Motorola V688 Owner's Manual

Welcom to the world of Motorola digital wireless communication!

We are pleased that you have chosen the Motorola V688 wireless phone.

Personal Communications Sector

600 North U.S Highway 45

Libertyville, Illinois 60048

1-800-331-6456(United States)

1-888-390-6456(TTY/TDD United States)


MOTOROLA, the Stylized M Logo and all other trademarks indicated as such herein are trademarks of Motorola, INC. Reg. U.S Pat. & Tm. Off. TrueSync, Sidekick, Starfish and the Stylized Starfish Logo are registered tradmarks of Starfish Software, Inc., a wholly owned independent subsidiary of Motorola, nc. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners.

2003 Motorola, Inc.All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A

The Motorola prouducts described in this manual may include copyrighted Motorola and third party software stored in semiconductor memories or other media. Laws inthe United States and other countries preserve for Motorola and third party software, such as the exclusive rights to distribute or reproduce the copyrighted software. Accordingly, any copyrighted software contained in the Motorola products may not be modified, reverse-engineered, distributed, or reproduced i any manner to the extent allowed by law. Furthemore, the purchase of the Motorola products shall not be deemed to Motorola or any third party software provider, except for the normal, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use that arises by operation of law in the sale of a product.

Manual number :

Cover number :

This Very important information about safety and efective use of the call phone. Be sure to read and understand it before using your phone.

RF Operational Characteristics

Your phone contains a transmitter and a receiver. When it is ON, it receives and transmits radio frequency (RF) energy. The phone operates in the frequuency range of ___ MHz to ___MHz in digital mode.

When you communicate with your phone, the systen handling your call controls the power levels at which your phone transmits. The output power level typicall may vary over a range from___watts to ___ watts in digital mode.

Exposure To Radio Frequency Energy

Your Motorola phone is designed to comply with the follwing national and international standards and guuidelines regarding exposure of human beings to radio frequency electromagnetic energy(EME) : ●United States Federal Communications Commission, Code of Regulations, 47 CFR part 2

sub-part J

●American National Standards Institute(ANSI)/Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95. 1-1992

●Institute of Electrical and Dlectronic Engineers(IEEE) C95.1-1999 Edition ●International Commission on Non-lonizing Radiation-Human Exposure) Standard 1999

To assure optimal phone performance and make sure human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy is within the guidelines set forth in the above stadards, always adhere to the following procedures.


Portable Phone Operation and EME Exposure

Antenna Care

Use only the supplied or an approved replacement antenna.

Unauthorized antennas, modifications, or attachments could damage the phone and may violate FCC regulations.

Do NOT hold the antenna when the phone is in use.

Holding the antenna affects call quality and cause the phone to operate at a higher power level than needed.

Phone Operation

When placing or receiving a phone call, hold your phone as you would a wireline telephone.

Speak directly into the microphone.

Body-Worn Operation

To maintain compliance with FCC RF exposure guidelines, if you wear a phone on your body when transmitting, always place the phone in a Motorola-supplied or approved clip, holder, holster, case, or body harmess for this product. Use of non-Motorola-approved accessories may exceed FCC RF exposure gyidelines.


If you do not use a body-worn accessory, and are not holding the phone in the normal antenna are at least one inch (2.5 centimeters) from your body.

Data Operation

When using any data feature of the phone, with or without an accessory cable,

position the phone and its antenna at least one inch (2.5 centimeters) from your body.

Approved Accessories

For a list of approved Motorola accessories, visit our website at

Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility

Note :Nearly every electronic device is susceptible to electgromagnetic interference(EMI) if inadequately shielded, designd, or otherwise configured for electromagnetic compatibility.


To avoid electromagnetic interference and/or compatibility conflicts, turn off your phone in any facility where posted notices instruct you to do so. Hospitals or health care facilities may be using equipment that is sensitive to external RF energy.



When instructed to do so, turn off your phone when on board an aircraft. Any use of a phone must be in accordance with appliable regulations per airline crew instructions.

Modical Devices


The Advanced Medical Technology Association recommends that a minimum separation of 6 inches (15 centimeters) be maintained between a handheld wireless phone and a pacemaker. these recommendations are consistent with tje independent research by, and recommendations of, the United States Food and Drug Adminstration.

Persons with pacemakers should :

ALWAYS keep the phone more than six inches

(15 centimeters) from your pacemaker when the phone is turned ON.

