Motorola SI23 Service Manual

Middle East & North Africa
Personal Communication Sector
Field Service Information
GSM Triplets – PCB Power-Up
Our Reference: SI19_3_2004
Date: March 31, 2003
Prepared by:
Mohamed Morsy Customer Services Manager, Middle East & North Africa
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Classification: Motorola Internal Information Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.
Middle East & North Africa
Date: March 31, 2003
Our Reference: SI19_3_2004
Subject: GSM Triplets – PCB Power-Up
This is an informational bulletin detailing an issue, highlighted by the field, where a working display is required to power up a Triplets PCB. Service is aware of a SW Bug that was introduced in the Triplets_G_0B.08.9FR software release. With this software version, and some later versions, the Neptune IC requires data from the Display Module (ATI Chip) to fully enumerate. If no data is received from the ATI Chip via the SPI Lines then the software becomes stuck in a continuous loop, awaiting the data, and will power down after the WDOG Timer expires (approx. 30 Sec.).
The fix for this SW Bug has been integrated into the Triplets_G_0B.09.26R software release and all later releases. The PCB is now able to power up completely without a working display attached.
Service Action:
Customer Returns:
When servicing affected GSM Triplets returns, with a customer complaint of “Can’t Switch the Phone In”, then:
1. Verify the unit does not completely power up, current holds at around 51mA, and unit powers down
2. Disassemble the rear housing and attach a “Known Good” flip assembly.
3. Attempt to power-up the unit
completely after approximately 30 seconds.
a. If the unit powers-up normally with the “Known Good” flip assembly then the customer’s flip
assembly should be analyzed for display related failure.
b. If the unit does not power-up with the “Known Good” flip assembly then the unit should be
analyzed as a “No Turn On” failure.
V300, V400, V500, V525 & V600
Classification: Motorola Internal Information Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.