N.B. This field service bulletin is for information only. It does not relate to any
service action.
Title: Bluetooth Headset Short Battery Life
Author: Anne McCluskey
Released by: EMEA Competency Centre
Date: 17th December 2002
Number of Pages: 1
Bulletin Ref. No: EI0419
Product: HSW8000 Bluetooth Headset (SYN9006A)
System: GSM
A number of complaints have been received at our service centres, with regard to the battery life of the
Bluetooth Headset (SYN9006A), when used with Nokia phones. This has been investigated and it appears
that Nokia phones use a specific type of connection profile as a default for headset profile connections.
This connection mode consumes 30% more power than the standard connection used with other products.
The 1
next generation headset will have this capability.
When the phone initiates a connection, it makes itself the master and the headset consumes more power
(30% increase) as a slave (master connection is initiated by the Headset boom open (most common), slave
if connection is initiated by the phone menu). Other phones allow the Headset to remain the master, if the
Headset originally established the connection.
Nokia is trying to minimize power consumption of their phone by making the phone the master during all
connections. This increases the Headset power consumption.
People using the existing 1
phone, should close the headset between calls, rather than leaving it on when not in use.
Service Action:
Any customers using a Nokia ‘phone with a SYN9006A Motorola Bluetooth Headset, who are complaining
of ‘short battery life’ in the headset, should be advised to close the headset between calls, to maintain the
battery life of the headset between charge cycles.
For information only – 1
(Euro), CFLN1481AA (UK), CFLN1484AA (Euro promotion), CFLN1485AA (UK promotion)
Generation Bluetooth Headset cannot tell the phone to switch to the standard profile. However, the
Generation Bluetooth Headset SYN9006A product, specifically with a Nokia
Gen. Bluetooth Headset blister pack part ordering numbers: CFLN1480AA