NOT carry the phone in the breast pocket.

use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential for interference.

turn OFF the phone immediately if you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place.

Hearing Aids

Some digital wireless may interfere with some hearing aids. In the event of such interference, you may want to consult your hearing aid manufacturer to discuss alternatives.


Other Medical Devices

If you use any other personal medical device, consult the manufacturer of your device to determine if it adequately shidlded from RF energy. Your physician may be able to assist you in obtaining

this information.

Safety and General

Use While Driving

Check the laws and regulations on the use of phones in the area where you drive. Always obey them.

When using your phone while driving , please :

Give full attention to driving and to the road.

Use hands-free operation, if available.

Pull off the road and park before making or answering a call if driving conditions so require.

Operational Warnings

For Vehicles With an Air Bag

Do not place a portable phone in the area over an air bag or in the air bag deployment area. Air bags inflate with great force. If a portable phone is placed in the air bag deployment area and the air bag inflates, the phone may be propelled with great force and cause serious injury to occupants of the vehicle.


Potentially Explosive Atmospheres

Turn off your phone prior to entering any area with a potentially explosive atmosphere, unless the phone is a model specifically identified as being “Intrinsically Safe.” Do not remove, install, or charge batteries in such areas. Sparks in a potentially explosive atmosphere can cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or enen death.

Note : The areas with potentially explosive atmospheres referred to above include fueling areas such as below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transger or storage facilities, areas where the air contains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders, and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle engine. Areas with potentially explosive atmospheres are aften but not always posted.

Blasting Caps and Areas

To avoid possible interference with blasting operations, turn OFF your phone when you are near electrical blasting caps, in a blasting area, or in areas posted. “Turn off two-way radio.” Obey all signs and instructions.


All batteries can cause property damage and/or bodily injury such as burns if a conductive material such as jewelry, keys, or beaded chains touches exposed terminals. The conductive material may conplete an electrical circuit (short circuit) and become quite hot. Exercise care in handling any charged battery, particularly when placing it inside a pocket, purse, or other container with metal objects.



I. Before Using

Confirming Components


Name and Function of Each Part


Basic Keypad Operation


Menu Map



Display Icon



How to Use Battery

Cell Phone and Battery Pack




The Battery and UIM Card




Changing Battery Pack




Battery Pack Charging




Progress State




Battery Pack Charging Time




Battery Pack Operating Time




Low Voltage Alert




Battery Pack Care Information


Precautions When Using






II. Basic Operation


Power ON and OFF

Power ON




Power OFF


Placing a Call





Placing a call from Phone Book




Turbo Dialing




Electronic Dialing




Emergency Dialing




Voice Dialing



II. Basic Operation





Receiving a Call



Receiveing a call Using






Setting Answer mode



Using Answer Machine


Unanswered Call






III. How to use Phone Book


Saving numbers to Phone Book



Saving numbers on the Menu



Saving numbers in the Standby mode39


Using While saving phone book


Modifying Phone Book



Saving numbers on the Menu



Modifying a name and E-mail address43


Modifying groups


Deleting Phone numbersDeleting the whole phone number list44 Deleting the whole contents of saved on the44list

