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The software is provided strictly on an “as is” basis. All software, including firmware, furnished to the user is on
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Motorola, Inc.
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Revision History
Changes to the original manual are listed below:
-01 Rev. A9/2010Initial release.
ivMC65 User Guide
Table of Contents
About This Guide
Introduction........................................................................................................................................... xiii
Documenta ti o n S e t ............................. .......................................... ............................. ..................... xiii
Configurations....................................................................................................................................... xiii
Software Ver s io n s............. ................ ............................ ............................. ..................................... xiv
Chapter Descriptions............................................................................................................................ xiv
Notational Conventions....................................... .......................................... ...................... .................. xv
Related Doc um e nts ........................................... ............................ ............................. .......................... xv
Service Information............................................................................................................................... xvi
Getting Started ..................................................................................................................................... 1-2
Installing a mic roSD Card ................ .. .. ............................. .......................................... ................... 1-2
Installing the SIM Card ................................................................................................................... 1-3
Installing the Battery ........ .......................................... ............................. ....................................... 1-4
Charging the Battery .......... ... ............... .......................................... ............................. ................... 1-5
Charging the Main Battery ....................................................................................................... 1-5
Charging Sp a re Batteries ....................................... ............................. ............................. ........ 1-6
Charging Te m p e ra tu r e .......... ............................. .......................................... ............................ 1-6
Powering On the MC65 .................................................................................................................. 1-6
Calibrating the Screen ............................................................................................................. 1-6
Checking Ba tt e ry Status ............................ ............................. ............................. ................................ 1-7
Replacing the Battery .......................................................................................................................... 1-8
Replacing the microSD Card ............................................................................................................... 1-8
Replacing the SIM Card ....................................................................................................................... 1-9
Changing the Power Settings ........................................................................................................ 1-10
Changing the Backlight Settings .................................................................................................... 1-10
Changing the Keypad Backlight Settings ....................................................................................... 1-10
viMC65 User Guide
Turning Off th e R a d io s ........................... ............................. .......................................... ................. 1-11
Features ............................................................................................................................................... 2-1
Function Buttons ............................................................. ................ ................. .................................... 2-3
Adjusting Vo lu m e .......... ... ............................ ............................. ............................. .............................. 2-18
Battery Status Indications .................................................................................................................... 2-18
LED Indicators ..................................................................................................................................... 2-18
Resetting the MC65 ............................................................................................................................. 2-19
Locking the MC 6 5 .................................... ............................. ............................ ................................... 2-19
Entering Data ....................................................................................................................................... 2-21
Data Capture ........................................................ ............................. ............................. ..................... 2-22
Digital Came ra ............................ ............................. ............................. ......................................... 2-22
Scanning Consideration s ...... .. ............................. .......................................... ................................ 2-23
Making a Call ....................................................................................................................................... 3-1
Using the Phone Keypad ............................... .......................................... ...................................... 3-1
Using a Bluetooth Headset ............................................................................................................ 3-5
Adjusting Au d io Vo l u m e ... ................ ............................ ............................. ..................................... 3-5
Muting a Call ........................................................................................................................................ 3-5
Using Call Log ................ ................. ................ ................. ............................... .................................... 3-6
Making a 3-Way C a ll ..................... ............................. ............................ ............................. ................. 3-10
What time is it ... .. ............................. ............................ ............................. ..................................... 3-13
Call History . ................ ............................ ............................. ........................................................... 3-13
Voice Play Mus i c . ............... ............................. ............................. ............................. ..................... 3-13
What can I say ............................................ ............................ ............................. .......................... 3-14
Creating an Email Message ........................................................................................................... 5-1
viiiMC65 User Guide
Viewing an Email Message ..................................... ...................... .......................................... ....... 5-1
Replying to or Forwarding a Message ................................................ ........................................... 5-2
SMS Messagin g ........ ............... ............................. ............................. .................................................. 5-2
Sending a Text Message ............................. .. .......................................... ...................... ................ 5-2
