Mitsubishi Electronics SW1D5-EXP-O-E User Manual



(Always read these instructions before using this equipment.)
Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals introduced in this manual carefully and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. The instructions given in this manual are concerned with this product. For the safety instructions of the programmable controller system, please read the CPU module user's manual. In this manual, the safety instructions are ranked as "DANGER" and "CAUTION".
Note that the !CAUTION level may lead to a serious consequence according to t he circumstances. Always follow the instructions of both levels because they are important to personal safety.
Please save this manual to make it accessible when required and always forw ard it to the end user.
Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in death or severe injury.
Indicates that incorrect handling may cause hazardous conditions, resulting in medium or slight personal injury or physical damage.
[Design Instructions]
For data change, program change, and status control made to the PLC which is running from a
Personal computer, configure the interlock circuit externally so that the system safety is ensured. The action to be taken for the system at the occurrence of communication errors caused by such as loose cable connection must be determined for online operation of PLC from Personal computers.
[Design Instructions]
Be sure to read the manual careful and exercise an appropriate amount of caution connecting to
PLC CPU and performing online operations (PLC CPU program change during RUN, forced input/output operation, RUN-STO P or ot her operat ion condition changes, remot e contr ol operation) while the personal computer is operating. Regarding the PLC CPU program change during RUN (Write during RUN), the program may be corrupted or have other problems depending on operation conditions. Exercise the appropriate amount of caution with regard to the Caution points in section 16.9.
A - 1 A - 1


The manual number is given on the bottom left of the back cover.
Print Date Manual Number Revision Aug., 2001 SH(NA)-080170-A First edition Sep., 2001 SH(NA)-080170-B
Partial correction Chapter 4
Japanese Manual Version SH-080164-C
This manual confers no industrial property rights or any rights of any other kind, nor doe s it confer any patent licenses. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation cannot be held responsible for any problems inv olv ing industria l property rights which may occur as a result of using the contents noted in this manual.
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After agreeing to the terms of the Software License Agreement included in the package, make the necessary entries in the Software User Registration Card and mail it to us to receive the following services. We register users according to the received Software Registration Card and send the user ID and registration confirmation. (User registration is free of charge.)
(1) Software Registration
Fax or mail the "Software User Registration Card" packed with the product, and we will provide you by direct mail with the latest information such as the new product release, updating information and event information.
(2) Notes on Contact
Call our GX Developer telephone center and tell us your product ID before asking questions.
Please ask questions concretely and clearly using terms listed in the manual.
When requesting us to solve a problem, provide us with detailed information for reproducing the problem. In addition, contact the respective manufacturers when asking questions about the operating system (OS) or the other vender's software products
User registra tion i s valid onl y in Japa n.
A - 3 A - 3


Thank you for choosing the Mitsubishi MELSOFT series comprehensive Factory Automation software. Read this manual and make sure you understand the functions and performance of MELSEC series PLC thoroughly in advance to ensure correct use.