Deleting a particular item


Deleting a group


Retrieving Phone numberRerieving with View All


Retrieving by Loc


Retrieving by Group


Retrieving by Name


III. How to use Phone Book

Retrieving the Phone Book Information


Viewing the Recent Call List


Viewing Received Call List


Viewing Unanswered Call List


Retrieving Stored Information


Viewing Your Number


Copy Entries


Clearing Call to List/Received Call


List/Unanswered Call List


VI. Using Bell Control

Changing Ring type Storing Record Sound


Changing Reception modeSetting up Etiquette mode


Adjust Ring Volume


Setting Connect Tone


Setting Greeting Tone


VlI. Using Alarm/Timer

Using Alarm

Setting Alarm



Alarm Off


Viewing World Time



Viewing the information about call time









Roam Timer



Viewing the infromation about Reset Timer60

Setting 1 Min Timer



VI. VI .UsingPIM

Using Schedule

Entering Schedule



Checking Schedule



Deleting Schedule


Using To do list

Entering to do list



Checking to do list



Deleting to do list


Using Calendar



VIII. Phone Setting


Selecting backlt



Setting Graphic


Call Setting

Call Waiting



Call Forward


Change Banner



Auto Area Code Setup



Setting international phone number


Language Selection



Auto hyphen



Changing the phone’s settingAuto Lock



Changing Lock Code



Call Restriction



Master Reset



S/W Version







IX. Using Additional Functions

Using Calculator



Using Record Function




Ending recording



Record Playing



Record Deleting


Editing my phone



Wireless Data Communication Service



Data Rate



Data Profile



Use 1x Data


Playing Game

Marble Hexa



Witty Adventure


X. Using Function During a Call

Controlling volume during the call


Memo during the call



Viewing menu during the call


Sending my number










Xl. Using SMS Features


Checking Message

Reading Message


Searching Message

Sending a new text message




Sending a stored text message




Sending a new EMS




Sending a stored EMS


Deleting Message

Delete One




Delete All


Xl. Using SMS Features

Message Reception Function Setup



Alert frequncy



View message



Save To


Move to Message

Move to UIM



Move to Phone


Memory Status

Text Msgs



EMS Msgs


EMS Folder

Text Msgs


XlI. Using WAP Browser

Accessing Internet

Accessing Internet



WAP Menu



Setup WAP browser configuration 103

XlII. Appendix



Specification and Characteristics


Summary Table


Before Using


Confirming Components


2. Name and Function of Each Part



Basic keypad Operation


4. Menu Map



Display Icon



How to Use Battery



Precautions When Using



Before Using

1.Confirming Components



User’s Manual

2.Name and Function of Each Part




Service Lamp


Phone Book, Recent Call, Game One-Touch key

Volume Button


LCD Screen

WAP special key

Navigation Key


Wireless Data Communication

Cable Connection Port

Before Using

3.Basic Keypad Operation

To Place or receive a call.

Short press : To dispaly a call-to list

To turn the power ON/OFF and end a call

To end a selected feature to return to the initial screen


Left :‘MENU’- Press to go to MENU

Right :‘MESSAGE’- Press to go to MESSAGE

Up :‘SHORTCUT’- Press to go to SHORTCUT

Down :‘STORE’- Press to go to STORE ■ MENU Navigation

Left/Right : Press to select or cancel a menu. Up/Down : Scroll function.

Dial buttons - To enter numbers and characters

Quick dialing for an international call

To set/reset Etiquette feature


To set/reset One-touch lock feature

To delete characters or number while entering them

Short press : To delete characters one by one

Long press : To delete the whole characters

To move to the upper menu or previous display screen

Scrolling menus or adjusting volume during

a call in process

■ Press once to indicate Recording menu.

Press and hold for a few seconds to indicate voice dial.

WAP special(Start Browser, UTK) key.

Phone Book one-touch key : Press to go to Phone Book menu.

Recent Calls one-touch key(In standby mode) : Press to go to CLI List, UnansCall, Call-to List.

Game one-touch key(Marble Hexa, Witty Adventure)




Before Using

Before Using






4. Menu Map






1. Phone Book

2. Tone Control

1. View All

9. Copy Entries

1. Ringer Style


1. UimCard to Phone

1. Ringer Tone(1~10)



2. Recall By Loc

Section Copy

2. Melody(1~20)





2. Phone to UimCard

3. Recorded Sound(1~5)

3. Recall By Group


Single Copy

4. Musics(1~20)




4. Recall By Name


5. My Bell(1~10)





2. Ring/Vib

5. CLI List


1. Bell Only





2. Vib.Only

6. UnansCall


3. Vib. Then Bell



7. Memory Status


4. Lamp





3. Ring Volume

8. View My Num


4. Connect Tone





5. Greeting Tone




3. Alarm/Timer


1.Alarm Setting Choose Time

(10 Min Later/30 Min Later

1 Hour Later/3 Hour Later) Set Time

Set Ringer

(Ringer Tone(1~10)/ Melody(1~20))

2.Alarm Off

Choose Time Off

Set Time Off

2. World Time


3. Alarm/Timer


5. Phone Setup




3.Call Time



3.Roam Timer

4.Reset Timer

5.1 Min Timer



1.Enter Schedule

2.Check Schedule

2.To do list (1~20)


1. Display

2. Call Setting

1. Backlit Select

2. Call Waiting

MainLCD Backlit

3. Call Forward

(10 sec./20 sec.

