Motorola IDEN I833BABYPHAT user Manual

Getting Start e d Us e r ’s Guide
i833 Baby Phat Phone
Getti ng Sta rted ......... ... ......... ... ......... .......... 1
Locating Your SIM Card....................................3
Powering On and Off.........................................7
Activating Service..............................................7
Enabling Secu r ity ................... ................ .... ... ....7
Phone Programming .........................................8
Finding Your Pho ne Number and Direct Nextel
Nextel Worldwide
Customizing Features .......................................9
SIM Card Security ...........................................13
Locking the Keypad.........................................16
Wireless Local Number Po rtabil ity: Bringing
Your Phone Number From Another
Number ........................................8
Voice Mail.............................................9
Customer Care...................................18
Service ...............................9
Maki ng C a lls .... .. .......... .. .......... .. .......... .....20
Phone Calls.....................................................20
Direct Connect
Receiving Calls ...............................................21
Missed Phone Call s ... .... ... .... ................ ... .... ...22
Using Speakerphone.......................................22
Using Mute......................................................22
Making Emergency Phone Calls.....................23
Calls .....................................20
Nextel® Voice Mail....................................24
Setting Up Your Voice Mail Box ......................24
Receiving a Message......................................24
Accessing Voice Mail from
the Message Center ...................................25
Sending Unanswered Calls to Voice Mail .......25
Nextel Online® Services...........................26
NOL Service s................................ .... .... .......... 2 6
Accessing NOL Services From Your Phone...26
Nextel® Terms and
Conditions of Ser v ic e ...... ... ......... ... ..... 28
Safety and General Information ............. 50
RF Operational Characteristics .......................50
Portable Radio Product Operation and EME
Electro Magnetic Interference/Compatibility....53
Medical Devices..............................................53
Operational Warnings......................................54
Operational Cautions.......................................55
Accessory Saf ety Info rm at io n. .... .... ............... .. 5 6
Patent and Trademark Information ........ 62

Getting Started

volume controls
retractable antenna
internal display
audio jack
accessory connector
external display
speaker (in back)
light sensor
back key
option keys
power button
space key
Getting Started
p Power button.
Navigation key — press the arrows to scroll through menus and lists.
O OK key — selects highlighted item;
answers calls.
m Menu key — accesses context- sensitive
A Option key — selects the option
appea rin g above it on the dis p lay .
Note: Throughout this User’s Guide,
the option keys wi ll be represe nt e d by A.
s Send key — p laces phone calls. e End key — ends phone calls; retu rns to
idle screen; in browser mode, returns to Net main menu.
t Acts like s when the flip is closed; turns
Direct Connect® / Grou p ConnectTM speaker on and off; used with voice names and voice records.
. Acts like e when the flip is closed;
accesses recent ca lls; sends incoming calls to voice mail.
Note: For more information on your i833 phone,
refer to the i833 User’s Gu ide at upport. To view the guide, select Product Manuals and choose the guide from the pull-dow n list.
To start using your i833 ph on e:
Make su re yo ur SI M card i s in pl ac e.
Charge the batter y.
Activate your se rv ic e.
Enable secu rity.

Removing the Battery Door

Removing the Battery Door
1 Make sure the phone is powered off. See
“Poweri ng On and Off” on page 7.
2 Press the release button and pul l the battery
door away from the phone.

Locating Your SIM Card

Your SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card is a small piece of plastic located in the SIM card holder in the back of your phone, underneath the battery.
SIM card
If there is no SIM card in your phone, contact Nextel Customer Care at 1-800-639-6111.
Getting Started


Inserting the Battery

Your phone comes with a Slim Lithium Ion Battery.
1 Remove th e ba ttery door. 2 Insert the battery into the battery area. Press the
battery down to secure it.
3 To replace the battery door, locate the tabs on
the battery door and the s lots in the phone .
4 Place the tabs on the batte r y door in to the slots
on the phone.
5 Move the top of the battery door int o place.
Press it over the releas e button until you hear a click.

