Middle East & North Africa
Personal Communication Sector
Field Service Information
GSM V600 - CLI Lens
Our Reference: SI28_4_2004 (Rev A)
Date: June 13, 2004
Pages (including this page): 9
Prepared by:
Mohamed Morsy
Customer Services Manager,
Middle East & North Africa
Motorola Internal Information
Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.

Middle East & North Africa
Date: June 13, 2004
Our Reference: SI28_4_2004 (Rev A)
Subject: GSM V600 - CLI Lens
Service is aware of an issue affecting the CLI Lenses (6187309Y01/Y02/Y03) on GSM V600 handsets,
shipped during the months of December 2003 through May 2004. The affected lenses start to show visible
cosmetic defects, after periods of use. Cracking at the top of the lens near the hinge barrel (1), cracking on
the center of the lens above the camera hole and to the right of the mirror (2), and cracking on the chrome
ring near the insertion tabs (3) are the three known defects that have been seen on the affected CLI
Lenses. See Diagrams below for examples of these defects. Analysis has revealed the cracking to be
caused by molded-in stresses, which manifest after time and stabilize once the stresses have been
relieved. The root cause of the molded-in stresses is related to process timing issue at the supplier between
the filling of the mold and the IMD Decoration process.
Diagram 1 - Cracking at hinge Diagram 2 - Cracking near mirror
Diagram 3 - Cracking at chrome ring
Motorola Internal Information
Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.

Permanent Corrective Action (5/15/04): Factory has begun the crossover to a new GE Material (X7300) and
new part numbers (6188185Y01/Y02/Y03) for the V600 CLI Lens. The new material resolves all cracking
issues without the necessity of an annealing process. New material will be implemented in 100% of factory
production by 6/30/2004.
Service Action:
Customer Returns:
When servicing any GSM V600 customer returns with a MOS (Month of Ship) prior to July 2004, regardless
of customer complaint, then:
1. Visually inspect the CLI Lens for the defect detailed in the Diagrams above
2. Replace the CLI Lens if needed, using the new part numbers listed above. Refer to the V600 CLI
Lens Replacement Procedure.
Motorola Internal Information
Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.