FWD All Calls

30 sec./Always off)

FWD Default

Keypad Backlit

FWD If Busy

(10 sec./Folder open

FWD If No Answ

Always off)

3. Change Banner


2. Service Light


3. Contrast Ctrl (0~9)

4. Auto Area Code


2. Call Setting

5. Set Int’l Code


1. Call Answer


Flip Answer

6. Change Language


Auto Answer




7. Auto hyphen

6.Lock/Secure(Enter code)

1.Auto Lock

2.Emergency Calls 1~4

3.Change Lock Code

4.Clear List

1.Phone Book

2.Call-to List

3.CLI List

4.Unans List


6.To do list

5.Call Restrict

1.Int’l Call

6.Master Reset



Before Using

Before Using












6. Lock/Secure(Enter code)

7. WAP Browser

1. Graphic Mode

2. Answer Machine

2. Send a Msg

5. Inbox Setup

7. S/W Version

5. Browser Setup

1. Idle Mode

3. Answering Rec.

1. New Text Msg

1. Alert freqncy


1. Proxy Setup

1. Normal/ 2. Animation 1~2



2. View Msg

8. PIN Set



4. Answering Play

2. Stored Txt Msgs

2. Clear History

2. Power On











1. Require PIN

3. Image Setup

1. Normal

1. Default Ment


3. Save To


3. New EMS


2. PIN Change

4. Clr Stored Page

2. User Rec. Ment





3.Power Off








6. Memory Status


6. Start Browser


3. Calculator

4. Stored EMS


1. Normal









4. In Calling



1. Text Msgs

7. WAP Browser

8. Data


3. Voice Msgs









1. Normal


2. EMS Msgs





1. Homepage

1. Data Rate


1. Read Msgs

4. Delete Msgs



1. 19200/ 2. 115200

2. Answer Machine



7. EMS Folder




1. Received Msgs


3. 230400


1. Phone Inbox



1. Answer Machine


1. Music 1~20




3. Stored Page

2. Data Profile 1~5


2. UIM

2. Stored Msgs

2. Pictures 1~20


2. Answer Ment SEL





4. History

3. Use 1X Data

1. Default Ment

3. EMS

3. All Msgs

3. Animations 1~15





2. User Rec. Ment










Motorola V688 Owner's Manual

Before Using





1.Marble Hexa

2.Witty Adventure



2. Play

3.Delete All

Voice Dialing

1. Storing

2.View List

3.Auto Dialing

4.Delete All

UNI Info

1.Start Browser


5. Dispaly Icon

[Internal display screen]

Before Using

Correntsignal streng this indicated by the number of lines shown.

Indicates current calling status. This icon appears when a call is in process. WAP connecting mode.

Phone Lock setting activated. Disappearing when it is inactivated.

Text or voice message received. It disappears when you retrieve new message. Alarm setting activated. Disappearing when you discharge Alarm setting. Indicates Ringer type is Vib Only.

Indicates Ringer type is Vib Then Bell.

Etiquette mode status. Disappearing when it is inactivated.

Indicates battery charge level



Fully charged status shown

Low battery

Low battery warnning

If you connect the data communication cable, it is displayed on the screen. The display caries depending on the Rx mode you have selected at Data setup Data Received

Displayed on screen when you use the earmicrophone. Displayed on screen when Answer Machine is in activation.



Before Using

6.How to Use Battery

Cell Phone and Battery Pack

I Assembly

Fit the battery pack correctly into the groove provided on the lower side of the handset.

Side it all the way in the arrow direction until a‘click’is heard.

II Removal

Press the removal button upward.

Remove the battery pack in the arrow direction from the handset.

The Battery and UIM Card

I Installing UIM Card on the Phone

Disconnect the battery pack from the phone and side UIM Card into the rail on the back of the phone.

UIM Card ?

NOTE!! UIM Card contains your Phone Number, service details, and phonebook/message memory,

Caution : Do not bend or scratch your UIM Card. Avoid exposing your UIM Card to static electricity,water, or dirt

Before Using

Charging Battery Pack

I. Charging battery on the table dock

The battery is not fully charged when it is supplied. Be sure to charge the battery fully before you use the phone.

Connect the DC power cable to the wall outlet.

Check if the triangular lamp on the AC cable jack turns on in orange.

Connect the AC power cable to the port on the rear of the table dock.

Place the handset on the table dock. (There is only on hole on the dock, you cannot recharge two batteries together.)

You can recharge the battery without the handset if you mount the batter on the battery case.

Battery recharge status is on the triangular lamp on the AC power cable jack.