Viewing Text Messages ................................................................................................................. 5-3
Replying to an SMS Message ............. ................ ................. .......................................................... 5-4
MMS Messagi n g .................... ............................. ............................. ............................ ........................ 5-4
Creating and Sending MMS Messages ................ ...................... ...................... ............................. 5-4
Viewing an MMS Message ......................................... .......................................... ......................... 5-5
Replying to an MMS Message ............................................................ ........................................... 5-6
Setting a Picture as Wallpaper ................ .......................................... ...................... ....................... 6-2
Camera Config u ration ...................... ............................ ............................. ..................................... 6-3
Recording a Video ..... ...................... ...................... .......................................... .................................... 6-3
Video Configuration .......... ...................... ...................... .......................................... ....................... 6-4
Viewing Pictures and Videos ............................................................................................................... 6-4
Turning Bluetooth On and Off .............................................................................................................. 7-4
Enabling Bluetooth ......................................................................................................................... 7-4
Disabling Blu e to o th . ... ............... ............................. .......................................... .............................. 7-4
Discovering Bluetooth Device(s) .......................................................................................................... 7-4
Available Se rv ic e s ............... ............................. ............................ ............................. .......................... 7-7
Object Push Se rv ices via Beam ............................. ............................ ............................................ 7-7
Internet Sha rin g ............................................ ............................. ............................ ........................ 7-8
Locking the MC 6 5 .................................... ............................. ............................ ................................... 9-4
Switching the Dialer ............................................................................................................................. 9-4
Power Profile s . ............................ ............................. ............................. ......................................... 9-6
Backlight and K e y lig h t Settings .. .. .......................................... ............................. ................................ 9-7
Re-Order Ca rd s ................. ............................. ............................. ............................. ..................... 9-10
Time Tracker C ar d ..... ............... ............................. ............................ ............................. ............... 9-11
MMS Messagi n g S e tu p ........ .. ............................. ............................. ............................ ........................ 9-17
Contacts Set ti n gs .. .......................................... ............................. ............................. ..................... 9-18
Play .......................................................................................................................................... 9-18
Voice Tag ............................. ...................... .......................................... .................................... 9-18
Windows Mob ile D ia le r ........ .. ................ ............................ ............................. ..................................... C-4
Making a Call ....................................................................................................................................... C-5
Using the Phone Keypad ............................... .......................................... ...................................... C-5
Using a Wired Headset ...................................... ...................... .......................................... ............ C-10
Using a Bluetooth Headset ............................................................................................................ C-10
Adjusting Au d io Vo l u m e ... ................ ............................ ............................. ..................................... C-10
Muting a Call ........................................................................................................................................ C-11
Using Call History ................................................................................................................................ C-11
Managing Call History ........................................................ .......................................... ......... ......... C-11
Changing the Call History View ............................................................................................... C-11
Three-way C a lli n g (C DMA) .. .. .. ............................. ............................. .................................................. C-16
About This Guide
This guide provides information about using the MC65 Enterprise Digital Assistant (EDA) and accessories.
NOTE Screens and windows pictured in this guide are samples and can differ from actual screens. This guide
provides instructions for using the Enterprise Home screen and Dialer. See Appendix C, Windows Mobile
Home Screen and Dialer for information on using the Microsoft Home screen and Dialer.
Documentation Set
The documentation set for the MC65 provides information for specific user needs, and includes:
MC65 Quick Start Guide - describes how to get the MC65 EDA up and running.
MC65 User Guide - describes how to use the MC65 EDA.
MC65 Integrator Guide - describes how to set up the MC65 EDA and accessories.
Enterprise Mobility Developer Kit (EMDK) Help File - provides API information for writing applications.
This guide covers the following configurations:
MC659BWLAN: 802.11 a/b /g
WPAN: Bluetooth
v2.0 EDR
GPS or
3.5” VGA
128 MB RAM/
1 GB Flash
Data Capture
2D imager and
Mobile 6.5
xivMC65 User Guide
Software Versions
This guide covers various software configurations and references are made to operating system or software
versions for:
Adaptation Kit Update (AKU) version
OEM version
Fusion software
Phone software.
AKU Version
To determine the Adaptation Kit Update (AKU) version:
Tap Start > Settings > System > About > Version.
The second line lists the operating system version and the build number. The last part of the build number
represents the AKU number. For example, Build 23121.5.3.6 indicates that the device is running AKU version
OEM Version
To determine the OEM software version:
Tap Start > Settings > System > System Info > System.
Fusion Software
To determine the Fusion software version:
Tap StatusBar > > WirelessStatus > Versions.
Phone Software
To determine the Phone software version:
Press > > Phone information.
Chapter Descriptions
Topics covered in this guide are as follows:
Chapter 1, Getting Started provides information on getting the MC65 up and running for the first time.
Chapter 2, Using the MC65 provides basic instructions for using the MC65, including powering on and
resetting the MC65, and entering and capturing data.
Chapter 3, Making Calls provides setup instructions for the MC65 phone.
Chapter 4, Using WLAN provides information for connection the MC65 to a WLAN.
Chapter 5, Messaging provides information for using Email, SMS and MMS messaging.
Chapter 6, Using the Camera provides instructions for taking pictures and capturing video.
Chapter 7, Using Bluetooth explains Bluetooth functionality on the MC65.