SAFETY PRECAUTIONS..............................................................................................................................A- 1
REVISIONS....................................................................................................................................................A- 2
SOFTWARE USER REGISTRATION...........................................................................................................A- 3
CONTENTS....................................................................................................................................................A- 4
About Manuals ...............................................................................................................................................A- 7
Generic Terms and Abbreviations Used in This Manual ..............................................................................A- 8
Product Makeup ................................................................................................................. ............................A- 9
1 OVERVIEW 1- 1 to 1- 2
1.1 Features ...................................................................................................................................................1- 1
2.1 System Configuration...............................................................................................................................2- 1
2.2 Operating Environment............................................................................................................................2- 5
3 FUNCTION LISTS 3- 1 to 3- 4
3.1 Function Lists ...........................................................................................................................................3- 1
3.2 Menu Lists ................................................................................................................................................3- 2
4.1 Installation ................................................................................................................................................4- 1
4.2 Uninstallation............................................................................................................................................4- 6
5 BASIC OPERATIONS 5- 1 to 5-28
5.1 Starting and Exiting..................................................................................................................................5- 2
5.1.1 Starting...............................................................................................................................................5- 2
5.1.2 Exiting ................................................................................................................................................5- 3
5.2 Screen Layout..........................................................................................................................................5- 4
5.2.1 Basic screen layout...........................................................................................................................5- 4
5.2.2 Icon lists.............................................................................................................................................5- 6
5.2.3 Shortcut key lists ...............................................................................................................................5- 8
5.3 Basic Operations for PC Side Window....................................................................................................5-10
5.3.1 Displaying the data in the personal computer..................................................................................5-10
5.4 Basic Operations for PLC Side Window..................................................................................................5-13
5.4.1 Displaying the PLC configuration information ..................................................................................5-13
5.4.2 Displaying the data in the PLC CPU.................................................................................................5-17
A - 4 A - 4
5.4.3 Saving and reading the network configuration information..............................................................5-21
5.4.4 Offline mode......................................................................................................................................5-22
5.4.5 Changing the connection station ......................................................................................................5-23
5.4.6 Ranges enabled for display and operation of network configuration information...........................5-25
6.1 Creating a New Project............................................................................................................................6- 1
6.2 Deleting the Project..................................................................................................................................6- 3
6.3 Renaming the Project ..............................................................................................................................6- 4
6.4 Project Information...................................................................................................................................6- 5
6.5 Moving the Project ...................................................................................................................................6- 6
6.6 Copying the Project..................................................................................................................................6- 7
6.7 Opening a Project ....................................................................................................................................6- 8
6.8 Using System Data for Management ......................................................................................................6- 9
6.9 Backing Up the Project ............................................................................................................................6-12
7.1 Write/Read to/from PLC CPU..................................................................................................................7- 1
7.1.1 Batch-write/read ................................................................................................................................7- 2
7.1.2 Writing/reading a program ................................................................................................................7- 4
7.1.3 Writing/reading parameters...............................................................................................................7- 6
7.1.4 Writing/reading device comments .................................................................................................... 7- 8
7.1.5 Writing/reading device memory data................................................................................................7-10
7.1.6 Writing/reading device initial values..................................................................................................7-13
7.1.7 Writing/reading general data.............................................................................................................7-15
7.1.8 Instructions ........................................................................................................................................7-17
7.2 Opening the Data in the PLC CPU..........................................................................................................7-19
7.3 Deleting Data in the PLC CPU ................................................................................................................7-21
7.4 PLC CPU Related Functions...................................................................................................................7-23
7.4.1 Keyword setup...................................................................................................................................7-23
7.4.2 Remote operation..............................................................................................................................7-25
7.4.3 Clearing the PLC memory.................................................................................................................7-27
7.4.4 Formatting the PLC memory.............................................................................................................7-28
7.4.5 Arranging the PLC memory..............................................................................................................7-30
7.4.6 Creating the title ................................................................................................................................7-31
8 DIAGNOSTICS 8- 1 to 8- 5
8.1 PLC Diagnostics.......................................................................................................................................8- 1
8.2 Network Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................8- 2
8.3 CC-Link Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................8- 3
8.4 Ethernet Diagnostics................................................................................................................................8- 4
8.5 System Monitor........................................................................................................................................8- 5
A - 5 A - 5
9 HELP 9- 1 to 9- 2
INDEX Index- 1 to Index- 3
A - 6 A - 6

About Manuals

Related Manuals
The following lists the manuals for this software package. Refer to the following table when ordering manuals.
Manual Name
GX Developer Version7 Operating Manual
Explains the functions of the programing, printout, monitoring and debugging methods and so on GX Developer. (Sold separately.)
Manual Number
(Model Code)
A - 7 A - 7

