Date: 2015-01-29
B2X Service Repair Information: Swollen batteries on Nexus 6
Info ID: SRI-EMEA-2015-03_Rev4
Countries: EMEA
Carrier: -
Repair Level: L1 swollen battery Swap action - L2 Rework Action
Affected Models: XT1100
This is an addendum for Motorola official Service Bulletin “UKRAEFSB2015-7Rev.2.1”. Please disregard
previous versions.
The root cause for lifted battery cover and expansion of the battery has been identified and appropriate
repair actions have been introduced. Motorola has confirmed that this is material related and not due to
how people use their phones, and does not pose a safety concern. The problem may be seen with a very
slight lift of the rear inlay cover.

Service Action
1. NEXUS 6 devices returned for swollen battery issue shall be swapped out and the defective device
shall be quarantined for possible parts harvesting, RTV process or final scrap.
IMPORTANT: All swollen battery cases must be replaced with reworked devices. Make sure not to
use any unscreened/unmodified stock.
2. NEXUS 6 devices returned for any other issue (including NFF) and with a month of ship prior to
January 21st 2015 units shall be repaired accordingly and additionally inspected for Factory
Rework Marking.
All SWAP stock, e-commerce, DOA’s, devices that require Service and are prior to the 21st of January 2015
need to be reworked.
Until replacement reworked swap devices or the rework parts arrive, the MASC has to use current swap
1. When the new swap stock arrives, MASC should use this on ALL repairs until the rework parts
2. When the rework parts arrive, the MASC must modify all affected repairs and rework any old swap
3. All swollen batteries MUST be swapped.
Screening Action:
Below is how you can identify the ship date of device:
Please use the “On-line Warranty” function in Service Link to distinguish when a device was shipped.
Use the “Current Standard Warranty Expiry Date” and subtract 12 months to identify the ship date.
Example: In the top IMEI, the standard warranty ends on the 15th of December 2015. Subtracting 12
months, this will indicate that the device has shipped on the 15th of December 2014. This device is before
the 21st of January 2015 and will fall under the rework action.