Products manufactured by SELLER are warranted at time of shipment to be free from defects in material and workmanship
under normal use and service. This warranty is only applicable to any of SELLER’s products which BUYER returns to
SELLER within one (1) year from the date of initial delivery, and which SELLER determines to be defective within the terms
of this warranty.
Commercial Off-The-Shelf (OTS) products delivered by SELLER are warranted at time of shipment to be free from defects in
material and workmanship under normal use and service. This warranty is only applicable to any of OTS Products delivered
by SELLER which BUYER returns to SELLER within ninety (90) days from the date of initial delivery, and which SELLER
determines to be defective within the terms of this warranty. SELLER's obligations, with respect to such applicable warranty
returns, are limited to repair, replacement, or refund of the purchase price actually paid for the product, at SELLER's sole
SELLER shall bear round-trip shipment costs of defective Items found to be covered by this warranty. Unless otherwise
agreed, the BUYER shall bear any additional costs which SELLER incurs for repair, dismantling, installation, and transport
as a result of the Product being located in a place other than the destination stated in the Contract or, if no destination is
stated, the place of delivery.
Replaced or repaired parts or Products will carry only the unexpired portion of the original warranty as of the date of notice to
SELLER of the warranty defect. Defective Products or parts thereof may be replaced with either new, factory refurbished, or
remanufactured parts. Defective parts, which have been replaced, shall become the SELLER’s property. This warranty does
not extend to any product sold by SELLER which has been subjected to misuse, neglect, accident, improper installation, or a
use for purposes not included or not in accordance with operational maintenance procedures and instructions furnished by
SELLER, or which has been repaired or altered by BUYER or persons other than SELLER or which has been damaged by
secondary causes, including but not limited to, improper voltages, adverse environment conditions, improper signals, or
products which have had their serial number or any part thereof altered, defaced, or removed . Fuses, air filters, desiccants,
and lamps shall be excluded from the provisions of this warranty, and as to these Items no warranty, expressed or implied, is
made by SELLER. SELLER liability does not cover normal wear and tear or deterioration.
At the time of purchase, the SELLER grants to the BUYER, the option to procure a one or two years warranty extension for
selected custom products at the prices specified in the SELLER’s proposal/contract.
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The purpose of this manual is to provide the MPT-90 Moog Pan and Tilt operator with
the required information necessary to install, operate, troubleshoot and maintain, the
MPT-90 to a level approved by the manufacturer, Moog Inc.
1.1 Scope
Read these instructions before installing or operating the MPT-90 Pan and Tilt.
This manual provides basic installation and operation information. In order to use this
document, the reader must have a basic knowledge of Windows-based PC computers
and adequate mechanical ability.
1.2 Customer support
If information beyond the scope of this manual is required, or you require assistance
with the setup, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of this product, refer to
this document. If you still have questions, please contact us at:
Moog, Inc.
Sensor and Surveillance Sales and Marketing
Northbrook, IL USA 60062
Telephone: 1-800-247-6563
(847) 498-0700
To help us better assist you we recommend that you are at the equipment and ready
with all available details including model & serial number before contacting Moog.
Refer to Figure 1.
Figure 1: Identification Label
The identification label is attached to the underside of the positioner.
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Front: the front of the P&T is the side with the Chain Drive under the cover. Most
Moog P&T units have a label on the left side (although shown on right side in
the depiction above) pointing toward the front. Refer to Figure 2.
Zero (0°) Azimuth: typically, the center of azimuth rotation on non-continuous units,
“0° Azimuth” is when the base connector is orientated opposite of the chain
side. When positioned at 0° a cable connected to the base connector would
egress out the “back” of the unit, 180° away from the front.
Left & Right– the left and right side are considered from the perspective of a camera.
With a camera mounted toward the front, an observed video image would
providing the perspective: to “Pan Left”, you would move the positioner
Counter Clock Wise (CCW) as viewed from the top. Moving to the right or
CW increments the degree heading while moving to the left or CCW will
decrement the heading in degrees.
Up & Down – moving upward means the table top is moving toward the rear of the
unit and the indicated position would increment as the elevation increases.
Moving downward would decrement the position in degrees.