Generic Terms and Abbreviations Used in This Manual

Unless otherwise specified, the following generic terms and abbreviations are used in this manual.
Generic Term/Abbreviation Description
GX Explorer Abbreviation of the GX Explorer Version 1 project management tool. GX Developer
Personal computer DOS/V personal computer IBM PC/AT or its compatible DOS/V personal computer.
MELSECNET/10(H) CC-Link Abbreviation of the CC-Link (Control & Communication Link) system.
MELSECNET/10(H) board CC-Link board Abbreviation of the A80BDE-J61BT11/A80BDE-J61BT13 CC-Link interface board.
QCPU (Q mode) QnACPU
QCPU (A mode) Generic term of the Q02(H)-A and Q06H-A.
Motion controller (SCPU) Generic term of the A171SH(N), A172SH(N), A173UH(S1) and A273UH(S3). Q series QCPUs or modules usable with the QCPUs. QnA series QnACPUs or modules usable with the QnACPUs. A series ACPUs or modules usable with the ACPUs/QCPUs (A mode).
Generic product name of GX Developer Version 7 (product types SW7D5C-GPPW, SW7D5C-GPPW-A, SW7D5C-GPPW-V, SW7D5C-GPPW-VA).
Generic term of the personal computers on which Windows
Workstation 4.0 and Windows® 2000 Professional operate.
95/98/Me, Windows
Generic term of the MELSECNET/10 network system and MELSECNET/H network system.
Generic term of the A70BDE-J71QLP23/A70BDE-J71QBR13/A70BDE-J71QLP23GE A70BDE-J71QLR23 MELSECNET/10 interface board and Q80BD-J71LP21-25/ Q80BD-J71BR11 MELSECNET/H interface board.
Generic term of the MELSEC-Q series PLC CPUs (Q00J, Q00, Q01, Q02(H), Q06H, Q12H, Q25H) and MELSECNET/H remote I/Os supported by GX Developer. Generic term of the MELSEC-QnA series PLC CPUs (Q2A, Q2AS(H), Q2AS1, Q2AS(H)S1, Q3A, Q4A, Q4AR) supported by GX Developer.
Generic term of the MELSEC-A series PLC CPUs (A0J2H, A1FX, A1S, A1SJ, A1SH, A1SJH, A1N, A2C, A2CJ, A2N(S1), A2N(S1), A2S, A2SH, A3N, A2A(S1), A3A, A2U(S1), A2US(S1), A2AS(S1), A2AS-S30, A2AS-S60, A2USH-S1, A3U, A4U) and motion controllers (SCPUs) supported by GX Developer.
A - 8 A - 8

Product Makeup

GX Explorer is made up of the following products.
Product Name Quantity
GX Explorer product (CD-ROM) End-user softwere license agreement
Software registration Card License agreement
1 1 1 1
A - 9 A - 9



1.1 Features

This manual provides the system configuration, functions, installation procedure and operations of the GX Explorer project management tool that operates on Windows
95/98/Me, Windows NT® Workstation 4.0 or Windows® 2000 Professional.
(1) Centralized management o f proj ect data
The project data (parameters, programs, comments, device data, etc.) of GX Developer in a personal computer can be displayed as a list. (On Windows, projects are displayed as folders.) The projects of GX Configurator-QP and GX Configurator-CC are displayed as icons. Projects in the personal computer can be moved, copied, deleted and renamed, for example, easily from GX Explorer as if you are operating Windows Explorer, without the need to run the created application, to ensure centralized management of various projects.
Drives and folders of personal computer are displayed.
Projects of GX Developer, GX Configurator-CC and GX Configurator-OP ar e displayed as icons.
(2) Display of network configuration and data
The PLC type, station type and station number information of each station (network configuration information) is gathered from MELSECNET/H, MELSECNET/10 and/or CC-Link via the PLC connected with the personal computer, and the configuration of each network is displayed on GX Explorer from that information. Selecting the PLC CPU in the displayed network configuration lists the data (programs, parameters, etc.) in that PLC CPU. Merely double-clicking the listed data starts GX Developer, allowing you to read those data onto the personal computer and edit and save them without specifying the network number and station number.
Configuration of connected PLC, MELSECNET/10(H) or CC-Link is displayed.
Data (programs, parameters, etc.) in PLC CPU are displayed.
1 - 1 1 - 1
(3) Read/write from/to PLC CPU
Read from PLC and write to PLC can be done easily by performing drag and drop operation to the displayed PLC CPU. When performing write/read to/from multiple PLC CPUs continuously, for example, the operations of starting GX Developer and opening/closing a project are not needed, ensuring efficient operations.
Write to PLC
Read from PLC
(4) Starting the related application
Double-clicking the project selected on GX Explorer starts the application used to create that project, enabling you to edit and save the project. Double-cli cki ng a ge ne ral file other than a proje ct ca n al so st a r t th e rel a te d application.
(5) Diagnostic functions
By choosing the required PLC CPU from a list display, you can perform PLC diagnostics, network diagnostics, CC-Link diagnostics, Ethernet diagnostics or system monitor. You can display the error status, fault history or like of the PLC CPU and check the network-based system status or like.
1 - 2 1 - 2



