MSD 75591 Installation Instructions Manual

Programmable Shift Controller
PN 75591
WARNING: During installation, disconnect the battery cables. When disconnecting, always
remove the Negative cable first and install it last.
Parts Included:
1 – Shift Controller 8 – #10 Screws 10 – Butt Splices 1 – Pro-Data+ Software 4 – #10 Nuts 2 – Ring Terminals 1 – 9-Pin Harness, 10-Feet 4 – #10 Washers 2 – Deutsch Terminated Harnesses 1 – 1-Pin Harness
Note: Solid core spark plug wires cannot be used with this controller.
The MSD Programmable Shift Controller allows you to program different rpm points to trigger the shift solenoids. Any transmission configuration may be used up to a six speed trans. Programming the rpm and options of the Shift Controller can be done with MSD’s Hand Held Monitor, PN 7550, or with the MSD Pro-Data+ Software on a Windows based PC.
The optional Hand Held Programmer/Monitor, PN 7550, connects through the 9-pin connector on the Control and features an LCD display that allows you to walk through the programs as well as monitor the engine’s rpm, the current gear, alerts and more (Figure 1). There is also a computer disk supplied with the MSD ProData+ software. This software is for PCs running windows 95, 98 or NT. All of the adjustable parameters can be reviewed and set, then uploaded to the Controller. More information on using this software begins on page 5.
Figure 1 Hand Held Programmer, PN 7550.
The number of cylinders and number of gears must be programmed. The Cylinder Count (CylCnt) default is 8-cylinders, and can be programmed for 4 or 6-cylinders. The Transmission needs to be configured as well. The default is 6-gears and can be programmed for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6-gear transmissions on the (LastGear) menu.
Gear Solenoids
There are different shift solenoids available and will need to be selected. The default is a Sequence­On which is activated with 12 volts and remains on. There is also a Pulsed solenoid that receives a Pulsed signal to activate the solenoid. The time of the Pulse signal is also adjustable from 0.100 to
2.5 seconds in 0.010 increments (The solenoid manufacturer should specify a pulse time).
Shift RPM
The rpm for each gear change needs to be programmed from the Gear Select (GearSel) menu. The rpm can be programmed from 1,000 to 12,500 rpm in 100 rpm increments.
Launch Wire Activation
This program (LaunchIn) selects the input signal. The Dark Blue wire is the Set/Reset wire and can be activated by either being grounded or when connected to 12 volts. The default is the ground setting.
To test the Dark Blue wire's operation, the engine must be running so the Shift Controller
receives a trigger signal. MSD offers an optional tester, PN 8998, that allows you to test the Controller without the engine running. See page 6.
Shift Inhibit
This program is programmable from 300 to 600 milliseconds. It will inhibit or delay the next shift from occurring by the amount of time programmed. This (Inhibit) is used during the launch or in cases of wheel spin. The default is 300 milliseconds.
Display Default Data Low-High (increments)
Cylcnt $ 8 4/6/8 ShiftLt1 ###00 Rpm 7,000 1,000-12,500 (100) ShiftLt2 ###00 Rpm 7,500 1,000-12,500 (100) ShiftLt3 ###00 Rpm 8,000 1,000-12,500 (100) ShiftLt4 ###00 Rpm 8,500 1,000-12,500 (100) LastGear # 6 2-6 (1) LaunchRst Sw $$$ Gnd Gnd/Pwr OutSel $$$$$ SeqOn SeqOn/Pulse PulseTime #.## .50 .10-2.50 Sec (.01) Inhibit ### 300 300-600 ms (10) AlertsPerScan # 0 0-1 (1)
Figure 2 Default Setting Chart.
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