The modularity of the MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact guarantees you optimum
integration into the machine process. Whether in high-speed eld bus communication
with the central multi-axis machine controller or with distributed programmable Motion
Control intelligence in the servo drive, the MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact is a
master o
The German version is the original of this Operation Manual.
We reserve the right to make technical changes.
This Operation Manual has been prepared based on DIN EN 82079-1. The content
was compiled with the greatest care and attention, and based on the latest information
available to us.
We should nevertheless point out that this document cannot always be updated in line
with ongoing technical developments in our products.
Information and specications may be subject to change at any time. For information on
the latest version please visit
Table of contents
1 General .................................................................................... 5
1.1 Target group ............................................................................................................. 5
The product CD from Moog contains the complete documentation for the related
product series. The documentation for a product series includes the Operation Manual
(hardware description), Device Help (software description) as well as further User
Manuals (e.g. field bus description) and Specifications. They are available in the formats
PDF, HTML or chm.
1.1 Target group
Dear user,
the documentation forms part of the device and contains important information on
operation and service. It is aimed at all persons who undertake mounting, installation,
commissioning and servicing work on the product.
1.2 Prerequisites
Prerequisites for the usage of devices from Moog:
yThe documentation on the devices is to be stored so it legible, accessible at all times and for the
entire life of the product.
yRead and ensure you under Date the documentation on your device.
yQualication: to prevent injury or damage, personnel may only work on the device if they have
electrical engineering qualications.
yKnowledge required:
− National health and safety regulations (e.g. VBG 4 in Germany)
− Mounting, installation, commissioning and operation of the device
Work in other areas, for example transport, storage and disposal is only allowed to be
undertaken by trained personnel.
This Operation Manual applies to the MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact
(referred to in the following as the servo drive). This manual does not replace the
Operation Manuals for the MSD Single- and Multi-Axis Servo Drive.
MSD Power Supply Unit
Multi-Axis SystemOperation Manual
MSD Servo Drive
SERCOS II User Manual
MSD Servo Drive
SERCOS III User Manual
MSD Servo Drive Field bus
systems CANopen/EtherCAT User Manual
MSD Servo Drive
Field bus systems
User Manual
Modular Multi-Axis Servo
Drive System - MSD Ordering Catalog
MSD Servo Drive - Device
Program help
riveADminsitrAtor 5
PC user software
Safety, mechanical installation, electrical installation,
commissioning, diagnostics, specifications certification and
applicable standards, technical data
Safety, mechanical installation, electrical installation,
commissioning, diagnostics, specifications certification and
applicable standards, technical data
Safety, mechanical installation, electrical installation, commissioning,
diagnostics, STO, operation with AC-AC Servo Drive as supply,
planning, application example, specifications certification and
applicable standards, technical data
Safety, mechanical installation, electrical installation, commissioning,
diagnostics, specification certification and applicable standards
technical data
Safety, commissioning, communication phases, parameter interface,
error, warning and status messages, operation modes, weighting,
referencing, touchprobe, parameter lists
Safety, installation and connection, commissioning and configuration
parameterisation, data transmission, scaling and weighting,
functionality, error message and diagnostics, parameter lists
Safety, commissioning, data transmission, operation modes,
referencing, parameters, technical data
Description and configuration of the parameters for the MSD Se vo
Drive on the PROFIBUS/PROFINET field bus syste
Information, notes on ordering, specifications and
technical data on:
MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact, MSD Single-Axis System,
MSD Multi-Axis System, safety technology, communication,
technology, function packages, accessories and motors
Description of the software functionality MSD Servo Drive,
firmware versions
- MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact from V1.30-xx
- MSD Single-Axis System from V3.25-xx
- MSD Multi-Axis System from V3.25-xx
Context-sensitive help for Moog DriveADministrAtorversion 5.x
graphic PC user software for initial commissioning and serial
commissioning, operation, diagnostics and project management
The MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact has the article designation
G394-xxx-xxx-xxx. The provides information on the related variant of the supplied
MSD Servo Drive. The signicance of the individual characters of the article designation
is given in the following order code.
