wire. It can handle up to 3 amps continuous to ground
when enabled.
LT BLUE 4 BURN OUT Burnout Rev Limit. When 12 volts are applied the Burnout Rev Limit is
active. This disables the Slew Rate rev limits and overrides other rev limits.
It is recommended to have this wire switched from an outside source, such
as the crew chief before the burnout and while staging the car.
DK BLUE 21 LAUNCH This wire activates the Launch Rev Limit and is the main reset wire for
several features of the Ignition. When 12 volts are applied to this wire it
will activate the Launch Rev Limit. It also resets the shift light, the gear
indicator to first gear, the Launch Retard curve and select Gear 1 curve.
When 12 volts is removed, the Launch Time begins as does the Gear 1
curve. When 12 volts are applied the Slew Rate Rev limit will be disabled
as well as the Time-Based Rev Limit curve.
PINK 22 STEP 1 Step 1 retard enabled with +12 volt input AND above Step 1 Rpm value
OR Gear 2 Select.
VIOLET 5 STEP 2 Step 2 retard enabled with +12 volt input AND above Step 2 Rpm value
OR Gear 3 Select.
TAN 23 STEP3 Step 3 retard enabled with +12 volt input AND above Step 3 Rpm value
OR Gear 4 Select.
LT GREEN 6 STEP4 Step 4 retard enabled with +12 volt input AND above Step 4 Rpm value
OR Gear 5 Select.
GREEN 10 STEP5 Step 5 retard enabled with +12 volt input AND above Step 5 Rpm value
OR spool rev limiter.
BRN/WHT 19 RPM SW RPM/Time switch output wire. It can switch up to 3 amps continuous
to ground when enabled.
YELLOW 7 RELAY LO Network Ignition Mode: Cam sync output to Racepak systems for
individual cylinder timing.
YELLOW 24 RELAY HI Legacy Ignition Mode: Rev limiter output to legacy ignition..
GREEN 8 MAG- This is a magnetic pickup, 2-pin connector. Plugs into an MSD
VIOLET 9 MAG+ Distributor or Crank Trigger pickup. Violet is positive, Green is negative.
BROWN 25 SHIELD Note: When this connector is used, the white POINTS IN wire is not
connected. Brown connects to ground.
WHITE 11 VNET HI Communicates data acquisition information with RacePak system.
BLACK VNET LO Only used to plug into VNet.
RED 13 MSD CAN HI Supplies 12V switched power to add on module units. Also communicates
between modules and Power Grid System Controller. This connector
is only used with modules added onto the system. This is for the MSD
CAN-Bus accessories. It is only used when adding Power Grid Modules
to the system. The Hub Connector, PN 7769, is required.
The Power Grid System Controller should be mounted in a
sturdy, dry location that does not expose the unit to extreme
heat. It is designed to be mounted on top of the PN 7720
Power Grid Ignition. Be sure to mount the Power Grid System
Controller so the USB connector and Micro-SD card are
accessible. The unit comes with thread-turning (aka. Selftapping) screws that will cut into the walls of the pre-drilled
holes on the top corners of the Power Grid-7. If the Power Grid
System Controller, PN 7730 / PN 77303, is not being mounted
on top of the Power Grid-7 the unit should be secured with
the supplied hardware.
Note: Insecure or otherwise improper mounting of the unit
Figure 3 Mounting
could result in damage or failure. Always make sure
the unit is dry, avoids unnecessary excess vibration,
and is not exposed to extreme heat.
The MSD View software controls all of the functionality of the Power Grid System Controller. The following
information gives a brief explanation of each function or feature in the system as well as the settings that
control it. While using the program, hover the mouse over a Function to display a brief explanation.
When the system controller is connected to a PC via USB MSD View will automatically recognize it and load
the settings stored in it.
Note: Ensure that MSD View is installed on the PC prior to connecting the Power Grid Ignition Controller.
1. Insert the installation CD Rom into the CD drive, wait up to 30 seconds, the CD will auto run, IF THIS
Locate and open the CD Drive.
Double click on the Setup file.
2. Select “Click here to Install Version X.XX”.
3. Once loaded, your monitor will have an MSD View X.XX logo. Accept the agreement. Drive the installation
to your program files folder, press the enter key. The installation will complete, select OK.
4. A window will be opened with two aliases, double-click on the MSD View alias to launch the software.
5. Connect the system controller via USB. If the software does not recognize the controller and auto-connect,
manually select the Power Grid in the popup window and click Connect.
Note: The View Software can be downloaded from
Using the Power Grid System Controller changes are in real time if the computer is linked to the ignition.
You can create and save numerous files on your PC and transfer them for testing purposes or to use for
various locations and conditions.
The following instructions will go through a general description of the use of the Power Grid System Control
following the tab system that you will see in the software.
These are the most basic settings of the system. They will need to be set the first time the system is installed
in a vehicle.
Number of Cylinders: This tells the system the number of cylinders. Must be selected correctly for proper
timing and rev limiting.
Maximum Timing Reference: This is the advance that is set with a locked distributor or crank trigger. The
system controller will use this as its base for all timing marks and can never advance past the pre-set
point. It is critical that this advance is set properly.
Note: When using EFI the max timing reference and the main timing must be the same number.
Number of Gears: This tells the system the number of gears used in the transmission. This information can
be used a variety of ways depending on the functions and modules used in the system.
Ignition Type: Found under General Settings, this option allows a user to select between using the Power
Grid Ignition, PN 7720, or one of the MSD legacy ignitions.
The LED is located on the far right side of the Power Grid Controller, next to the USB/SD Card cover. This
LED allows the user to quickly determine if; all systems are normal, data is being recorded or if there are
any active Alerts.
OFF – Unit is turned off
ORANGE for 1 Second – Power ON LED test
ORANGE for 10 Seconds – ARC Module (PN 7761) has been connected (*see notes below)
ORANGE - blinking – Data recording in process
GREEN - blinking – Input (crank pickup or Points wire) triggered; below 500 rpm, no active Alerts
RED - blinking – Input (crank pickup or Points wire) triggered; below 500 rpm, 1 or more active
GREEN - solid – Running; above 500 rpm, no active Alerts
RED - solid – Running; above 500 rpm, 1 or more active Alertys
*NOTE: Many racing organizations (NHRA, IHRA, etc.) use an MSD Power Grid test tool that can check for
the following settings:
1. ARC Module - indicates if an ARC module (PN 7761) has been connected (Holds connection indicator
for the next 60 minutes of engine run time after the ARC codule has been disconnected)
2. Safety Limiter - the RPM that the engine will be limited to if it exceeds the Safety Run Time limit.
3. Safety Run Time - the run time, in seconds, after the Launch input (Blue wire) has been released. Activates
the Safety Limiter when timer reaches 0 seconds.
4. Part Numbers - lists the part numbers of any MSD compatible module connected to the Power Grid system.
5. Over Boost - Boost pressure ignition cut off value of the MSD Boost Controller (PN 7763). If connected.
This is used only in applications where the individual cylinder timing is going to be used. The fiber optic
connector communicates when the #1 cylinder fires. With this information, the controller knows which cylinder is being fired allowing for the individual cylinder timing capabilities. Only the MSD Fiber Optic Inductive Pickup Kit, PN 7555 will work for this system. Cam-sync’s cylinder #1 identification is also used in the
data acquisition recordings.