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Base connector – on base of unit, in a fixed position related to its mounting flange,
egressing out opposite the front at 180°.
The following list of acronyms are used in this manual:
DC Direct Current
EIA Electronic Industry Association
GIG-E Gigabit Ethernet, aka 1000BASE-T
GUI Graphic User Interface
HD-SDI High Definition-Serial Digital Interface
in Inches
I/O Input / Output
lbs. Pounds
mm millimeters
MPT Moog Pan & Tilt PCB Printed Circuit Board
P & T Pan & Tilt, also known as Positioner
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association VAC Volts Alternating Current
VDC Volts Direct Current
VRMS Volts Root Mean Square
1.4 Conventions Used in this Manual
Boldface highlights key user interface components. WARNING, CAUTION,
and NOTE highlight statements that identify potential hazards that may occur
if this equipment is not used properly.
Notes contain important information about the product or procedure.
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The MPT-90 is available is several Continuous rotation versions or in a NonContinuous configuration. The continuous rotation versions utilize an electrical
slip ring assembly to allow for 360 degrees of pan rotation capability while
providing connectivity to the positioner and payload. Overall connectivity
between the base connector and the payload ports is limited by the number
of conductors in the slip ring, and models vary based on the types of signal
passed through the slip ring.
The Non-Continuous configuration is limited in azimuth rotation, but is factory
default set to 435° of total rotation, with the indicated 0° being the center of
that rotation. The user may set “limit rings” internal to the positioner that will
activate switches to reduce the amount of azimuth travel if desired. Limit rings
are also standard on the tilt mechanism for all models, set at ±90° from the
table top’s horizontal position. Additionally, all units have software adjustable
travel limits.
2.2 Mechanical
Each axis of rotation is rigidly attached to a large 60 tooth helical gear. These
gears are meshed with a worm gear (essentially a 1 tooth gear) that is part of
a steel shaft supported by tapered roller bearings, mounted in an aluminum
“carrier”. The bearings are pre-loaded to prevent lateral play, and the carrier
position is adjustable allowing the worm optimum mesh with helical gear, with
negligible backlash. With the exception of the backlash in the worm drive, the
pan & tilt axis of motion cannot move unless the worm gear is driving it. This
allows the payload to be locked in position even when power is removed.
Mechanical drive mechanisms for Pan and Tilt axis of motion are nearly
identical, with the exception of slight differences in the chain drive sprocket
2.3 Position
Position is measured by incremental encoders mounted on-axis to the main
helical gear which read/report actual position inclusive of any system
backlash. Each encoder utilizes an “index” signal that occurs once per
revolution. This index signal is used during the factory installation homing
routine and calibrates the axis of motion 0° azimuth and 0° elevation absolute
position. Position is stored in memory when powered down, allowing the
positioner to know its position when powered up. Since worm gears of this
ratio lock the unit into position, no movement is expected in an unpowered
state, however, each time the axis of motion crosses the index pulse, the unit
will recalibrate position based on the initial homing cycle.
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The drive mechanism consists of two 1.8° stepper motors, driven by a 10:1
micro-step motor driver. The motor drivers are provided with DC source
voltage, and enable, direction and pulse signals. 2000 pulses are required for
the motor to turn 1 revolution. Each motor has a 12 tooth sprocket to drive the
worm-carriers via a chain drive. The chain is tensioned with an adjustable
idler, and the chains drive the carriers mentioned above. The pan carrier uses
a 28 tooth sprocket where the tilt uses a 30 tooth sprocket, giving the tilt a
slight increase in ratio reduction.
2.5 Electronics
The controller provides two fundamental types of moves: open loop “jog”
moves where the user specifies direction and velocity, and automated moves
where the controller is managing the move.
Stepper motors require starting at a nominally low speed, and may then be
accelerated by increasing the frequency of the pulse to the motor driver. In jog
mode, the unit will begin a move at a pre-determined speed and accelerate to
the commanded speed. When the jog command is terminated, the pulses
stop quickly decrease in frequency to zero, preventing an abrupt stop.