You will nd the complete order code with all values in the MSD Ordering Catalog.
G394 -
Rated current
Option 1 (Communication)
Option 2 (Technology)
Option 3 (Safety)
Option 4 (Function package)
1.5 Production data
On rating plates for the MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact you will nd the serial
number, from which you can identify the date of manufacture based on the following
key. For the location of the rating plate on the servo drive refer to "Figure 4.1 Layout
MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact C2 to C4" and "Figure 4.2 Layout MSD SingleAxis Servo Drive Compact C5".
D-71034 Böblingen
Made in Germany
The pictograms used in this Operation Manual signify the following for the user:
Useful information or reference to other documents.
You will nd the pictogram used in this Operation Manual for "General safety instructions and warnings" in chapter "2 Safety".
Processing step undertaken by the user or the system.
1.8 Disclaimer
Following the documentation on the devices from Moog GmbH is a prerequisite:
yFor safe operation.
yTo achieve stated performance features and product characteristics.
Moog GmbH does not accept any liability for injuries, damage or nancial losses that
result from the failure to follow the documentation.
1.9 Disposal
Follow the applicable national regulations! If necessary, dispose of individual parts,
depending on their characteristics and existing national regulations, e.g. as:
yElectrical waste
Or engage a certied disposal organisation with scrapping
Our Helpline will help you with fast, specic assistance if you have any technical queries
relating to project planning or commissioning your device.
Address: Moog GmbH
Hanns-Klemm Straße 28
D-71034 Böblingen
The Helpline is available by e-mail, telephone or telefax:
Phone: +49 7031 622 0
Telefax: +49 7031 622 100
If you need further assistance, our specialists at the Service & Support Center will be
Our devices are state-of-the-art and comply with recognised safety regulations,
nevertheless hazards can arise. In this chapter:
yWe provide information on residual risks and hazards that can emanate from
our devices on usage as intended.
yWe warn about the foreseeable misuse of our devices.
yWe refer to the necessary care and measures to be taken to prevent risks.
2.2 For your safety
Only install and place in operation your device taking into account the
documentation for the related device family!
Our devices are quick and safe to operate. For your own safety and for the safe
functioning of your device, please be sure to observe the following points:
Protection against magnetic and/or electromagnetic fi lds during
installation and operation.
Persons t ted with heart pacemakers, metallic implants and hearing aids etc. must not be allowed
access to the following areas:
• Areas in the immediate vicinity of electrical equipment!
• Areas in which electronics components and Ser vo Drives are installed,
repaired and operated!
• Areas where motors are installed, repaired and operated!
Motors with permanent magnets pose particular hazards.
During installation observe the following:
• Comply with connection conditions and technical data as per the documentation and the
rating plate!
• Comply with standards and directives on electrical installation, such as cable cross-section,
shielding, etc.!
• Do not touch electronic components and contacts!
Electrostatic discharge can harm people and destroy components!
• Take protection measures and use protective devices as per the applicable regulations
(e.g. IEC/EN60204 or IEC/EN 61800-5-1)!
• Take "device earthing" protection measure!
Ambient conditions
Follow the instructions on the transport, storage and correct operation of the devices stated in
the Operation Manual in "A Appendix".
Follow safety instructions for the devices:
Follow all safety instructions and warnings in the entire documentation related to the device series.
Electric drives are dangerous:
• Due to electrical voltages up to 480V AC and up to 800 V DC
• Dangerously high voltages of ≥50V may still be present 10min. after the power is cut
(capacitor charge). So check that electrical power is not present! See also the warning label on
the front panel on the device.
Hazards may emanate from our devices. For this reason it is imperative you follow the
safety instructions and warnings in this document.
DANGER!Risk of injury due to electrical power!