Charging the Battery

Your phone comes with a rapid travel charger.
1 Plug the charger into an electrical outlet.
2 Open the connector cover.
connector cover
3 Plug the other end of the charger into the
accessory connector .
Charger Attached appears on the internal display.
Getting Started
Tip: To remove the charger from the accessory
connector: Press the buttons on the sides of the plug. Pull the plug straight out.
4 If you have pur c ha s ed optional ba t te r ie s or
chargers, see “Charging Times”.

Charging Times

Check your battery and charg er type against the below grid to determine appropriate cha rging times.
Recommended charging times:
Battery Charger
Rapid Standard
Slim Lithium Ion SC
Standard Lithium Ion SC
For best results, charge th e batteries within the tempe rature range of 50 °F to 10 4°F (10°C to 40°C).
Prolonged charging is not recommended.
2 hours 2.5 ho urs
2 hours 4 hours

Removing the Battery

1 With the phone powered off, remove the battery
2 Remove the battery by lifting it out from the side.

Battery Use and Maintenance

The Motorola iDEN Approved Lithium Ion
chargers provide optimum performance. Oth er chargers may not fully charge the iDEN Lithium Ion battery or may yield a reduced number of lifetime charge cycles.
Extreme temperatures degrade battery performance. Do not store the battery where temperatures exceed 140°F (60°C) or fall below 4°F (-20°C).

Powering On and Off

Lithium Ion batteries have a self discharge r ate and without use, lose about 1% of their charge per day.
The battery capacity is degraded i f the battery is stored for long periods while fully charged. If long term storage is required, store at half capacity.
Powering On and Off
To power your phone on:
1 Open the flip. 2 Press p.
As your phone connects to the network, you will see a conn ecting message. When the idle screen appea rs , the ph on e is re ad y to us e.
To power your phone off:
1 Open the flip. 2 Press and hold p.

Activating Service

The first time you power on your phone , your service is activated.
A screen then appears prompting you to select Ok to update your browser information. This screen will only appear during initial activation. See “Enabling Security”.

Enabling Security

You must enable sec urity the first time you power on your ph on e o r w it hi n 20 da ys of fir st ac ti vat i on o f your phone.
1 Press A under Ok.
Note: If you press A under Later, the idle
screen will appear. The next time you select Net from the main menu, you will be prompt ed t o enab le sec urity befo re you can use Nex tel Online serv ic es .
2 You are prompted to en ab le sec ur i ty. Press A
under Yes. A serie s of scre ens and then t he default homepage displays.
3 Press e to return to the idle screen.
Getting Started

Phone Pr og ra mmi ng

Within 24 hours of enabling security, you will receive an alert notification containing your Personal Telephone Number (PTN), Nextel Customer Care number, Direct Connect number, and Talkgroup li sts for Group Connect calls.
1 When you receive an alert notification saying
New Browser Message - Receive Programmi ng Info , press A under Goto.
2 You are prompted to accept changes to your
lists. Press A under Ok.
3 You are prompted again to accept changes to
your lists. Press A under Ok.
4 A confir mation screen displays. Press A under
5 Press e to return to the idle screen.

Findi ng Your Phone Nu mb e r and Direct Connect® Number

My Info lets you view your phone number, Direct Connect number, and other phone information.
1 Press m to access the main menu. 2 Scroll to My Info. 3 Press O.
4 Scroll to see your information:
•Name — Enter your name.
•Line1 and Line 2 — your phone numbers for
phone lines 1 and 2. These are filled in when you receive your alert notification after enabling security on your phone.
•Direct Connect — Your Direct Connect number is the numbe r that others use to contact you using Direct Co nnect is fill ed in when you receive your alert notification aft er enabling security on your phone. To view your Direct Connect number, scroll to Direct Connect and press O.
• Group ID — the number of t he Talkgroup you have joined.
• Carrier IP — the IP address assigned to Nextel. It is filled in when you register for packet data services. To view your Carrier IP address, scroll to Carrier IP and press O.
• IP1 Address and IP2 Address — the IP addresses assigned to you f or using the Internet with your phone. To view your IP addres s e s , sc r ol l to t he IP addr es s you want to view and press O.
•Ckt — Your circuit data number is the number you use if you want to use your phone to transfer circuit data. You receive this number from Nextel.
service. It

