Operator’s Manual
Portable Surface Resistivity/Resistance Meter
Model 272A
100 Housel Ave PO Box 535 Lyndonville NY 14098
585-765-2254 fax: 585-765-9330 monroe-electronics.com

Monroe Electronics, Inc., warrants to the Owners, this instrument to be free from defects in material and workmanship
for a period of two years after shipment from the factory. This warranty is applicable to the original purchaser only.
Liability under this warranty is limited to service, adjustment or replacement of defective parts (other than tubes, fuses
or batteries) on any instrument or sub-assembly returned to the factory for this purpose, transportation prepaid.
This warranty does not apply to instruments or sub-assemblies subjected to abuse, abnormal operating conditions, or
unauthorized repair or modification.
Since Monroe Electronics, Inc. has no control over conditions of use, no warranty is made or implied as to the
suitability of our product for the customer’s intended use.
IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. Except for obligations expressly undertaken by
Monroe Electronics, in this Warranty, Owner hereby waives and releases all rights, claims and remedies with respect
to any and all guarantees, express, implied, or statutory (including without limitation, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness), and including but without being limited to any obligation of Monroe Electronics with
respect to incidental or consequential damages, or damages for loss of use. No agreement or understanding varying
or extending the warranty will be binding upon Monroe Electronics unless in writing signed by a duly authorized
representative of Monroe Electronics.
In the event of a breach of the foregoing warranty, the liability of Monroe Electronics shall be limited to repairing or
replacing the non-conforming goods and/or defective work, and in accordance with the foregoing, Monroe Electronics
shall not be liable for any other damages, either direct or consequential.
Return authorization is required for factory repair work. Material being returned to the factory for repair must have a
Return Material Authorization number. To obtain an RMA number, call 585-765-2254 and ask for Customer Service.
Material returned to the factory for warranty repair should be accompanied by a copy of a dated invoice or bill of sale,
which serves as a proof of purchase for the material. Serial numbers and date codes on our products also serve to
determine warranty status. Removal of these labels or tags may result in voiding a product’s warranty.
Repairs will be returned promptly. Repairs are normally returned to the customer by UPS within 10 to 15 working
days after receipt by Monroe Electronics, Inc. Return (to the customer) UPS charges will be paid by Monroe
Electronics on warranty work. Return (to the customer) UPS charges will be prepaid and added to invoice for out-ofwarranty repair work.
Factory repairs will be returned to the customer by the customer’s choice of FedEx, DHL or UPS. Warranty repairs
will be returned via UPS ground. The customer may request accelerated shipping via the previous mentioned
carriers for both warranty and non-warranty repairs. NOTE: Accelerated transportation expenses for all factory
repairs will always be at the expense of the customer despite the warranty status of the equipment.
Material returned to the factory for repair that has been modified will not be tested unless the nature and purpose of
the modification is understood by us and does not render the equipment untestable at our repair facility. We will
reserve the right to deny service to any modified equipment returned to the factory for repair regardless of the
warranty status of the equipment.

The Monroe Electronics Model 272A Portable Surface Resistivity/Resistance Meter provides
fast repeatable measurements of both surface resistivity and resistance to ground in one
versatile instrument. Its improved accuracy and digital readout make it ideal for checking and
evaluating static control products such as static dissipative bags, mats and work surfaces and
resistance of work surfaces to ground. The Model 272A’s convenient size, portability and
rugged construction make this meter ideally suited for applications in a manufacturing
Measures both surface resistivity and resistance to ground
Easy to use - autozero - no adjustments required
Portable - uses rechargeable battery for 8 hours continuous use
Improved accuracy - ±0.1 decade with digital readout
Guarded ring electrode weighing 5 pounds conforms to standards
Wide range of direct readings in ohms per square (/) for surface resistivity or ohms
() for resistance to ground
Switch selectable measuring voltage - 10 volts or 100 volts
Displays value in scientific notation or 3-place log
RANGE: From 8 x 10E3 to 2.0 x 10E13 or 8 x 10E4 to 2.0 x 10E14 /
INSTRUMENT ±0.1 decade thru 10E12, ±0.15 decade above 10E12
ACCURACY: (typical); ±0.1 decade thru 10E9, ±0.15 decade thru 10E11; ±0.2 decade
above 10E12 (maximum)
MEASURING 10 volts for 8.0 x 10E3 to 2.0 x 10E12 or 8.0 x 10E4
VOLTAGE 2.0:10E13 / and 100 volts for 1.1 x 10E5 to 2.0 x 10E13 or 1.1 x
10E6 to 2.0 x 10E14 /
DISPLAY: 16x1 LCD alpha/numeric display will show:
Operation mode - or /
Readings in log or scientific notation
Applied voltage
Low battery
Also used in SETUP mode
POWER: Rechargeable battery with 100 VAC, 120 VAC or 230 VAC
adapter/charger supplied. Power requirement is 16 VAC or DC (either
polarity) @ 1.25A. Connector plug is 5mm OD; 2.55mm ID. Battery
operation up to 8 hours continuous use
ELECTRODE: Guarded ring electrode recommended by ASTM D-257 weighing five
pounds (2.7kg). The outer electrode is a ring having an inside diameter
of 2.25 inches 5.72cm) and a width of 0.125 inches 0.32cm). The inner
electrode is a disc with an outside diameter of 1.2 inches (3.05cm). The
electrode assembly is separate from the meter and is connected to the
meter by a cable 3 feet (91 cm) in length.
A two-sided specimen support plate is included.
DIMENSIONS: Electrode - overall height - 4.0 inches (10.2cm)outside diameter - 3.0
inches (7.6cm) Meter - height - 2.5 inches (6.4cm) width - 6.0 inches
(15.2cm) depth - 6.0 inches (15.2cm)
Recommended factory calibration cycle is one year.