The HALT line must be in the high state for interrupts to
be serviced. Interrupts will be latched internally while HALT
is low.
The ~ has a high-impedance puilup device internal to
the chip; however, a 3 kQ external resistor to VCC should be
used for wire-OR and optimum control of interrupts.
Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI) and Wait for Interrupt
(WAI) – The MCWCO is capable of handling two types of interrupts: maskable (~) as described earlier, and nonmaskable (~) which is an edge sensitive input. IRQ is
maskable by the interrupt mask in the condition code register
while ~ is not maskable. The handling of these interrupts
by the M PU is the same except that each has its own vector
address. The behavior of the MPU when interrupted is
shown in Figure 9 which details the MPU response to an interruDt while the MPU is executina the control ~roaram. The
interrupt shown could be either ~Q or ~ and ca~ be asynchronous with respect to +2. The interrupt is shown going
low at time tpcs in cycle #1 which precedes the first cycle of
an instruction (OP code fetch). This instruction is not executed but instead the Program Counter (PC), Index
Register (IX), Accumulators (ACCX), and the Condition
Code Register (CCR) are pushed onto the stack,
The Interrupt Mask bit is set to prevent further interrupts.
The address of the interrupt service routine is then fetched
fram FFFC. FFFD for an NMI interruDt and from FFF8, FFF9
for an ~’interrupt. Upon complet~on of the interrupt service routine, the execution of RTI will pull the PC, IX, ACCX,
and CCR off the stack; the Interrupt Mask bit is restored to
its condition prior to Interrupts (see Figure 10).
Figure 11 is a similar interrupt sequence, except in this
case, a WAIT instruction has been executed in prepara$$~
for the interrupt. This technique speeds up the M&U’”~
response to the interrupt because the stacking of
ACCX, and the CCR is already done. While t~~$fM@ iS
waiting for the interrupt, Bus Available wilP&@+{Q?~hindicating the following states of the control lj~~Y~MA is
and the Address Bus, R/~and Data B~~ ~~, ~{ in the high
impedance state. After the interrupt w-$* ISserviced as
previously described.
A 3-10 kQ external resistor to V&*’&~&tild be used for wire-
OR and optimum control of igi~r~w~t~.
‘*, ,,$’
Vetior ,.., ;.
:,* E=3
%FFD Non-Maskable Interrupt
E&.~\x}i,,$ FFFB
Software Interrupt
Interrupt Request
Three-State Control (TSC) – When the level sensitive
Three-State Control (TSC) line is a logic “l”, the Address
Bus and the Rim line are placed in a high-impedance state.
VMA and BA are forced low when TSC= “1” to prevent
false reads or writes on any device enabled by VMA. It is
necessary to delay program execution while TSC is held
high. This is done by insuring that no transitions of 41 (or 42)
occur during this period. (Logic levels of the clacks are irrelevant so long as they do not change). Since the MPU is a
dynamic device, the 01 clock can be stopped for a maximum
time PW@H without destroying data within the M PU. TSC
then can be used in a short Direct Memory Access (DMA)
Figure 12 shows the effect of TSC on the MPU. TSC must
have its transitions at tTSE (three-state enable) while holding
+1 high and +2 low as shown, The Address Bus and Rl~
line will reach the high-impedance state at tTSD (three-state
delay), with VMA being forced low. In this exampl$~%the
Data Bus is also in the high-impedance state while,,~;~@&ing held low since DBE= 42. At this point in ti@e~,$,’)~MA
transfer could occur on cycles #3 and #4. -+$~SC is
returned low, the MPU Address and R/~lfl&/&Mrn to the
bus. Because it is too late in cycle #5 to,,~cp~,~emory, this
cycle is dead and used for synchroni$~~w.i$~rogram execu-
tion resumes in cycle #6.
Valid Memory Address (VM&,~~$ This output indicates to
peripheral devices that the~@&.@~a~?daddress on the address
bus. In normal operation~<gti~, signal should be utilized for
enabling peripheral i~tf~f~w’ such as the PIA and ACiA.
This signal is not thr@T~te. One standard TTL load and
90 pF may be d~&ly dfiven by this active high signal.
HALT - ~h”~$’~%is level sensitive input is in the low state,
all activik~~o?~~e machine will be halted. This input is level
sensitj,ve. +i.,,
l.ti~~ line provides an input
to the MPU to allow con-
{W,gf”Program execution by
an outside source. If HALT is
+..~.g@ the MPU will execute the instructions; if it is low, the
“*~PU will go to a halted or idle mode. A response signal, Bus
“’t~, Available (BA) provides an indication of the current MPU
status. When BA is low, the MPU is in the process of executing the control program; if BA is high, the MPU has
halted and all internal activity has stopped,
When BA is high, the Address Bus, Data Bus, and Rl~
line will be in a high-impedance state, effectively removing
the MPU from the system bus. VMA is forced low so that the
floating system bus will not activate any device on the bus
that is enabled by VMA.
While the MPU is halted, all program activity is stopped,
and if either an ~ or IRQ interrupt occurs, it will be latched
into the MPU and acted on as soon as the MPU is taken out
of the halted mode. If a RESET command occurs while the
MPU is halted, the following states occur: VMA= low,
BA= low, Data Bus= high impedance, Rl~= high (read
state), and the Address Bus will contain address FFFE as
long as RESET is low, As soon as the RESET line goes high,
the MPU will go to locations FFFE and FFFF for the address
of the reset routine.
Figure 13 shows the timing relationships involved when
halting the MPU. The instruction illustrated is a one byte, 2
cycle instruction such as CLRA. When HALT goes low, the
MPU will halt after completing execution of the current instruction. The transition of HALT must occur tpcs before
the trailing edge of @l of the last cycle of an instruction
(point A of Figure 13). HALT must not go low any time later
than the minmum tpcs specified.
The fetch of the OP code by the MPU is the first cycle of
the instruction. If HALT had not been low at Point A but
went low during 42 of that cycle, the MPU would have
halted after completion of the following instruction. BA will
go high by time tBA (bus available delay time) after the last
instruction cycle.
At this point in time, VMA is low and R/~,
Address Bus, and the Data Bus are in the high-impedance
Semiconductor Products Inc.