Moog EP-2M User Manual

Before you try to make any changes please read this manual, but go ahead if you are familiar with the buttons and menus on most synths, you won‘t hurt anything, but be careful if you program any Special events, they need further reading.
These Bass Pedals have been designed with the performer in mind. They are the result of much work and you will find that in time, the true potential is endless.
Please note, for those who just want to plug in and get started. 110V AC SUPPLY ONLY
In it's 'ready to go' state, you will find that the Bass Pedals play; * On Midi Channel 1 * The Keyboard sending notes C0 to C1 * The 2 RED LED buttons sending program changes 20 and 53, Fretless #5 and Electric2 #6 on an Alesis Nanobass * The front three YELLOW LED buttons are assigned to be (from right to left);
OCTAVE up/down, and will transpose the keyboard up by 1 octave. This is an internal Special function.
HOLD on/off. This is an internal Special function.
MONO on/off. This is an internal Special function.
* The rear YELLOW and GREEN buttons are to select a MEMORY and return to PLAY (See Memory Select Menu). * The right Controller will increase or decrease the Effect on an Alesis Nanobass (CC#12). * The left Controller (if fitted) will increase or decrease the Modulation (CC# 1). * If an Expression Pedal is connect to the rear pedal jack of the Bass Pedals it will control the Volume (CC#
You can re-program every button (except for PLAY and MEMORY), key and controller on your Bass Pedals to perform any midi function if you prefer, but read the rest of this manual before starting.
The Menu System
All settings are performed with a MENU system, which
is navigated using the DOWN and UP buttons to choose a Menu Item, and the MENU button to enter that Menu item.
The STORE/CURSOR button becomes the CURSOR button whilst a MENU is Selected, otherwise it is the STORE button.
Holding down the STORE button for 2 seconds will save the settings.
The CURSOR button is used, once you are within the desired MENU item, to move the cursor to the required parameter, while the DOWN/UP buttons will alter that parameter.
For those who have synths and keyboards, you will find this a normal set up.
Here is a description of the menu system.
If you do not see a Menu Item on the bottom line of the screen, press the MENU button to exit the current Menu item and return to MENU Selection.
Use the DOWN/UP buttons to scroll through the various items on the Menu.
Press the MENU button to enter the PLAY section.
You can also enter the PLAY Menu by pressing the Yellow PLAY button at anytime.
In this menu, five different display pages are selectable by the DOWN/UP buttons.
Page 1 shows the current memory, the Controller mode and the controller status on the top line. The bottom line displays the last used button, key or controller. Go ahead and press things to see what happens.
Page 2 shows an overview of the Controllers on the top line, (move the controller and see the display move) and button/keys on the bottom line, (press notes and buttons and see the effect).
Page 3 shows the current memory, the Controller mode and the sent midi message, as would be found in a midi implementation chart found at the back of most manuals, on the top row, and shows the status of either keys/buttons or controllers on the bottom row.
Page 4 shows an overview of just the Controllers.
Page 5 shows midi time code, if it is sent to the Midi In. The bottom line displays the last used button, key or controller.
Press the MENU button to enter the SELECT MEMORY section. You can also enter this Menu at any time by pressing the Green MEMORY button.
This unit is capable of storing 16 different setups in memories 1 - 16.
Here you are able to recall the memory number with the DOWN/UP Menu buttons or jump directly to a memory with the 13 Notes and 3 Yellow buttons. The lowest note C is Memory 1, highest note C is Memory 13. The 3 Yellow buttons are Memories 14, 15 and 16 and their LEDs will flash to show if those memories are currently selected. For live use, you may find Memories 14-16 useful to use, as they have LED indicators.
Memory recall is immediate upon moving to a memory. No further buttons need to be pressed but you must exit this menu before normal operation is resumed. The 16 buttons only become memory selectors, whilst in the SELECT MEMORY Menu.
Once selected, all Editing and Storing will apply to the selected memory.
You can enter this Menu by Pressing the Green MEMORY button at any time, and then selecting a memory with either the DOWN/UP buttons or the 13 notes and three Yellow buttons. You can EXIT this Menu by pressing the Yellow PLAY button to return to the PLAY Menu.
Press the MENU button to enter the GLOBAL CHANNEL section.
This is a Global Midi Channel that will override the individually set midi channels for each button or controller. When -- is displayed, the Global Channel is off and all events will be sent with the defined midi channels stored in that memory. Use the DOWN/UP buttons to select a global MIDI channel which will be used for all buttons and controllers.
