The MSD Programmable Launch Boost Controller allows you to program a boost pressure map
from the launch through a complete run from 12.5 to 100 seconds. You can also program a boost
limit during the burnout. The boost pressure is controlled through two PWM outputs that control
two normally closed 2-way, solenoid valves connected to the waste gate actuator. The actuator is
programmed through PID servo-control and can be tuned for the particular actuator response.
The Boost Controller also can record from 20 to 160 seconds of data including engine rpm, map
pressure, Boost Curve Pressure, Barometric Pressure, PWM output and the Launch and Overboost
input wires. This can all be saved and reviewed in the Launch History window of the MSD software.
All of the programming features can be set with the MSD Pro-Data+ software. This software is for
PCs running Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, XP or ME. All of the parameters can be saved in the PC,
then uploaded to the Controller. There is also a Hand Held Programmer/Monitor, PN 7550, that is
available separately. This unit has an LCD display that will walk through the programming menus
for programming without a PC.
Parts Required but Not Supplied:
1 - MAP Sensor:
2 BARUp to 30-psia, MSD PN 23121
3-BARUp to 45-psia, MSD PN 23131
75-PSIAUp to 75-psia Absolute pressure
75-PSIGUp to 75-psia Gauge pressure
This determines how the Light Blue Burnout wire is activated. It can either be activated by applying
12 volts or by switching it to ground. Default is 12 volts.
SwPWR12 volts activation
SwGNDGround activation
Program a boost map based on time from 12.5, 25, 50 or 100 seconds. Also, select a maximum
boost pressure for the burnout.
Launch: This is the map for the run. This program is made on the Boost Pressure Curve
graph. The Boost pressure can be plotted over time down to 0.01-second and 0.1-psia
increments. One to thirty-two points may be set in the graph.
Burnout: Select a maximum boost pressure that will be used during the burnout. Adjustable
from 0 - 75-psia.
Overboost: This selection lets you program a rampable boost value that is higher than the
programmed curve. Overboost is only activated when its activation wire (Orange) is switched
to 12 volts.
Max: This adjustment extends the time that you can program a boost curve. Adjustable in
12.5, 25, 50 or 100 seconds.
MSD IGNITION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
Select the type of Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor you will be using.
2 BARUp to 30-psia
3-BARUp to 45-psia (This is the default setting)
75-PSIAUp to 75-psia absolute pressure
75-PSIGUp to 75-psia gauge pressure
These are the tuning functions of the Controller that manage the waste gate response. Proportional
Integral Derivative (PID) provides mathematical adjustments that you program in order to obtain
the optimum response and control of the waste gate. The defaults are 40 for each with a range of
0-255. Testing and tuning through the acquisition files is going to be key in setting the controller
properly. Page 8 goes into more detail in programming these settings.
PThis is determined by reviewing the maximum PWM value when boost is
being controlled.
IThis value is used to correct the long term pressure error based on time.
DIncrease this value when the PWM is too high or when the boost pressure
overshoots the target pressure.
This setting allows the user to set a target pressure window where the I Gain setting is allowed to correct
a pressure error. The default is set for 1.5-psi and can be programmed from 0 (no I) to 5-psi.
Select the number of cylinders for your engine. Choose 4, 6 or 8-cylinders. Default is 8.
This setting allows you to select how and when the acquisition feature begins recording data.
RPMSet the rpm that the engine must reach to arm the acquisition feature. If this rpm is
not achieved, no data will be recorded.
ARMSelect how the acquisition feature is armed prior to beginning to record.
RPM: Set an rpm that the engine must reach in order to arm the Acquisition feature.
If this rpm is not achieved, no data will be recorded. (The Launch wire must be
connected to 12 volts.)
Launch: The Acquisition feature will be armed when the Launch wire (Dark Blue) is
activated, only after the Light Blue wire has been activated.
Off: No data will be recorded.
Mpy: This allows you to multiply the amount of time that data can be acquired.
Twenty seconds multiplied by 2, 4 or 8 for a max aquire time of 160 seconds.
Alerts are messages that can be viewed on the screen of the Hand Held Monitor. You can choose
to have the Alerts be displayed or skipped when they are active on single or multiple screens.
The Alert messages at this time include:
LampShortThe remote indicator is shorted or overloading.
PSIOVerThis indicates that the boost pressure is more than 2-psi over the target boost
pressure value for over two seconds. This could be caused from incorrectly
set PID values, a waste gate problem, a line is plugged or inoperative, or the
valves are not wired correctly.
Select the number of Alert Messages that will be displayed each time the display is interrupted. The
default is set to 0 to not show any alerts.
MSD IGNITION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
The LED on the side of the unit will verify at power up by turning on for one second (the remote
indicator will also light up). It will also blink steady when the launch sequence is active (the Dark
Blue wire is connected to 12 volts). Once the car launches, the LED will turn off.
VIOLETOn/Off. Connect to a switched 12 volt supply.