2.1 System Configuration

(1) Perasonal comperter
(2) CableGX Explorer
(3) MELSECNET/10(H )
(4) CC-Link board
(7) Network module
(8) Master/Local module
Remote I/O module
(5) Ethernet board
(9) Interface module
(1) Personal computer
Use the one that satisfies the operating environment given in Section 2.2.
(2) Connection cables
(a) About the USB cable (QCPU (Q mode) compati bl e)
1) Usable when Windows® 98 and USB driver have been installed.
2) Unusable for Windows
3) Use of the USB cable allows only one PLC CPU to be connected.
4) Use the USB cable which conforms to the USB Standard Rev. 1.1.
2 - 1 2 - 1
95, Windows NT® , Workstation 4.0.
(b) About the cable (QCPU (Q mode), QCPU ( A mode)
For communication in 115.2/57.6 kbps Fast communication cannnot be made if the Personal computer used is not compatible with the communication speed of 115.2/57.6 kbps. If a communication error occurs, reduce the baud rate etting and restart communication.
The following cable has been confirmed by Mitsubishi Electric that it will work properly.
Using the cable of Mitsubishi Electric make.
QC30R2 (when Personal computer connector is D-sub, 9-pin)
RS-232 cable
(c) About the converter/cable (AC PU, QnACPU compatibl e)
Personal computer Side
(RS-232C cable)
F2-232CAB-1 (when Personal computer connector is D-sub, 9-pin)
Incompatible products Compatible products(with indication of F/FX/A)
F2-232CAB Y990C
F2-232CAB-1 Y990C
1) Using the products of Mitsubishi Electric make
FX-422CAB (0.3m) FX-422CAB-150 (1.5m)
PLC CPU Side (RS-422 cable)
• How to identify compatibility of the F2-232CAB and F2-232CAB-1 cables with the ACPU and QnACPU Check the indication of the model label attached to the cable.
F2-232CAB(F/FX/A) Y990C
F2-232CAB-1(F/FX/A) Y990C
2 - 2 2 - 2
(3) MELSECNET/10(H) boards
The following are the compatible drivers. Refer to the manual of the corresponding board for the board connection and driver installation methods.
A70BDE-J71QLP23 A70BDE-J71QLP23GE A70BDE-J71QBR13 A70BDE-J71QLR23 Q80BD-J71BR11 Q80BD-J71LP21-25
(4) CC-Link boards
The A80BD-J61BT11 allows setting of the master/local station. The A80BD-J61BT13 is accessible only at the setting of a local station. The following are the compatible drivers. Refer to the manual of the corresponding board for the board connection and driver installation methods.
Type Driver
1: Unusable with Windows® Me. 2: Unusable with Windows® 2000 Professional.
1 2
Type Driver A80BE-J61BT11 A80BE-J61BT13
: Unusable with Windows® Me.
(5) Ethernet boards
Use the driver provided for an Ethernet board available on the market. The following are the Ethernet boards/cards that have been confirmed by Mitsubishi Electric to operate properly. Refer to the manual of the corresponding board for the board connection and driver installation methods.
Maker Name Type
3COM make Ethernet Link III LAN PC Card Ethernet board/card
Ethernet board Allied Telesis make RE2000 (ISA)
Allied Telesis make
TDK make 10BASE-TLAN Card (model: LAN-CD021BX)
Centre COM LA-PCM Ethernet PC Card LAN Adapter
2 - 3 2 - 3
(6) Modules connectable for serial port/USB commu ni cati on
(a) Modules connectable for serial port
PLC Series Module Name Module Type
Q series
QnA series PLC CPU
A series PLC CPU
(b) Modules connectable for USB communication
PLC CPU Q00J, Q00, Q01, Q02(H), Q06H, Q12H, Q25H
remote I/O
QJ72LP25, QJ72BR15 Q2A, Q2AS(H), Q2AS1, Q2AS(H)S1, Q3A,
Q4A, Q4AR A0J2H, A1S, A1FX, A1SJ, A1SH, A1SJH, A1N, A2C, A2CJ, A2N(S1), A2S, A2SH, A171SH, A172SH, A3N, A2A(S1), A3A, A2U(S1), A2US(S1), A2AS(S1), A2AS-S30, A2AS-60, A2USH-S1, A3U, A4U, A173UH(S1), A273UH, Q02(H)-A, Q06H-A
PLC Series Module Name Module Type
Q series PLC CPU Q02H, Q06H, Q12H, Q25H
(7) MELSECNET/10(H) network modules connectabl e for
MELSECNET/10(H) board
PLC Series Module Type
Q series QJ71LP21, QJ71LP21-25, QJ71BR11 QnA series A series AJ71LP21, AJ71BR11, A1SJ71LP21, A1SJ71BR11, A1SJ71LP21GE
AJ71QLP21, AJ71QBR11, A1SJ71QLP21, A1SJ71QBR11,
(8) CC-Link master/local modules connectable for CC -Li nk boar d
PLC Series Module Type Q series QJ61BT11 QnA series AJ61QBT11, A1SJ61QBT11
: Function version B or later only
(9) Ethernet interface modules connectable for Ether net boar d
PLC Series Module Type Q series QJ71E71, QJ71E71-B2, QJ71E71-100 QnA series AJ71QE71, AJ71QE71-B5, A1SJ71QE71-B2, A1SJ71QE71-B5
: Only function version B or later of QnACPU and Ethernet interface module
2 - 4 2 - 4

