Motorola SI44 Service Manual

Middle East & North Africa
Personal Communication Sector
Field Service Information
GSM Triplets - Flip Detect Switch
Our Reference: SI377_2004
Date: July 27 2004
Prepared by:
Mohamed Morsy Customer Services Manager, Middle East & North Africa
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Classification: Motorola Internal Information Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.
Middle East & North Africa
Date: July 27 2004
Our Reference: SI377_2004
Subject: GSM Triplets - Flip Detect Switch
Service is aware of an issue identified during NPI Analysis on GSM Triplets models. Some units, returned with a customer complaint of “Corrupt/Error CLI Display”, were found to have intermittent operation of the Flip Detect Switch. As a result of the flip switch not activating properly, the units would show the Carrier Logo upside down, on the CLI Display with the flip closed, rather than showing the Time/Status. In some cases, slight pressure applied to the top of the flip would allow the flip switch to activate and the CLI Display to return to normal. The root cause of these failures was confirmed to be a result of either foreign material or corrosion collecting on the PCB or Keypad, which would interfere with the gold puck of the keypad making a good electrical connection with the flip switch contacts (S550) on the PCB.
Foreign Material: material would extend over the cut out for the flip switch contacts (S550). See diagram 1 below.
The main source of the foreign material was the side-key flex, where some excess
Diagram 1.0 - Contamination from Side-Key Flex
Corrosion: The gold pucks sourced by Sinco were sub-standard in quality and had a high susceptibility to corrosion when exposed to environmental conditions in the field. See diagram 2 below. In addition, the Sinco keypads had an additional air port which directed air inward towards the contact increasing the opportunity for field failure. The 3888844N01 keypad is used on V303, V400, V500 and V525.
Diagram 2.0 - Corrosion caused by environments (3888844N01 Sinco Keypad)
The main source of the corrosion was isolated to the 3888844N01 keypad supplied by Sinco.
Classification: Motorola Internal Information Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.
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