Moog MP-201, MP-201 Multi-Pedal USER MANUAL

MP-201 Multi-Pedal Manual
Firmware v2.0 Addendum
MP-201 Multi-Pedal Manual
Firmware v2.0 Addendum
This document provides information about the features and menu items which are new in MP-201 firmware version 2.0. For a more complete description of the various channel modes and functions, please read the MP­201 manual in addition to this document.
New parameter for all channel modes:
Control the type of output for each channel, saved per preset. This allows you to switch between presets intended to control only analog or only MIDI gear, without needing to unhook any cables. Note: MIDI to CV channel output is always CV ONLY.
Changes to Channel Mode EXPRESSION:
CV LAG - (OFF, ON). Parameters are RISE TIME (0 - 4095), FALL TIME (= Rise time, or 1-4095). CV LAG
slows the change in output voltage, with independent control of rise time and fall time. Only the CV Output is affected by CV LAG; MIDI output follows Foot Pedal movement with no lag. This way if you record MIDI while sweeping the foot pedal and then play back the MIDI to the MP-201, the channel CV Output will respond exactly as it did the first time, when the pedal movement was recorded. Note that CV LAG also serves the function of MIDI CC to CV smoothing, if enabled.
Changes to Channel Mode LFO:
NOISE - has been removed from the list of LFO waveforms, and promoted to its own NOISE Channel Mode.
TAP TEMPO - for LFO channels has been greatly improved. LFO Tap Tempo now features a running average
for more accurate and intuitive tempo matching, and the overall performance of Tap Tempo is faster and more responsive than in firmware v1. Additionally, a bug has been fixed that was causing trouble with Tap Tempo in Quad Mode. Tap Tempo now works on any/all channels in both Single and Quad modes of operation, with no restrictions.
MIDI Sync - number of MIDI Clock Divisions has been expanded. Now offers 16 clock divisions:
(8 WHOLE, 4 WHOLE, 3 WHOLE, 2 WHOLE, WHOLE DOT, WHOLE, 1/2 DOT, 1/2, 1/4 DOT, 1/4, 1/8 DOT, 1/8,
1/16 DOT, 1/16, 1/32 DOT, 1/32)
CV LAG - CV Lag as described above for EXPRESSION channels is available for LFO channels also. Acts like
a fixed-frequency lowpass filter for TRIANGLE waveform LFOs, which can be interesting, but is probably most suited for SQUARE and SAMPLE-HOLD LFO waveforms.
This allows you to create interesting smoothed sample and hold modulations using the S+H RANDOM Waveform, and various trapezoid shapes using the SQUARE wave.
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MP-201 Multi-Pedal Manual
Firmware v2.0 Addendum
Changes to Channel Mode GATE:
Previously the most simple of MP-201 Channel Modes, the humble GATE could be either On or Off, Momentary or Latching. Now GATE Mode is perhaps the most powerful and richly-featured Channel Mode of them all.
The first change you will notice is the GATE SOURCE selection. Options are FOOT SWITCH, MIDI NOTES, or
FOOT SWITCH preserves the functionality of GATE Mode in firmware v1: You can set FS MODE to Latching or
Momentary, to control how the channel toggles On/Off in response to the foot switch, and you can set INITIALSTATE to control whether the gate is On or Off when the preset is loaded.
For Momentary Gates, INITIALSTATE sets whether the gate is Normally-Off (Momentary-On) or Normally-On (Momentary-Off).
If GATE SOURCE is set to MIDI NOTES, then the channel behaves as a Normally-Off, Momentary-On Gate which turns on in response to MIDI notes on the selected MIDI channel.
VELO TRIGGER allows you to set a MIDI Velocity (1-127) below which the Gate will not turn on.
TRIGGER MODE - controls how the Gate behaves in response to multiple MIDI notes at a time.
LEGATO: In this Trigger Mode, the Gate will turn on in response to the first MIDI NoteOn message, and will
remain On continuously for as long as any notes remain held. When the last NoteOff message is received and there are no notes on the note stack, then the Gate will turn Off.
