This manual, as well as the software described in it, is furnished under license and may be
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furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by Moog Inc., Animatics. Moog Inc., Animatics assumes no
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Except as permitted by such license, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a
retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Moog Inc., Animatics.
The programs and code samples in this manual are provided for example purposes only. It is
the user's responsibility to decide if a particular code sample or program applies to the
application being developed and to adjust the values to fit that application.
Moog Animatics and the Moog Animatics logo, SmartMotor and the SmartMotor logo,
Combitronic and the Combitronic logo are all trademarks of Moog Inc., Animatics.
Please let us know if you find any errors or omissions in this manual so that we can improve it
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Table Of Contents
Combitronic Technology6
DMX Overview8
Safety Information9
Safety Symbols9
Other Safety Considerations9
Motor Sizing9
Environmental Considerations9
Machine Safety10
Documentation and Training11
Additional Equipment and Considerations11
Safety Information Resources11
Additional Documents13
Related Guides13
Other Documents13
Additional Resources14
DMX Resources14
Connections, Wiring and Status LEDs15
Connectors and Pinouts16
D-Style Motors: Connectors and Pinouts16
M-Style Motors: Connectors and Pinouts17
DMX NetworkTopology17
System Cable Diagram18
D-Style Multidrop Signal Cable Diagram19
M-Style Multidrop Signal Cable Diagram20
Understanding the Status LEDs21
DMX on the SmartMotor22
Data Storage and Usage23
Status Bits25
End of Packet25
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Select DMX Channels27
Special Range Checking28
Open DMX Channel28
Close DMX Channel28
Example Programs29
Home Against a Hard Stop Example30
Position Mode Control Example32
DMX Five Channel Example35
DMX Packet Test Example38
Reverse DMXChannel Byte Order Example40
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This chapter provides an overview of the DMX features provided by the Moog Animatics
SmartMotor. It also provides information on safety, and where to find related documents and
additional resources.
Combitronic Technology6
DMX Overview8
Safety Information9
Safety Symbols9
Other Safety Considerations9
Motor Sizing9
Environmental Considerations9
Machine Safety10
Documentation and Training11
Additional Equipment and Considerations11
Safety Information Resources11
Additional Documents13
Related Guides13
Other Documents13
Additional Resources14
DMX Resources14
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This manual explains the Moog Animatics Class 5 SmartMotor™ support for the Digital
MultipleX (DMX) communications protocol. It describes the major concepts that must be
understood to integrate a SmartMotor as a DMX slave device. However, it only minimally
covers the low-level details of the DMX protocol.
NOTE: The Remote Device Management (RDM) bidirectional communication
extension of the DMX protocol is not supported.
The feature set described in this version of the manual refers to firmware in the 5.x.4.y
series, where x = 0, 16, 32, 97 or 98, and y=3 or greater. Versions 5.0.4, 5.16.4, and 5.32.4
are specific to D-style motors, and versions 5.97.4 and 5.98.4 are specific to M-style motors.
Refer to the following lists.
NOTE: The SmartMotor firmware must be one of the listed versions.
For D-style motors:
5.0.4.y (where y is 3 or greater)
5.16.4.y (where y is 3 or greater)
5.32.4.y (where y is 3 or greater)
For M-style motors:
5.97.4.y (where y is 3 or greater)
5.98.4.y (where y is 3 or greater)
This manual is intended for programmers or system developers who have read and
understand the Engineering Commission of United States Institute for Theatre Technology
(USITT) DMX512-A standard. Therefore, this manual is not a tutorial on that standard or the
DMX protocol. Instead, it should be used to understand the specific implementation details for
the Moog Animatics Class 5 SmartMotor. Additionally, code examples are provided to assist
the programmer with the SmartMotor integration.
The Command Reference section of this manual includes details about the specific DMX
commands available in the SmartMotor through the DMX firmware. For details, see
DMXCommands on page 27.
Combitronic Technology
The most unique feature of the SmartMotor is its ability to communicate with other
SmartMotors and share resources using Moog Animatics’ Combitronic™ technology.
Combitronic is a protocol that operates over a standard CAN interface. It may coexist with
CANopen and other protocols. It requires no single dedicated master to operate. Each
SmartMotor connected to the same network communicates on an equal footing, sharing all
information, and therefore, sharing all processing resources.
While the Combitronic protocol can be used in parallel with a DMX network, there are certain
The DMX wiring does not carry the Combitronic signal. Therefore, additional cabling
(available from Moog Animatics) must be used to build the Combitronic network.
