MC54/74HCT161A MC54/74HCT163A
MOTOROLA High–Speed CMOS Logic Data
DL129 — Rev 6
The HCT161A/163A are programmable 4–bit synchronous
counters that feature parallel Load, synchronous or asynchronous Reset, a Carry Output for cascading and count–enable
The HCT161A and HCT163A are binary counters with
asynchronous Reset and synchronous Reset, respectively.
Clock (Pin 2)
The internal flip–flops toggle and the output count advances with the rising edge of the Clock input. In addition, control functions, such as resetting and loading occur with the
rising edge of the Clock input. In addition, control functions,
such as resetting (HCT163A) and loading occur with the rising
edge of the Clock Input.
Preset Data Inputs P0, P1, P2, P3 (Pins 3, 4, 5, 6)
These are the data inputs for programmable counting. Data
on these pins may be synchronously loaded into the internal
flip–flops and appear at the counter outputs. P0 (Pin 3) is the
least–significant bit and P3 (Pin 6) is the most–significant bit.
Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 (Pins 14, 13, 12, 11)
These are the counter outputs. Q0 (Pin 14) is the least–significant bit and Q3 (Pin 11) is the most–significant bit.
Ripple Carry Out (Pin 15)
When the counter is in its maximum state 1 111, this output
goes high, providing an external look–ahead carry pulse that
may be used to enable successive cascaded counters. Ripple
Carry Out remains high only during the maximum count state.
The logic equation for this output is:
Ripple Carry Out = Enable T • Q0 • Q1 • Q2 • Q3
A low level on the Reset pin (pin 1) resets the internal flip–
flops and sets the outputs (Q0 through Q3) to a low level. The
HCT161A resets asynchronously, and the HCT163A resets
with the rising edge of the Clock input (synchronous reset).
With the rising edge of the Clock, a low level on Load (pin
9) loads the data from the Preset Data input pins (P0, P1, P2,
P3) into the internal flip–flops and onto the output pins, Q0
through Q3. The count function is disabled as long as Load is
Count Enable/Disable
These devices have two count–enable control pins: Enable
P (Pin 7) and Enable T (Pin 10). The devices count when these
two pins and the Load pin are high. The logic equation is:
Count Enable = Enable P • Enable T • Load
The count is either enabled or disabled by the control inputs
according to Table 1. In general, Enable P is a count–enable
control: Enable T is both a count–enable and a Ripple–Carry
Output control.
Table 1. Count Enable/Disable
Control Inputs
Result at Outputs
Load EnablePEnableTQ0–Q3 Ripple Carry Out
H H H Count High when Q0–Q3
L H H No Count
are maximum*
X L H No Count High when Q0–Q3
are maximum*
X X L No Count L
Q0 through Q3 are maximum when Q3 Q2 Q1 Q0 = 1111.
Binary Counters
1 2 3 4
811 10 9