• Carelessness will result in serious injuries or death.
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device.
WARNING! Risk of injury due to electrical power!
• Carelessness may result in serious injuries or death.
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device.
CAUTION! Risk of injury or damage to the device due to incorrect operation!
• Carelessness may result in minor injuries or
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device.
WARNING! Risk of injury due to hot surfaces and components!
• Carelessness may result in serious burns.
Electronic components may become hot during operation!
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device!
Caution!Damage due to electrostatic discharge!
• Electrostatic discharge can destroy components.
Do not touch electronic components and contacts!
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document and on the device!
DANGER!Risk of injury due to rotating par ts on the motor!
• Carelessness will result in serious injuries or death.
Follow safety instructions and warnings in this document.
Pay attention to special safety instructions and warnings that are given here in the document
before a specic action and that warn the user about a specic hazard!
The pictograms may also be used on their own with the signal word, e.g.
in the connection diagrams, however they have the same function as in the
complete warning.
2.4 Intended use
Our devices are components intended for stationary electrical systems and machines in
the industrial and commercial sector.
The devices in the product range MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact conform to the
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Tested and certied in accordance with applicable standards (see declaration of conformity
in chap. 2.8).
When installed in machines it is prohibited to start-up intended operation until it has
been ascertained that the completed machine fully complies with the provisions of
the Machinery Directive (2006/42/EC); compliance with IEC/EN60204 is mandatory.
Starting up intended operation is only permitted on compliance with the EMC Directive
The devices full the demands of the harmonised product standard IEC/EN61800-5-1.
You will find information on the installation of your device in chapter "3 Mechanical
2.4 .1 Repair
Only have repairs undertaken by authorised repair shops. Unauthorised opening and
incorrect intervention could lead to death, physical injury or material damage. The
warranty provided by Moog would thereby be rendered void.
2.5 Usage contrary to intended use
Our devices are:
yNot intended for installation in vehicles. Deployment of the device in non-
stationary equipment is classed as non-standard ambient conditions, and is
permissible only by special agreement.
yNot intended for installation in environments with harmful oils, acids, gases,
vapours, dusts, radiation etc.
yNot approved for usage in special applications (e.g. in potentially explosive
atmospheres or areas in which there is a risk of re).
yNot approved for usage outside a cabinet
yNot approved for the generation of high-frequency onboard
networks for which the device is not designed
2.6 Responsibility
Pay attention to the topic of “Electrical equipment of machines” in IEC/EN60204-1:
2006 “Safety of machinery”. The safety requirements on electrical machines dened
there are intended to protect personnel and machinery or systems.
The emergency stop function (as per IEC/EN 60204) shuts down the supply of power
to a machine, which results in the drives coasting down in an uncontrolled manner. To
avert hazards, check whether it is appropriate:
− To keep individual drives in operation
− To initiate specic safety procedures
− To incorporate a Safe Torque Off function (Safe Torque Off: movement stop
by "switching off the electrical supply" - STO)
2.7 Relevant laws, standards and directives
For information on the laws, Dateards and directives applied by Moog, refer to the
declaration of conformity.
Depending on the specic application for the devices, other laws, standards
and directives with provisions on "Safety" may apply. If necessary, contact
the machine or system manufacturer.
Electronic devices are fundamentally not fail-safe. The installer and/or operator of a
complete machine or system is responsible for ensuring:
yThat the drive is rendered safe if the device fails
yThe safety of personnel and machinery
yThe complete machine is in correct working order
For the risk assessment on the complete machine or system according to
EN ISO 12100 (formerly EN ISO 14121) and EN ISO 13849-1
(formerly DIN EN 954-1)
CAUTIONDamage to the device due to incorrect installation conditions!
