Moog CM800-04, CM800-08, CM800-12, CM800-16, CM800-20 Specsheet

Product Specification Sheet A PS039 - Rev. 01/2014
CM800 Series Emergency-Call System - Non Latching
42 Central Drive • Farmingdale • NY • 11735-1202 • Phone: (631) 777-5500 • Fax: (631) 777-5599
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Due to co ntinuous pro duct improvement, all colo rs, sizes, materials, finishes and specification s are subject to ch ange without n otice.
SF117/2A &
& SF118/4 C
CM800 Annuniciat or Shown
with 56 Lights
SF154A IR019B
LI381 / LI382
BE005 &
Typical Door
CM800 Series Emergency-Call System - Non Latching
The Alpha Communicat ions® / TekTone CM800 Tek- Care™ series emergency­call system is designed for multifamily dwellings housing the elderly or handicapped, or for ot her emergency-c all/ panic type applications.
Any tenant requiring emergency assistanc e c an signal the building manager, security guard and/or neighbors by ac tivating a conveniently locat ed pullcord (or push-butt on) switc h in eac h apartment or remote signaling locat ion.
Depending upon the system option(s) selec ted, the activation of t he pullcord switc h can activate the master (CM800) annunciator, apartment dome lights, floor bell(s) and individual apartment electric door opener(s).
The CM800 master annunciator is modular and can be flush, surfac e or desk mounted, and is available in any size, in multiples of four (4) lights. T he CM800 features built- in tone signal, and t one silence button and light. Model ST005D 'TEST' buttons are optional, but st rongly rec ommended for lamp t esting each module.
Modular (CM800) Master Stat ion available for any size application (in multiples of 4 lights) Built-in Electronic Tone Signal and Tone Silence Switc h Wide Variety of Remote Pullcords/Push-button St ations Form 'C' Dry Contac t Relay output t o power remote devices Ideal for Elderly Housing and Emergency-Call Applications
Architects' And Engineers' Specifications
The emergency-call syst em shall be Alpha Communicat ions® / Tektone Tek- Care™ CM800 series, or approved equal. In eac h of t he apartments, c ontractor shall furnish and install t wo (2) model SF117/2A emergency pullcord stat ions. (Note: use model SF117/2A with basic system and one (1) option. Use model SF117/4C if system uses two (2) or more options. If call-placed indicator light is required, substitute the SF118/2C or SF118/4C for the SF117/2A or SF117/4C units).
At t he manager's office/apt., contractor shall furnish and install one (1) model CM800/xxx (xxx=number of lamp indicat ors-must be in multiples of 4) annunciator console with appropriate backbox (specify flush, surfac e or desk mounting). Annunciator shall have indicator lights no less than 5/8" by 5/8" in size, to allow for positive alarm recognition, when activated. Unit shall have model ST005D test butt on(s) to allow for test ing of all indicator lamps, as often as desired. Annunciator shall be non-latc hing type, and indicator lights will remain lighted only as long as emergency-call station is ac tivated. Resett ing of annunciator may only be acc omplished by resetting the emergency- call stat ion to the OFF position, and not at the annunciator.
ADD FOR OPTION A: At each apt. entrance door, contractor shall furnish and install one (1) model LI381 corridor lamp assembly.
ADD FOR OPTION B: In eac h hallway, c ontractor shall furnish and install one (1) (or more-specify) model BE005 (24vac) or BE007 (24VDC)
surface mount vibrating bell(s), as required depending on system configuration.
ADD FOR OPTION C: At eac h apt. entrance door, c ontrac tor shall furnish and install one (1) continuous-duty electric door strike (type to be determined by t ype of door and lock supplied by the door supplier).
Contract or shall furnish and install all necessary power supplies and transformer(s) for proper syst em operation. CM800 annunciator shall be installed with Sc rulox (Roberts head) type tamper-resistant mounting sc rews. Contractor shall furnish to building manager, a model S1 screwdriver and model N553A lamp bulb extractor tool for system maintenanc e. All system wiring shall be as per the system manufac turer.