Moultrie MFHP53863 User Manual

Instructions for the Feeder Activator
THANK YOU for your purchase of the Feeder Activator. Please read this sheet If you should have any questions about this product or any other Moultrie using the information on the back of these instructions. Please register your Feeder Activator at to activate your 1-year warranty.
product, please contact us
before using the unit.
The Feeder Activator consists of a Receiver that mounts in your wildlife feeder and a Handheld Transmitter.
When the button is pressed on the Transmitter, a signal is sent to the Receiver which activates the Feeder motor for a period of ve seconds.
The Transmitter is powered from a 12-volt Remote Control Battery and the Receiver is powered from your 6-volt Feeder Battery.
The Feeder Activator works with most 6-volt wildlife feeders that meet the following requirements:
a) When the battery is installed in the feeder, the positive and negative contacts are exposed and accessible ­ enabling the connection of the Feeder Activator power wires (with alligator clips).
b) The two wires that run between the feeder circuit board and the motor are accessible - enabling the connection of the Feeder Activator motor wires.
NOTE: On Moultrie feeder kits, there are two separate wires labeled “Feeder Activator Connection” that should be used for connection.
Transmitter Antenna
Activation Button
Handheld Transmitter
Status Light
Receiver Mounts Inside Feeder
Battery contacts must be accessible
The Feeder Activator may be used in a metal Feeder enclosure if the Antenna Wire can be routed outside the box.
NOTE: If installating on a Moultrie feeder kit, you can proceed to Section B2
Disconnect the battery from the Feeder. Holding one of the provided Connectors in the orientation shown, push the Receiver’s Red Motor Wire into the rear hole until it reaches the internal stop.
Slide the positive wire that runs between the Feeder’s circuit board and the motor into the side of the Connector as shown. The positive wire may be red in color, marked “positive”, or not identied. If it is not identied, select either wire.
Feeder Circuit Board to Motor
Receiver’s Motor Wire
Motor Wire from
With pliers, squeeze the metal contact tab down until it is even with the surface of the plastic. Close the Plastic Cover until it snaps into place.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the Black Negative Wire.
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Metal Contact Tab
If installing on a Moultrie feeder kit, locate the separate wires labeled “Feeder Activator Connection +/-” as shown in the photo. Use the steps from Section B1 to install the receiver wires onto these activator wires. This will prevent you from compromising the wires that run between the timer circuit board and the the motor on your feeder kit.
Connect the battery to the Feeder and then to the Receiver. Connect the Red Wires to the positive terminal (+) and the Black Wires to the negative (-) terminal.
Immediately following connection of the battery, the red Status Light on the Receiver will be on solid or blinking:
To test the Feeder Activator, stand back from the feeder and press the button on the Transmitter. Feeder motor will run for a period of ve seconds. If motor does not run, check connections to Battery and to motor as shown.
Open the Plastic Cover on the Connectors and carefully pry open with a screwdriver. Pull-up on metal clip with pliers to release the wires. Swap the motor wires as shown. Refer back to Section B for details on connection.
Circuit Board
If Status Light is blinking,
these two wires need to be
swapped at the Connectors
Status Light
Remove the protective cover from the double sided tape on the back of the Receiver. Position the Receiver on a clean and dry location inside the Feeder.
Route the black Antenna Wire inside the plastic Feeder enclosure. The Antenna Wire should not be folded or in contact with the motor. If using the Feeder Activator in a metal Feeder enclosure, the Antenna Wire must be routed outside the box in an area that is not accessible by varmints.
To activate the Feeder motor for a period of ve seconds, fully extend the Transmitter Antenna and hold the Activation Button until the Feeder runs.
This dev ice compli es with par t 15 of the FCC Rule s. Operat ion is subje ct to the fo llowing t wo conditi ons: (1) This devi ce may not cau se harmfu l interfe rence, and (2) th is device mu st accept an y interfe rence rece ived, incl uding inte rferenc e that may cau se undesir ed operat ion.
For devi ces approv ed under Par t 15, the user ’s manual or ins tructi on manual fo r an intentio nal or unint entional r adiator sh all cautio n the user ab out change s or modic ations to th e device (Se ction 15.21).
NOTE: Thi s equipme nt has been te sted and fo und to compl y with the li mits for a Cl ass B digita l device, pu rsuant to pa rt 15 of the FCC Ru les. Thes e limits are d esigned t o provide re asonable p rotect ion agains t harmful i nterfer ence in a resi dential in stallati on. This eq uipment genera tes, uses an d can radia te radio fr equency e nergy and, i f not insta lled and use d in accorda nce with th e instruc tions, may c ause harm ful inter ference t o radio comm unicatio ns. Howeve r, there is no gua rantee tha t interfe rence will n ot occur in a pa rticul ar install ation. If this eq uipment do es cause ha rmful int erfere nce to radio o r televisio n recepti on, which ca n be determ ined by turn ing the equ ipment o an d on, the user i s encourag ed to try to co rrect t he interf erence by on e or more of the f ollowing m easures: – Reorie nt or reloc ate the rece iving ante nna. – Increa se the sepa ration be tween the e quipment a nd receive r. – Connec t the equip ment into an o utlet on a ci rcuit di erent fro m that to whic h the receiv er is connec ted. – Consult t he dealer or a n experi enced radi o/TV tec hnician fo r help.
Our Service Department will gladly answer any questions you have.
MFHP53863 • 03252021
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