Nextel® Voice Mail

Note: If you reque st equipment related
transactions on your account, Nex tel Custome r Care may req uire you to provide specific information about your phone. By pressing m anytime whil e i n My Info, a context -s ens iti ve men u wi ll ap pear that includes your phone's service status, unit information, and phone identification numbers including IMEI, SIM ID, and Serial Number (SN). Please be prepared to supply the representative with this information when requesting these types of transactions.
Nextel® Voice Mail
You must set up your voice mail box before you can retr ieve messages. See “Setting Up Your Voice Mail Box” on page 24.

Nextel Worldwide® Service

You can us e yo ur phone to ma k e ca lls internationally in select cities using other iDEN® networks by calling Nextel Customer Care to activa te international dialing on your ac count. Countrie s i n wh ic h yo u c an use your ph on e inc lu de Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Philippines, Singapore, Israel, Mexico and Peru*.
* Credit approval may be required. Other conditions may apply.

Customizing Features

You can c ontrol many features of you r phone, includ ing the si ze of the te xt on the di spla y, the way you access main men u items, an d the volume of incoming sound, rings, and other tones. See “Custo mizing Your Phone” in the i833 User’s Guide.

Phone Basics

Any time your phone is powered on, the display provides you with information and optio ns.
The external display shows a shortened version of the inte rnal di sp la y. T o se e mo re i nf orma t ion, op en the flip.
status icons
text area
menu icon
display options
Getting Started
The scre en sho w n ab ov e is th e id le sc reen. The idle screen appears when your phone is on, but not engage d in any activity.

Text Area

This area displays menus, messages, names, phone nu mbers, and other information.

Display Options

Two displ ay options appear at the bott om of most screens. You select a display option by pressing the option key below it.

Menus and Lists

Your phone’s features are arranged in menus, submenus, and lists.
To acces s the items in a menu or list, scroll using the navigation key at the top of your keypad. This key lets you scroll up, down, left, or right. Holding down the appropriate part of the navigation key speeds up scrolling.
In this guide, this symbol > tells you to select a menu or list item. For example, Settings >
Security means: 1 Scroll to Settings on the main menu.
2 Press O to see the Settings screen. 3 Scroll to Security.
4 Press O to see the Security screen.

Quick Access to Main Menu Items

Each arrow in the navigation key and O can be used to a ccess a main menu item from the idle screen. Each of these keys is assigned to a main menu item when you receive your phone.

OK Key

Pressing O:
Selects the highlighted menu it em or list item
Sets options
Confirms acti ons
Places and answer calls
From the idle screen, accesses ring tones list.
This is the default setting. You can assign a different main menu item to O.

Menu Key

Many features provide context-sensitive menus that let you access related feature s and actions.
This icon menu is available. Press m to access t he menu.
S appea rs an y t im e a co ntext-sensitive
Phone Basics

Main Menu

All your phone’s features can be accessed through the main menu. You can set the main menu to appear as a list or as large icons.
Net Access to Nextel Online
Java Apps Java applications on your
Display/Info Phone Calls DC/GC Options Personalize Volume Security Advanced
Ring Tones
Vibrat e A ll list of ring tones Ring Tones menu
VoiceRecord Record and play audio
phone. Custo m iz e yo ur phone.
Assign ring tones and turn ringer off.
My Info View personal phone
n Downloads Provides a catalog of ring
GPS Find your approximate
new contact form list of cont ac t s Contacts menu
information, including phone n umber and Direct Connect number.
tones, wallpaper, games and applications that you can download directly to your phone. Browse through the catalog to add a new ring tone, a wallpaper to serve as the backgrou nd im ag e on yo ur phone, a game for entertainment, or an application that serves your business and produc t i vi ty ne eds. Items in these catalogs change frequently, s o check regularly for fresh content.
geographical location. Create, view, st ore , edi t
Getting Started
Voice Ma il Net Alert SMS
Call Forward Set call forw ardi ng op tions.
new event form list of events Datebook menu
Memo Store a number to access
Call Timers Phone usage i nformation.
Recent Calls
list of calls recent calls menu Call Setup menu
Shortcuts Crea te sh or t cuts to
Access messages.
Schedule appointments.
Lists recent calls.
new profile form list of profiles Profiles menu
Call Alert
list of call alerts Call Alerts menu
Groups of settings you apply together.
Lists call alerts.