II. Recharging battery with the AC power cable

Connect the DC power cable to the wall outlet.

Be sure that the triangular lamp on the DC power cable jack turns on and flickers.

Connect the DC power cable jack to the port on the bottom of the handset.

Battery recharge status is on the triangular lamp on the AC power cable jack.

Battery Pack Charging Progress State


Being charged

At completion of charging




Cable jack






<In the indicator lamp flickers in red>

The charging terminals are not contacted properly. Check to see if the battery pack is clean, and then make another attempt.

The battery pack or any other component is defective. Contact the service center.



Before Using

<If the indicator lamp lights up in orange>

The battery pack is on standby for charging or is being charged in a too hot of cold place.

If you place it in room temperature, the indicator lamp will charge into red and charging operation will be resumed.

Battery Pack Charging Time




Required Time

About 130 Min

About 150 Min




Recharging time varies by the battery pack and charger status.

If AC power voltage applied to the power supply adapter is low, the charging time may become longer.

If ambient temperature is too high or low, charging may not be done sufficiently. Always charge the battery in room temperature.

Battery Pack Operating Time
















Slot Mode 0

Slot Mode 1

Slot Mode 2

Slot Mode 0

Slot Mode 1

Slot Mode 2


StandardStandbyimeT About 30~50 hoursAbout 60~80 hoursAbout 90~120 hoursAbout 50~8 hours About100~130hoursAbout150~180 hours




About 105 Min



About 170 Min











The slot mode varies according to service areas.

Electric currents are consumed more during a call or when using WAP or Game than in standby state, so the the longer call time is, the shorter the standby time becomes.

Receiving a call requires the same amount of electric currents as when placing a call.

Standby time in‘NO SERVICE’area becomes shorter.

The operating time varies accrding to charging state, temperature(low/high),radio wave condition in the area of use,


backlight status.

Before Using

Low Voltage Alert

■ When the battery pack is almost used up, the phone sounds ‘beep’anda‘ ‘ flashes.

■ If you continue to use your phone in this state, the power of the phone is turned off. lmmediately charge your phone.

■ If‘ ‘flashes, although you press the button, backlight for display screen and buttons may not be On and the cell phone features are not supported properly. Immediately charge your phone before using again.

Battery Pack Care Information

Always use the authorized, dedicated charger and battery pack. If an unauthorized battery pack is installed, a ‘Warning! Unauthorized Battery’message is displayed on the Wait display screen.

Using and unauthorized charger could cause damage to the battery pack or explosion may result. Never use such a product.

Never short-circuit the contact terminals of the battery pack. Explosion may result. Always store the battery pack in the battery case

Always charge or store the battery pack in room temperature. Charging would not be done sufficiently and the indicator lamp changes into orange if you change the battery pack in a too hot place(in a car in summer or near open flames)or a too cold place. If it is stored over an extended period of time, its capacity level becomes lower, shortening its operating time.

Never disassemble the battery pack or place it near open flames.

Store the charger and battery pack in the area out of children’s reach.

Never give a strong impact to your phone or let it drop. Malfunctions or short life may result.

Any foreign matters in contact with the metallic part of contact terminals on the charger and battery pack may interfere with charging process. Always keep them clean.

The chargeable battery pack is a consumable item. Repeated switching between charging and discharging reducess its servic life slowly. If the battery operating time is reduced to a half level compared to that when purchased, replace it with a new one


Before Using

7.Precautions When Using

If the lamp flickers while you are charging your phone and battery, charging operation fails. If you leave it in such a state, the charger may malfunction.

Always use authorized, dedicated battery pack and charger. Using an unauthorized battery pack or charger rejects the services offered by Motorola.

Do not use the charger to charge phones and batteries of different models. Problems may result.

Never use them in a humid, hot atmosphere. If your phone becomes damp, malfunction may result. If submerged, it may be beyond repair. Never turn the power ON with your phone wet. Instead, remove the battery pack and contact the nearest service center for repair.

Never disassemble or alter your phone. Unauthorzed disassembly may reject free service offered by Motorola.

If you sit down with your phone stored in a hip pocket, use care not to give a strong impact to it. It may be broken.

Do not grab the antenna or allow it to contact your body during a call.

Avoid cleaning your phone with chemical solutions such as solvent or thinner.

Use care not to give an impact or vibration to your phone. When not in use, it should be stored in a safe place.