The device may be destroyed
For this reason
• Moisture must not be allowed to enter the device
• There must not be any aggressive or conductive substances in the ambient air
• Foreign bodies such as drilling chips, screws, washers etc. must not be allowed to enter
the device
• The ventilation openings must not covered
Note the following points:
yCooling air must be able to ow through the device without restriction.
yFor mounting in switch cabinets with convection (= heat loss is discharged to the outside via the
cabinet walls), always t an internal air circulation fan.
yThe backing plate must be well-earthed.
yThe device is designed only for vertical installation in switch cabinets. The switch cabinet must
as a minimum provide IP4x protection.
yTo attain the best result for EMC-compatible installation you should use a chromated or
galvanized backing plate. If backing plates are varnished, remove the coating from the contact
area! The devices themselves have an aluminium back panel.
yMaximum pollution degree 2
According to ENISO13849-2 the switch cabinet must have IP54 protection
or higher on using the STO (Safe Torque OFF) safety function.
Further information on environmental conditions can be found in the appendix.
Mark out the position of the tapped holes on the
backing plate.
Cut a thread for each xing screw in the backing plate.
Mount the servo drive vertically on the backing
Table 3.1 Mechanical installation
Mount the other components, suchas the mains lter,
mains choke etc., on the backing plate.
Continue with the electrical installation in chapter 3.
Forced cooling by external air ow is necessary
for all sizes of the MSD Single-Axis Servo
Drive Compact. The air must be able to ow
unhindered through the device. If a temperature
cut-out occurs, the cooling conditions must be
Air ow: minimum 1.2 m/s (3.93 ft/s)
Dimensional drawings/hole spacing see
Figure 3.1, Figure 3.2
The thread sur face area will provide you
with good, full-area contact.
Observe the mounting clearances! The
contact area must be bare metal.
The cable between mains lter and servo
drive may be 300mm (11.81in) long.
Weight 1.0 kg (2.2 lb)1.5 kg (3.3 lb)2.8 kg (6.2 lb)5.9 kg (13 lb)
B (width)55 ( 2.17 )90 (3.54)
H (height)
T (depth)
A27.5 (1. 0 8)20 (0.79)
A1--40 (1.57)50 (1. 97)
C225 (8.86)30 5 (12.01)313 (12.32)
C15 (0.20)6 (0. 24)
DØ4. 8 (0.19)
H1235 (9.25)315 (12.40)324 (12 .76)
Screws2 x M44 x M4
All dimensions in mm (in)
1) without terminals/connections
Table 3.2 MSD Single-A xis Ser vo Drive Compact dimensions - see Figure 3.1 and Figure 3.2
210 (8.27)29 0 (11.42 )29 1 (11.47)
142 (5.59)18 9 ( 7. 4 4)235.5 (9.27)
G3 9 4 -16 0
C2 + C3
Figure 3.1 Dimensional drawing C2, C3, C4
C2 + C3 + C4
If MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact devices are attached to other
product ranges, corresponding measures must be taken to prevent the
devices affecting each other thermally.
MSD Single-Axis Servo
Drive Compact
EDirect butt mounting
Dimensions in mm (in)
≥100 (3.94)≥150 ( 5.9 0 )
≥235 (9.25)≥2 8 0 (11. 0 2)
G3 9 4 -16 0
Figure 3.2 Dimensional drawing C5
3.2.2 Mounting clearances
The minimum distances specied in the table apply for devices of the same power.
1) The bend radius of the c onnecti ng cables must be take n into acco unt
When butt mounting devices with different drive power you should arrange the devices
according to their power (e.g., viewed from the left, C5-C4-C3-C2). This arrangement
will minimise the thermal interaction.
• Carelessness will result in serious injuries or death.
Never wire or disconnect electrical connections while these are live! Always disconnect the power
before working on the device. Dangerously high voltages of ≥50V may still be present 10min.
after the power is cut (capacitor charge). So check that electrical power is not present!
Work on the device must only be carried out after the DC link voltage has dropped below a
residual voltage of 50V (indicated by monitoring LED H1 and to be measured on terminals X1/Land L+).