BLACKGround. Connect to battery negative or to engine ground.
BROWNIndicator Alert. Connect to a 12 volt LED or bulb that will alert the user that the
launch sequence has been properly initiated by flashing. It will turn off when
the car is launched (12 volts removed from the Dark Blue).
GRAYTach input signal wire. Connect to the ignition tach output (12 volt square
DARK BLUELaunch wire. This wire is activated when switched to 12 volts. At that point,
the first time point of the boost pressure curve is selected and the time is reset
to zero. This wire overrides the burnout wire (Light Blue) when both are active.
LIGHT BLUEBurnout wire. This wire can be programmed to be active either with 12 volts,
or when connected to ground. When active, the Burnout boost pressure
value is activated, the acquisition record is stopped and armed for the launch.
ORANGEOver-boost control wire. When connected to 12 volts, this will activate the
over-boost ramped pressure value.
These wires provide a self-protected driver with an output current load of up to 2 amps continuous.
YELLOWProvides a pulse width modulated ground to the waste gate solenoid valve.
Note that this wire is Normally Closed to Ground.
REDProvides 12 volts to the waste gate electric air valve.
GREENProvides a pulse width modulated ground to the waste gate solenoid valve.
Note that this wire is Normally Open from ground.
REDProvides 12 volts to the waste gate electric air valve.
3-pin connector goes to the external MAP or Gauge Pressure Sensor.
BROWN/WHITE Five volt supply wire.
BROWNMAP output signal
MSD IGNITION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
Figure 1 Wiring the Boost Launch Controller.
The spring in the waste gate must be the lowest rated spring available in order to achieve minimum
pressure. (Unless you are using CO2 to set a minimum and maximum boost.) The programmed
boost pressure will only be capable of increasing boost above the minimum boost pressure that is
set by the waste gate actuator spring value. There must be a pressure relief valve in the intake duct.
This should be set at the maximum desired pressure or 1-2-psi greater. Also, two Normally Closed,
12 volt solenoid valves with 3/32" orifice must be installed between the waste gate actuator and the
manifold (or CO2) on the spring side.
The MSD Controller can control both types of waste gate actuators with a single or dual pressure
ports. The control solenoids are always connected on the spring side of the waste gate actuator. If
your waste gate actuator has pressure control on both sides of the waste gate actuator refer to
Figure 3. If it has only one pressure port, refer to Figure 2. For optimum control, Figure 4 shows a
dual port actuator with a CO2 bottle giving it full adjustability.
The MSD Controller will regulate the waste gate actuator to maintain the desired boost pressure. The
boost pressure value is a clamp value, in that the turbo or blower must be developing at least the
programmed boost pressure value to open the control valve to open the waste gate. This allows you
to program a burnout boost pressure maximum, a launch maximum boost pressure and then to
provide a smooth pressure ramp up to the maximum boost pressure by plotting a pressure vs. time
curve with up to 32 points entered in .1 PSIA increments, and .01 second increments.
MSD IGNITION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
Figure 2 Single Port Waste Gate Actuator.
Figure 3 Dual Port Waste Gate Actuator.
MSD IGNITION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
Figure 4 Dual Port Waste Gate Actuator with CO2 Control.
The sequence of the Boost Controller is controlled through the Burnout wire (Light Blue) and the
Launch Wire (Dark Blue). The Light Blue wire must be activated to arm the acquisition feature of
the controller followed by the activation of the Dark Blue wire (which overrides the Burnout setting).
When the 12 volts is removed from the Dark Blue wire the acquisition begins (with two seconds
prior) as does the boost map that you plotted.
It is recommended to connect the Light Blue wire to the brake switch and the Dark Blue to the trans
brake or clutch switch. As the car rolls into the lights, the Light Blue wire will be activated through
the brake switch to arm the acquisition. Once in, the trans brake is activated along with the Dark
Blue Launch wire which puts the Controller at zero time or the first value in the Launch boost curve
to control the boost pressure. When the transbrake is then released, the launch wire is deactivated
and the sequence begins.
Note:The Light Blue wire MUST be deactivated before the Dark Blue wire is deactivated in order to
set a proper launch and record sequence.
MSD IGNITION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
When the brakes are applied at the end of a pass, the Light Blue wire is again activated, which
stops the recording process of the Controller. Do Not activate the Dark Blue wire until the acquisition
files have been downloaded. Doing so will reset and erase the previous run.
Note: The record function can be set for rpm to allow the record to begin at a programmed rpm.
(The Launch wire must be connected to 12 volts.)
Clutch Cars: For clutch car, the Light Blue wire should be connected to a momentary switch to
use the Burnout Boost and to arm the acquisition. The Dark Blue wire for the launch can go to the
clutch or brake switch to activate the boost map and acquisition when the car launches.