Status Icons

Status icons appear at the top of the display. Some appear at all times. Others appear only when your phone is engaged in certain activities or when you have activated certain features.
abcd efgd
o p q r s
Battery Strength — A fuller battery indica tes a greater charge.
Signal Strength — More bars next to the antenna indicate a stronger signal.
Phone In Use — Your phone is activ e on a phon e call.
Direct Connect In Use — Your phone i s active on a Direct Connect call.

SIM Card Security

1 2
w xT
yz ljik
Talkgroup In Use — Your phone is active on a Group Connect call.
Active Phone Line — 1 indicates phone li ne 1 is ready to make calls; 2 indic ate s ph one line 2 is read y t o make calls.
Call Forwa rd — Your phone is set to forward c a lls.
Ringer Off — Your phone is set not to ring.
Speaker Off — Sets Direct Connect and Grou p Connect sound to come through the earpiece rather than through the speaker.
Messages — You have one or more mess ages.
T9 Text Input — You are using T9 Text Input to ente r text .
Internet — You are ready to browse the internet or are browsing the internet using a secure connection.
Airplane Mode — Your phone is set to Airplane Mode.
Packet D ata — You are ready to transfer packet data or are transferring pa cket data.
TTY — You are ready to us e yo ur phone to make calls using a telety pe wr it er de vi ce .
SIM Ca rd Se curity
Your SIM card stores all your Contacts and protects your personal information. Since this information is stored on your SIM card, not in your phone, you can remove the information by removing your SIM card.
Note: Except for making emergency calls, your
phone will not func tio n with out the SIM card.
To preve nt unauthor i ze d us e of yo ur ph on e, your SIM card is protected by a PIN that yo u enter each time the phone is powered on. You can change the PIN or turn off the requirement that it be entered.
For more information on turning the PIN requirement on and off, entering the PIN, changing the PIN, and unblocking the PIN, refer to the i833 User’s Guide.
Getting Started

Inserting and Removing Your SIM Card

Important: Do not touch the gold-colored areas of
The SIM card is designed for optimal Contacts storage and feature use. For Nextel SIM card compatibility information, visit
If you remove your SIM card and use it with another phone, or use another SIM card with your phone, the following information is erased:
The recent calls list
Call forwarding settings
Net alerts
Informat io n st ore d in Mem o
3 most recent GPS Enabled locations
Voice records
Voice names
Datebook events
Options set using the Personalize menu
your SIM card.
Note: In some cases, Contacts may not be
access ible if you move your SIM card to another phone. Contacts entries created with your i833 phone are not readable by an older iDEN SIM-based phone.
Inserting Your SIM Card 1 With your phone po were d off, rem o ve the
battery door and battery.
2 Open the SIM card holder.
SIM Card Security
3 Carefully slide your SIM card into the SIM card
4 Close the SIM card holder.
Removing Your SIM Card
Important : To avoid loss or da mage, do not rem ove
your SIM card from your phone unless absolutely necessary.
1 With your phone po were d off, rem o ve the
battery door and battery.
2 Open the SIM card holder.
Getting Started
3 Careful ly sl id e you r SIM card ou t of t he SIM c ard
4 Close the SIM card holder.
Note: Protect your SIM card as you would any
delicate object. Store it carefully.

Locking the Keypad

Locking the phone’s keypad prevents its buttons from being pressed. When the keypad is locked, you can on ly:
Power the phone on and off
Unlock the keypad
Respond to incoming calls, messages, and
Important: Emergency calls cannot be placed while
To lock the keypad:
1 From the idle screen, press m. 2 Press *.
If you press a key while the keypad is locked, instructions for unlocking the keypad displ ay briefly.
To unlock the keypad:
1 From the idle screen, press m. 2 Press *.
the keypad is locked.
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