In automated moves, the microcontroller determines which direction it must
go, then manages the move by controlling acceleration, running at the
commanded speed during the move while monitoring position. The start
speed, acceleration rate and maximum move speed are user adjustable.
When the unit arrives at a pre-determined distance from the commanded
position, a deceleration process begins, slowing the unit to a stop at the
intended destination. User may set the distance from the final destination
where the slow down process starts. These adjustments allow the user to
tailor the motion profile to optimize for the type and size of the payload. For
example, you may wish to position a short range camera system with more
aggressive moves than a satellite dish, due to its size. A more complete
description of adjustments is in the protocol manual.
Additional electronic capabilities provide inner-connections between the
multiple serial ports on the unit, allowing the user to command the positioner
and payloads using various command methods.
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Elevation range of motion may be limited in all models both electronically and
mechanically. Additionally, non-continuous rotation models have limit settings
for the azimuth range of motion. “Soft Limits” are software settable, and are
primary method used to limit motion. The P&T units are shipped with the soft
limits set at the maximum range of motion, although the range of motion may
be limited by using the included software. Soft limits should always be set a
minimum of 0.2° beyond any position to be stored as a preset position; the
user should not set a preset position on a soft limit. Please refer to the
MN00307 Moog PTZ Controller Software Manual for instructions on how to
set the soft limits.
Mechanical switches to limit travel (“hard limits”) are provided on the elevation
for continuous rotation models, and on both axis of motion for non-continuous
models. These consist of plastic, moveable, color coded “trip rings” that
trigger a microswitch that tells the microcontroller to stop motion in that
direction, while allowing reverse motion. These should be considered a
secondary method of limiting motion, as there are software limits (“soft limit”)
provided as well. The default setting for the hard limits is slightly beyond the
default soft limit setting at the maximum range of normal motion for the
positioner and the user should not attempt to increase the range of motion
without consultation with the factory. Additionally, it is recommended that hard
limits should always be set at minimum 2° beyond the soft limits. It is not
necessary for the user to adjust the hard limit settings unless they wish to
provide a secondary, redundant method of assuring the unit not travel beyond
the soft limits.
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MPT models are designed to have the maximum amount of features and flexibility in
connectivity based on our experience in remote controlled positioners. The MPTs
feature two “Payload Port” connectors (one per side) that allow the user to wire their
payloads to the positioner providing multiple power and control options.
All models provide the following conductivity to EACH of the payload ports:
Four 8-Amp conductors designed for power (up to 210 VDC, 240 VAC) to the
payloads. These conductors are shared between the two payload ports and
the base connector
Two analog (±12 VDC) variable speed drivers designed to drive Zoom and
Focus motors, but may be used for other devices such as low power motors
or lighting.
Two analog inputs, designed to read position potentiometers for Z/F lenses.
These are useful when combining with stored positions to assure consistent
camera framing of objects of interest.
One Auxiliary power source, configurable for 12 or 24 VDC, with on/off
switchable control
One Auxiliary power source, configurable for 5 or 12 VDC, with on/off
switchable control
Three serial ports, providing single ended (RS232) or differential (RS422)
communication between payloads.
Additionally, there are IP and Video signal paths between the base connector
and the payload port. In continuous rotation models, these signals pass through
the integrated slip ring, which creates limitations to the number of signals and
bandwidth that can pass through. The non-continuous rotation model (8PA166) does not have these limitation, and therefore has the higher bandpass
GigE and HD-SDI video connections on each payload port.
Each 10/100 IP signal path requires four conductors, while a GigE IP signal
path requires eight conductors. HD-SDI video requires different wiring and a
higher caliber of slip ring than conventional analog EIA - RS170 video, but not
all budgets can accommodate the higher cost of the HD-SDI slip ring.
For these reasons, several models have been created in various configurations,
and the table below shows the comparisons:
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The Pan & Tilt Unit is constructed of aluminum with stainless steel hardware.
The Pan & Tilt Housing (with Access Covers to provide access to the interior)
encloses the Pan & Tilt Motors, Chain & Gear Drive Assemblies, user settable
Limit Rings (hard stops), position encoders, and the main Control Circuit
Board which has multiple configurable options. Please refer to Figure 5 below
for component identification.