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Combitronic Technology
There is bidirectional, end-to-end connectivity only within the same Combitronic
network of motors. Therefore, one Combitronic network cannot communicate with
When a Combitronic network is used in parallel with a DMXnetwork, you can:
Avoid the cost of repeaters.
Gain bidirectional, end-to-end connectivity within the Combitronic network of motors.
There are no other motors on the market that can talk to each other on a side bus while
being a slave to the DMX host controller.
Compute or synchronize motion between motors within the same Combitronic network.
For example, DMX values (from the host controller) could be used to adjust amplitude
and frequency of SmartMotor Cam tables for an electronic camming or gearing
application that controls the motion pattern of a bank of stage lights.
In short, DMX-equipped SmartMotors retain all the features and benefits of the standard Class
5 SmartMotor, including features like electronic camming, gearing, and Combitronic support.
For additional details, see the Class 5 SmartMotor™ Installation & Startup Guide.
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DMX Overview
01234567 1 2
Start code and data channels
(11 bits, 4 μs each )
100 μs
(could be as
low as 92 μs)
Start Code in Slot 0
(followed by up to 512 data channels)
44 μs
44 μs
44 μs
44 μs
44 μs
44 μs
44 μs
DMX Overview
DMX is a standard for digital communications networks that are used to control lighting, stage
effects, dimmers, fog machines and related applications. This control may include positioning
and/or focusing of lights or other objects to aid in visual effects of stage productions or other
live events. As a result, its use is often expanded to the movement or control of curtains,
stage props or other objects that require motion.
DMX, or further expanded as DMX512, is an EIA-485 (RS-485) hardware-based protocol that is
unidirectional in nature — the controller only sends data; it does not receive data. Further, it
has no error checking or checksums that are required for use in hazardous applications.
Therefore, its use must be limited to safe operating environments where failure due to
transmission errors would not cause harm to personnel or equipment.
WARNING: DMX networks must not be used in applications where failure due
to transmission errors would cause harm to personnel or equipment.
DMX512 controllers transmit asynchronous serial data at 250 kilobaud (kBd). The data format
is fixed and begins with a single start bit, eight data bits, and two stop bits with no parity. Up
to 512 8-bit data bytes or "channels" of data may be transmitted to all nodes at once. The data
is ordered serially and typically runs continuously from a DMX master controller. The full data
packet begins with a break, followed by a Mark after Break (MAB), then Slot 0 beginning with
a one-byte Start Code, and that is followed by up to 512 data slots. Refer to the following
Moog Animatics Class 5 SmartMotor™ DMX Guide,Rev. C
DMX Data Transmission
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Safety Information
Safety Information
This section describes the safety symbols and other safety information.
Safety Symbols
The manual may use one or more of the following safety symbols:
WARNING: This symbol indicates a potentially nonlethal mechanical hazard,
where failure to follow the instructions could result in serious injury to the
operator or major damage to the equipment.
CAUTION: This symbol indicates a potentially minor hazard, where failure to
follow the instructions could result in slight injury to the operator or minor
damage to the equipment.
NOTE: Notes are used to emphasize non-safety concepts or related information.
Other Safety Considerations
The Moog Animatics SmartMotors are supplied as components that are intended for use in an
automated machine or system. As such, it is beyond the scope of this manual to attempt to
cover all the safety standards and considerations that are part of the overall machine/system
design and manufacturing safety. Therefore, the following information is intended to be used
only as a general guideline for the machine/system designer.
It is the responsibility of the machine/system designer to perform a thorough "Risk
Assessment" and to ensure that the machine/system and its safeguards comply with the
safety standards specified by the governing authority (for example, ISO, OSHA, UL, etc.) for
the locale where the machine is being installed and operated. For more details, see Machine
Safety on page 10.
Motor Sizing
It is the responsibility of the machine/system designer to select SmartMotors that are
properly sized for the specific application. Undersized motors may: perform poorly, cause
excessive downtime or cause unsafe operating conditions by not being able to handle the
loads placed on them. The System Best Practices document, which is available on the Moog
Animatics website, contains information and equations that can be used for selecting the
appropriate motor for the application.
Replacement motors must have the same specifications and firmware version used in the
approved and validated system. Specification changes or firmware upgrades require the
approval of the system designer and may require another Risk Assessment.
Environmental Considerations
It is the responsibility of the machine/system designer to evaluate the intended operating
environment for dust, high-humidity or presence of water (for example, a food-processing
environment that requires water or steam wash down of equipment), corrosives or chemicals
that may come in contact with the machine, etc. Moog Animatics manufactures specialized
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Machine Safety
IP-rated motors for operating in extreme conditions. For details, see the Moog Animatics
Product Catalog.