The Programmable Launch Boost Control can provide you with 20, 40, 80 or 160 seconds of
Controller data during each pass with 2 seconds leading to the launch. Samples are taken by the
microprocessor every 10, 20, 40 or 80-milliseconds. (This number can be averaged in the Analysis
Box by choosing Average.) After a pass, you can recall a variety of parameters to view as they
occurred during the pass including engine rpm, MAP, boost pressure, PWM output and the status
of the Launch and Overboost input wires. After each pass, the file can be saved so it can be stored
and reviewed with other runs.
With the laptop connected to the Controller after a pass, turn the ignition On and go to the Launch
History window. Click on the Transfer pull down menu then select Acq to Plot. This brings the
recorded information to the screen where it can be saved to the PC by clicking File, then Save As.
Note that the numbers on the left side of the screen are arbitrary and there to provide a division
between the spaces. The numbers that go across the top of the chart are seconds and begin at
two seconds prior to the launch.
After saving the file, it can only be opened and viewed in the History File 1-4 screen (there are four).
If this screen is not up, go to the View pull down menu on the Graph View chart and select History
File. Up to 32 data traces can be viewed in one trace box in a file window. Data traces can be
dragged from the Trace box to the Analysis box to view the data with averaging offsets for PSIG
and other functions.
There will be a window available in each Launch History screen; a combination History Analyze
and History Traces window. (If they are not there when you open the History chart, go to View and
select Trace/Analysis box.) There is a third window available called Notes that allow you to write
any important notes to that specific run. The MSD records all of the possible information then you
decide which ones you want to view and compare. This is done by grabbing each title by clicking,
and then dragging it under the Analyze title. After you select the desired traces you can select
Clear to delete the other traces to make room for other traces to compare.
This box allows you to select the traces that you want to view. The Trace section shows the different
traces you can monitor. The Analysis section allows you to pick and choose which traces you
want to place on the History Analyze graph. The entire list of items can be copied by clicking Copy
at the top of the window, or you can click-and-drag the traces you want from the Trace list to the
Analyze list. The order of the Traces can be changed by clicking and dragging each one to meet
your desired order. You can select the value that it represents or is measured in, its color on the
screen and when it appears. You can also open other acquisition files and bring their traces into
the same History Analyze graph to compare. Up to 64 traces can be shown on the graph, with 32
from the Analyze list and another 32 from the Trace list.
MSD IGNITION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
Both boxes have an On and Tier button. Clicking On, brings all of the traces to the Window.
Selecting Tier positions each trace so they are not sitting atop each other. The Clear button will
remove all of the traces that are not turned on. The History Analyze section also has a copy button
which copies everything from the Trace section into its list.
PSI Gauge Reference: Key in the atmospheric pressure so there will be a reference when viewing
the PSIg or InchHg values in the History Files.
Value Column: There is a Value column for each trace in the History Analyze window. This lets you
select how to view each trace. Note: Not all of the options will work with every trace.
Value Plot the trace data in the same units as the Trace Window data.
PSIgPounds per Square Inch Gauge. Best used with the MAP trace. To use this trace, the
present atmospheric pressure must be put in to the Pressure Gauge Reference at
the top of the History Window.
Average Column: This column filters the data. The setting is defaulted to one, meaning that you
are viewing the raw data the same as in the History Trace Window. Increasing this number averages
the samples together for a cleaner, easier to read trace. This is done by averaging the trace data
which is 720° (crankshaft) average data. The Slope function requires an Average setting of 5 or
more while the RpmDiff trace is best if viewed with an average of 5-10. Note that too much filtering
will distort the data. The Map and Boost Traces are best viewed with an average value of 10 - 20.
Color Key: To change the color of a trace, click the pointer just to the right of the value column for
each trace in the Trace or Analyze section. This will bring up the color chart.
At this point, the Controller should be installed, wired and plumbed to the turbo system. There are
several checks and steps required to set up the Controller for your application. The Controller will
take some time to tune to match your engine’s output. There are several examples with information
to assist you in setting up your Controller.
Tach Signal: The Controller requires a tachometer signal to enable the solenoid valves to operate.
The tach signal can be from an ECU output or ignition tach-output, typically a 12-volt pulse. On
some DIS equipped vehicles it is recommended to use the MSD 8913 DIS Tach Driver.
PSIA Pressure: Note that since a Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor is used to measure
the boost pressure, the units of programming values are in PSIA. This means that the boost pressure
is a value of pressure greater than the atmospheric pressure. Atmospheric pressure is taken at
power on by the Controller and displayed as RefPsia on Pro-Data screen. Also note that the MAP
sensor should be installed close to the manifold with stiff tubing for accurate pressure measurements
and control.
Gauge Pressure: The Launch Controller can also be programmed to accept a 75PSIG sensor for
high boost applications. This means that all units would be in gauge units relative to atmospheric
MSD IGNITION • 1490 HENRY BRENNAN DR., EL PASO, TEXAS 79936 • (915) 857-5200 • FAX (915) 857-3344
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