Use the authorized handsfree kit. Otherwise, malfunction may result. Especially, products having strong magnetism may be a direct cause for malfunction of cell phone, which will reject the free service offered by Motorola.

In order to prevent any harm to human body, do not hold the battery in the mouth and do not use the damaged battery.

Keep the handset away from any magetic product such as credit card, phone card that may be damaged by the electro magnetic field of the handset.

Keep the handset away from any heating facility such as stove, microwave or oven.

Do not apply excessive force to the handset to protect appearance and internal parts of the handset.

Do not hold the strap and turn the handset round not to hurt anyone.

Be sure that the handset is not held between the automatic doors of a bust or subway train.

Basic Operation

1. Power ON and OFF


2. Placing a Call



Receiving a Call



Unanswered Call



Basic Operation

1.Power ON and OFF

Power ON


The service lamp is on, displaying China Unicom and user-set graphic. And then, the initial screen is displayed.

Graphics displayed on the power on screen can be changeed from the Graphic Mode under SHORTCUT.

Power OFF

Press and hold

The graphic disappears and the power is turned off.

Graphics displayed on the power off screen can be changeed from the Graphic Mode under SHORTCUT.

2.Placing a Call

Enter a desired area code and phone number

Basic Operation

Placing a call from Phone Book

Use search to select a desired person to call.(see pp.86~88 Searching Phone Number)


■ If you select a person and press

, a call is placed

to the‘Representative Number’.


Select a person to call Select an item to call

Turbo Dialing

Press and hold a location to call on Wait Mode connects a call to the representative number of the appropriate

location number is 17, Press the dial button

and press and hold

.(see P.81)

Electronic Dialing

You can use this function to make a call to ARS or telebanking, or to retrieve a voice message. If you want

to cancel the electronic dialing, press











Input key

Operating Method




You should press


to send the number after‘P’

TThe numbers after‘T’are sent shortly after

Enter Phone Number Enter‘P’or‘T’and then a number to be dialed electronically



Basic Operation

Emergency Dialing

You can place calls to emergency numbers stored in the emergency list even if your phone is locked.

Enter an Emergency Number

1. Emergency number List

Select MENU Select Lock/Secure and Enter Lock Code Emergency Emergency Call 1,2,3 or 4

The number is displayed

Basic Operation

Voice Dialing

If you speak a stored name, a call is connected to the appopriate number. If voice dial feature has been set up, opening.

Speak a stored name

■ Long press of

on Wait Mode enables voice dialing. But in this case, there must be content

stored in voice list.


Origination may fail depending upon speech recognition.

If Lock mode has been set up, this function cannot be used. Clear Lock mode before using.

1. Storing

Press and hold Select Storing Say the name (Twice) Enter the number Voice Tag STATUS

2. View List

Select View List The number is displayed

■ You can hear the stored voice and view the number on the screen.

■ To view the next stored number, press




Basic Operation

3. Auto Dialing

If you activate this option,‘Voice Dialing’is running automatically.

Select Auto Dialing Select a Value

■ You can switch the phone to idle mode by pressing



4. Delete All

Selecting‘Delete All’all the contents stored in Voice List.

Select Delete All Select a Value

■ To delete individual list, press

[DEL] when a list to be deleted is

displayed in‘View List’.


3. Receiving a Call

When the phone rings, open the folder of the phone to receive the call.

You can adjust the incoming call ringer volume, type and condition(Sound/VIB and Graphics).

Changing graphics when a call in process in‘SHORTCUT:Graphic Mode’

Call Waiting Display

For the call status display of 2 simultaneous incoming calls(one on-line, the other waiting), both of the two phone number identifiers shall still be displayed on screen until both of the calls are hung up. If one of the 2 incoming calls ends earlier then the other, both numbers will still be displayed until the second call ends.


Basic Operation


Receiveing a call Using Earmicrophone





When the earmicrophone is connected, press ,

or the earmicrophone button to receive an incoming call.


When the folder is shut, press the earmicrophone button to receive an incoming call. After finishing the call, press the earmicrophone button to release the call.

Setting Answer mode

Select Menu Phone Setup Call Answer Select an answer mode

1. Flip Answer

YES : Open the folder to receive a call.


NO : Open the folder and press any keypad button except

button to receive a call.

2. Auto Answer

If the lid is open or the earmicrophone is connected, the call is automatically connected after the ringer tone for the designated time. If the lid is closed, you cannot use this Auto Answer function unless the earmicrophone is connected.



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