Factory Mutual Approvals (FM)
Canadian Standards Association (CSA)
(For Use in Hazardous [Classified]
Approuvé par Factory Mutual (FM)
Association canadienne de
normalisation (CSA)
(pour utilisation en milieux
[classés] dangereux)
Aprobaciones de la Mutual Industrial
(Factory Mutual Approvals, FM)
Asociación C a nadiense de Est ánda res
(Canadian Standards Association, CSA)
(Para uso en lugares [clasificados como]
Aprovado pela Factory Mutual (FM)
Aprovado pela Canadian Standards Associ-
ation (CSA)
(Para utilização em locais
perigosos [acesso restrito])
Intrinsically Safe Approved Portable Radio Unit
The i325 IS portable radio product when properly equipped with Options
as given i n the table below , is ap proved by Fac tory Mutual A p provals
(FM) and Canadian Standards Association (CSA) as Intrinsically Safe
(IS) for use in Classes I, II, and III, Division 1, Groups C, D, E, F, and G
And Noni nc endi ve ( NI ), C lass I, Div isi o n 2, G rou ps A, B, C, and D whe n
used with batte ry NNTN5428.
nauthorized or incorrect modification of an intrinsically safe Approved
ortable product unit can negate the FM or CSA Approval for that radio
Intrinsically safe Approval labels are attached to the radio
and embedded int o the software to identify the unit as
FM/CSA A pproved f or hazardous classified lo cations.
The radio label specifi es the hazardous Class/Division/
Group a long w ith t he pa rt n um ber o f the ba tt ery t hat m ust
be used. The approval marks are shown at right.
The battery label specifies that the battery is approved for
use in th e i325 IS portable radio product.
Note: The battery itself is not FM/CSA approved. Approval is granted
for a system only (portable radio product and battery).
iDEN Portable Models/Options
Model Descriptio nModel Numbe rOption / Catalog
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
Q404CW / N2367ASOL
Sout hern Linc (USA)
Q365BX / N2367AVIP
Motorola VIP (USA)
Q401FF / N2367ANEX
Nextel (USA)
Q726CT / N2367ANPR
Nexte l Part ners
Q706CK / N2367ATEL
Model Descriptio nModel Numbe rOption / Catalog
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
FM/CSA Intrinsically Safe i325
portable radio product
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
Q482BQ / N2367A GTS
GTSS H a rmo n y
Q686BD / N2367ACGS
CGISS Harmony
QA00022AK / N2367AJOR
Q412BZ / N2367AISR
Q603AE / N2367AGEN
International Generic
Kit Number
IS — Class I, II, III, Div 1, Groups C, D, E, F, and G;
NI — Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, and D
(Approved for use with the i325 IS portable radio product)
Kit Number
NNTN5208Heavy Duty Remote Speaker Microphone
NNTN5004P TT Headset, over the ear
NNTN5005PTT Headset, over the head
NNTN5006PTT Headset, earb ud
NNTN5211Surveillance Style Earpiece
RMN5000Headset (Heavy Duty w/2.5mm jack)
RLN4 885Earbud with 3. 5 m m rt . a ng l e plug.
RLN4941Earpiece with 3.5 mm rt angle pl ug.
Portable radio products must ship from the Motorola manufacturing
facility with t he hazard ous atmosphere capability and the intrinsic
safety approval labe ling (FM, CSA, CEPEL , etc). Porta b le radio
products will not be up graded to this capabili ty and labeled once they
have been shipped to the field.
• Unauthorized or incorrect modif ication of an In trinsically Safe
approved portable radio product can negate the FM or CSA
Approval for that radio unit.
• Do not ope rate radio communications equipment in hazardous
environments unless it is a type especially qualified (e.g., FM/CSA
Approved) for such use. An explosion or fire may resu lt.
• Do not operate an FM/CSA Approved Product in a hazardous
atmosphere if it has been physically damaged (e.g., cracked
housing). An exp losion or fire may r esult.
• Do not replace or charge batteries in a hazardous atmosphere.
Contact sparking may occur while installing or removing batteries
and cause an expl osion or fire.
• Do not replace or change accessori es in a hazardous at mosphere.
Contact sparking may occur while installing or removing accessorie
and may ca use an explosion or fire.
• Turn the radio commun ications equipment off before removing or
installing a battery or accessory.
• Do not disassemble the FM/CSA Approved Product unit in any way
that exposes the internal electr ical circuits of the unit.
Failure to us e an FM/CSA Ap pro ved Porta bl e Ra di o Pr od uc t w ith the
specific approved battery or accessories may result in a dangerously
unsaf e condition when being used in a hazardous environment.
Use of any unapproved combinati on of portable radio product, battery
and accessories will negate the FM/CS A Approv al and the portab le
radio product will not be Intrinsically Safe for that configuration.
Approuvé par Factory Mutual (FM)
Association canadienne de
normalisation (CSA)
(pour utilisation en milieux
[classés] dangereux)
Radio portative approuvée à sécurité intrinsèq ue
Quand il est c orr e ctem en t mun i des opt ion s fi gur ant dans l e ta ble au ci-de ss ou s, le
produit radio portative i325 IS est approuvé par Factory Mutual (FM) et l’Association
canadienn e de no rm alis a tio n (C SA ) c om me é tant à s écur it é in tr in sèqu e ( I S) pou r une
utilisation en Classes I, II et III, Division 1, Groupes C, D, E, F et G, et non-incendaire
(NI), Classe I, Division 2, Groupes A, B, C et D lorsqu’il est utilisé avec la batterie
oute modification non autorisée ou incorrecte de l’unité de produit portable à
écurité intrinsèque peut annuler l’approbation de la FM ou de la CSA pour cette
Les étiquettes d’approbation de sécurité intrinsèque sont apposées sur la radio et incorporées dans le logiciel afin que l’appareil
soit reconnu comme étant approuvé par les organismes FM et/ou
CSA pour les environnements classés dangereux.
Sur la radio, l’étiquette indique la classe/la division/le groupe ainsi
que le numéro de référence de la batterie qui doit être utilisée.
Les marquages d’approbation sont représentés à droite.
L’étiquette de la batterie indique que la batterie est approuvée
pour être utilisée dans la radio portative i325 IS.
Remarque : La batterie elle-même n’est pas approuvée par les organismes
Description du modèleNuméro de modèleOption / Catalogue
Produit de radio portative i325
à sécurité intrinsèque, à homologation FM/CSA
Produit de radio portative i325
à sécurité intrinsèque, à homologation FM/CSA
Produit de radio portative i325
à sécurité intrinsèque, à homologation FM/CSA
Produit de radio portative i325
à sécurité intrinsèque, à homologation FM/CSA
Produit de radio portative i325
à sécurité intrinsèque, à homologation FM/CSA
FM et/ou CSA. L’approbation est accordée uniquement pour un
système (radio portative et batterie).
Modèles/ Opt io ns porta bl es iDEN
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
i325 .6watt/FM
Q404CW / N2367ASOL
Southern Linc (USA)
Q365BX / N2367AVIP
Motorola VIP (USA)
Q401FF / N2367ANEX
Q726CT / N2367ANPR
Q706CK / N2367ATE L
Nextel (USA)
Nextel Partners
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