Machine Safety
In order to protect personnel from any safety hazards in the machine or system, the
machine/system builder must perform a "Risk Assessment", which is often based on the ISO
13849 standard. The design/implementation of barriers, emergency stop (E-stop)
mechanisms and other safeguards will be driven by the Risk Assessment and the safety
standards specified by the governing authority (for example, ISO, OSHA, UL, etc.) for the
locale where the machine is being installed and operated. The methodology and details of
such an assessment are beyond the scope of this manual. However, there are various sources
of Risk Assessment information available in print and on the internet.
NOTE: The following list is an example of items that would be evaluated when
performing the Risk Assessment. Additional items may be required. The safeguards
must ensure the safety of all personnel who may come in contact with or be in the
vicinity of the machine.
In general, the machine/system safeguards must:
Provide a barrier to prevent unauthorized entry or access to the machine or system. The
barrier must be designed so that personnel cannot reach into any identified danger
Position the control panel so that it is outside the barrier area but located for an
unrestricted view of the moving mechanism. The control panel must include an E-stop
mechanism. Buttons that start the machine must be protected from accidental
Provide E-stop mechanisms located at the control panel and at other points around the
perimeter of the barrier that will stop all machine movement when tripped.
Provide appropriate sensors and interlocks on gates or other points of entry into the
protected zone that will stop all machine movement when tripped.
Ensure that if a portable control/programming device is supplied (for example, a handheld operator/programmer pendant), the device is equipped with an E-stop mechanism.
NOTE: A portable operation/programming device requires many additional
system design considerations and safeguards beyond those listed in this
section. For details, see the safety standards specified by the governing
authority (for example, ISO, OSHA, UL, etc.) for the locale where the
machine is being installed and operated.
Prevent contact with moving mechanisms (for example, arms, gears, belts, pulleys,
tooling, etc.).
Prevent contact with a part that is thrown from the machine tooling or other parthandling equipment.
Prevent contact with any electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, thermal, chemical or other
hazards that may be present at the machine.
Prevent unauthorized access to wiring and power-supply cabinets, electrical boxes, etc.
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Documentation and Training
Provide a proper control system, program logic and error checking to ensure the safety
of all personnel and equipment (for example, to prevent a run-away condition). The
control system must be designed so that it does not automatically restart the
machine/system after a power failure.
Prevent unauthorized access or changes to the control system or software.
Documentation and Training
It is the responsibility of the machine/system designer to provide documentation on safety,
operation, maintenance and programming, along with training for all machine operators,
maintenance technicians, programmers, and other personnel who may have access to the
machine. This documentation must include proper lockout/tagout procedures for maintenance
and programming operations.
It is the responsibility of the operating company to ensure that:
All operators, maintenance technicians, programmers and other personnel are tested
and qualified before acquiring access to the machine or system.
The above personnel perform their assigned functions in a responsible and safe manner
to comply with the procedures in the supplied documentation and the company safety
The equipment is maintained as described in the documentation and training supplied by
the machine/system designer.
Additional Equipment and Considerations
The Risk Assessment and the operating company's standard safety policies will dictate the
need for additional equipment. In general, it is the responsibility of the operating company to
ensure that:
Unauthorized access to the machine is prevented at all times.
The personnel are supplied with the proper equipment for the environment and their job
functions, which may include: safety glasses, hearing protection, safety footwear,
smocks or aprons, gloves, hard hats and other protective gear.
The work area is equipped with proper safety equipment such as first aid equipment,
fire suppression equipment, emergency eye wash and full-body wash stations, etc.
There are no modifications made to the machine or system without proper engineering
evaluation for design, safety, reliability, etc., and a Risk Assessment.
Safety Information Resources
Additional SmartMotor safety information can be found on the Moog Animatics website; open
the file "109_Controls, Warnings and Cautions.pdf" located at:
(interactive tools to assist developer: Scale Factor Calculator, Status Words, CAN Port
Status, Serial Port Status, RMODE Decoder and Syntax Error Codes)
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Additional Resources
Additional Resources
The Moog Animatics website contains useful resources such as product information,
documentation, product support and more. Please refer to the following addresses:
General company information:
Product information:
Product support (Downloads, How To videos, Forums, Knowledge Base, and FAQs):
Sales and distributor information:
Application ideas (including videos and sample programs):
DMX Resources
The following equipment and software can be used to test your DMX system: