Motorola SI22 Service Manual

Middle East & North Africa
Personal Communication Sector
GSM V300 Flip Assembly (C56-CLI Chassis Short)
Field Service Information
Our Reference: SI16_3_2004
Date: March 3, 2003
Prepared by:
Mohamed Morsy Customer Services Manager, Middle East & North Africa
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Classification: Motorola Internal Information Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.
Middle East & North Africa
Date: March 3, 2003
Our Reference: SI16_3_2004
Service is aware of an issue identified during the 1st 200 NPI Analysis on V300. Some units, returned with a customer complaint of “Can’t Switch Phone On”, “No Display Backlights”, or “Will not Charge Battery, were found to draw excessive current (1.25mA) when plugged into an external power supply. Analysis revealed a short, internal to the Flip Assembly, on the B+ Line to be the cause. The short occurs as a result of the CLI Chassis (0788807N01) design not allowing the proper amount of clearance for C56, a filter cap on the B+ Line. After assembly, torque on the Flip Assembly causes the CLI Snubber to be pierced by C56, which allows the capacitor to short to the CLI Chassis (0788807N01). This results in the radio drawing 1.25 amps, as well as shorting out the backlights for both the Main and CLI Displays. See Figure 1.0 below.
GSM V300 Flip Assembly (C56-CLI Chassis Short)
Damaged CLI Snubber at the point of the short C56
Figure 1.0 - CLI Snubber damaged by C56
Classification: Motorola Internal Information Strictly released for Motorola Authorized Service Center Use only.
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