RETRIGGER: The Gate will turn momentarily Off and then On again for each new MIDI note. If the Gate is controlling an Envelope, this will cause the Envelope Generator to fire with each new note played, even if other notes are still held. These Trigger Modes are designed to behave similarly to the Gate functions of most monophonic analog synthesizers.
The final GATE SOURCE option is PEDAL CV. This mode reads the scaled voltage coming from the MP-201 Foot Pedal, and allows you to set a THRESHOLD above which the Gate will turn on, and below which it will turn off.
You can set HEEL VALUE and TOE VALUE parameters to adjust exactly the point at which the Gate will act, including setting TOE VALUE less than HEEL VALUE in order to reverse the Off and On directions (e.g. to have a Gate that is On when the pedal is in the Heel position and Off when the pedal is moved to the Toe position).
When Gate Source is set to MIDI Notes or Pedal CV, the Channel On/Off footswitch does not turn the Gate on and off (as it does when Gate Source = Foot Switch); instead, the Channel On/Off footswitch disables or enables triggering of the gate by the selected Gate Source. That is to say, that the footswitch toggles whether or not the Gate will respond to MIDI Notes or to Pedal movements. When Gate response is disabled, this is indicated by "---" shown on the LCD where the Channel Mode (GATE, EG) would normally be displayed.
The GATE / EG parameter allows you to select GATE or ENVELOPE CV output for this channel. Envelope Generation is a major new feature for the MP-201. Envelopes appear as CV Output only; the MIDI output for Gate channels is the same regardless of GATE / EG setting.
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MP-201 Multi-Pedal Manual
Firmware v2.0 Addendum
ENV SHAPE - allows you to select from three basic Envelope Shapes: Linear, Logarithmic and Exponential.
The ENV SHAPE menu has a fourth option, COMPLEX. In COMPLEX mode you can program a separate envelope shape (LIN, LOG, EXP) for the Attack, Decay and Release stages individually.
Mathematics experts will note that the “Logarithmic” and “Exponential” envelope shapes do not behave exactly like those names would imply. If you look only at the Attack phase, then the names LOG and EXP are close to accurate in describing the shape of the envelope. However, the Decay and Release phases give almost the op­posite shape. The actual functions used to create MP-201 envelopes might more accurately be called “acceler­ating change in voltage” and “decelerating change in voltage,” but these names might be confusing to the user, and, more to the point, they would not fit on the MP-201 display. In actual use, you should experiment to find what envelope shape gives the best effect for your purpose, and remember that the COMPLEX envelope setting allows you to choose a different shape for each envelope stage, to assemble precisely the envelope shape you want to hear.
An MP-201 envelope has five stages: Hold, Attack, Decay, Sustain, and Release. All stages have values in the range 0-4095. The duration parameters (Hold, Attack, Decay, Release) all have a range of roughly 1 millisecond to four seconds, while the Sustain level is adjustable between 0V and +5V.
The HOLD stage begins the moment the Gate is triggered. If Hold is enabled, the CV output is held at 0V for an adjustable duration between ~1 millisecond and 4 seconds, before the start of the Attack stage.
ATTACK - sets the duration for the CV output to go from 0V to +5V. DECAY - sets the duration for the CV output to go from +5V to the Sustain voltage,
which is of course set by SUSTAIN. Normally, the output will remain at the Sustain level for as long as the Gate is On.
RELEASE - sets the duration for the CV output to fall to zero once the Gate is turned Off.
EG LOOPING - allows a choice between ONE SHOT, which is normal HADSR envelope generation as
described above, or ADR LOOP.
If ADR LOOP is selected, the envelope behaves a bit differently. When the Gate is turned On, the envelope begins as before, with a Hold time if enabled and the Attack and Decay stages. When the envelope reaches the Sustain voltage level, however, it immediately switches to the Release stage.
At the end of the Release stage when the output voltage reaches zero, the Attack stage begins again. The envelope will continue cycling through the Attack, Decay and Release stages for as long as the Gate is on. Whenever the Gate is turned Off, a Release stage is initiated and the output falls again to zero.
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