2.2 Operating Environment

The following is the operating environment of GX Explorer.
Item Description
Operating System
Necessary memory 64MB or more recommended Free hard
disk area Disk drive CD-ROM disk drive Display resolution 800 600 dots or more Required software GX Developer Version 7 or later (SW7D5C-GPPW or later)
For installation 100MB or more For operation 100MB or more
200MHz or more (recommended) Pentium computer on which Windows Microsoft® Windows® 95 operating system Microsoft Microsoft® Windows® Me operating system Microsoft® Windows NT® Workstation 4.0 operating system Microsoft
Windows® 98 operating system
Windows® 2000 Professional operating system
Do not use USB with Windows® 95.
• Instruction for use of the online manual Addition of memory ensures more comfortable use.
• Instruction for use of the PDF data Use with addition of personal computer memory ensures comfortable operation.
2 - 5 2 - 5




3.1 Function Lists (1) Common
Function Description Refer To View New Creation of new system data Creates (registers) new system data. Section 6.8
Others Help Displays Help. Chapter 9
Display/arrangement of windows
GX Developer setting Makes setting at start of related application. Backup setting Sets the drive or system data to be backed up. Section 6.9
Network check setting
(2) Management of projects in personal computer
Function Description Refer To
Tree display/list display Displays the objects (projects, folders, files). Switching between list display and detail display
Object operation
Arrangement of icons Refresh
Display of properties Displays the information on the object (project, folder, file). Section 6.4 Rename Changes the names of the object (project, folder, file). Section 6.3 Delete Deletes the object (project, folder, file). Section 6.2 Cut Cuts the object (project, folder, file). Section 6.5 Copy Copies the object (project, folder, file). Section 6.6
Paste Pastes the object (project, folder, file). Creation of new folder Creates a new folder.
Creation of new project Creates a new project of GX Developer. Start of application Starts an application to open the selected project. Section 6.7
Displays and arranges the personal computer side window and PLC side window.
Sets the getting of the network configuration information at start of GX Explorer, at switching to the online mode, or at changing the transfer setup.
Switches between list display and detail display of the objects (projects, fold e r s, fil e s) . Changes the display in name order, type order, size order or date order. Updates information on the objects (projects, folders, files) in the personal computer.
Section 5.2.1
Section 7.1.2
Section 7.2
Section 5.1.1
Section 5.3.1
Section 6.5 Section 6.6
Section 6.1
(3) Management of data inside PLC
Function Description Refer To
Tree display/list display Displays the PLC CPU data/network configuration. List display/detail display Displays the network configuration list/PLC CPU data details.
Online (When personal computer and PLC are connected)
Arrangement of icons Refresh
Delete PLC data Deletes the PLC CPU file. Section 7.3 Write to PLC Writes the programs, parameters and/or like to the PLC CPU.
Read from PLC Reads the programs, parameters and/or like from the PLC CPU. Diagnostics Displays the PLC CPU or network status. Chapter 8
Run a related application Save of network
configuration information Read of network configuration information Transfer setup Specifies the interfaces and types to be connected with the PLC CPU.
Offline mode
3 - 1 3 - 1
Changes between the ascending sequence and descending sequence in network number, order or station order. Updates the connected stations or whole network configuration information.
Reads the programs, parameters or like and edits them on GX Developer.
Saves the read network configuration information. Reads the saved network configuration information.
Displays the network configuration information already gotten when the network is not connected with the PLC CPU.
Section 5.4.2
Section 7.1.1
Section 7.1.7
Section 7.2
Section 5.4.1 Section 5.4.3
Section 5.4.4