Chapter 8, Using GPS Navigation provides information about GPS navigation with the MC65.
Chapter 9, Settings provides basic instructions for using the MC65 phone.
Chapter 10, Accessories describes the available accessories and how to use them with the MC65.
Chapter 11, Maintenance & T roubleshooting includes instructions on cleaning and storing the MC65, and
provides troubleshooting solutions for potential problems during MC65 operation.
Appendix A, Technical Specifications provides the technical specifications for the MC65.
Appendix B, Keypads Provides information on the various keypad configuration.
Appendix C, Windows Mobile Home Screen and Dialer provides information for using the Windows Mobile
Home screen and Windows Mobile dialer.
Notational Conventions
The following conventions are used in this document:
About This Guidexv
“EDA” refers to the Motorola MC65 series of hand-held computers.
Italics are used to highlight the following:
• Chapters and sections in this and related documents
• Icons on a screen.
Bold text is used to highlight the following:
• Dialog box, window, and screen names
• Drop-down list and list box names
• Check box and radio button names
• Key names on a keypad
• Button names on a screen.
bullets (•) indicate:
• Action items
• Lists of alternatives
• Lists of required steps that are not necessarily sequential
Sequential lists (e.g., those that describe step-by-step procedures) appear as numbered lists.
Related Documents
MC65 Quick Start Guide, p/n 72-134041-xx.
MC65 Regulatory Guide, p/n 72-134232-xx.
MC65 Integrator Guide, p/n 72E-142435-xx.
Mobility Services Platform User Guide, p/n 72E-100158-xx.
Enterprise Mobility Developer Kits (EMDKs), available at: http://supportcentral.motorola.com.
xviMC65 User Guide
Manufacturing label
Latest ActiveSync software, available at: http://www.microsoft.com.
For the latest version of this guide and all guides, go to: http://
Service Information
If you have a problem with your equipment, contact Motorola Enterprise Mobility support for your region. Contact
information is available at: http://www.motorola.com/enterprisemobility/contactsupport
When contacting Enterprise Mobility support, please have the following information available:
Serial number of the unit (found on manufacturing label)
Model number or product name (found on manufacturing label)
Software type and version number.
Motorola responds to calls by email, telephone or fax within the time limits set forth in support agreements.
If your problem cannot be solved by Motorola Enterprise Mobility Support, you may need to return your equipment
for servicing and will be given specific directions. Motorola is not responsible for any damages incurred during
shipment if the approved shipping container is not used. Shipping the units improperly can possibly void the
warranty. Remove the SIM card and/or microSD card from the MC65 before shipping for service.
If you purchased your Enterprise Mobility business product from a Motorola business partner, contact that business
partner for support.
Chapter 1 Getting Started
This chapter lists the parts and accessories for the MC65 and explains how to set up the MC65 for the first time.
Carefully remove all protective material from the MC65 and save the shipping container for later storage and
Verify that you received the following:
3600 mAh Lithium-ion battery
stylus with tether (installed)
screen protector, installed on display window
Regulatory Guide
Quick Start Guide.
Inspect the equipment for damage. If any equipment is missing or damaged, contact the Motorola Enterprise
Mobility Support center immediately. See page xvi for contact information.
Prior to using the MC65 for the first time, remove the protective shipping film that covers the scan window, display
and camera window.
1 - 2MC65 User Guide
Rubber access door
microSD card holder door
SIM card holder door
Getting Started
To start using the MC65 for the first time:
Install a microSD card (optional)
Install the SIM card (GSM only)
Install the main battery pack.
Charge the MC65.
Power on the MC65.
Installing a microSD Card
The microSD card slot provides secondary non-volatile storage. The slot is located under the battery pack. Refer to
the documentation provided with the card for more information, and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for
CAUTION Follow proper ESD precautions to avoid damaging the SD card. Proper ESD precautions include, but are
not limited to, working on an ESD mat and ensuring that the operator is properly grounded.
To install th e microSD card:
1.Remove the handstrap.
2.Lift the rubber access door.
3.Slide the SIM card holder door up to unlock.
4.Lift the SIM card holder door.
Figure 1-1
5.Lift the microSD card holder door.
6.Insert the microSD card into the card holder door ensuring that the card slides into the holding tabs on each
side of the door.
Lift SIM Slot Holder Door
Getting Started1 - 3
microSD card
Holding tab
Figure 1-2
7.Close the card holder door and push down until it is securely in place.
8.If installing a SIM card, proceed to Installing the SIM Card.
9.Close the SIM card holder door and slide down until it locks into place.
10. Close the rubber access door.
Insert microSD Card in Holder
Installing the SIM Card
NOTE GSMs only.
