Unicom® and Unicom® LT
Digital Controllers
The Unicom and Unicom LT digital interface tabletop controllers are designed to access and control all functions of
Moog Pan and Tilt Postioners including many state-of-the-art sensor payloads. The Unicom is designed to control the
full line of serial digital RS232 / RS422 / RS485 based positioners including Ethernet (IP) networked systems. The
Unicom LT was designed specically to control the GeminEye line of positioners, but also can control Moog serial digital
RS232 / RS422 / RS485 based positioners for less complex and lower cost applications.

Unicom® and Unicom® LT
Unicom® and Unicom® LT
Key Features – Unicom
Proportional Joystick with high speed or precision movement for pan and tilt movement
20 character by-line LCD display screen
Control and program of presets and tours
Rugged metal weatherproof chassis
RS232 / 422 Serial data interface
RJ45 Connector for Ethernet 10 / 100 Base T interface
USB connector (2)
10-28VDC Power input
Sensor compatibility
Control of zoom, focus and iris commands
Future camera specic controls programmable
Congurable with software GUI or LCD menu
Key Features – Unicom
Proportional Joystick with high speed or precision movement for pan and tilt movement
20 character by-line LCD display screen
Control and program of presets and tours
RS232 / 422 Serial data interface
9-32VDC Power input
120VAC wall transformer
Sensor compatibility
Manual control of zoom, focus and iris commands
Auto control of focus and iris commands
Optional video display insertion module for visual overlay of position
Congurable with software GUI or LCD menu
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call +1 847.498.0700.
Sensor and Surveillance Systems
3650 Woodhead Drive Northbrook, IL. USA 60062-1895
+1.847.498.0700 Fax: +1.847.498.1258
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