3.2 Menu Lists

New System data Creates new system data. Section 6.8 New
Tools Options Opens the Options dialog box.
Delete Deletes the selected object. Section 6.2 Rename Changes the name of the selected object. Section 6.3 Properties Displays the properties of the selected object. Section 6.4 Exit GX Explorer Exits GX Explorer.
Paste Pastes the cut or copied object to the selected position.
Select All Selects all objects in the window.
Move up Displays the data one layer above the current one. Toolbar Switches between displaying and hiding the toolbar. Status bar Switches between displaying and hiding the status bar. List Displays a list of the objects in the window. Details Displays details of the objects in the window.
Arrange Icons
Refresh Updates the personal computer side window.
Open PLC side window Displays the PLC side window. Close Closes the active window. Close All Closes all open windows. Cascade Displays the windows one over another partially. Tile Vertically Displays the windows side by side. Tile Horizontally Displays the windows top to bottom. Key operation list Displays the key operations. Product information Displays the product information.Help Connect to MELFANSweb Connects to MELFANSweb.
(1) Drop-down menus
The drop-down menus are indicated on the PC side window or PLC side window selection status ba sis.
(a) When PC side window is selected
Menu Name Description Button Refer To
Folder Creates a new folder. GX Developer project Creates a new project of GX Developer.
Moves the selected object to the clipboard (temporary storage memory in personal computer). Copies the selected object to the clipboard (temporary storage memory in personal computer).
by Name Displays the objects in the window in name order. by Type Displays the objects in the window in type order. by Size Displays the objects in the window in size order. by Date Displays the objects in the window in date order.
Section 6.1
Section 5.1.2
Section 6.5
Section 6.6
Section 6.5,
Section 6.6 Section 6.2, Section 6.5,
Section 6.6
Section 5.3.1 Section 5.2.1
Section 5.3.1
Section 5.1.1,
Section 6.9,
Section 7.1.2,
Section 7.2
Section 5.2.1
Chapter 9
3 - 2 3 - 2
(b) When PLC side window is selected
Menu Name Description Button Refer To
Read Network configuration information
Online Transfer setup
Tools Options Opens the Options dialog box.
Save Network configuration information Offline mode Switches between the online and offline modes. Section 5.4.4 Exit GX Explorer Exits GX Explorer. Copy Performs read from the selected PLC CPU.
Paste Performs write to the selected PLC CPU. Move up Displays the data one layer above the current one. Toolbar Switches between displaying and hiding the toolbar. Status bar Switches between displaying and hiding the status bar. List Displays a list of the objects in the window. Details Displays details of the objects in the window. Arrange Icons Network configuration information refresh
Open PC side window Displays the personal computer side window. Close Closes the active window. Close All Closes all open windows. Cascade Displays the windows one over another partially. Tile Vertically Displays the windows side by side. Tile Horizontally Displays the windows top to bottom. Key operation list Displays the key operations. Product information Displays the product information. Connect to MELFANSweb Connects to MELFANSweb.
by Name Displays the objects in the window in name order. by Station No. Displays the objects in the window in station number order.
Reads the saved network configuration information.
Saves the acquired network configuration information.
Updates the network configuration information. Specifies the interface and like for connection to the PLC
Section 5.4.3
Section 5.1.2
Section 7.1.1 to
Section 7.1.7
Section 5.4.2
Section 5.2.1
Section 5.4.2
Section 5.4.1 Section 5.1.1,
Section 6.9,
Section 7.1.2,
Section 7.2
Section 5.2.1
Chapter 9
(c) When PC side and PLC side window s ar e not being displayed
Menu Name Description Button Refer To
File Exit GX Explorer. Exits GX Explorer. Section 5.1.2 View
Tools Options Opens the Options dialog box.
Toolbar Switches between displaying and hiding the toolbar. Status bar Switches between displaying and hiding the status bar.
Open PC side window Displays the personal computer side window. Open PLC side window Displays the PLC side window. Key operation list Displays the key operations. Product information Displays the product information. Connect to MELFANSweb Connects to MELFANSweb.
Section 5.2.1 Section 5.1.1,
Section 6.9,
Section 7.1.2,
Section 7.2
Section 5.2.1
Chapter 9
3 - 3 3 - 3
(2) Shortcut menus
The following are the shortcut (right-click) menu on a PC side window or PLC side window selecti on ba si s.
(a) When PC side window is selected
Menu Name Description Refer To
Run a related application Starts the application with which the project or file has been created. Section 6.8 View
Arrange Icons
Paste Pastes the cut or copied object to the selected position. Delete Deletes the selected object. Section 6.2
Rename Changes the name of the selected object. Section 6.3 New Properties Displays the properties of the selected object. Section 6.4
List Displays a list of the objects in the window. Details Displays details of the objects in the window. by Name Displays the objects in the window in name order. by Type Displays the objects in the window in type order. by Size Displays the objects in the window in size order. by Date Displays the objects in the window in date order.
Moves the selected object to the clipboard (temporary storage memory in personal computer). Copies the selected object to the clipboard (temporary storage memory in personal computer).
Folder Creates a new folder. GX Developer project Creates a new project of GX Developer.
Section 5.3.1
Section 6.5
Section 6.6 Section 6.5,
Section 6.6
Section 6.1
(b) When PLC side window is selected
Menu Name Description Refer To Run a related application Starts GX Developer. Section 7.2 Network configuration information refresh Updates the network configuration information.
Arrange Icons Copy Performs read from the selected PLC CPU.
Paste Performs write to the selected PLC CPU. Delete PLC data Deletes the selected file from the PLC CPU. Section 7.3
Offline mode Switches between the online and offline modes. Section 5.4.4 Read Network configuration information Reads the saved network configuration information. Save Network configuration information Saves the acquired network configuration information.
List Displays a list of the objects in the window. Details Displays details of the objects in the window. by Name Displays the objects in the window in name order. by Station No. Displays the objects in the window in station number order.
PLC diagnostics Diagnoses the selected PLC CPU. Section 8.1 Network diagnostics Diagnoses the selected network. Section 8.2 CC-Link diagnostics Diagnoses the selected CC-Link system. Section 8.3 System monitor Monitors the configuration of the selected station. Section 8.5 Ethernet diagnostics Diagnoses selected Ethernet. Section 8.4
Section 5.4.2
Section 7.1.1 to
Section 7.1.7
Section 5.4.3
3 - 4 3 - 4