GSM phone service requires a Subscriber Identification Module (SIM) card. Obtain the card from the your service
provider. The card fits into the MC65 and can contain the following information:
Mobile phone service provider account details.
Information regarding service access and preferences.
Contact information, which can be moved to Contacts on the MC65.
Any additional services to which you have subscribed.
NOTE For more information about SIM cards, refer to the service provider's documentation.
To install the SIM card:
1.Lift rubber access door.
2.Slide the SIM card holder up to unlock.
3.Lift the SIM card holder door.
1 - 4MC65 User Guide
Figure 1-3
4.Insert the SIM card, as shown in Figure 1-4 ensuring that the card slides into the holding tabs on each side of
Lifting the SIM Cover
the door.
Figure 1-4
5.Close the SIM card holder door and slide down to lock into place.
6.Close the rubber access door.
7.Install the battery.
Inserting the SIM Card
NOTE For detailed information about WWAN activation, see First-time Network Activation on page 1-7.
Installing the Battery
To install the battery.
1.Insert the battery, bottom first, into the battery compartment in the back of the MC65.
2.Press the battery down into the battery compartment until the battery release latch snaps into place.
3.Replace the handstrap.
Getting Started1 - 5
Battery Release Latch
Figure 1-5
Inserting the Battery
Charging the Battery
CAUTION Ensure that you follow the guidelines for battery safety described in Battery Safety Guidelines on page
Charging the Main Battery
Before using the MC65 for the first time, charge the main battery until the amber Charging/Battery Status LED
remains lit (see Table 1-1 on page 1-6 for charge status indications). To charge the MC65, use a cable or a cradle
with the appropriate power supply. For information about the accessories available for the MC65, see Chapter 10,
The MC65 is equipped with a memory backup battery which automatically charges from the fully-charged main
battery. When using the MC65 for the first time, the backup battery requires approximately 36 hours to fully charge.
This is also true any time the backup battery is discharged, which occurs when the main battery is removed for
several hours. The backup battery retains RAM data in memory for at least 15 minutes (at room temperature) when
the MC65’s main battery is removed. When the MC65 reaches a very low battery state, the combination of main
battery and backup battery retains RAM data in memory for at least 48 hours.
For cable and cradle setup and charging procedures refer to the MC65 Integrator Guide.
USB Charging Cable
Charge On ly Cable
Single Slot USB Cradle
Four Slot C harge Only Cradle
Four Slot Ethernet Cradle.
To charge the main battery:
1 - 6MC65 User Guide
1.Connect the charging accessory to the appropriate power source.
2.Insert the MC65 into a cradle or attach to a cable. The MC65 begins charging. The Charging/Battery Status
LED blinks amber while charging, then turns solid amber when fully charged. See Table 1-1 for charging
The 3600 mAh battery charges in less than six hours.
Table 1-1
OffMC65 is not charging.
Slow Blinking Amber
(1 blink every 2 seconds)
Solid AmberCharging complete.
Fast Blinking Amber
(2 blinks/seco nd)
LED Charge Indicators
Status LED
MC65 is not inserted correctly in the cradle or connected to a power source.
Charger/cradle is not powered.
MC65 is charging.
Note: When the battery is initially inserted in the MC65, the amber LED flashes
once if the battery power is low or the battery is not fully inserted.
Charging error, e.g.:
Temperature is too low or too high.
Charging has gone on too long without completion (typically eight hours).
Charging Spare Batteries
See Chapter 10, Acce ssor ie s for information on using accessories to change spare batteries.
Charging Temperature
Charge batteries in temperatures from 0°C to 40°C (32°F to 104°F). Note that charging is intelligently controlled by
the MC65.
To accomplish this, for small periods of time, the MC65 or accessory alternately enables and disables battery
charging to keep the battery at acceptable temperatures. The MC65 or accessory indicates when charging is
disabled due to abnormal temperatures via its LED. See Table 1-1.
Powering On the MC65
Press the Power button to turn on the MC65. The splash screen displays for about a minute as the MC65 initializes
its flash file system, then the calibration window appears.
Calibrating the Screen
NOTE The Calibration screen can be accessed by pressing Blue key then Backspace key.
To calibrate the screen so the cursor on the touch screen aligns with the tip of the stylus:
1.Remove the stylus from its holder on the side of the MC65.
2.Carefully press and briefly hold the tip of stylus on the center of each target that appears on the screen.
3.Repeat as the target moves around the screen, then tap the screen to continue.
First-time Network Activation
GSM/UMTS Activation
Network Activation
To activate on a GSM/UMTS network:
1.If an active SIM card was installed in the MC65, the MC65 performs the activation process.