A dangerous voltage may be present at the device, even if the device does not emit any visual
or audible signals/indications (e.g. with mains voltage applied to terminal X3 and missing control
supply +24 V on X2)!
The following general guidelines apply for the installation of Servo Drives:
yCompliance with the EMC product standard
− Commissioning (i.e. starting intended operation) is only permitted on compliance with the
EMC product standard IEC/EN61800-3. The installer/operator of a machine and/or system
must provide proof of compliance with the protection targets stipulated in the standard.
yCable type
− Use only shielded mains, motor and signal lines with double copper braiding with 60 to 70%
yCable laying
− Route mains, motor and signal cables separated from one another. If possible, keep a
distance of at least 0.2 m (0.66 ft), otherwise use separators. They should not run in parallel.
If crossovers are unavoidable, they should wherever possible be configured perpendicular (at
a 90° angle).
− Always route the motor cable without interruptions and the shortest way out of the control
cabinet. When using a motor contactor for example, the component should be directly
mounted to the servo drive and the shielding of the motor cable should not be stripped back
too far.
− If possible signal lines should only enter from one side into the switch cabinet.
− Lines of the same electric circuit must be twisted.
− Avoid unnecessary cable lengths and loops.
Earthing measures
− Earthing measures of relevance for the servo drive are described in section “4.6 Protective
earth conductor connection”.
yShielding measures
− Do not strip the cable shields back too far, and lay them with large area connections both on
the component and on the backing plate or on the PE rail (main earth) for the backing plate.
yExternal components
− Place larger loads near the supply.
− Contactors, relays, solenoid valves (switched inductances) must be wired with suppressors.
The wiring must be directly connected to the respective coil.
− Any switched inductance should be at least 0.2 m (0.66 ft) away from the process controlled
yAdditional information can be found in the corresponding connection description.
If you require further detailed information on installation you should consult the Moog Helpline
(see “Commissioning” on page 45).
The following shows the layout with the corresponding positions of plugs and terminals.
For better orientation we have identified the designations of plugs and terminals with an
D1, D2
T1, T2
D1, D27-segment display
H1DC link voltage indicator LED (only size C2 to C4)
OP1Installation space for option 1 (Communication)
T1, T2Button
X1Power connections (only size C2 to C4)
X2Connection for control supply U
X3AC power connection
PE (bottom)Device protective earth conductor connection
X4Control terminals
X5Motor temperature monitoring
X6Resolver connection
X7Connection for high-resolution encoder
X8Option 2 (Technology)
X9Ethernet interface
X13Connection for motor brake
Table 4.1 Key to layout MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact C2 to C4
This is a restricted availability product in accordance with IEC/EN 61800-3.
This product may cause radio interference in domestic environments; in such
cases the operator may need to take appropriate countermeasures.
External radio frequency interference suppression filters (CB09937-001 to CB09940
001, CB09942-00, for C5 provisional CA71185-001) are available for the Servo Drives.
With the measurement method specified and the exte nal mains filte , these Servo
Drives conform to the EMC product standard IEC/EN 61800-3 for "First environment"
(residential C2) and "Second environment" (industrial C3).
4.5.2 Specimen setup
The specimen setup presented on the following pages is intended to illustrate the key
measures necessary to ensure an effective EMC installation.
The specimen setup merely presents a recommendation, and does not
automatically guarantee compliance with applicable EMC directives.
The installer/operator of a machine and/or system must provide proof of
compliance with the protection targets stipulated in the standard.
Detail 1
Detail 2
Detail 3
Detail 4
Figure 4.5 presents an overview of the minimum components required:
Backing plate with cable ducts
MSD Single-Axis Servo Drive Compact
Mains filter
Mains choke
Distributor rail for AC power supply and control supply (+24VDC)
The layout and cabling are based on the requirements in section4.1 The numbered red
arrows refer to four very important detailed notes presented on the following pages.
Figure 4.5 Specimen setup - Overview
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