Press the MENU button to enter the CONTROLLER MODE section. Use the DOWN/UP buttons to select a mode for all controllers.
Normal Mode:
In this mode the current position of the Controller is the value sent by midi.
Pass Mode :
In this mode nothing happens until you pass the last used setting. An UP or DOWN arrow symbol appears instead of the parameter bar to indicate which direction the controller must be moved to pass the previous value. The normal value bar appears when the value is "passed".
Additive Mode:
In this mode the controller will add or subtract from the previous value.
To counteract this situation, you have to turn the Controller fully up or down to sync it with the minimum or maximum parameter value.
Motorize Mode:
This mode is for models with moving faders and is of little use in this model.
Press the MENU button to enter the MEMORY NAME section.
In this menu page the memory name of the current selected memory can be edited.
Use the CURSOR button to move the cursor and the DOWN/UP buttons to change the character. There is no need to store the memory name as changes are immediate.
Press the MENU button to enter the EDIT KEY/BUTTN. menu.
In this menu page the events assigned to the buttons and controllers can be edited directly.
Select the button or Controller by moving/pressing it, then use the CURSOR button select the parameter and the DOWN/UP buttons to change the value.
The top line shows the button or controller number, whilst the Parameters are all on the bottom line. The parameters are :
Midi Channel (1-16) (Except for Functions) Midi Event (Note, Prog, CC, etc.) Midi Event First Value (Note#, CC# etc.) Midi Event Second Value (note velocity, controller max
value etc.)
Mode for buttons (^=OnOff O=OnOnly T=Toggle)
There are 7 midi event types to choose. They are; Note Off - The old message for turning a note off. Note On - play a Note or end a note. AftTouch - Aftertouch, CC# - Controller number, Prog. Chg - Program Change, ChnPress - Channel Pressure, Pitchbnd - Pitchbend, Function - Internal Function Events.
The first 6 events are normal midi events, and should be familiar to most users.
Function Events Function Events are internal events within the pedals.
Most of them are for future use for continued innovation, but here is an explanation of the ones that are currently used. All Functions are assigned by a number in the parameter immediately following the event type.
All Function events MUST be on channel 1. If you forget this you WILL get unpredictable events.
Event #00 - Sequencer Control
These events send a System Realtime message to control midi sequencers. The messages and their functions are as follows.
The parameters are the Function channel, Event Type, Function # (00 in this case), Control number and Mode.
Move the cursor to the first parameter and make sure it is Function channel 1. Move the cursor to the Second parameter and change it to Function, move the cursor to the parameter after the Function name and edit it to be
00. Move the cursor to the next parameter and choose the realtime number listed below.
0A send MIDI Start (from the beginning)
0B send MIDI Continue
0C send MIDI Stop
All other System Realtime messages are not useful for this purpose so entering other numbers than those listed above will not accomplish anything.
The last parameter is the mode and 0 for OnOnly is necessary to make sure the is no value sent when you release the button.
Event #01 - Midi Volume Aux 1
This event is used to select Sending a second volume message along with a Foot controller if it is assigned to Controller #7 (volume). The parameters are Function channel, Event Type, Function # (09 in this case), Midi channel and Mode.
Move the cursor to the first parameter and make sure it is Function channel 1. Move the cursor to the Second parameter and change it to Function, move the cursor to the parameter after the Function name and edit it to be
Move the cursor to the next parameter and choose the Midi Channel (1 - 16) for the second device that you wish to send Volume. If you leave this at 0 nothing will happen (0=Off). Don’t get confused about the first parameter (Function Channel) and the Event Value being the Midi Channel on which to send the Aux Volume message.
NOTE : the number is in Hexadecimal - see above for an explanation.
The last parameter is the mode and T for toggle is necessary, this will toggle between 0 (off) and the value you select, in other words, switch the function On and Off.
Events #02, #03, #04 - Midi Volume Aux 2, 3, 4
These events are used to Send a third, fourth and fifth volume message along with a Foot controller if it is assigned to Controller #7. They are identical to the Midi Volume Aux 1 described above, except the Function number parameter following the word Function will be #02, 03 and 04 respectively. The parameters are Function channel, Event Type, Function # (02, 03 or 04 in these cases), Midi channel and Mode.
If you assign 4 buttons to Functions #01 thru #04, you can switch on/off the sending of volume to 4 extra devices on individual midi channels, from one foot controller.
Event #05 - Program Advance A
This event is used to perform a program advance function. The parameters are Function channel, Event Type, Function # (05 in this case), Midi channel and
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