This chapter describes the installation and uninstallation of GX Explorer.

4.1 Installation

This section explains the installation procedure and operation of GX Explorer.
(1) Installation procedure
Install GX Developer in the following procedure.
New installation
Install the product. Register the Name and Company. Register the product ID.
Boot the application. Check whether the product has been installed properly.
Refer to Section 4.1.
Refer to Section 5.1.1.
(2) Installation operation
Check the following before starting installation.
• Before starting installation, close all other applications that are running on Windows
• When using Windows NT on as a user who has the attributes of an administrator (for computer management).
• If GX Developer Version 7 or later has not been installed, GX Explorer can be installed but cannot be booted. When using GX Explorer, install GX Developer Version 7 or later.
Workstation 4.0 or Windows® 2000 Professional, l og
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(a) Installing the product (The screen is that of Windows® 95.)
Double-click here.
1) Boot Windows® Explorer and clic k th e d rive w he re t he disk is inserted. Double-cli ck "Set up . e xe". To display Windows [Programs] - [Windows Explorer].
2) If either of the left screens appears, perform operation in accordance with the instructions given in (b). After the operation is over, restart installation operation.
Explorer, choose [Start] -
If the left screen appears, perform operation in accordance with the instructions given in (c). After the operation is over, restart installation operation.
If the left screen appears, perform operation in accordance with the instructions given in (d). After the operation is over, restart installation operation.
3) Type the name and company, and click Next> . As the confirmation dialog box appears, follow the message and perform operation.
(To next page)
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(From preceding page)
4) Enter the product ID and click Next> .
5) Specify the installation destination folder.
The product ID is given in the "Software Registration Card" packed with the product.
Click Next> To change the folder, click Browse drive and folde r .
if the destinati o n fol de r di splayed is OK.
and specify a new
6) This completes installation. Click OK
7) If the screen shown on the left appears, you need to reboot Windows
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(b) Installation of dcom95.exe or Axdi st.exe
This section explains the updating operation of WindowsRusing "Update\dcom95.exe" or "Update\Axdist.exe" on the CD-ROM. Execute dcom95.exe or Axdist.exe provided for GX Explorer. Install GX Explorer after executing the exe file and restarting the IBM­PC/AT compatible. The exe file to be executed on the corresponding operating system is indicated below.
MicrosoftRWindowsR95 Operating System Microsoft MicrosoftRWindows NTRWorkstation Operating System Version 4.0 Axdist.exe
WindowsR98 Operating System
(dcom95.exe and Axdist.exe are in the "Update" folder on CD-ROM.)
(c) Installation of 50comupd.exe
This section explains the updating operation of Windows® using "Update\50co mup d.e xe " on th e C D -ROM .
1) Click the Yes button to start updating Windows.
OS File name
dcom95.exe Axdist.exe
2) Accept the agreement on the left screen and click the Yes
3) Click Yes to restart. After a restart, perform the installation operation in (a).
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(d) Installation of EnvMEL
Execute Setup.exe in the "EnvMEL" folder on this product CD-ROM. Install GX Explorer after executing the "Setup exe".
: After executing the above exe file, install the product again. If this
product is not installed properly at this time, reboot the personal computer.
(e) Registered icon
The following icon is registered by installing GX Explorer.
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4.2 Uninstallation