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Pin #
45 & 52
System Power
+ (Positive)
Pins 45 & 52 supply positive (+) power to the P&T positioner, as well as
controlled payload power features and heaters. Due to the size of the
contacts, two pins are necessary; connect together external to the
positioner. Power should be between 24 to 28 VDC, and we recommend
an external 15A fuse.
50 & 51
System Power
– (Negative)
Pins 50 & 51 connect return (-) power from the P&T positioner, as well as
controlled payload power and heaters. Due to the size of the contacts, two
pins are necessary; connect together external of the positioner. Power
should be between 24 to 28 VDC. Note this is insulated from chassis
ground, but may be connected to chassis ground external to the positioner
if desired.
Chassis GND
Chassis Ground – isolated from power
The positioner is powered by 24-28 VDC, although it may be reconfigured for 28-48
VDC. It is highly recommended that you fuse the + power supply. Verify correct
polarity before applying power. The power of the system is isolated from chassis.
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RS422/232, connected to system power negative, isolated from chassis.
Pin #
IP Control
TX+_D1 ██
10/100 IP Control White/Orange T568B, typical RJ45 connector
TX-_D1 ██
RX+_D2 ██
10/100 IP Control White/Green T568B, typical RJ45 connector
RX-_D2 ██
10/100 IP Control Green T568B, typical RJ45 connector
3.1.2 IP and Serial Control of Positioner – All Models
Above communication ports may be used for control and settings of positioner and/or
payloads ports. Differential serial communication may be set to full or half duplex,
configurable in settings.
Communication to from base connector to payload ports is supported (see protocol
“Transmit” and “Receive” are from the perspective of the positioner (DCE). Colors
shown for IP signals per EIA/TIA 568B are to aid or reference external wiring to the ports
and do not represent actual color of conductors inside the positioner.
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Serial signal ground, connected to system power negative,
isolated from chassis.
3.1.3 Additional Serial Control of Positioner – All Models
Additional serial communication ports are provided that allow payload devices to
control the positioner. An example of this may be a camera assembly equipped with
a video encoder.
“Transmit” and “Receive” are from the perspective of the positioner (DCE).
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3.1.4 General Purpose I/O Pass Through & Chassis Ground All Models
The General Purpose I/O conductors are typically used for powering devices connected
to Port 1 and/or Port 2. The conductor connected to pins 46 are twisted together with the
conductor connected to pins 49, likewise 47 & 48 are paired. These are conductors
through the slip ring on continuous models, allowing high current (up to 8A continuously)
connections to the payload. Both left and right side ports are connected to the base
allowing a single user supplied power supply to power loads on both sides, assuming
they are of the same voltage. The maximum continuous current rating through the slip
ring is 8 amps, meaning the sum of both the left and right side through any one conductor
is not to exceed 8A. The slip ring is rated up to 210VDC, and may be used for AC current
with a 500 VRMS dielectric strength in all combinations. Chassis Ground is internally
connected to the mechanical chassis of the positioner, and is available on all three
connectors. Chassis ground is not internally connected to any of the General Purpose
I/O ports, but may be connected externally if desired.
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Typical 10/100 Ethernet connections require 2 sets of Twisted Pair (TP) conductors,
4 conductors total. Gig-E Ethernet connections require 4 sets of TP, a total of 8
conductors. Due to limitations of the conductor availability in the slip ring, the MPT
series allocates 8 conductors between the base connector and the payload ports.
Therefore, these conductors may be configured as two 10/100 Ethernet ports, one
to each side (Model 8-PB133 depicted above) or as a single Gig-E signal path to
either side (See next two pages).
Colors shown for IP signals per EIA/TIA 568B are to aid or reference external wiring
to the ports and do not represent actual color of conductors inside the positioner.
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3.1.6 Model 8-PB151, Gigabit Ethernet Base to Port 1 Payload
Gig-E Ethernet connections require 4 sets of TP, a total of 8 conductors, so in this
configuration there is a single GigE provision wired to Port 1.
Colors shown for IP signals per EIA/TIA 568B are to aid or reference external wiring
to the ports and do not represent actual color of conductors inside the positioner.
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