128K x 36 and 256K x 18 Bit
Flow–Through ZBT RAM
Synchronous Fast Static RAM
Order this document
by MCM63Z737/D
The ZBT RAM is a 4M–bit synchronous fast static RAM designed to provide
zero bus turnaround. The ZBT RAM allows 100% use of bus cycles during
back–to–back read/write and write/read cycles. The MCM63Z737 is organized
as 128K words of 36 bits each and the MCM63Z819 is organized as 256K words
of 18 bits each, fabricated with high performance silicon gate CMOS technology .
This device integrates input registers, a 2–bit address counter, and high speed
SRAM onto a single monolithic circuit for reduced parts count in communication
applications. Synchronous design allows precise cycle control with the use of an
external clock (CK). CMOS circuitry reduces the overall power consumption of
the integrated functions for greater reliability .
Addresses (SA), data inputs (DQ), and all control signals except output enable
) and linear burst order (LBO) are clock (CK) controlled through positive–
edge–triggered noninverting registers.
Write cycles are internally self–timed and are initiated by the rising edge of the
clock (CK) input. This feature eliminates complex off–chip write pulse generation
and provides increased timing flexibility for incoming signals.
For read cycles, a flow–through SRAM allows output data to simply flow freely
from the memory array .
• Selectable Burst Sequencing Order (Linear/Interleaved)
• Internally Self–Timed Write Cycle
• Single–Cycle Deselect
• Byte Write Control
• ADV Controlled Burst
• 100–Pin TQFP Package
CASE 983A–01
ZBT and Zero Bus Turnaround are trademarks of Integrated Device Technology, Inc., and the architecture is supported by
Micron Technology, Inc. and Motorola, Inc.
This document contains information on a new product. Specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice.
86GInputAsynchronous Output Enable.
31LBOInputLinear Burst Order Input: This pin must remain in steady state (this
32, 33, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 81, 82, 99, 100
36, 37SA0, SA1InputSynchronous Burst Address Inputs: The two LSB’s of the address field.
93, 94, 95, 96
(a) (b) (c) (d)
98SE1InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active low to enable chip.
97SE2InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active high for depth expansion.
92SE3InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active low for depth expansion.
88SWInputSynchronous Write: This signal writes only those bytes that have been
15, 16, 41, 65, 91V
4, 11, 20, 27, 54, 61, 70, 77V
5, 10, 14, 17, 21, 26, 40,
55, 60, 64, 66, 67, 71, 76, 90
38, 39, 42, 43, 83, 84NC—No Connection: There is no connection to the chip.
low. RAM uses internally generated burst addresses when high.
except G
DQxI/OSynchronous Data I/O: “x” refers to the byte being read or written
SAInputSynchronous Address Inputs: These inputs are registered and must
SBxInputSynchronous Byte Write Inputs: Enables write to byte “x”
Supply Core Power Supply.
Supply I/O Power Supply.
Supply Ground.
(byte a, b, c, d).
signal not registered or latched). It must be tied high or low.
Low – linear burst counter.
High – interleaved burst counter.
meet setup and hold times.
These pins must preset the burst address counter values. These inputs
are registered and must meet setup and hold times.
(byte a, b, c, d) in conjunction with SW
selected using the byte write SBx
and LBO.
. Has no effect on read cycles.
Pin LocationsSymbolTypeDescription
85ADVInputSynchronous Load/Advance: Loads a new address into counter when
89CKInputClock: This signal registers the address, data in, and all control signals
87CKEInputClock Enable: Disables the CK input when CKE is high.
86GInputAsynchronous Output Enable.
31LBOInputLinear Burst Order Input: This pin must remain in steady state (this
32, 33, 34, 35, 44, 45, 46,
47, 48, 49, 50, 80, 81, 82, 99, 100
36, 37SA0, SA1InputSynchronous Burst Address Inputs: The two LSB’s of the address field.
93, 94
(a) (b)
98SE1InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active low to enable chip.
97SE2InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active high for depth expansion.
92SE3InputSynchronous Chip Enable: Active low for depth expansion.
88SWInputSynchronous Write: This signal writes only those bytes that have been
15, 16, 41, 65, 91V
4, 11, 20, 27, 54, 61, 70, 77V
5, 10, 14, 17, 21, 26, 40,
55, 60, 64, 66, 67, 71, 76, 90
1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 25, 28, 29, 30, 38,
39, 42, 43, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57,
75, 78, 79, 83, 84, 95, 96
low. RAM uses internally generated burst addresses when high.
except G
DQxI/OSynchronous Data I/O: “x” refers to the byte being read or written
SAInputSynchronous Address Inputs: These inputs are registered and must
SBxInputSynchronous Byte Write Inputs: Enables write to byte “x”
NC—No Connection: There is no connection to the chip.
Supply Core Power Supply.
Supply I/O Power Supply.
Supply Ground.
(byte a, b).
signal not registered or latched). It must be tied high or low.
Low – linear burst counter.
High – interleaved burst counter.
meet setup and hold times.
These pins must preset the burst address counter values. These inputs
are registered and must meet setup and hold times.
(byte a, b) in conjunction with SW
selected using the byte write SBx
and LBO.
. Has no effect on read cycles.
SA0 –
L–H1XXXXXHoldH1, 2
L–H0FalseXX0XDeselectD1, 2
L–H0True0V0VLoad Address, New WriteW1, 2, 3, 4, 5
L–H0True1X0VLoad Address, New ReadR1, 2
1. X = don‘t care, 1 = logic high, 0 = logic low, V = valid signal, according to AC Operating Conditions and Characteristics.
2. E = true if SE1
3. Byte write enables, SBx
4. No control inputs except CKE
5. A write with SBx
6. A burst write with SBx
7. ADV controls whether the RAM enters burst mode. If the previous cycle was a write, then ADV = 1 results in a burst write. If the previous
cycle is a read, then ADV = 1 results in a burst read. ADV = 1 will also continue a deselect cycle.
and SE3 = 0, and SE2 = 1.
, are evaluated only as new write addresses are loaded.
, SBx, and ADV are recognized in a clock cycle where ADV is sampled high.
not valid does load addresses.
not valid does increment address.
V (W)
X (R, D)Continue
Next Operation
Input Command
B1, 2, 4,
Cycle TypeSWSBaSBb
Write Byte aLLHHH
Write Byte bLHLHH
Write Byte c (See Note 1)LHHLH
Write Byte d (See Note 1)LHHHL
Write All BytesLLLLL