This section provides the operation to delete GX Explorer from the hard disk.
Uninstalling the product
1) Choose and double-click "Add/Remove Programs" in
2) Choose "GX Explorer".
the Control Panel. To display the Control Panel, choose [Start] - [Setting] ­[Control Panel].
After making selection, click Add/Remove The screen shown on the left is that of Windows The displayed screen varies with the OS.
(To next page)
When using Windows following operation. (a) Click "Change or Remove Programs". (b) Choose "GX Explorer" (c) Click Change/Remove
3) Check whether you will romove the software package or not. When uninstalling it, click Yes Uninstallation start s. When not uninstalling it, click No This returns to the preceding screen.
Components indicate the icons and files installed.
2000 Professional, perform the
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(From the pre cedi ng pa ge )
4) If the left screen has appeared, click the No To All button. If you click the Yes of the Windows removed. Therefore, click the No To All removing GX Explorer only.
5) Click OK when the message indicating that removing operation is finished appears.
or Yes To All button, the shared file
compatible MELSOFT soft wa re i s
button when
When the finished message appears, uninstallation is complete.
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The following is the overview of GX Explorer operations.
Management of projects in personal compute
Display in PC side window
Refer to Section 5.3.1.
Start GX Explorer.
Refer to Section 5.1.1.
Management of data in PLC CPU
Specify Connection station in Transfer setup.
Display in PLC side window
Refer to Section 5.4.1.
Refer to Section 5.4.2.
Management of projects in personal computer
Refer to Chapter 6.
Management of projects in PLC CPU
Exit from GX Explorer.
Refer to Chapter 7.
Refer to Section 5.1.2.
Diagnostics of PLC CPU and network
Refer to Chapter 8.
: A connection station indicates the PLC CPU connected with the personal computer by a connection cable
(RS-232, USB), MELSECNET/10(H) board, CC-Link board or Ethernet board. The PLC series, PC side I/F, PLC side I/F, etc. must be set in Transfer setup.
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5.1 Starting and Exiting

5.1.1 Starting

The following is a sequence of operations for starting GX Explorer.
When it is started for the first time or the network configuration information is not yet acquired
When the network check has been set in Options
When the network configuration information is already acquired
When the network check has not been set in Options
PLC side window is displayed without network configuration.
When the network configuration and connection station have not been changed
PLC side window is displayed with the acquired network configuration.
PLC side window is displayed with the new network configuration.
When the network configuration has not been changed but the connection station has been changed (The station has been connected to another PLC CPU in the network)
PLC side window is displayed with the network configuration already acquired in the offline mode (refer to Section 5.4.4).
Yes No
PLC side window is displayed with the new network configuration.
PLC side window is displayed with the network configuration already acquired in the offline mode (refer to Section 5.4.4).
When the network configuration has been changed or disabled for communication
PLC side window is displayed with the acquired network configuration.
Note: The PC side window displays the drives, projects, folders and fil es in the personal computer.
1: Refer to Section 5.4.5 for changing the connection station. 2: If communications cannot be made due to Transfer setup PLC type mism atch, c ommun ication error, PLC CPU power-
off or like, click No or Cancel.
After starting GX Explorer, check the connection cables, PLC CPU power and Transfer setup (refer to Section 5.4.1). 3: After starting GX Explorer, make Transfer setup and get the network configuration information. 4: The displayed network configuration may not match the actua l network configuration.
Update the network configuration information before starting management or diagnostics of the data in the PLC CPU.
(Refer to Section 5.4.2.)
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